Tonights Dumb Question:Should Rachel Dolezal Qualify For Free Tuition Cause She Claims To Be Black?

:2up: :afro: :blues: And how come she wasn't brought this week on cable news? As we all know by now, Western Kentucky University is proposing free tuition for all blacks being all blacks have grandparents who were slaves in the 1860's. OK, well what about white people who think they are black, and may have ancient relatives that may have been slaves in the 19th Century :dunno:
Please Discuss and lets hear your opinions. :smoke::tongue-44:

I have never owned slaves, nor do I know any person who ever was a slave. Black people do not deserve anything more, or less, than anyone else. It is ridiculous to even suggest such a thing, and if they finally want people to stop paying taxes in protest, they should pull this off and watch what happens!

Nobody cares whether you owned, or did not own, slaves. Fact is, neither you nor your ancestors were ever discriminated against due to your race. So your skin color has never been an impediment to your acquiring an education, a job, property, voting rights, open seating at a diner, avoiding police harassment, etc.

If you really need the laundry list of ways in which black Americans have been beaten down, discriminated against, and murdered in this country because of their race, then you must be the most ignorant clown ever to reach adulthood.
There's a glut of willful ignorance in america, that's really the only way one can get to acceptance of "exceptionalism".
:2up: :afro: :blues: And how come she wasn't brought this week on cable news? As we all know by now, Western Kentucky University is proposing free tuition for all blacks being all blacks have grandparents who were slaves in the 1860's. OK, well what about white people who think they are black, and may have ancient relatives that may have been slaves in the 19th Century :dunno:
Please Discuss and lets hear your opinions. :smoke::tongue-44:

I have never owned slaves, nor do I know any person who ever was a slave. Black people do not deserve anything more, or less, than anyone else. It is ridiculous to even suggest such a thing, and if they finally want people to stop paying taxes in protest, they should pull this off and watch what happens!

Nobody cares whether you owned, or did not own, slaves. Fact is, neither you nor your ancestors were ever discriminated against due to your race. So your skin color has never been an impediment to your acquiring an education, a job, property, voting rights, open seating at a diner, avoiding police harassment, etc.

If you really need the laundry list of ways in which black Americans have been beaten down, discriminated against, and murdered in this country because of their race, then you must be the most ignorant clown ever to reach adulthood.

Now that is funny! If you think we are going to pay for something that happened 150 years ago to make people like you happy, and to people who didn't even exist in those days, you are dreaming. I don't owe you, or them, anything. You aren't getting a damn thing, so keep dreaming and whining!
well Trump wont put up with it,,,if they want give all minorities free college in deep blue states,,,,go right ahead, then lets see how many teachers and students call it quits
:2up: :afro: :blues: And how come she wasn't brought this week on cable news? As we all know by now, Western Kentucky University is proposing free tuition for all blacks being all blacks have grandparents who were slaves in the 1860's. OK, well what about white people who think they are black, and may have ancient relatives that may have been slaves in the 19th Century :dunno:
Please Discuss and lets hear your opinions. :smoke::tongue-44:

I have never owned slaves, nor do I know any person who ever was a slave. Black people do not deserve anything more, or less, than anyone else. It is ridiculous to even suggest such a thing, and if they finally want people to stop paying taxes in protest, they should pull this off and watch what happens!

Nobody cares whether you owned, or did not own, slaves. Fact is, neither you nor your ancestors were ever discriminated against due to your race. So your skin color has never been an impediment to your acquiring an education, a job, property, voting rights, open seating at a diner, avoiding police harassment, etc.

If you really need the laundry list of ways in which black Americans have been beaten down, discriminated against, and murdered in this country because of their race, then you must be the most ignorant clown ever to reach adulthood.

Now that is funny! If you think we are going to pay for something that happened 150 years ago to make people like you happy, and to people who didn't even exist in those days, you are dreaming. I don't owe you, or them, anything. You aren't getting a damn thing, so keep dreaming and whining!
You've been paying for it all your life hon, and you will continue to.
:2up: :afro: :blues: And how come she wasn't brought this week on cable news? As we all know by now, Western Kentucky University is proposing free tuition for all blacks being all blacks have grandparents who were slaves in the 1860's. OK, well what about white people who think they are black, and may have ancient relatives that may have been slaves in the 19th Century :dunno:
Please Discuss and lets hear your opinions. :smoke::tongue-44:

I have never owned slaves, nor do I know any person who ever was a slave. Black people do not deserve anything more, or less, than anyone else. It is ridiculous to even suggest such a thing, and if they finally want people to stop paying taxes in protest, they should pull this off and watch what happens!

Nobody cares whether you owned, or did not own, slaves. Fact is, neither you nor your ancestors were ever discriminated against due to your race. So your skin color has never been an impediment to your acquiring an education, a job, property, voting rights, open seating at a diner, avoiding police harassment, etc.

If you really need the laundry list of ways in which black Americans have been beaten down, discriminated against, and murdered in this country because of their race, then you must be the most ignorant clown ever to reach adulthood.

