Top Ten Ways That the Obama Adm. Will Extract Info From The Terrorist

Illegally imprisoned???? Hmmmm From all I've read about these terrorists, the majority of them were picked up on BATTLEFIELDS trying to kill American troops. They are ENEMY COMBATANTS and are ENTITLED to NOTHING. Not the Geneva Convention and certainly not the rights of a criminal in the US court system.

Bush made the mistake of releasing some of these dirtbags and 1 out of 5 went right back to trying to kill us. OL'BO was going to do the same thing until that underware asshole tried to blow up a plane full of passengers. He has changed his mind. I guess he can learn. Mayby they should all be executed instead of being taken prisoner. That sure would solve a lot of problems and golly gee, they could close Gitmo.



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If you want information, you use the tools that work. If you just want to work off your frustration that the guy in front of you in an asswhipe, you use other tools.

There are two different issues here we are seeing. Do we want information, or do we want catharsis?

If the Prisoner has information which is time sensitive and could save innocent lives, then by all means he should be on the receiving end of harsh interrogation techniques. Nothing wrong with some face slaps and wall bouncing. Some of what We used to call wall to wall counseling. Sleep deprivation, loud music, and even the dreaded water board. (Used on most American college campuses exchanging beer for water)

This crotch bomber is a simple hey you, who was being used. He knows nothing that we need immediately.

Really--I guess you would know that--by HOW? How in the hell do YOU know that he had nothing to offer as far as other vital intelligence--that may save others?

Call it an educated guess, obviously I do not have access to the information or interrogations thus far. But if you were running this show would you give a simple suicide bomber any more info than he needed to have? He knows where he was trained and how many others might have been being trained at the time. This is not so critical as info that would tell us when and where they might be attacking next. And I seriously doubt he knows of other planned attacks. Of course as most of the time, I could be wrong.
I agree with Orego on this one.

He still may have useful intelligence.

Where did he get trained? Who are his contacts? Where did he get the explosives? How was he trained?

There are a lot of questions.-
I agree with Orego on this one.

He still may have useful intelligence.

Where did he get trained? Who are his contacts? Where did he get the explosives? How was he trained?

There are a lot of questions.-

Agreed there are many questions for him to answer, but to get those answers we do not need to use enhanced interrogation. Standard methods should suffice on this guy. I don't believe his information means life or death for others.
I agree with Orego on this one.

He still may have useful intelligence.

Where did he get trained? Who are his contacts? Where did he get the explosives? How was he trained?

There are a lot of questions.-

Agreed there are many questions for him to answer, but to get those answers we do not need to use enhanced interrogation. Standard methods should suffice on this guy. I don't believe his information means life or death for others.

Ollie I truely don't feel we can make that determination. That determination needs to be made with the CIA people handling the case.
Treating terrorists badly in order to get information that good thwart further terrorist attacks is considered bad form by the liberals.

So here are some ways the Obama Administration will probably use to get information from the captured terrorist who set off the bomb on the NWA airplane.

1) Make him part of the Obama cabinet

2) Take him on some of Obama's extravagant vacations at taxpayers' expense

3) Make him a permanent resident of the Lincoln bedroom

4) Give him the bailout money

5) Have him go with the Obamas to a play in NYC with his own private jet

6) Try to get Obama's other terrorist buddies to have a talk with him

7) Make him Co Pastor with Obama's mentor Rev Wright

8) Have him be the new CEO of GM

9) Take him on a golfing vacation to the carribean

10) Have Michelle Obama be his dominatix for a month

Let's review the 'intense' interrogation methods used by the oh-so-merciless Bush Administration.

Conditions must have been really, really tough...but:

"Is America the only country in the world that could run a prison camp where prisoners gain weight? Between April 2002 and March 2003, the Joint Task Force returned to Afghanistan 19 of the approximately 664 men (from 42 countries) who have been held in the detention camps at the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay. Upon leaving, it has been reported, each man received two parting gifts: a brand new copy of the Koran as well as a new pair of jeans. Not the act of generosity that it might first appear, the jeans, at least, turned out to be a necessity. During their stay (14-months on average), the detainees (nearly all of them) had gained an average of 13 pounds.
Weight gain among prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. - By Manny Howard - Slate Magazine

But, according to the Washington Post, the weight gain was more like 20 pound!

"The first fact notes that the inmates include some truly nasty terrorist trainers and bombmakers. The second says "More money is spent on meals for detainees than" on U.S. troops stationed there. "The average weight gain per detainee is 20 pounds."
Al Kamen - 10 Things to Know About Guantanamo -

Those mean, mean Bushies!
So gaining weight is proof they couldn't possibly have been abused?



They could've just been fed real cheap food, not allowed to exercise and electrocuting someone really takes pounds off.
Treating terrorists badly in order to get information that good thwart further terrorist attacks is considered bad form by the liberals.

So here are some ways the Obama Administration will probably use to get information from the captured terrorist who set off the bomb on the NWA airplane.

