Top Romney Official: Mitt's A 'Lousy Candidate'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

It isn’t the chair or the ho-hum convention. Or the leaked video. Or Stuart Stevens. Or the improving economy. Or media bias. Or distorted polls. Or the message. Or Mormonism.

It’s Mitt.

With Republicans everywhere wondering what has happened to the Mitt Romney campaign, people who know the candidate personally and professionally offer a simple explanation: It’s the candidate himself.

Slowly and reluctantly, Republicans who love and work for Romney are concluding that for all his gifts as a leader, businessman and role model, he’s just not a good political candidate in this era.

It kills his admirers to say it because they know him to be a far more generous and approachable man than people realize — far from the caricature of him being awkward or distant — and they feel certain he would be a very good president.

“Lousy candidate; highly qualified to be president,” said a top Romney official. “The candidate suit fits him unnaturally. He is naturally an executive.”

More: In the end, it's Mitt Romney -
No, he's not a lousy candidate. He looks good, says all the right things, is punctual, stays pretty much on message (in public) and generally does what we expect a candidate to do.

Where he fails, and fails miserably, is in his choice of people around him and in managing the campaign, both of which are far better indicators of his abilities to hold the office of President of the United States than his gifts as a campaigner, or lack thereof.

His campaign has been the most poorly managed, inefficient and self-destructing campaign I've seen in a long time, and I'm old enough to have watched a bunch of them.

Doesn't it stand to reason that his White House would be much the same?
No, he's not a lousy candidate. He looks good, says all the right things, is punctual, stays pretty much on message (in public) and generally does what we expect a candidate to do.

Where he fails, and fails miserably, is in his choice of people around him and in managing the campaign, both of which are far better indicators of his abilities to hold the office of President of the United States than his gifts as a campaigner, or lack thereof.

His campaign has been the most poorly managed, inefficient and self-destructing campaign I've seen in a long time, and I'm old enough to have watched a bunch of them.

Doesn't it stand to reason that his White House would be much the same?

I'm sure the media isn't partly responsible for that perception now are they? Or the fact that they don't report a thing negative about Obama.
NaziCons are desperately trying to put some lipstick on their Romney pig. Good luck...

NaziCons are desperately trying to put some lipstick on their Romney pig. Good luck...


If Romney was capable, well, he and his handlers, he has time to turn this thing around. But he isn't capable of doing that and it seems his handlers don't have the ability either. I don't see any big moves from his campaign before November 6th. They can only hope that someone in the Obama camp totally drops the ball. The next month is going to be interesting.
All he does it fix companies that are broke (staples) ... Organizations that are broke (Salt Lake City Olympics) ... And states that are broke (Mass) .... Your right though, nothing there that says 'he will be a great prez' or even good for that matter .... But he has not been an utter failure at being prez either ... That alone makes him more qualified then the current prez
All he does it fix companies that are broke (staples) ... Organizations that are broke (Salt Lake City Olympics) ... And states that are broke (Mass) .... Your right though, nothing there that says 'he will be a great prez' or even good for that matter .... But he has not been an utter failure at being prez either ... That alone makes him more qualified then the current prez

Yeah, right...

NEW ROMNEY VIDEO: In 1985, He Said Bain Would "Harvest" Companies for Profits | Mother Jones
You would think given the complexity of the job of prez (domestic, economic, international, racial, energy ... Etc) that this prez would, even if by sheer accident, get something right is 3 1/2 years .... But nnnnoooooooo

The only two things he can talk about is the auto bailout (passed during the Bush years) and Osama (done by SEALs and using enhanced interrogation techniques that he doesn't agree with) ....

What an Utter and Complete failure ... A stripper still dancing on the pole would get my vote before this basket case of a prez
Obama is not only a lousy candidate, but also a lously President

so we can't do any WORSE

Vote Obama out
Romney has proven that he's unfit for government - including governor of Massachusetts.

actually, he was a great gov of massachusetts.

and btw...just because you are not a good running candidate, does not mean you won't make a great president. you do realize the difference...right?

Now we have the opposite. Obama ran a great campaign and is a piss-poor President ay best. :cool:
You would think given the complexity of the job of prez (domestic, economic, international, racial, energy ... Etc) that this prez would, even if by sheer accident, get something right is 3 1/2 years .... But nnnnoooooooo

The only two things he can talk about is the auto bailout (passed during the Bush years) and Osama (done by SEALs and using enhanced interrogation techniques that he doesn't agree with) ....

What an Utter and Complete failure ... A stripper still dancing on the pole would get my vote before this basket case of a prez

You rewrite history books for Texas? It sounds like it! The auto bailout was during the Obama administration. Oh, and contrary to what many repubs say, Bin Laden died during the Obama administration.

Obama: Auto bailouts worked - Feb. 28, 2012

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