Tranny Gets By Gay Marriage Ban

The American Family Association is a laughable joke. I wish they spent just as much time worrying about their own families as supposed to mine.
You know why we try to connect the two?

Because we know History, we know Liberals and we can see where this is going based on yer past behavior.

Libs ALWAYS argue "Equal Protection under the Law" but almost never think anything through.

It's all about feelings and emotion and being self centered.

Results? Effects? Who cares right?
You know why we try to connect the two?

Because we know History, we know Liberals and we can see where this is going based on yer past behavior.

Libs ALWAYS argue "Equal Protection under the Law" but almost never think anything through.

It's all about feelings and emotion and being self centered.

Results? Effects? Who cares right?
Bullshit. Amusing, but still bullshit. The fact is you can't name a single proponent of marriage equality who also supports the 'right" to "marry your 9-year-old niece". But, the latter sounds really icky, so it makes for a really good emotional argument to make people afraid of "The Gheys" getting married. Guess what? NAMBLA has been around since 1978, and yet their causes have not, in over 30 years, gained any support from Progressive caucuses. So, to suggest that just because Progressives support marriage equality means that they are suddenly going to reverse 30 years of political ideology is nothing more than moronic fear-mongering. But, hey! You keep pushing that fear of "The Gheys"! After all, that message seems to be working so well for you guys...
LGBT dropped NAMBLA in 1979. pedophile groups in the UK made mainstream support in the UK even in the 1980s. Read up about the Pedophile Information Exchange and support from Labour for it..

Early LGBT pioneers like harry hay and Allen Ginsberg were NAMBLA supporters until their dying breaths. They are held up as heroes by the left and LGBTers.
Religious "fanatics" didn't start NMBLA.
Maybe they didn't found that organization, but half of the members are probably catholic priests.

Do as I say, not as I do.
Of course if you generalize about a liberal protected status group you are a bigot, a racist, and a somethingphobe. But you get the generalize about groups you have to shame in admitting hatred of.
LGBT dropped NAMBLA in 1979. pedophile groups in the UK made mainstream support in the UK even in the 1980s. Read up about the Pedophile Information Exchange and support from Labour for it..

Early LGBT pioneers like harry hay and Allen Ginsberg were NAMBLA supporters until their dying breaths. They are held up as heroes by the left and LGBTers.
I assume you have sources for those claims...
Actually, I stand corrected. I went back and did a bit of studying about the history of NAMBLA, and actually it did grow out of the LGBT community in 1978 as a direct result of then-Boston District Attorney Garret Byrne to ferret out patrons of teenage male prostitutes via an anonymous telephone tip line. You see, NAMBLA actually has nothing to do with the original 9-year-old red herring that was presented.

The aim of NAMBLA's small but determined membership was to attack social and legal proscriptions against sexual relations between adults and pubescent or teenage boys. Trust me when I say that no one would ever confuse a 9-year-old with a "teenage, or pubescent boy". Early on, there was support for the group by the LGDBT com munity. After all, differential age of consent laws for homosexuals and heterosexuals were then (and continue to be) used to target gay sex in jurisdictions around the world, including ones in the United States. This was also, at the same time as Anita Bryant's "Save Our Children" campaign less than a year old. Bryant had successfully advocated rescinding a Miami city ordinance extending equal protection to gay men and lesbians on the grounds that gay men were uniformly pedophilic. So, you know, it's kinda understandable that this effort grew out of the gay community. However, with the assassination of Harvey Milk, and the election of Reagan in `80, and the advent of AIDS, the climate became so hostile towards gays, and lesbians, that the whole NAMBLA association kinda got left out in the cold.
You act like pederasty isn't a bad thing. Do you support men to be able to have sex with 13 year old girls? Or just for gays? Nambla shouldn't be left out in the cold, they shouild be medically experimented on while in prison awaiting execution.
You act like pederasty isn't a bad thing. Do you support men to be able to have sex with 13 year old girls? Or just for gays? Nambla shouldn't be left out in the cold, they shouild be medically experimented on while in prison awaiting execution.
13? Not so much. 14? I don't know. I mean, just 70 years ago 14 was considered perfectly acceptable marrying age, and 21 was considered "spinster". There is a plethora of data indicating that 14 is the average age for sexual maturity. Unfortunately there is not a single study devoted to emotional, and cognitive maturity. There is plenty of neurological evidence that frontal cortex doesn't completely mature until age 26. However, there is not a single group study done to measure the emotional, and cognitive maturity of adolescents. I have maintained for sometime that our current age of consent laws are completely arbitrary. I have further posited that we need to Masters and Johnson style study of emotional, and cognitive abilities among adolescents. if that study indicates that 14 is the typical age at which adolescents are able to make rational decisions, then the age of consent should be lowered to 14. If it is 16, it should be 16. If it is 20, then it should be raised to 20. The point is that "age of consent" laws should be based of rational, evidence of the ability to offer consent, not on what makes mommies, and daddies "feel comfortable".

The Supreme Court has already ruled that a 15-year-old girl is old enough to consent to an abortion without her parent's knowledge, let alone consent. To suggest that she is old enough to decide what to do about a pregnancy all on her own, but not old enough to decide to partake in the very activity that leads to a pregnancy in the first place is simply not rational.
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LGBT degenerate testing the waters for pedophile advocacy. Only a liberal degenerate freak of nature that needs to be killed by other inmates in jail could do this.

Let s Say I m A Pedophile Savage Love News and Opinion Philadelphia Weekly
Actually Savage is right. pedophilia isn't a crime; it is a sexual preference. Sexual misconduct with a minor is a crime. It's kinda like racism. I can be a racist all day long. And so long as I never burn a cross on someone's lawn, or hang, and beat a black man, then I cannot be arrested. We do not criminalize thoughts and feelings, only actions. This is why pedophilia can be diagnosed, and treated, but not criminalized. It is simply not a crime.

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