Troll Level: POTUS


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.

Trump could be the highest paid pundit ever and say anything he wants to about Ryan and Merkel and the Clintons. instead he sought to make america great again by being the hardest working president in the history of the world.
Trump has written 40 thousand tweets. each tweet is 40 words. which means he's written millions of words. he's a prolific, voracious writer!
Valerie Jarrett LIVES with the Obama's. Tell me that's not weird. She needs the wall more than they do.
And Mexico paid for it!

Say for instance you hired some Mexicans to fix your door because rats were coming in through a hole.

But the Mexicans didn't finish the job, because they all got drunk and passed out.

So what do you do? Just leave the door as it is and put up with the rats, or fix the damned thing yourself?

Choose wisely now, if you can.
And Mexico paid for it!

Say for instance you hired some Mexicans to fix your door because rats were coming in through a hole.

But the Mexicans didn't finish the job, because they all got drunk and passed out.

So what do you do? Just leave the door as it is and put up with the rats, or fix the damned thing yourself?

Choose wisely now, if you can.

I would demand my neighbor pay for the door to be fixed. If not, I would threaten to close down the street until they did.
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.

Yet Trump Tower doesn't need one--security without a physical wall. Huh.
So you feel that proves wanting a wall is hypocritical?

I think it only proves the value of having walls.
The hypocrites are those who live behind walls but are against walls for the rest of us.
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.


Trump's lies and distortions are why he should not be on Twitter. That and the blatant obstruction of justice we read daily.

I'm not opposed to the President being on Twitter, but it's backfiring on him BIGLY. He's dangling pardons, attacking "flippers", and denigrating the US Intelligence community, and Justice Department daily.

Over the course of the Mid-Terms, reporters asked Republicans why they were leaving the party and voting for Democrats. The response invariably had to do with mainstream Republicans being upset and angry with Trump's portrayal of Robert Mueller, and the well respected Republicans in the FBI and the Justice Department, as corrupt, dishonest, and dangerous. One white Republican male said it best: When Trump went after a man like Robert Mueller, who has built a career on honesty, integrity, and service to country, and vilified him in this fashion, that was going too far.

It's not the left that is going after Trump. It's all of the Republicans in the CIA, the FBI, Justice, and the Senate. We also have Republicans who Donald J. Trump appointed to their positions in the Justice Department of the Southern District of New York, as well as the AG of the State of New York looking into the crimes of Donald J. Trump, Don Jr., Ivanka and Eric, The Trump Corporation, the Trump Foundation, and every aspect of Trump's business and personal life going back years.

Seventeen investigations in all. Trump and family will be in jail for years. But the image I'm most looking forward to, is Ivanka's children being ripped from her arms as both Jared and Ivanka are sent to jail. Her posting her loving pictures with her children on Instagram while her father was separating families at the border was one of the most heinously insensitive moments of this Administration. Karma is a bitch, and it's nailing this administration to the wall.

Donald Trump - who called Barack Obama's Presidency "illegitimate", has seen his own Presidency proven to be illegitimate from Day 1 because of his assistance from and conspiracy with Russia. While Trump was lying about Obama, the Russia Investigation, and his failure to win the popular vote, will always mean that Trump is less a man than a half-black kid from a broken home in Hawaii.

Every day that Trump goes on Twitter to insult his staff, denigrate the FBI, dangle pardons to Stone, Corsi and Manafort, and demonstate his unfitness for office, the Republican Party loses more voters. I'm all for that.
on a macro level, Trump's tweets have a butterfly effect all over the world, my friends
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.

Yet Trump Tower doesn't need one--security without a physical wall. Huh.

So you're advocating militarizing the border?
No; I've got nothing against new fencing where the walk-over rate is high. What my comment meant was that this stupid fucking argument about walls because of an ex-president having one around his yard means absolutely nothing.
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.

Yet Trump Tower doesn't need one--security without a physical wall. Huh.
So you feel that proves wanting a wall is hypocritical?

I think it only proves the value of having walls.
The hypocrites are those who live behind walls but are against walls for the rest of us.

Nobody is stopping you from building a wall around your property. Why do you lie about these things?
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.


Oh, you're wrong.
I wouldn't want Trump off Twitter.
Robert Mueller has gotten a treasure trove of information for his investigation from Trump's tweets.
Leave him on there, he's doing a nice job of hanging himself.
View attachment 237679

The Left not being able to control and distort what the President wants to communicate is why they want him off Twitter.

Yet Trump Tower doesn't need one--security without a physical wall. Huh.

So you're advocating militarizing the border?
No; I've got nothing against new fencing where the walk-over rate is high. What my comment meant was that this stupid fucking argument about walls because of an ex-president having one around his yard means absolutely nothing.

Sure it means something.
It means he wants security for himself but the rest of us can get fucked.
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