Troops, military vehicles gather in Bangkok

Yeah...remember Kent State....that'll keep your sorry ass busy....

At any rate since the idiots here who subscribe to terrorists being shot by the government they are threatening are comparing this to Kent State now....let's get some facts out.

I went down to Central World today and listened to the people who lost everything they had when the Kent State like heros of the leftwing douchebags, like tommywho'sbrokebluecollarassucksasasinger for example, went on a wilding spree and set the shopping malls on fire thus burning up the only way for thousands to make a living.
oh did i get the pretend plutocrat's hackle's up? i'm not a left winger either shit for brains. or broke. or a singer (i'm an instrumentalist and have played with high profile players over the years)

tell me you're in the jewelry business over there and i'll really understand what kind of elitist authoritarian scum and morally bankrupt piece of shit you are.

i have never supported "wilding" and have been in a position to prevent that kind of madness here in america repeatedly since 1965

i do support, and have been severely injured for it, non-violent redress of grievances against elected officials and career bureaucrats, which from the best news sources i have seen in the past few weeks, the majority of the red shirts were peasants with a complaint about the way the current government was formed.

i will not try to apologize for any islamic extremists or other violent crazies that latched onto the peaceful protesters. extremists of all sorts are attracted to this kind of stuff, always have, always will and there will always be assholes like mr fancy watch who will cheer on the forces of so-called law and order no matter what the actual facts are.

'at least he was right about a massacre not being in the cards. thank god.

See that? I was were wrong. I live here with my wife and daughter and work for the U.S. government after an honorabe 20 year military career. I don't sit around, smoke dope, advocate the legalization of heroin so it can be distributed by "entertainment venues", hail the Kent State radicals who terrorized the town for fucking days as heros or brag about my anti-government rallies and all the cool musicians "I played with". The government shot unarmed peope in front of a buddhist temple...this is a tradgedy that someone like you can know nothing about. There will be ramificatiions over this for a decade at least...I volunteered my time to help the city clean up because I genuinely care about the people here and respect my wife's culture...something you have little concept of other than what you can see when you visit your drug dealer for another fix....and your anti-establishment, hippie, I'm such a cool musician routine is quite boring actually. The fact is this. You don't know SHIT about this country or what it's people are like other than what you find on your fucking asian porn take your self indignation and attitude and shove right up your fat ass. Your lame stories are nothing more than a pack of lies in an attempt to garner credibiity and rep from the other HONEST liberal posters here.

make whatever assumptions you like about me and draw whatever conclusions you like.

be very careful about making libelous statements. you're on the edge of it. chase me around this board and keep flashing shit like that and you might find somebody at your condo door serving you with papers.

i never claimed to know anything about the country you adopted. i only saw a fresh round of political violence that had elements to it that were different than what had happened in the past and from the way things were developing, the possibility of heavy casualties existed. as it was there were too many killed.

and where the fuck were you when kent state happened? those kids didn't terrorize anybody. the ones that were involved in any demonstrations weren't doing anything other than that.

go back to your honorable military memories horseman --- i don't need this board for credibility and i certainly don't expect much support from someone trained not to think.
oh did i get the pretend plutocrat's hackle's up? i'm not a left winger either shit for brains. or broke. or a singer (i'm an instrumentalist and have played with high profile players over the years)

tell me you're in the jewelry business over there and i'll really understand what kind of elitist authoritarian scum and morally bankrupt piece of shit you are.

i have never supported "wilding" and have been in a position to prevent that kind of madness here in america repeatedly since 1965

i do support, and have been severely injured for it, non-violent redress of grievances against elected officials and career bureaucrats, which from the best news sources i have seen in the past few weeks, the majority of the red shirts were peasants with a complaint about the way the current government was formed.

i will not try to apologize for any islamic extremists or other violent crazies that latched onto the peaceful protesters. extremists of all sorts are attracted to this kind of stuff, always have, always will and there will always be assholes like mr fancy watch who will cheer on the forces of so-called law and order no matter what the actual facts are.

'at least he was right about a massacre not being in the cards. thank god.

