Transcript of Rush Limbaugh trying to enlighten college student


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
I found this to be a pretty interesting read. If you hate Rush Limbaugh and are completely biased, don't bother to read the transcript, but you are missing out on a good lesson on being successful. It emphasizes an attitude more people in this country should have. Instead of worrying about how other people are out to keep you down and how no one deserves anything they have, it focuses on having an attitude on how you, the individual, can be successful by doing what you want and doing it well. It focuses on how you need to bring yourself up instead of wasting you're time blaming someone else for holding you down. It's not a perfect breakdown that solves all the country's problems but what he says is true and actually inspiring instead of the depressing stuff you hear that blames everyone but the individual.

College Student Thinks the 1% Has All the Money and He Won't Get Any - The Rush Limbaugh Show

"But most people who are in the 1% are there because they work harder than anybody else, because they found what they love doing, and what they do really isn't work to them. They can't wait to get up every day (including on Mondays) to go back to work because it's what they love most in the world -- and since they love it, they happen to do it better than most other people do. "
I found this to be a pretty interesting read. If you hate Rush Limbaugh and are completely biased, don't bother to read the transcript, but you are missing out on a good lesson on being successful. It emphasizes an attitude more people in this country should have. Instead of worrying about how other people are out to keep you down and how no one deserves anything they have, it focuses on having an attitude on how you, the individual, can be successful by doing what you want and doing it well. It focuses on how you need to bring yourself up instead of wasting you're time blaming someone else for holding you down. It's not a perfect breakdown that solves all the country's problems but what he says is true and actually inspiring instead of the depressing stuff you hear that blames everyone but the individual.

College Student Thinks the 1% Has All the Money and He Won't Get Any - The Rush Limbaugh Show

"But most people who are in the 1% are there because they work harder than anybody else, because they found what they love doing, and what they do really isn't work to them. They can't wait to get up every day (including on Mondays) to go back to work because it's what they love most in the world -- and since they love it, they happen to do it better than most other people do. "
Actually, the fake call is a better example of how a paid professional liar spins his web of deceit.

If you didn't catch it, and obviously you didn't, he was bragging about himself, not addressing the top 1% of WEALTH!!!
I don't listen to Rush, or any other talking head, but i'd say he made some valid points. This supposed college kid was lost.........
I'm confused, is this from Rush the right wings king? Or Rush....the entertainer?
Actually, the fake call is a better example of how a paid professional liar spins his web of deceit.

If you didn't catch it, and obviously you didn't, he was bragging about himself, not addressing the top 1% of WEALTH!!!

Got any proof of that?

Yeah, I didnt think so.

Besides, why dont you explain how Rush was wrong in his explanation :eusa_whistle:

That was a good call... I was listening and was impressed.
I found this to be a pretty interesting read. If you hate Rush Limbaugh and are completely biased, don't bother to read the transcript, but you are missing out on a good lesson on being successful. It emphasizes an attitude more people in this country should have. Instead of worrying about how other people are out to keep you down and how no one deserves anything they have, it focuses on having an attitude on how you, the individual, can be successful by doing what you want and doing it well. It focuses on how you need to bring yourself up instead of wasting you're time blaming someone else for holding you down. It's not a perfect breakdown that solves all the country's problems but what he says is true and actually inspiring instead of the depressing stuff you hear that blames everyone but the individual.

College Student Thinks the 1% Has All the Money and He Won't Get Any - The Rush Limbaugh Show

"But most people who are in the 1% are there because they work harder than anybody else, because they found what they love doing, and what they do really isn't work to them. They can't wait to get up every day (including on Mondays) to go back to work because it's what they love most in the world -- and since they love it, they happen to do it better than most other people do. "
Actually, the fake call is a better example of how a paid professional liar spins his web of deceit.

If you didn't catch it, and obviously you didn't, he was bragging about himself, not addressing the top 1% of WEALTH!!!

