Top 1% to own 66% of the world's wealth.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Richest 1% on target to own two-thirds of all wealth by 2030

OK... is it "the world's wealth"? Or The "Jew's" (or the rich, or the 1%, or the bourgeoisie, or the white man's or whatever new name the left demagogues).

Whose "wealth" is it? I'll just keep using the term "Jew" to illustrate a point. I have absolutely nothing against the jewish faith, the Hebrew People, or even the slightest anti-Semitic intent. I am using the term to illustrate the similarity between the German National Socialist Worker's Party Leader's rhetoric, and the absurd demonizing of "the rich" by modern sniveling, servile bed wetting parasites.

Again, does "the wealth" belong to the jews or the world?

How does one quantify "the world's wealth"? Is it the collective GDP of all the world's nations? Is it the value of the land? All the Gold, Silver, Platinum, stocks/bonds/debt?

I'm not going to pretend to be smart here. I'm just a dumbass vet who has tried to make a living in the world and I resent people trying to take shit from other people, including (ESPECIALLY) myself and people like me. I do not cotton to the idea that jews should have more shit taken from them because they have more than me.

The world’s richest 1% are on course to control as much as two-thirds of the world’s wealth by 2030, according to a shocking analysis that has lead to a cross-party call for action.

World leaders are being warned that the continued accumulation of wealth at the top will fuel growing distrust and anger over the coming decade unless action is taken to restore the balance.

Shocking I tell you. Aren't you shocked too? You should be outraged. You should have torches and swords out to destroy the jewish businesses that are stealing your shit right?

An alarming projection produced by the House of Commons library suggests that if trends seen since the 2008 financial crash were to continue, then the top 1% will hold 64% of the world’s wealth by 2030. Even taking the financial crash into account, and measuring their assets over a longer period, they would still hold more than half of all wealth.

The house on commons library? WTF does that mean? Someone read Mein Kampf again?

The actor Michael Sheen, who has opted to scale back his Hollywood career to campaign against high-interest credit providers, was among those supporting the calls.

The hope is to create pressure for global action when leaders of the G20 group of nations gather for a summit in Buenos Aires in November. Byrne, who organised the first OECD global parliamentary conference on inclusive growth, said he believed global inequality was “now at a tipping point”.

I get it, some artsy fartsy washed up actor wants to lead a crusade against the jews again. Worked out great last time. While we are at it, lets register all the gun owners and their weapons again.

a fascist asshole said:
“If we don’t take steps to rewrite the rules of how our economies work, then we condemn ourselves to a future that remains unequal for good,” he said. “That’s morally bad, and economically disastrous, risking a new explosion in instability, corruption and poverty.”

I don't know about you, but I don't feel compelled to have some asshole who made a fortune pretending to be a werewolf tell me I'm "equal" to a slothful ghetto rat who refuses to get out of bed before noon and do something productive for a paycheck.

I certainly see no valid argument that even though some jew who was born a Kennedy, had easy access to ivy league schools, and a trust fund that ensured he would never have to work should have his shit stolen just so that an elected sociopath can pretend he's making my life better by sending me $50 worth of food stamps at a jew's expense.

George Freeman, the Tory MP
(complete imbecile) and former head of the prime minister’s policy board, said: “While mankind has never seen such income inequality, it is also true that mankind has never experienced such rapid increases in living standards. Around the world billions of people are being lifted out of poverty at a pace never seen before. But the extraordinary concentration of global wealth today – fuelled by the pace of technological innovation and globalisation – poses serious challenges.

When did the world EVER see "income equality"? I don't care how much communism a country has EVER had. There has NEVER been anything close to the level of widespread prosperity the US enjoyed when government was restrained and minimized like it was by the US Constitution. These stupid leftist stools who have been attacking the "jews" since Karl Marx's mother failed to smother him have been undermining the very means of people to create more wealth by creating governments that stifle innovation.
It's true and a prime example why not to be a third world shithole - you will end up with nothing compared to those who are willing to embrace decency.
Richest 1% on target to own two-thirds of all wealth by 2030

OK... is it "the world's wealth"? Or The "Jew's" (or the rich, or the 1%, or the bourgeoisie, or the white man's or whatever new name the left demagogues).