See that? I was were wrong. I live here with my wife and daughter and work for the U.S. government after an honorabe 20 year military career. I don't sit around, smoke dope, advocate the legalization of heroin so it can be distributed by "entertainment venues", hail the Kent State radicals who terrorized the town for fucking days as heros or brag about my anti-government rallies and all the cool musicians "I played with". The government shot unarmed peope in front of a buddhist temple...this is a tradgedy that someone like you can know nothing about. There will be ramificatiions over this for a decade at least...I volunteered my time to help the city clean up because I genuinely care about the people here and respect my wife's culture...something you have little concept of other than what you can see when you visit your drug dealer for another fix....and your anti-establishment, hippie, I'm such a cool musician routine is quite boring actually. The fact is this. You don't know SHIT about this country or what it's people are like other than what you find on your fucking asian porn take your self indignation and attitude and shove right up your fat ass. Your lame stories are nothing more than a pack of lies in an attempt to garner credibiity and rep from the other HONEST liberal posters here.

make whatever assumptions you like about me and draw whatever conclusions you like.

be very careful about making libelous statements. you're on the edge of it. chase me around this board and keep flashing shit like that and you might find somebody at your condo door serving you with papers.

i never claimed to know anything about the country you adopted. i only saw a fresh round of political violence that had elements to it that were different than what had happened in the past and from the way things were developing, the possibility of heavy casualties existed. as it was there were too many killed.

Yet you found it in your poor little liberal heart to insinuate that Thai women who reside or are invited to my home, and therefore my wife and daughter, are nothing but vile piece of shit!!!!

and where the fuck were you when kent state happened? those kids didn't terrorize anybody. the ones that were involved in any demonstrations weren't doing anything other than that.
Your ignorance is indicative of your "burnout" status. I hope you are proud to be so ignorant as to make such a factless supposition as that. I sure as fuck wasn't wilding in that town for the three previous days burning the place down...what were you doing...Orange Sunshine while playing a Dead concert?:lol:

go back to your honorable military memories horseman --- i don't need this board for credibility and i certainly don't expect much support from someone trained not to think.

Bring it you goddam want my address?

and you actualy had to be trained how to think that monkey that gets a banana when he pushes the red button and a shock when he pushes the blue button? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tell you what...take your own advice about libelous speech....otherwise YOU may be getting the visit...and when you are served I can guarantee you will not enjoy that experience one bit.
See that? I was were wrong. I live here with my wife and daughter and work for the U.S. government after an honorabe 20 year military career. I don't sit around, smoke dope, advocate the legalization of heroin so it can be distributed by "entertainment venues", hail the Kent State radicals who terrorized the town for fucking days as heros or brag about my anti-government rallies and all the cool musicians "I played with". The government shot unarmed peope in front of a buddhist temple...this is a tradgedy that someone like you can know nothing about. There will be ramificatiions over this for a decade at least...I volunteered my time to help the city clean up because I genuinely care about the people here and respect my wife's culture...something you have little concept of other than what you can see when you visit your drug dealer for another fix....and your anti-establishment, hippie, I'm such a cool musician routine is quite boring actually. The fact is this. You don't know SHIT about this country or what it's people are like other than what you find on your fucking asian porn take your self indignation and attitude and shove right up your fat ass. Your lame stories are nothing more than a pack of lies in an attempt to garner credibiity and rep from the other HONEST liberal posters here.

make whatever assumptions you like about me and draw whatever conclusions you like.

be very careful about making libelous statements. you're on the edge of it. chase me around this board and keep flashing shit like that and you might find somebody at your condo door serving you with papers.

Yet you found it in your poor little liberal heart to insinuate that Thai women who reside or are invited to my home, and therefore my wife and daughter, are nothing but vile piece of shit!!!!

and where the fuck were you when kent state happened? those kids didn't terrorize anybody. the ones that were involved in any demonstrations weren't doing anything other than that.
Your ignorance is indicative of your "burnout" status. I hope you are proud to be so ignorant as to make such a factless supposition as that. I sure as fuck wasn't wilding in that town for the three previous days burning the place down...what were you doing...Orange Sunshine while playing a Dead concert?:lol:

go back to your honorable military memories horseman --- i don't need this board for credibility and i certainly don't expect much support from someone trained not to think.

Bring it you goddam want my address?

and you actualy had to be trained how to think that monkey that gets a banana when he pushes the red button and a shock when he pushes the blue button? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tell you what...take your own advice about libelous speech....otherwise YOU may be getting the visit...and when you are served I can guarantee you will not enjoy that experience one bit.

you want my address big shot? go back to those porn sites you seem to know so much about.

i'm not the one casting false aspersion here, boyo. why don't you just let it drop? i really don't play on these boards for the pleasure of getting into bullshit with people who don't share my viewpoint.

i'll be glad to argue the arguments --- stow the other crap
you assume wrong, but then i could be wrong that you are an effete bourgeois pig sitting in a condo with a prostitute or two sucking alcoholic beverages while you watch the fun in the streets below.[COLOR="Blue"][/COLOR]

you are truly a fool. i hate to think of people like you armed and in command of other armed people.

when i posted this remark, i had no idea that you had a wife and daughter.
you assume wrong, but then i could be wrong that you are an effete bourgeois pig sitting in a condo with a prostitute or two sucking alcoholic beverages while you watch the fun in the streets below.[COLOR="Blue"][/COLOR]

you are truly a fool. i hate to think of people like you armed and in command of other armed people.

when i posted this remark, i had no idea that you had a wife and daughter.

so instead of saying a "well dude it wasn't intentional...sorry" and dropping just keep it wonder you're all alone...your a fucking asshole.

