Top Democrat suggests Khoshoggi was on a Trump hit list

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
THIS is why the demented De!ON RATS will never get the power of the Oval Office have to be mentally I'll to even make a charge like that!
Do you have to be insane to be DemonRST or does being a DemonRAT MAKE you insane?

A House Democrat on the intelligence committee is suggesting that the White House and top aide Jared Kushner maintained a “hit list” of dissidents for the Saudi kingdom to assassinate.

Rep. Joaquin Castro of Texas, who sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said the supposed list included murdered Saudi dissident/journalist Jamal Khoshoggi.

The Saudi Arabia ruling family admitted Friday its operatives had killed Mr. Khoshoggi inside its consulate in Istanbul during what they described as a brawl.

Mr. Castro, appearing on CNN, floated the conspiracy that President Trump’s White House target Mr. Khoshoggi in alliance with Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman, the country’s 33-year-old de facto ruler.


The CNN anchor then pushed back, saying the network had not reported such a White House plot.

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If the left hurries, they might be able to impeach Trump on this one....


More likely he committed suicide, because he had dirt on Hillary.
I love alcohol-soaked crazy-political-forum-chat-thingies-on-a-Saturday-night. Seriously! In fact, the crap issued from the Trump Administration is just like that! :love_ya4:

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