Whose "wealth" is it? I'll just keep using the term "Jew" to illustrate a point. I have absolutely nothing against the jewish faith, the Hebrew People, or even the slightest anti-Semitic intent. I am using the term to illustrate the similarity between the German National Socialist Worker's Party Leader's rhetoric, and the absurd demonizing of "the rich" by modern sniveling, servile bed wetting parasites.

Again, does "the wealth" belong to the jews or the world?

How does one quantify "the world's wealth"? Is it the collective GDP of all the world's nations? Is it the value of the land? All the Gold, Silver, Platinum, stocks/bonds/debt?

I'm not going to pretend to be smart here. I'm just a dumbass vet who has tried to make a living in the world and I resent people trying to take shit from other people, including (ESPECIALLY) myself and people like me. I do not cotton to the idea that jews should have more shit taken from them because they have more than me.

The world’s richest 1% are on course to control as much as two-thirds of the world’s wealth by 2030, according to a shocking analysis that has lead to a cross-party call for action.

World leaders are being warned that the continued accumulation of wealth at the top will fuel growing distrust and anger over the coming decade unless action is taken to restore the balance.

Shocking I tell you. Aren't you shocked too? You should be outraged. You should have torches and swords out to destroy the jewish businesses that are stealing your shit right?

An alarming projection produced by the House of Commons library suggests that if trends seen since the 2008 financial crash were to continue, then the top 1% will hold 64% of the world’s wealth by 2030. Even taking the financial crash into account, and measuring their assets over a longer period, they would still hold more than half of all wealth.

The house on commons library? WTF does that mean? Someone read Mein Kampf again?

The actor Michael Sheen, who has opted to scale back his Hollywood career to campaign against high-interest credit providers, was among those supporting the calls.

The hope is to create pressure for global action when leaders of the G20 group of nations gather for a summit in Buenos Aires in November. Byrne, who organised the first OECD global parliamentary conference on inclusive growth, said he believed global inequality was “now at a tipping point”.

I get it, some artsy fartsy washed up actor wants to lead a crusade against the jews again. Worked out great last time. While we are at it, lets register all the gun owners and their weapons again.

a fascist asshole said:
“If we don’t take steps to rewrite the rules of how our economies work, then we condemn ourselves to a future that remains unequal for good,” he said. “That’s morally bad, and economically disastrous, risking a new explosion in instability, corruption and poverty.”

I don't know about you, but I don't feel compelled to have some asshole who made a fortune pretending to be a werewolf tell me I'm "equal" to a slothful ghetto rat who refuses to get out of bed before noon and do something productive for a paycheck.

I certainly see no valid argument that even though some jew who was born a Kennedy, had easy access to ivy league schools, and a trust fund that ensured he would never have to work should have his shit stolen just so that an elected sociopath can pretend he's making my life better by sending me $50 worth of food stamps at a jew's expense.

George Freeman, the Tory MP
(complete imbecile) and former head of the prime minister’s policy board, said: “While mankind has never seen such income inequality, it is also true that mankind has never experienced such rapid increases in living standards. Around the world billions of people are being lifted out of poverty at a pace never seen before. But the extraordinary concentration of global wealth today – fuelled by the pace of technological innovation and globalisation – poses serious challenges.

When did the world EVER see "income equality"? I don't care how much communism a country has EVER had. There has NEVER been anything close to the level of widespread prosperity the US enjoyed when government was restrained and minimized like it was by the US Constitution. These stupid leftist stools who have been attacking the "jews" since Karl Marx's mother failed to smother him have been undermining the very means of people to create more wealth by creating governments that stifle innovation.

Use government to force the "Jews" to bring jobs back to America. :2up:
Are you implying that the worlds top 1% in wealth are somehow victims ?

Think of all the countries where the 1% got their money because they are in power and they take it from their countrymen.
I’ve got an idea!

Let’s give them a tax cut
Richest 1% on target to own two-thirds of all wealth by 2030

OK... is it "the world's wealth"? Or The "Jew's" (or the rich, or the 1%, or the bourgeoisie, or the white man's or whatever new name the left demagogues).

Whose "wealth" is it? I'll just keep using the term "Jew" to illustrate a point. I have absolutely nothing against the jewish faith, the Hebrew People, or even the slightest anti-Semitic intent. I am using the term to illustrate the similarity between the German National Socialist Worker's Party Leader's rhetoric, and the absurd demonizing of "the rich" by modern sniveling, servile bed wetting parasites.

Again, does "the wealth" belong to the jews or the world?