It looks like your trained thinking skills have caused a lapse in judgement. That's what you get for being a dope fiend throughout your entire adult life. Perhaps you shoud allow yourself to think for yourself instead of letting others lead you around like a bull by the nose I said in an earlier response to your attack on my wife and daughter and their culture....You need to rethink where the fuck your head's at....and don't cast dispersions on people and a culture you know nothing about. Now..put that in your entertainment venue and shoot that up!
you assume wrong, but then i could be wrong that you are an effete bourgeois pig sitting in a condo with a prostitute or two sucking alcoholic beverages while you watch the fun in the streets below.[COLOR="Blue"][/COLOR]

you are truly a fool. i hate to think of people like you armed and in command of other armed people.

when i posted this remark, i had no idea that you had a wife and daughter.

so instead of saying a "well dude it wasn't intentional...sorry" and dropping just keep it wonder you're all alone...your a fucking asshole.

It looks like your trained thinking skills have caused a lapse in judgement. That's what you get for being a dope fiend throughout your entire adult life. Perhaps you shoud allow yourself to think for yourself instead of letting others lead you around like a bull by the nose I said in an earlier response to your attack on my wife and daughter and their culture....You need to rethink where the fuck your head's at....and don't cast dispersions on people and a culture you know nothing about. Now..put that in your entertainment venue and shoot that up!

yo fool, that's aspersions, not dispersions and that comment had nothing to do with your wife or daughter. married men do hire hookers, you know. especially in thailand, where a huge part of their tourist dollar is spent on sex.

as for their culture, can you demonstrate that it is not heavily caste-stratified, that they do not use child labor in their gem-stone cutting factories or that they had nothing to do with the sri lankan civil war? those are the only comments i have made that questioned the thai culture.

you are making some really stupid and false assumptions about me and you are also boring me. clearly you have a reading comprehension problem. i never made any claims to have been trained to think. i suggested that, through your military service, you were trained not to think. i certainly never called your wife and daughter hookers.

your wife and daughter are probably lovely, gentle women. how they got mixed up with a jerk like you makes me wonder.

it's probably a strange hour in bangkok right now. why don't you just go take a little nap before you react to this?
you assume wrong, but then i could be wrong that you are an effete bourgeois pig sitting in a condo with a prostitute or two sucking alcoholic beverages while you watch the fun in the streets below.[COLOR="Blue"][/COLOR]

you are truly a fool. i hate to think of people like you armed and in command of other armed people.

when i posted this remark, i had no idea that you had a wife and daughter.

so instead of saying a "well dude it wasn't intentional...sorry" and dropping just keep it wonder you're all alone...your a fucking asshole.

It looks like your trained thinking skills have caused a lapse in judgement. That's what you get for being a dope fiend throughout your entire adult life. Perhaps you shoud allow yourself to think for yourself instead of letting others lead you around like a bull by the nose I said in an earlier response to your attack on my wife and daughter and their culture....You need to rethink where the fuck your head's at....and don't cast dispersions on people and a culture you know nothing about. Now..put that in your entertainment venue and shoot that up!

yo fool, that's aspersions, not dispersions and that comment had nothing to do with your wife or daughter. married men do hire hookers, you know. especially in thailand, where a huge part of their tourist dollar is spent on sex.

as for their culture, can you demonstrate that it is not heavily caste-stratified, that they do not use child labor in their gem-stone cutting factories or that they had nothing to do with the sri lankan civil war? those are the only comments i have made that questioned the thai culture.

you are making some really stupid and false assumptions about me and you are also boring me. clearly you have a reading comprehension problem. i never made any claims to have been trained to think. i suggested that, through your military service, you were trained not to think. i certainly never called your wife and daughter hookers.

your wife and daughter are probably lovely, gentle women. how they got mixed up with a jerk like you makes me wonder.

it's probably a strange hour in bangkok right now. why don't you just go take a little nap before you react to this?

Let me make this perfectly clear for the moderators as I've reported you....You said I'm sitting in my condo with hookers...the only women in my home are my wife and daughter and her friends....I take that as you calling them prostitutes. Even though I know that wasn't your intention it's the perception I got. That's what matters here.