Thank you for the transcript.
For this caller and all the detractors of people that are like me who ARE not part of the 1% but are in the 53% i.e. I'm not a wealthy person.. I am nevertheless a hopeful person at 68 years that I like Colonel Sanders will become one!
But I don't begrudge the 1% rather want to be like them!

I am though a thinker and fact finder.
And the FACTS are as Rush said capitalism whether in China or USA is not a zero sum game. It is NOT composed of a finite amount of wealth as Joshua evidently was taught.
Consider what the gross domestic product of the USA was in 1800...
GDP in 2005 dollars Population GDP per capita in 2005 dollars.
1800 $ 12,987 5,297,000 $ 1,396
1900 $ 422,843 76,094,000 5,556
2009 12,987,400 307,483,000 42,247
Measuring Worth - Measures of worth, inflation rates, saving calculator, relative value, worth of a dollar, worth of a pound, purchasing power, gold prices, GDP, history of wages, average wage

Do you the reader understand?
THE GDP grows and it grows FASTER then the population!
Reader still don't get it?
Then consider this..
The richest person in the 1800s or 1900s did NOT have nor could imagine having what the average person who is considered "poor" today has!
The average poverty level person today has what the richest person in the 1800s or 1900s could never imagine.........

YES even the poor today have something the richest person in the 1800s couldn't even imagine!
AND WHY? Like the GDP.. IDEAS!
IDEAS that almost every one has but few ever execute!
But it is the IDEA that is the key to all those trillions that are still available for the Joshuas!
He just has to been motivated to execute!
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What does it matter?

Where was he wrong?

I was told not to take "Rush the entertainer" seriously several times. So I dont want to read and offer a serious opinion on something thats not to be taken seriously.

What a shame you depend on other people telling you what to think!

I dont but I'm not so foolish as to get into a discussion with someone just to be told "just kidding" when they are confronted with facts. Its called Time management
Actually, the fake call is a better example of how a paid professional liar spins his web of deceit.

If you didn't catch it, and obviously you didn't, he was bragging about himself, not addressing the top 1% of WEALTH!!!

Got any proof of that?

Yeah, I didnt think so.

Besides, why dont you explain how Rush was wrong in his explanation :eusa_whistle:

That was a good call... I was listening and was impressed.
I love how DittoTards answer their own questions before they are even posted! :asshole:

And your post is a perfect example of just how mindless and incapable of thinking for themselves DittoTards are. I even CAPITALIZED the key to your MessiahRushie's web of deceit, but it still went completely over your head. :lol: DittoTards are too stupid to know the difference between WEALTH and WAGES. The question was about WEALTH and your MessiahRushie gave his answer about the top 1% of WAGE EARNERS.

Here was the fake caller's question:

CALLER: I have a quick question. I've been hearing reports -- plenty of reports -- saying top 1%, uhh, own 42% of the wealth in America

And here is where he switched it to WAGE EARNERS, who are not the top 1% of WEALTH!!!!

RUSH: All you have to do is earn $387,000 a year in America and you are in the top 1%. If you earn $50,000 a year or more, Joshua, in a year, you're in the upper 10% of earners in this country.

Now stuttering LimpTard knows the difference between EARNED income and WEALTH so the switcheroo was premeditated. The truly wealthy make Gates look like a pauper and their wealth is inherited.

Here is your MessiahRushie explaining the difference between EARNED income and WEALTH, himself.

August 7, 2007
CALLER: And, you know, and the way our tax system works, we have an overly complex system, which in and of itself is a problem, but the way our tax system works and the way the tax laws are written, it's based on a few kind of like hinge numbers like adjusted gross income and taxable income, and while the soak the rich -- or however you choose to describe it -- really doesn't come down that way. It really comes down to much lower income levels.

RUSH: It does, exactly, and here's the dirty little secret if you ever to pull it off. It's hard. This is why most people don't understand the tax-the-rich business. You've got to structure your life so you have no "earned" income. I'm out of time. I'll explain that. There's a category called earned income versus other kinds of income. Earned income is what the income tax rate is on. That's how "the rich" do it. They don't have "earned" income.