How does one quantify "the world's wealth"? Is it the collective GDP of all the world's nations? Is it the value of the land? All the Gold, Silver, Platinum, stocks/bonds/debt?

I'm not going to pretend to be smart here. I'm just a dumbass vet who has tried to make a living in the world and I resent people trying to take shit from other people, including (ESPECIALLY) myself and people like me. I do not cotton to the idea that jews should have more shit taken from them because they have more than me.

The world’s richest 1% are on course to control as much as two-thirds of the world’s wealth by 2030, according to a shocking analysis that has lead to a cross-party call for action.

World leaders are being warned that the continued accumulation of wealth at the top will fuel growing distrust and anger over the coming decade unless action is taken to restore the balance.

Shocking I tell you. Aren't you shocked too? You should be outraged. You should have torches and swords out to destroy the jewish businesses that are stealing your shit right?

An alarming projection produced by the House of Commons library suggests that if trends seen since the 2008 financial crash were to continue, then the top 1% will hold 64% of the world’s wealth by 2030. Even taking the financial crash into account, and measuring their assets over a longer period, they would still hold more than half of all wealth.

The house on commons library? WTF does that mean? Someone read Mein Kampf again?

The actor Michael Sheen, who has opted to scale back his Hollywood career to campaign against high-interest credit providers, was among those supporting the calls.

The hope is to create pressure for global action when leaders of the G20 group of nations gather for a summit in Buenos Aires in November. Byrne, who organised the first OECD global parliamentary conference on inclusive growth, said he believed global inequality was “now at a tipping point”.

I get it, some artsy fartsy washed up actor wants to lead a crusade against the jews again. Worked out great last time. While we are at it, lets register all the gun owners and their weapons again.

a fascist asshole said:
“If we don’t take steps to rewrite the rules of how our economies work, then we condemn ourselves to a future that remains unequal for good,” he said. “That’s morally bad, and economically disastrous, risking a new explosion in instability, corruption and poverty.”

I don't know about you, but I don't feel compelled to have some asshole who made a fortune pretending to be a werewolf tell me I'm "equal" to a slothful ghetto rat who refuses to get out of bed before noon and do something productive for a paycheck.

I certainly see no valid argument that even though some jew who was born a Kennedy, had easy access to ivy league schools, and a trust fund that ensured he would never have to work should have his shit stolen just so that an elected sociopath can pretend he's making my life better by sending me $50 worth of food stamps at a jew's expense.

George Freeman, the Tory MP
(complete imbecile) and former head of the prime minister’s policy board, said: “While mankind has never seen such income inequality, it is also true that mankind has never experienced such rapid increases in living standards. Around the world billions of people are being lifted out of poverty at a pace never seen before. But the extraordinary concentration of global wealth today – fuelled by the pace of technological innovation and globalisation – poses serious challenges.

When did the world EVER see "income equality"? I don't care how much communism a country has EVER had. There has NEVER been anything close to the level of widespread prosperity the US enjoyed when government was restrained and minimized like it was by the US Constitution. These stupid leftist stools who have been attacking the "jews" since Karl Marx's mother failed to smother him have been undermining the very means of people to create more wealth by creating governments that stifle innovation.
There are many types of rich. Bill Gates took risks and did well. More power to him. Trump got a major hand up from his dad, would he be president today without that head start? My issue is not with accumulating wealth, it is with passing it to the succeeding generations who have done nothing to earn it. We are creating an aristocracy in the US and it will become a powder keg. Poor youth seem ready to riot and loot at the first excuse, they are angry. When poverty grows that anger will spread and no one will be there to protect that 1%. They will be replaced by another system that promises change not unlike what the Bolsheviks promised the serfs. They went for it. The popularity of Trump is a symptom of that same anger.
Only a handful of the richest Dem's have a combined wealth over half a TRILLION dollars, why haven't they voluntarily redistributed their wealth to the government to be doled out to the masses? When Deminazi's start practicing what they preach call me.
Only a handful of the richest Dem's have a combined wealth over half a TRILLION dollars, why haven't they voluntarily redistributed their wealth to the government to be doled out to the masses? When Deminazi's start practicing what they preach call me.
Dems have voted to increase the tax burden on the richest AAmericans

Republicans give them a free ride
Only a handful of the richest Dem's have a combined wealth over half a TRILLION dollars, why haven't they voluntarily redistributed their wealth to the government to be doled out to the masses? When Deminazi's start practicing what they preach call me.
Dems have voted to increase the tax burden on the richest AAmericans

Republicans give them a free ride

First I'll laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg: then remind you how tiny Obama's tax increase on the 'rich' was :itsok:
Only a handful of the richest Dem's have a combined wealth over half a TRILLION dollars, why haven't they voluntarily redistributed their wealth to the government to be doled out to the masses? When Deminazi's start practicing what they preach call me.
Dems have voted to increase the tax burden on the richest AAmericans

Republicans give them a free ride
Republicans subsidize the rich & claim it will trickle down. LOL!