1) Make him part of the Obama cabinet

2) Take him on some of Obama's extravagant vacations at taxpayers' expense

3) Make him a permanent resident of the Lincoln bedroom

4) Give him the bailout money

5) Have him go with the Obamas to a play in NYC with his own private jet

6) Try to get Obama's other terrorist buddies to have a talk with him

7) Make him Co Pastor with Obama's mentor Rev Wright

8) Have him be the new CEO of GM

9) Take him on a golfing vacation to the carribean

10) Have Michelle Obama be his dominatix for a month

10: Ask politely.

9: Ask politely again.

8: Speak of the brotherhood of man and repeat the question.

7: Invoke the loftier sounding verses from the Qur'an and repeat the question.

6: Look sad and repeat the question.

5: Apologize for America being america and repeat the question.

4: Frown and repeat the question.

3: Threaten them with having to read posts by Yukon, and repeat the question.

2: Apologize profusely for having to utter the threat, but tell them that they are going to be subjected to endless looping of speeches by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and keynote speeches by disgraced and impeached former President Clinton and current President Barrack Hussein Obama (uhm uhm uhm). Repeat the question.

And the NUMBER 1 Way That the Obama Administration Will Extract Info From The Terrorist: Apologize that America sucks, and give up asking the questions.
Treating terrorists badly in order to get information that good thwart further terrorist attacks is considered bad form by the liberals.

So here are some ways the Obama Administration will probably use to get information from the captured terrorist who set off the bomb on the NWA airplane.

1) Make him part of the Obama cabinet

2) Take him on some of Obama's extravagant vacations at taxpayers' expense

3) Make him a permanent resident of the Lincoln bedroom

4) Give him the bailout money

5) Have him go with the Obamas to a play in NYC with his own private jet

6) Try to get Obama's other terrorist buddies to have a talk with him

7) Make him Co Pastor with Obama's mentor Rev Wright

8) Have him be the new CEO of GM

9) Take him on a golfing vacation to the carribean

10) Have Michelle Obama be his dominatix for a month

10: Ask politely.

9: Ask politely again.

8: Speak of the brotherhood of man and repeat the question.

7: Invoke the loftier sounding verses from the Qur'an and repeat the question.

6: Look sad and repeat the question.

5: Apologize for America being america and repeat the question.

4: Frown and repeat the question.

3: Threaten them with having to read posts by Yukon, and repeat the question.

2: Apologize profusely for having to utter the threat, but tell them that they are going to be subjected to endless looping of speeches by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and keynote speeches by disgraced and impeached former President Clinton and current President Barrack Hussein Obama (uhm uhm uhm). Repeat the question.

And the NUMBER 1 Way That the Obama Administration Will Extract Info From The Terrorist: Apologize that America sucks, and give up asking the questions.

I think 3 could be considered torture.
Treating terrorists badly in order to get information that good thwart further terrorist attacks is considered bad form by the liberals.

So here are some ways the Obama Administration will probably use to get information from the captured terrorist who set off the bomb on the NWA airplane.

1) Make him part of the Obama cabinet

2) Take him on some of Obama's extravagant vacations at taxpayers' expense

3) Make him a permanent resident of the Lincoln bedroom

4) Give him the bailout money

5) Have him go with the Obamas to a play in NYC with his own private jet

6) Try to get Obama's other terrorist buddies to have a talk with him

7) Make him Co Pastor with Obama's mentor Rev Wright

8) Have him be the new CEO of GM

9) Take him on a golfing vacation to the carribean

10) Have Michelle Obama be his dominatix for a month

10: Ask politely.

9: Ask politely again.

8: Speak of the brotherhood of man and repeat the question.

7: Invoke the loftier sounding verses from the Qur'an and repeat the question.

6: Look sad and repeat the question.

5: Apologize for America being america and repeat the question.

4: Frown and repeat the question.

3: Threaten them with having to read posts by Yukon, and repeat the question.

2: Apologize profusely for having to utter the threat, but tell them that they are going to be subjected to endless looping of speeches by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and keynote speeches by disgraced and impeached former President Clinton and current President Barrack Hussein Obama (uhm uhm uhm). Repeat the question.

And the NUMBER 1 Way That the Obama Administration Will Extract Info From The Terrorist: Apologize that America sucks, and give up asking the questions.

I think 3 could be considered torture.

Well, if the threat of torture is torture, I would have to agree. :cool:
I agree with Orego on this one.

He still may have useful intelligence.

Where did he get trained? Who are his contacts? Where did he get the explosives? How was he trained?

There are a lot of questions.-

Agreed there are many questions for him to answer, but to get those answers we do not need to use enhanced interrogation. Standard methods should suffice on this guy. I don't believe his information means life or death for others.

Ollie I truely don't feel we can make that determination. That determination needs to be made with the CIA people handling the case.

Well of course there is information that we do not have nor should we have. I definably would leave it up to those who have all the intell available. But from what we the people do know this guy probably doesn't know much.

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