Tony Podesta, & Obama White House Counsel Craig Directly Involved in Manafort Case

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Like I had said, if Mueller even blinked at The Obama-Clinton Crime Machine, his whole house of cards would come crashing down in an avalanche and take both Obama and Clinton, Comey, and himself with it.

No one is even looking at any of this stuff, not even Jeff Sessions which is why he should be fired after the mid terms. We know the Obama Administration tried to launch a COUP and paid good money for Russian Propaganda to try to alter the outcome of the 2016 election, but why isn't there a major investigation in to any of this?

We know Lynch and Rice obstructed justice, and also violated numerous federal laws, engaged in leaking classified intel, took improper gifts and donations from foreign lobbyists, as did Clinton etc., and even laundered money to obtain Russian Propaganda.

And now, another revelation no doubt will never see the Front Page of any newspaper let alone be published anywhere.....

Former Obama official under scrutiny for Manafort ties

"A former Obama White House counsel is facing increasing pressure from federal prosecutors over his former law firm’s ties to Paul Manafort’s lobbying work for the Ukrainian government, The Washington Post reported.

Craig, who left Skadden in April, was among two other men – Washington lobbyists Vin Weber and Tony Podesta – who were referred to the Southern District of New York that month, The Post reported.

Federal prosecutors reportedly are examining whether Washington attorney Gregory Craig, 73, failed to register as a foreign agent. According to court filings, Manafort helped pay Craig's former law firm -- Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meager & Flom LLP -- $4 million to review the prosecution of former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych’s rival Yulia Tymoshenko in 2012."
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The Question that needs to be asked is why is this being referred to The Southern District of New York which has proven to be partisan and very friendly toward's Robert Mueller and his team of Partisan Goons?

This should be handled front and center where everyone can see it.
The details of Tony's involvement in Obama's Anti-Trump Waged Conspiracy.

It has been documented, recorded, and reported that 'Fat' Tony, ran the Podesta Firm (that has now been closed due to all of the scrutiny caused by the Witch Hunt and Manafort 'Scooter Libby' targeting/indictment) which worked for the Russians.

Fat Tony himself worked for both the KGB Bank and THE Russian 'Intel' Agency (that supposedly hacked Hillary's server).
- EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank

- Russia's Largest Bank Confirms Hiring Podesta Group To Lobby For Ending Sanctions

'Fat' Tony also failed to register as a Foreign Agent
- EXCLUSIVE: Podesta Didn’t Register As A ‘Foreign Agent’ When He Represented A Bank With Ties To Russian Spy Agencies

- EXCLUSIVE: Podesta Didn’t Register As A ‘Foreign Agent’ When He Represented A Bank With Ties To Russian Spy Agencies

Mueller gave both John and Fat Tony immunity at the beginning of the Manafort indictment, NOT because they were going to testify - which they didn't - but because it was a well known/documented fact that the Podesta Firm and the Manafort Firm worked jointly together during the timeframe the money-laundering took place. They were blood-brothers...the Podestas were also guilty as hell, & Mueller did not want Hillary's Campaign Manager and his brother to be implicated / indicted for the same crime Trump's campaign manager was getting indicted for.
This whole thing was a train wreck and anyone who is informed could see that these people need to be put on trial for treason.

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