Toxic Christianity is right.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
LYNCHBURG, Va. — The night before Shane Claiborne came to town to preach at a Christian revival, he received a letter from the chief of police at Liberty University warning that if he set foot on the property, he would be arrested for trespassing and face up to 12 months in jail and a $2,500 fine.

At first glance, Mr. Claiborne hardly appeared a threat to Liberty University, a dominant force in Lynchburg, Va., and a powerful engine in evangelical Christianity. Wearing baggy clothes that he sews himself, Mr. Claiborne preaches the gospel, lives among the poor and befriends prisoners on death row, modeling his ministry on the life of Jesus.

But to the leaders of Liberty, he was a menace to their campus. He and his national network of liberal evangelicals, called the Red Letter Christians, were holding a revival meeting to protest in Liberty’s backyard. Their target: Jerry Falwell Jr., Liberty’s president and a man who has played a pivotal role in forging the alliance between white evangelicals and Donald J. Trump, who won 81 percent of their vote.

Mr. Claiborne and his group are the other evangelicals. The Red Letter Christians, a reference to the words of Jesus printed in some Bibles in red type, are not the evangelicals invited for interviews on Fox News or MSNBC. They don’t align neatly with either political party. But they have fierce moral and theological objections to those evangelicals who have latched onto Mr. Trump and the Republican Party.

“Let’s go where the Christians are, go where toxic Christianity lives,” Mr. Claiborne said last year, when proposing the idea for a revival in Lynchburg at an annual retreat for the Red Letter Christians.

‘This Is Not of God’: When Anti-Trump Evangelicals Confront Their Brethren


"Any evangelicals that gather and worship Trump are toxic" Penelope.
LYNCHBURG, Va. — The night before Shane Claiborne came to town to preach at a Christian revival, he received a letter from the chief of police at Liberty University warning that if he set foot on the property, he would be arrested for trespassing and face up to 12 months in jail and a $2,500 fine.

At first glance, Mr. Claiborne hardly appeared a threat to Liberty University, a dominant force in Lynchburg, Va., and a powerful engine in evangelical Christianity. Wearing baggy clothes that he sews himself, Mr. Claiborne preaches the gospel, lives among the poor and befriends prisoners on death row, modeling his ministry on the life of Jesus.

But to the leaders of Liberty, he was a menace to their campus. He and his national network of liberal evangelicals, called the Red Letter Christians, were holding a revival meeting to protest in Liberty’s backyard. Their target: Jerry Falwell Jr., Liberty’s president and a man who has played a pivotal role in forging the alliance between white evangelicals and Donald J. Trump, who won 81 percent of their vote.

Mr. Claiborne and his group are the other evangelicals. The Red Letter Christians, a reference to the words of Jesus printed in some Bibles in red type, are not the evangelicals invited for interviews on Fox News or MSNBC. They don’t align neatly with either political party. But they have fierce moral and theological objections to those evangelicals who have latched onto Mr. Trump and the Republican Party.

“Let’s go where the Christians are, go where toxic Christianity lives,” Mr. Claiborne said last year, when proposing the idea for a revival in Lynchburg at an annual retreat for the Red Letter Christians.

‘This Is Not of God’: When Anti-Trump Evangelicals Confront Their Brethren


"Any evangelicals that gather and worship Trump are toxic" Penelope.
I bet the dude doesn’t go to liberal churches and criticizes them
The Nazis hate Jews
The Klan hates Blacks
The La Raza hates Anglos
The Democrats hate Evangelicals
It's all hate
Let me see if this is clear: Claiborne in the hand-sewn suit hates Trump? And the Falwell school hates him for that?

What do the Claiborne types hate about Trump, I wonder.
I give up, really you right wing evangelicals are the problem. These people are not political whereas the right wing evangelical tries their best to run the government.
I give up, really you right wing evangelicals are the problem. These people are not political whereas the right wing evangelical tries their best to run the government.

1) I'm not evangelical
2) you aren't apolitical if you only protest people with certain politics.
3) this is purely political and contrary to what Jesus taught.
I give up, really you right wing evangelicals are the problem. These people are not political whereas the right wing evangelical tries their best to run the government.

1) I'm not evangelical
2) you aren't apolitical if you only protest people with certain politics.
3) this is purely political and contrary to what Jesus taught.

Have you read about him. He only speaks what Jesus said, that is the Red Letter Words (I sad according to the scriptures because I don't think those are the real words of Jesus or a Jesus). Have you never seen a red letter bible. No apolitical means you accept everyone no matter what.
You don't want to punish women who have an abortion, but now Trump thinks its a ok to pardon people who do white collar crimes.
I give up, really you right wing evangelicals are the problem. These people are not political whereas the right wing evangelical tries their best to run the government.

1) I'm not evangelical
2) you aren't apolitical if you only protest people with certain politics.
3) this is purely political and contrary to what Jesus taught.

Have you read about him. He only speaks what Jesus said, that is the Red Letter Words (I sad according to the scriptures because I don't think those are the real words of Jesus or a Jesus). Have you never seen a red letter bible. No apolitical means you accept everyone no matter what.
You don't want to punish women who have an abortion, but now Trump thinks its a ok to pardon people who do white collar crimes.

By your definition he isn’t apolitical

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