Tower of Babel: TrumpUSA Derision [Capitalism Driven]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
So many critics of modern capitalism have suggested that 'TrumpUSA' (with its media and commercial frills) is like the proverbial Tower of Babel, a beacon or symbol of pure self-defeatism caused by consumerism vanities/arrogance.

If President Trump is indeed presiding over a Tower of Babel, then how should we think of capitalism (in terms of satire)?



"Almost every citizen of TrumpUSA daydreams about reaching the top of some proverbial high-point of capitalism-ambition. That may be by winning the lottery, being elected as Senator/Congressman (or woman!), managing a lucrative casino, becoming a movie-star, or discovering a profitable new medical drug. Capitalism creates competitiveness and also drives innovation. When democratic policies manage capitalists wisely, you get profit-driven teamwork. When power-ambitions reign, you get a proverbial Tower of Babel, a beacon for self-defeating mercantile yearning."


"There are many players in this 'game' or 'show.' These players may be agents of the media or critics of society (in America/TrumpUSA). These agents/critics may talk about pornography/censorship in the modern age of media/journalism. These agents/critics may talk about the Christian value of EWTN (Catholic-TV) weighed against the rising global popularity of Al Jazeera (Muslim-TV). These agents/critics may evaluate capitalism globalization in terms of TrumpUSA bravado (e.g., Consumer Reports, High Times, GQ, Vanity Fair). Is capitalism like a poker-game, complete with bluffs, chance, and folklore?"


"Imagine therefore that two modern-day American (Wall Street) stockbrokers (named Ethan and Elias) are climbing the Tower of Babel which we are correlating to TrumpUSA. Ethan wants to get to the top first and win the hand of a beautiful female Manhattan socialite named Darien, but so does Elias. Ethan believes Ethan really loves Darien, but Elias believes Darien really loves Elias. Who should win? Should Darien's affections outweigh Ethan's if it is indeed true that Darien really loves Elias (or should Ethan's pure love of Darien be weighed more seriously)? These considerations 'color' our perspective on this modern folk-tale about these two symbolic Wall Street stockbrokers climbing the Tower of Babel (in TrumpUSA) to achieve perfect beauty."



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