That's like giving a rich man your home & hoping he won't raise your rent!
Only a handful of the richest Dem's have a combined wealth over half a TRILLION dollars, why haven't they voluntarily redistributed their wealth to the government to be doled out to the masses? When Deminazi's start practicing what they preach call me.
Dems have voted to increase the tax burden on the richest AAmericans

Republicans give them a free ride
Republicans subsidize the rich & claim it will trickle down. LOL!

That's like giving a rich man your home & hoping he won't raise your rent!

Go ahead start a business and earn your own wealth, stop trying to mooch off others.
Only a handful of the richest Dem's have a combined wealth over half a TRILLION dollars, why haven't they voluntarily redistributed their wealth to the government to be doled out to the masses? When Deminazi's start practicing what they preach call me.
Dems have voted to increase the tax burden on the richest AAmericans

Republicans give them a free ride

First I'll laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg: then remind you how tiny Obama's tax increase on the 'rich' was :itsok:

The rate returned to its previous rate
Except for working Americans
Only a handful of the richest Dem's have a combined wealth over half a TRILLION dollars, why haven't they voluntarily redistributed their wealth to the government to be doled out to the masses? When Deminazi's start practicing what they preach call me.
Dems have voted to increase the tax burden on the richest AAmericans

Republicans give them a free ride
Republicans subsidize the rich & claim it will trickle down. LOL!

That's like giving a rich man your home & hoping he won't raise your rent!

Go ahead start a business and earn your own wealth, stop trying to mooch off others.
I have business & it hard to compete against subsidized, off-shore free trade tax break, bankrupt & bailed out politically corrupt oligarchs.
Last edited:
Richest 1% on target to own two-thirds of all wealth by 2030

OK... is it "the world's wealth"? Or The "Jew's" (or the rich, or the 1%, or the bourgeoisie, or the white man's or whatever new name the left demagogues).

Whose "wealth" is it? I'll just keep using the term "Jew" to illustrate a point. I have absolutely nothing against the jewish faith, the Hebrew People, or even the slightest anti-Semitic intent. I am using the term to illustrate the similarity between the German National Socialist Worker's Party Leader's rhetoric, and the absurd demonizing of "the rich" by modern sniveling, servile bed wetting parasites.

Again, does "the wealth" belong to the jews or the world?

How does one quantify "the world's wealth"? Is it the collective GDP of all the world's nations? Is it the value of the land? All the Gold, Silver, Platinum, stocks/bonds/debt?

I'm not going to pretend to be smart here. I'm just a dumbass vet who has tried to make a living in the world and I resent people trying to take shit from other people, including (ESPECIALLY) myself and people like me. I do not cotton to the idea that jews should have more shit taken from them because they have more than me.

The world’s richest 1% are on course to control as much as two-thirds of the world’s wealth by 2030, according to a shocking analysis that has lead to a cross-party call for action.

World leaders are being warned that the continued accumulation of wealth at the top will fuel growing distrust and anger over the coming decade unless action is taken to restore the balance.

Shocking I tell you. Aren't you shocked too? You should be outraged. You should have torches and swords out to destroy the jewish businesses that are stealing your shit right?

An alarming projection produced by the House of Commons library suggests that if trends seen since the 2008 financial crash were to continue, then the top 1% will hold 64% of the world’s wealth by 2030. Even taking the financial crash into account, and measuring their assets over a longer period, they would still hold more than half of all wealth.

The house on commons library? WTF does that mean? Someone read Mein Kampf again?

The actor Michael Sheen, who has opted to scale back his Hollywood career to campaign against high-interest credit providers, was among those supporting the calls.

The hope is to create pressure for global action when leaders of the G20 group of nations gather for a summit in Buenos Aires in November. Byrne, who organised the first OECD global parliamentary conference on inclusive growth, said he believed global inequality was “now at a tipping point”.