The Truth About Taxes
August 6, 2007
RUSH: I've told you before: the income tax is designed to keep people like his [Buffett's] secretary from becoming wealthy! There is no "wealth" tax. So this is a big misnomer. ...
But there's no tax on wealth. There is a tax on income, and the tax on income is designed to keep everybody who is not wealthy from getting there.

I'm talking about genuine wealth, not the way Democrats define "rich."
Rush isn't an entertainer. If he was, he would appeal more to the liberal loons, whose only defense (since they can't argue his points or keep up with him otherwise) is to label him as *just* an entertainer.

He's not an entertainer at all. He is what he says he is, an educator and interpretor, a person who has created his own niche and whose purpose is to expose liberal insanity and uphold traditional American values.

He comes from a strong, intelligent family and he is doing exactly what he means to do.

But the small minded, mean spirited left will continue to jeer because that's all they've got. And each time they do, they just make him look better in comparison.
I found this to be a pretty interesting read. If you hate Rush Limbaugh and are completely biased, don't bother to read the transcript, but you are missing out on a good lesson on being successful. It emphasizes an attitude more people in this country should have. Instead of worrying about how other people are out to keep you down and how no one deserves anything they have, it focuses on having an attitude on how you, the individual, can be successful by doing what you want and doing it well. It focuses on how you need to bring yourself up instead of wasting you're time blaming someone else for holding you down. It's not a perfect breakdown that solves all the country's problems but what he says is true and actually inspiring instead of the depressing stuff you hear that blames everyone but the individual.

College Student Thinks the 1% Has All the Money and He Won't Get Any - The Rush Limbaugh Show

"But most people who are in the 1% are there because they work harder than anybody else, because they found what they love doing, and what they do really isn't work to them. They can't wait to get up every day (including on Mondays) to go back to work because it's what they love most in the world -- and since they love it, they happen to do it better than most other people do. "
Actually, the fake call is a better example of how a paid professional liar spins his web of deceit.

If you didn't catch it, and obviously you didn't, he was bragging about himself, not addressing the top 1% of WEALTH!!!

Thank you for the transcript.
For this caller and all the detractors of people that are like me who ARE not part of the 1% but are in the 53% i.e. I'm not a wealthy person.. I am nevertheless a hopeful person at 68 years that I like Colonel Sanders will become one!
But I don't begrudge the 1% rather want to be like them!

I am though a thinker and fact finder.
And the FACTS are as Rush said capitalism whether in China or USA is not a zero sum game. It is NOT composed of a finite amount of wealth as Joshua evidently was taught.
Consider what the gross domestic product of the USA was in 1800...
GDP in 2005 dollars Population GDP per capita in 2005 dollars.
1800 $ 12,987 5,297,000 $ 1,396
1900 $ 422,843 76,094,000 5,556
2009 12,987,400 307,483,000 42,247
Measuring Worth - Measures of worth, inflation rates, saving calculator, relative value, worth of a dollar, worth of a pound, purchasing power, gold prices, GDP, history of wages, average wage

Do you the reader understand?
THE GDP grows and it grows FASTER then the population!
Reader still don't get it?
Then consider this..
The richest person in the 1800s or 1900s did NOT have nor could imagine having what the average person who is considered "poor" today has!
The average poverty level person today has what the richest person in the 1800s or 1900s could never imagine.........

YES even the poor today have something the richest person in the 1800s couldn't even imagine!
AND WHY? Like the GDP.. IDEAS!
IDEAS that almost every one has but few ever execute!
But it is the IDEA that is the key to all those trillions that are still available for the Joshuas!
He just has to been motivated to execute!
RUSH: But I want you to know that you could not have been more ill-informed about something than whoever it is that's put that thought in your head. You are... Well, not you. That is as wrong as any lie anybody has ever told you

Your MessiahRushie was talking more about YOU and his audience than the fake student caller!!!

