Top 5 Issues?


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
Puyallup, WA
In your opinion (i.e. not the opinion of a blogger or journalist), what are the top five national political issues in America today?

Mine (in no particular order):
illegal immigration
gay marriage
the war on terrorism
tax code reform
budget reform/deficit reduction
gop_jeff said:
In your opinion (i.e. not the opinion of a blogger or journalist), what are the top five national political issues in America today?

Mine (in no particular order):
illegal immigration
gay marriage
the war on terrorism
tax code reform
budget reform/deficit reduction

Boy.... you bought Bush's agenda full-tilt, eh? :)

Just out of curiosity. How does immigration or gay marriage affect you on a personal level. Interested. Not being facetious.

For me...

Deficit Spending
Supreme Court
Violaitons of the Bill of Rights (particularly the 1st and 4th Amendments....)
Theocratization of education/science (which I lump in with our lagging behind other countries in science).
Environment/Energy policy

And, yes. I know I picked 6. Couldn't decide which one to leave out ;)
Hey Jillian, How is "The Supreme Court" an issue? I assume you mean packing it in your favor.
Mr.Conley said:
1. Iraq = losing the tactical advances we've made in WWIII
1. Energy = killing capitalism
1. Deficit= raising taxes
4. Science Education and Research = pork for pinheads
5. International Relations = destroying america

see bolded.
My top five,

1. The War on Terorism
2. Reducing the national debt
3. fixing social security
4. a national healthcare plan
5. Building govt. refineries to make more gasoline
  • Homophiles
  • Highway/driving laws/policy/instruction/enforcement
  • Theophobics
  • War on Terror
  • Pollitcal Correctness dictating Policy/Laws

Still thinking....may edit/add
gop_jeff said:
In your opinion (i.e. not the opinion of a blogger or journalist), what are the top five national political issues in America today?

Mine (in no particular order):
illegal immigration
gay marriage
the war on terrorism
tax code reform
budget reform/deficit reduction
I'm right with you, Jeff. I'd also add something about not undermining parental rights, but that's such a tough one, since some parents really just don't care. :(
Top political issues to yourself, personally? Or your opinion of what the top political issues for the average American are?
Mine, not having read any of Jeff's after, 'no blogger's, etc.'

1. Afghanistan
2. Iraq
3. Iran
4. Border/Any point of entry
5. Illegal Immigration-beyond poe issue
jillian said:
Boy.... you bought Bush's agenda full-tilt, eh? :)

Just out of curiosity. How does immigration or gay marriage affect you on a personal level. Interested. Not being facetious.

For me...

Deficit Spending
Supreme Court
Violaitons of the Bill of Rights (particularly the 1st and 4th Amendments....)
Theocratization of education/science (which I lump in with our lagging behind other countries in science).
Environment/Energy policy

And, yes. I know I picked 6. Couldn't decide which one to leave out ;)

I was unaware we could only believe in issues that effect us at a personal level. Considering all issues effect everyone in society, Id say anyone who is part of society has a right to speak out for the ones they think are most important.
Issues I think are important:

1)War on terror (Includes Iraq and Iran since I refuse to acknowlege the lefts attempt to separate the threat of these nations from the war on terror)
2)Illegal Immigration - definately need to reform the system and prevent more illegal entry into this nation.
3)Judicial nominations - definately need to keep judges off the bench who have no problem ripping up our Constitution and especially giving Constitutional status to their pet issues to prevent the people from deciding on them.
4)Break down of the family - including gay marriage, high divorce rate, the problem of people refusing to take responsibility for their actions, especially in regards to their procreative powers.
5)Energy problems - As the gas prices go up this is going to be a serious issue for all Americans and until people start educating the public the massive government restraints they have placed on getting more gas supply to the market, the high amount of taxes involve in every gallon of gas, and the governments willingness to over regulate all businesses, this is going to be a major issue.
I guess you mean "what are the top 5 issues that you'd like to see addressed properly"?

1. Bring america's troops home (Germany, Japan, Korea too) and bring military spending down to the point where it's not more than the next 50 military budgets combined;

2. Stop the reckless expansion of the money supply (61% in five years??), abolish the federal reserve/fractional reserve banking, back the currency with gold;

3. Cut spending by gigantic amounts, pay off national debt. Note: this cannot be done under a our debt-based money system today. If all the private and government debts were paid off, U.S. dollars would disappear from circulation. Step #2 must happen first, otherwise we'd have massive deflation.

4. Legalize drugs.

5. Auction off government assets, in order to fund socialist security until it's phased out. I want to abolish SS but of course it's wrong to cut people off who've been paying in for 40 years. So, let's auction off the gigantic amounts of government-owned land, and use it to pay off our obligations. I would especially like to include the interstate highway system in that auction.
Here's mine in no particular order:

1. Shrink the government - Saying that the federal government may have overstepped its bounds is like saying that dirtbag Moussaoui may have committed a crime.

2. National defense - This includes all forms of national defense from genocidal Muslims to a bloodless invasion that threatens to cause the secession of four of the States and the end of our unique culture blend.

3. Competition in education - I'd love to go for privatization, but hey, baby steps, right? Teachers' unions are the single biggest threat to our future and schools being forced to compete for your money is the best way to thwart their efforts to turn government schools into leftist, tax funded propaganda and day care centers.

4. Energy independance - I don't care if my car runs on Sweet 'n' Low so long as the cost to fuel up isn't at the whim of the aforementioned genocidal Muslims.

5. Minorifascists - Since when does the minority get to stomp on the majority? This has got to stop.
1.Closing the border
2. Fighting the fairness doctrine
3. Cessation of trade with morally reprehensible nations
4. Restoration of white pride. -- No individual can function with a positive identity.
5. Demoralizing and defeating the purveyors of evil
1. Winning the War on Terror and Strengthening Democracy in Iraq (CONTINUING & URGENT)
2. Stopping nuclear proliferation (the Iran problem) (CONTINUING & URGENT)
3. Developing alternative energy sources NOW
4. Enforcing immigration laws and stopping illegal immigration NOW
5. Preparing our kids educationally to compete in a globalized world BEGINNING NOW
6. Addressing the national debt with a systematic reduction plan to get rid of it completely BEGINNING NOW

That should be enough to keep any two-term president busy, busy, busy.
The ClayTaurus said:
Top political issues to yourself, personally? Or your opinion of what the top political issues for the average American are?

How far below average are you? :chains:

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