Go ahead Gary, and use me as an example. Explain to everyone on here why I should pay YOU, or any other black person! Tell me what I have done, and if I did something to you, why aren't you suing me?
:2up: :afro: :blues: And how come she wasn't brought this week on cable news? As we all know by now, Western Kentucky University is proposing free tuition for all blacks being all blacks have grandparents who were slaves in the 1860's. OK, well what about white people who think they are black, and may have ancient relatives that may have been slaves in the 19th Century :dunno:
Please Discuss and lets hear your opinions. :smoke::tongue-44:

I have never owned slaves, nor do I know any person who ever was a slave. Black people do not deserve anything more, or less, than anyone else. It is ridiculous to even suggest such a thing, and if they finally want people to stop paying taxes in protest, they should pull this off and watch what happens!

Nobody cares whether you owned, or did not own, slaves. Fact is, neither you nor your ancestors were ever discriminated against due to your race. So your skin color has never been an impediment to your acquiring an education, a job, property, voting rights, open seating at a diner, avoiding police harassment, etc.

If you really need the laundry list of ways in which black Americans have been beaten down, discriminated against, and murdered in this country because of their race, then you must be the most ignorant clown ever to reach adulthood.

Go ahead Gary, and use me as an example. Explain to everyone on here why I should pay YOU, or any other black person! Tell me what I have done, and if I did something to you, why aren't you suing me?

I never staked a position on reparations. But black people have faced a far tougher road in this country throughout history. That was my point. If you disagree, then you're disagreeing with well-settled fact.
:2up: :afro: :blues: And how come she wasn't brought this week on cable news? As we all know by now, Western Kentucky University is proposing free tuition for all blacks being all blacks have grandparents who were slaves in the 1860's. OK, well what about white people who think they are black, and may have ancient relatives that may have been slaves in the 19th Century :dunno:
Please Discuss and lets hear your opinions. :smoke::tongue-44:

I have never owned slaves, nor do I know any person who ever was a slave. Black people do not deserve anything more, or less, than anyone else. It is ridiculous to even suggest such a thing, and if they finally want people to stop paying taxes in protest, they should pull this off and watch what happens!

Nobody cares whether you owned, or did not own, slaves. Fact is, neither you nor your ancestors were ever discriminated against due to your race. So your skin color has never been an impediment to your acquiring an education, a job, property, voting rights, open seating at a diner, avoiding police harassment, etc.

If you really need the laundry list of ways in which black Americans have been beaten down, discriminated against, and murdered in this country because of their race, then you must be the most ignorant clown ever to reach adulthood.

Go ahead Gary, and use me as an example. Explain to everyone on here why I should pay YOU, or any other black person! Tell me what I have done, and if I did something to you, why aren't you suing me?

I never staked a position on reparations. But black people have faced a far tougher road in this country throughout history. That was my point. If you disagree, then you're disagreeing with well-settled fact.

So, that means I should pay them, lol. Why? What did I do? Just because I am American? I didn't do anything, and you want to fleece people like me? On what basis exactly?
:2up: :afro: :blues: And how come she wasn't brought this week on cable news? As we all know by now, Western Kentucky University is proposing free tuition for all blacks being all blacks have grandparents who were slaves in the 1860's. OK, well what about white people who think they are black, and may have ancient relatives that may have been slaves in the 19th Century :dunno:
Please Discuss and lets hear your opinions. :smoke::tongue-44:

I have never owned slaves, nor do I know any person who ever was a slave. Black people do not deserve anything more, or less, than anyone else. It is ridiculous to even suggest such a thing, and if they finally want people to stop paying taxes in protest, they should pull this off and watch what happens!

Nobody cares whether you owned, or did not own, slaves. Fact is, neither you nor your ancestors were ever discriminated against due to your race. So your skin color has never been an impediment to your acquiring an education, a job, property, voting rights, open seating at a diner, avoiding police harassment, etc.

If you really need the laundry list of ways in which black Americans have been beaten down, discriminated against, and murdered in this country because of their race, then you must be the most ignorant clown ever to reach adulthood.

Go ahead Gary, and use me as an example. Explain to everyone on here why I should pay YOU, or any other black person! Tell me what I have done, and if I did something to you, why aren't you suing me?

I never staked a position on reparations. But black people have faced a far tougher road in this country throughout history. That was my point. If you disagree, then you're disagreeing with well-settled fact.

So, that means I should pay them, lol. Why? What did I do? Just because I am American? I didn't do anything, and you want to fleece people like me? On what basis exactly?
Are you fucking illiterate? When did I say you should pay anybody?
This Fucked-Up Kentucky school is just feeding bears in a National Forest.

W.E.B. DuBois, a famous Black Civil Rights Advocate & Educator, said in 1906 that:

Blacks are going to have to realize that the white man is not to blame for everything that goes wrong in their lives.

W.E.B. DuBois and the rest of America....are still waiting for that lesson to Take Hold.

They will just want more.