This is the moronic "logic" of the typical brainwashed CON$ervative. He seems to think that some renter so poor that they get a free Reagan Phone from the government are as "rich" as a land baron of the 1800s! :cuckoo: Imagine that, a cell phone that service providers give away for free is equal to or greater than the wealth of the richest land owner of the 1800s or 1900s. :cuckoo:
Rush isn't an entertainer. If he was, he would appeal more to the liberal loons, whose only defense (since they can't argue his points or keep up with him otherwise) is to label him as *just* an entertainer.

He's not an entertainer at all. He is what he says he is, an educator and interpretor, a person who has created his own niche and whose purpose is to expose liberal insanity and uphold traditional American values.

He comes from a strong, intelligent family and he is doing exactly what he means to do.

But the small minded, mean spirited left will continue to jeer because that's all they've got. And each time they do, they just make him look better in comparison.
He's a pathological liar who takes advantage of an audience that is too stupid to catch him contradicting himself from one rant to the next.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 2, 2011
RUSH: There is no average American. The average American is a myth.

May 2, 2008
RUSH: And I'm thinking, if I'm your average, ignorant klutz American -- you know, there are too many ignorant people, the most expensive commodity --
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Cool money quote.
If somebody loses a job, it doesn't mean somebody was hired. If somebody was hired, it doesn't mean somebody was fired. It is a dynamic, expanding economy, and it's made for the fit. It's made for the competitive. It's made for those who want to play the game and have something to offer. It's not made for people who think they're owed something. It's not made for people who think the game's rigged. It's not made for people who think life's unfair. You have just as much opportunity as Warren Buffett has had or as I've had. It's up to you to use it, and it's up to you to recognize that you do have the opportunity

Don't forget that Rush was a five time looser when he showed up in Sacramento with all his worldly goods in a beat up rust bucket VW beetle, which he rode in from KC. Guy was at his total end of his rope as far as his carrer was concerned trying to get a lamer job in on the bottom half of the radio dial.

He is entitled to brag a bit. He was a big fat nothing who created a career out of less than nothing and made himself very rich by giving people what they want.

You can argue that what he is selling is unhealthy. He isn't selling any cool aid he hasn't drunk in vast quantities himself. It worked for him, and he thinks it will work for you.

You make your life by the choices you make. Cash is not the only thing. As Rush points out the point to money is to spend it, not hoard it. A dollar under your mattress is as useless as if you used it to light your joint.

And wealth is not dollars. A kindergarten teacher with a rewarding career is wealthier than an office drone getting 7 figures who is miserable.
Again, can't argue the points. Next you'll post something about him being fat and getting popped for buying pain killers in Canada.

Cuz we all know NOBODY except crazy criminals do that!
Rush isn't an entertainer. If he was, he would appeal more to the liberal loons, whose only defense (since they can't argue his points or keep up with him otherwise) is to label him as *just* an entertainer.

He's not an entertainer at all. He is what he says he is, an educator and interpretor, a person who has created his own niche and whose purpose is to expose liberal insanity and uphold traditional American values.

He comes from a strong, intelligent family and he is doing exactly what he means to do.

But the small minded, mean spirited left will continue to jeer because that's all they've got. And each time they do, they just make him look better in comparison.

He is of course a master propagandist.

Limbaugh likes to bill himself as an "entertainer," but he is more accurately understood as a propagandist. He shows no interest in actually furthering the public debate: opposing views are rarely if ever invited onto his show, and when they are they invariably receive the kind of ham-handed mistreatment that has become common on Limbaugh's television counterpart, Bill O'Reilly's Fox talk show.

And there can be little doubt as to the effectiveness of Limbaugh's propaganda: In the intervening years, it has become an object of faith, particularly in rural America where Limbaugh's broadcasts can often be heard multiple times throughout the day, that the government is in itself evil, a corrupt entity, something to be distrusted and feared, and certainly incapable of actually solving problems.

Now that the president he supported -- George W. Bush -- is running the show, however, Limbaugh's anti-government bent has faded quickly and quietly to the background. After all, being anti-government seems practically anti-Republican these days, considering the GOP owns all three branches of government and virtually controls the Fourth Estate as well.

Rush, Newspeak and Fascism: An exegesis: I: Projecting Fascism

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