Now act like a man instead of a shithead, apologize and drop it,
why the fuck should i apologize for your misapprehensions, you sniveling weenie, especially when you are putting out the nonsense you are putting out about me?

i can hardly wait to see what, if anything, the mods are going to say about this when i consider the level of shit they allow. you are blowing nothing into something.

go get some rest. maybe you'll feel better in the morning.

otherwise, fuck off and feel free to take the last word. you get the asshole smilie for any more paranoid delusions.
Real interesting how you are not man enough to admit your transgressions regarding my wife and kid...but while sitting in your house full of prostitutes I can see where you would become numb to the plight of people who are the victims of human trafficking. You are the worst kind of bigot...the one who hides in plain sight wearing the colors of a liberal. It's not convenient for you to reveal your true bigotted nature until you feel threatened based on your being trained to think like a closetted pinko. Then it all comes out. I actually expected better from someone like you but it's the true nature of people like you to hide in plain sight, then rear your ugly head when it's suits your fancy. You're a pathetic loser who spends their life looking for the next high....looking to regain the feelings you had back in the 60's....that's a pretty sad testament to your existence...
"Yeah maaaaan...tune in, turn on, drop's the man, man...he's holding us back man...let's go start a protest man...we can protest The":lol:

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you're insane. did the tiger bite down too hard once?

YOU brought up your wife and kid. all you had to do was deny being a rich pig hanging out with prostitutes in a high rise watching bangkok burn and that would have been plenty. i would never have even known about the wife and kid.

i promised myself that i would not mix it up with insane nutbags like you on this board. you have already used some pretty foul language that i do not tolerate in my presence in the real world and i simply am not going to stoop to that level (in my world the words that come next the word 'god' are blessings, thanks and praise)

if you absolutely must have an apology before you will back the fuck off me, i am sorry that you somehow made yourself believe that i called your wife and daughter whores.

if they stay with a maniac like you, they must be saintes.
you're insane. did the tiger bite down too hard once?

YOU brought up your musical career. all you had to do was say "I'm sorry" for saying "I'm being a rich pig hanging out with prostitutes in a high rise watching bangkok burn" and it never would have came to this.

i promised myself that i would not mix it up with insane nutbags like you on this board. you have already used some pretty foul language that i do not tolerate in my presence in the real world and i simply am not going to stoop to that level.

if you absolutely must have an apology before you will back the fuck off me, i am sorry that you somehow made yourself believe that i used pretty nasty words in your presence and regret inflicting such devastaing pain on your virgin ears....but you did admit you are a doper....

If anyone tolerates your presence they must be insane.
you want war, go find somebody who likes doing it and has the time to waste oxygen with you.

i have been getting "doped" against my will since i was eight years old mostly because i tend to react violently to people who are hostile-aggressive toward me . if you had spoken to me in the real world that way within arm's reach of me when i was much younger, you would have gotten hurt.

over time, i discovered that music and marijuana help me tolerate assholes in my face, help me eat and sleep when i am overstressed by multiple assholes and their assholish shit. and all without undesirable side effects like the meds the establishment wants to stuff down my throat.

i occasionally use heroin for pain because i am allergic to most pharmaceuticals for pain. if that makes me a doper and a doper is something vile in your world, oh well.

i'm not sure what you are picking up on about my career track, but i assure you whatever it is, isn't accurate. music is my hobby. i have been an amateur performance artist for over 50 years. music provides me a portion of my income --- sometimes a small portion, sometimes most of it. at the moment, due to some recent catastrophic losses , music is providing me with most of my income.

stay nasty if you like. makes it easier to shoot down your bullshit.
Hey motherfucker....I gave you what you gave me....don't like it? Edit out all the bullshit and get down to the key phrases that's what I did with your bullshit apology.
Hey motherfucker....I gave you what you gave me....don't like it? Edit out all the bullshit and get down to the key phrases that's what I did with your bullshit apology.
if i had been the one to fuck your mother you wouldn't be such a hostile-aggressive asshole.

now go back to your wife, daughter, condo, tiger, business, whatever the fuck it is you do when you are not filling this board with your mental diarrhea and quit disturbing my peace with your antagonistic horseshit.
Hey motherfucker....I gave you what you gave me....don't like it? Edit out all the bullshit and get down to the key phrases that's what I did with your bullshit apology.
if i had been the one to fuck your mother you wouldn't be such a hostile-aggressive asshole.

now go back to your wife, daughter, condo, tiger, business, whatever the fuck it is you do when you are not filling this board with your mental diarrhea and quit disturbing my peace with your antagonistic horseshit.

Can't stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen.
Here's a good read for you...if you care to bury the hatchet and learn something about the country.
Briton, Australian arrested over Thai unrest -  XinMSN News

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