I get it, some artsy fartsy washed up actor wants to lead a crusade against the jews again. Worked out great last time. While we are at it, lets register all the gun owners and their weapons again.

a fascist asshole said:
“If we don’t take steps to rewrite the rules of how our economies work, then we condemn ourselves to a future that remains unequal for good,” he said. “That’s morally bad, and economically disastrous, risking a new explosion in instability, corruption and poverty.”

I don't know about you, but I don't feel compelled to have some asshole who made a fortune pretending to be a werewolf tell me I'm "equal" to a slothful ghetto rat who refuses to get out of bed before noon and do something productive for a paycheck.

I certainly see no valid argument that even though some jew who was born a Kennedy, had easy access to ivy league schools, and a trust fund that ensured he would never have to work should have his shit stolen just so that an elected sociopath can pretend he's making my life better by sending me $50 worth of food stamps at a jew's expense.

George Freeman, the Tory MP
(complete imbecile) and former head of the prime minister’s policy board, said: “While mankind has never seen such income inequality, it is also true that mankind has never experienced such rapid increases in living standards. Around the world billions of people are being lifted out of poverty at a pace never seen before. But the extraordinary concentration of global wealth today – fuelled by the pace of technological innovation and globalisation – poses serious challenges.

When did the world EVER see "income equality"? I don't care how much communism a country has EVER had. There has NEVER been anything close to the level of widespread prosperity the US enjoyed when government was restrained and minimized like it was by the US Constitution. These stupid leftist stools who have been attacking the "jews" since Karl Marx's mother failed to smother him have been undermining the very means of people to create more wealth by creating governments that stifle innovation.

Only 66%? Time for another tax cut for the uber wealthy and corporations. Maybe add a few more expenditures for them as well. And take away from the working class .
Time for the working class (and mostly right wing) suck ass lickspittles of the rich to pile on with "they work harder than you do" and "start up your own business instead of being jealous...." etc. Never occurs to these poor slobs that the wealthy buy the politicians that make the rules that have enabled the transferring of most of the gains in productivity in America to the ownership class for decades. We as a nation have just recently become deeper in debt to the tune of a trillion and a half so that this transfer can continue. Of course, there was a small 'trickle down' given to the working class on this last giveaway. Not much, and not to all the working class either. Time to get money out of politics or we will continue down the path on becoming a third world country. This endless 'republican good, democrat bad' crap is a total waste of time folks.
Richest 1% on target to own two-thirds of all wealth by 2030

OK... is it "the world's wealth"? Or The "Jew's" (or the rich, or the 1%, or the bourgeoisie, or the white man's or whatever new name the left demagogues).

Whose "wealth" is it? I'll just keep using the term "Jew" to illustrate a point. I have absolutely nothing against the jewish faith, the Hebrew People, or even the slightest anti-Semitic intent. I am using the term to illustrate the similarity between the German National Socialist Worker's Party Leader's rhetoric, and the absurd demonizing of "the rich" by modern sniveling, servile bed wetting parasites.

Again, does "the wealth" belong to the jews or the world?

How does one quantify "the world's wealth"? Is it the collective GDP of all the world's nations? Is it the value of the land? All the Gold, Silver, Platinum, stocks/bonds/debt?

I'm not going to pretend to be smart here. I'm just a dumbass vet who has tried to make a living in the world and I resent people trying to take shit from other people, including (ESPECIALLY) myself and people like me. I do not cotton to the idea that jews should have more shit taken from them because they have more than me.

The world’s richest 1% are on course to control as much as two-thirds of the world’s wealth by 2030, according to a shocking analysis that has lead to a cross-party call for action.

World leaders are being warned that the continued accumulation of wealth at the top will fuel growing distrust and anger over the coming decade unless action is taken to restore the balance.

Shocking I tell you. Aren't you shocked too? You should be outraged. You should have torches and swords out to destroy the jewish businesses that are stealing your shit right?

An alarming projection produced by the House of Commons library suggests that if trends seen since the 2008 financial crash were to continue, then the top 1% will hold 64% of the world’s wealth by 2030. Even taking the financial crash into account, and measuring their assets over a longer period, they would still hold more than half of all wealth.

The house on commons library? WTF does that mean? Someone read Mein Kampf again?

The actor Michael Sheen, who has opted to scale back his Hollywood career to campaign against high-interest credit providers, was among those supporting the calls.

The hope is to create pressure for global action when leaders of the G20 group of nations gather for a summit in Buenos Aires in November. Byrne, who organised the first OECD global parliamentary conference on inclusive growth, said he believed global inequality was “now at a tipping point”.

I get it, some artsy fartsy washed up actor wants to lead a crusade against the jews again. Worked out great last time. While we are at it, lets register all the gun owners and their weapons again.

a fascist asshole said:
“If we don’t take steps to rewrite the rules of how our economies work, then we condemn ourselves to a future that remains unequal for good,” he said. “That’s morally bad, and economically disastrous, risking a new explosion in instability, corruption and poverty.”

I don't know about you, but I don't feel compelled to have some asshole who made a fortune pretending to be a werewolf tell me I'm "equal" to a slothful ghetto rat who refuses to get out of bed before noon and do something productive for a paycheck.

I certainly see no valid argument that even though some jew who was born a Kennedy, had easy access to ivy league schools, and a trust fund that ensured he would never have to work should have his shit stolen just so that an elected sociopath can pretend he's making my life better by sending me $50 worth of food stamps at a jew's expense.

George Freeman, the Tory MP
(complete imbecile) and former head of the prime minister’s policy board, said: “While mankind has never seen such income inequality, it is also true that mankind has never experienced such rapid increases in living standards. Around the world billions of people are being lifted out of poverty at a pace never seen before. But the extraordinary concentration of global wealth today – fuelled by the pace of technological innovation and globalisation – poses serious challenges.

When did the world EVER see "income equality"? I don't care how much communism a country has EVER had. There has NEVER been anything close to the level of widespread prosperity the US enjoyed when government was restrained and minimized like it was by the US Constitution. These stupid leftist stools who have been attacking the "jews" since Karl Marx's mother failed to smother him have been undermining the very means of people to create more wealth by creating governments that stifle innovation.

You got one think correct, and I doubt anyone sees you as smart; you're not.

There are hundreds of reasons why you are wrong, and they begin with the first uprising of We the People, likely before the birth of Christ. In the modern era we have seen the hoi polloi revolt, and that occurs when the masses are promised a better life, and the opposite occurs.

The next great revolt is coming, it will be the product of the Ryan Trump Tax Bill!

This bill, and all of its repercussions benefit the wealthy, at the expense of the many; as time goes by it will become the golden goose for the few and more misery for the many.
How many of you have ever gotten a job from a poor person?

The answer is probably...Zero! (If you're honest)

The old adage is..."The Grass is always greener on the other side." Have you
ever put that adage to practical use? Have you ever sat on your porch and wondered why the neighbors grass is greener? If you have, you should have discovered that it is greener because he takes better care of his yard, than you do.

People have more because they dream bigger dreams. Because they work harder. Because they will sacrifice.

Now in business, too make more money you have to have better employees
than your rivals. That's where the middle class comes in. If you can help
the rich make more money,m you'll make more. You scratch their back
they'll scratch yours.

For everything in this world that has value, there is a price to pay for it. You can have whatever you are willing to pay the price.
How many of you have ever gotten a job from a poor person?

The answer is probably...Zero! (If you're honest)

The old adage is..."The Grass is always greener on the other side." Have you
ever put that adage to practical use? Have you ever sat on your porch and wondered why the neighbors grass is greener? If you have, you should have discovered that it is greener because he takes better care of his yard, than you do.

People have more because they dream bigger dreams. Because they work harder. Because they will sacrifice.

Now in business, too make more money you have to have better employees
than your rivals. That's where the middle class comes in. If you can help
the rich make more money,m you'll make more. You scratch their back
they'll scratch yours.

For everything in this world that has value, there is a price to pay for it. You can have whatever you are willing to pay the price.
Richest 1% on target to own two-thirds of all wealth by 2030

OK... is it "the world's wealth"? Or The "Jew's" (or the rich, or the 1%, or the bourgeoisie, or the white man's or whatever new name the left demagogues).

Whose "wealth" is it? I'll just keep using the term "Jew" to illustrate a point. I have absolutely nothing against the jewish faith, the Hebrew People, or even the slightest anti-Semitic intent. I am using the term to illustrate the similarity between the German National Socialist Worker's Party Leader's rhetoric, and the absurd demonizing of "the rich" by modern sniveling, servile bed wetting parasites.

Again, does "the wealth" belong to the jews or the world?

How does one quantify "the world's wealth"? Is it the collective GDP of all the world's nations? Is it the value of the land? All the Gold, Silver, Platinum, stocks/bonds/debt?

I'm not going to pretend to be smart here. I'm just a dumbass vet who has tried to make a living in the world and I resent people trying to take shit from other people, including (ESPECIALLY) myself and people like me. I do not cotton to the idea that jews should have more shit taken from them because they have more than me.

The world’s richest 1% are on course to control as much as two-thirds of the world’s wealth by 2030, according to a shocking analysis that has lead to a cross-party call for action.

World leaders are being warned that the continued accumulation of wealth at the top will fuel growing distrust and anger over the coming decade unless action is taken to restore the balance.

Shocking I tell you. Aren't you shocked too? You should be outraged. You should have torches and swords out to destroy the jewish businesses that are stealing your shit right?

An alarming projection produced by the House of Commons library suggests that if trends seen since the 2008 financial crash were to continue, then the top 1% will hold 64% of the world’s wealth by 2030. Even taking the financial crash into account, and measuring their assets over a longer period, they would still hold more than half of all wealth.

The house on commons library? WTF does that mean? Someone read Mein Kampf again?

The actor Michael Sheen, who has opted to scale back his Hollywood career to campaign against high-interest credit providers, was among those supporting the calls.

The hope is to create pressure for global action when leaders of the G20 group of nations gather for a summit in Buenos Aires in November. Byrne, who organised the first OECD global parliamentary conference on inclusive growth, said he believed global inequality was “now at a tipping point”.

I get it, some artsy fartsy washed up actor wants to lead a crusade against the jews again. Worked out great last time. While we are at it, lets register all the gun owners and their weapons again.

a fascist asshole said:
“If we don’t take steps to rewrite the rules of how our economies work, then we condemn ourselves to a future that remains unequal for good,” he said. “That’s morally bad, and economically disastrous, risking a new explosion in instability, corruption and poverty.”

I don't know about you, but I don't feel compelled to have some asshole who made a fortune pretending to be a werewolf tell me I'm "equal" to a slothful ghetto rat who refuses to get out of bed before noon and do something productive for a paycheck.

I certainly see no valid argument that even though some jew who was born a Kennedy, had easy access to ivy league schools, and a trust fund that ensured he would never have to work should have his shit stolen just so that an elected sociopath can pretend he's making my life better by sending me $50 worth of food stamps at a jew's expense.

George Freeman, the Tory MP
(complete imbecile) and former head of the prime minister’s policy board, said: “While mankind has never seen such income inequality, it is also true that mankind has never experienced such rapid increases in living standards. Around the world billions of people are being lifted out of poverty at a pace never seen before. But the extraordinary concentration of global wealth today – fuelled by the pace of technological innovation and globalisation – poses serious challenges.

When did the world EVER see "income equality"? I don't care how much communism a country has EVER had. There has NEVER been anything close to the level of widespread prosperity the US enjoyed when government was restrained and minimized like it was by the US Constitution. These stupid leftist stools who have been attacking the "jews" since Karl Marx's mother failed to smother him have been undermining the very means of people to create more wealth by creating governments that stifle innovation.

Only 66%? Time for another tax cut for the uber wealthy and corporations. Maybe add a few more expenditures for them as well. And take away from the working class .

Time for the working class (and mostly right wing) suck ass lickspittles of the rich to pile on with "they work harder than you do" and "start up your own business instead of being jealous...." etc. Never occurs to these poor slobs that the wealthy buy the politicians that make the rules that have enabled the transferring of most of the gains in productivity in America to the ownership class for decades. We as a nation have just recently become deeper in debt to the tune of a trillion and a half so that this transfer can continue. Of course, there was a small 'trickle down' given to the working class on this last giveaway. Not much, and not to all the working class either. Time to get money out of politics or we will continue down the path on becoming a third world country. This endless 'republican good, democrat bad' crap is a total waste of time folks.

You know what’s weird about all this....I was disciplined, ambitious and enthusiastic about success.....I worked hard and stayed in school, got a little degree, chose a career path, made some good choices....Weird that I’ve never once gave two shits about the wealth of others.
Why is it always the lowlife ‘cruisers’ whom fucked themselves that whine and bitch about what others have and about some fairy tale system that’s designed to hold them back? So fucking weird.

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