Half a century of The Great Society, of The War on Poverty, of Affirmative Action has produced things like

The Destruction of the Black Family;

More and More blame...and pure Hatred....heaped on Whitie;

Demands for Reparations;

An epidemic of Illitigimate babies born to teenage mothers;

More Billions spent on the Federal Plantation Porch Sitters than Lyndon Johnson or Martin Luther King would have ever dreamed of 50 years ago.

20 Trillion in Debt.

The Obama Stash is gone.

Time for Black Americans to quit whining and carry their own weight.

:2up: :afro: :blues: And how come she wasn't brought this week on cable news? As we all know by now, Western Kentucky University is proposing free tuition for all blacks being all blacks have grandparents who were slaves in the 1860's. OK, well what about white people who think they are black, and may have ancient relatives that may have been slaves in the 19th Century :dunno:
Please Discuss and lets hear your opinions. :smoke::tongue-44:

I have never owned slaves, nor do I know any person who ever was a slave. Black people do not deserve anything more, or less, than anyone else. It is ridiculous to even suggest such a thing, and if they finally want people to stop paying taxes in protest, they should pull this off and watch what happens!

Nobody cares whether you owned, or did not own, slaves. Fact is, neither you nor your ancestors were ever discriminated against due to your race. So your skin color has never been an impediment to your acquiring an education, a job, property, voting rights, open seating at a diner, avoiding police harassment, etc.

If you really need the laundry list of ways in which black Americans have been beaten down, discriminated against, and murdered in this country because of their race, then you must be the most ignorant clown ever to reach adulthood.

Go ahead Gary, and use me as an example. Explain to everyone on here why I should pay YOU, or any other black person! Tell me what I have done, and if I did something to you, why aren't you suing me?

I never staked a position on reparations. But black people have faced a far tougher road in this country throughout history. That was my point. If you disagree, then you're disagreeing with well-settled fact.

Gary, Gary, you stepped into a pile of doo-doo, lol-) If you want to know who is doing harm to Black Americans, you should ask who is killing them. Oh my, that is.........wait for it....other Black Americans! I would say they must be racist, but not even I could carry that argument with a straight face!

But then, we need many CAUCASIAN Americans are losing their lives to Black Americans? Hmmmmmmm, a whole lot, and if you demand it, I will look it up and post it. Why? Are you telling me that MOST Black Americans being killed are losing their lives to other Blacks, and that for population size by %, CAUCASIANS are losing way more lives then they should to Blacks too?

Well, by the Gary logic, it seems to me it is the BLACK MALE who should be paying reparations to everyone!

Where is my check Gary?
:2up: :afro: :blues: And how come she wasn't brought this week on cable news? As we all know by now, Western Kentucky University is proposing free tuition for all blacks being all blacks have grandparents who were slaves in the 1860's. OK, well what about white people who think they are black, and may have ancient relatives that may have been slaves in the 19th Century :dunno:
Please Discuss and lets hear your opinions. :smoke::tongue-44:

I have never owned slaves, nor do I know any person who ever was a slave. Black people do not deserve anything more, or less, than anyone else. It is ridiculous to even suggest such a thing, and if they finally want people to stop paying taxes in protest, they should pull this off and watch what happens!

Nobody cares whether you owned, or did not own, slaves. Fact is, neither you nor your ancestors were ever discriminated against due to your race. So your skin color has never been an impediment to your acquiring an education, a job, property, voting rights, open seating at a diner, avoiding police harassment, etc.

If you really need the laundry list of ways in which black Americans have been beaten down, discriminated against, and murdered in this country because of their race, then you must be the most ignorant clown ever to reach adulthood.
Then you also have to blame the Arab traders and African tribesmen who sold slaves to the Europeans. Did you know that 28% of free Blacks in the Americas owned slaves ? Only 1.4% of the White population owned slaves .

My family is Scottish a group of people who were treated as bad as the Africans for almost a 1000 years. What I'm saying is that every group on Earth can claim some sort of slavery or mistreatment visited on their people by some other group. The Black "experience" is not unique and if we decide to compensate every group of people who believes they have a grievance we will all be paying for it.
I have never owned slaves, nor do I know any person who ever was a slave. Black people do not deserve anything more, or less, than anyone else. It is ridiculous to even suggest such a thing, and if they finally want people to stop paying taxes in protest, they should pull this off and watch what happens!

Nobody cares whether you owned, or did not own, slaves. Fact is, neither you nor your ancestors were ever discriminated against due to your race. So your skin color has never been an impediment to your acquiring an education, a job, property, voting rights, open seating at a diner, avoiding police harassment, etc.

If you really need the laundry list of ways in which black Americans have been beaten down, discriminated against, and murdered in this country because of their race, then you must be the most ignorant clown ever to reach adulthood.

Go ahead Gary, and use me as an example. Explain to everyone on here why I should pay YOU, or any other black person! Tell me what I have done, and if I did something to you, why aren't you suing me?

I never staked a position on reparations. But black people have faced a far tougher road in this country throughout history. That was my point. If you disagree, then you're disagreeing with well-settled fact.

So, that means I should pay them, lol. Why? What did I do? Just because I am American? I didn't do anything, and you want to fleece people like me? On what basis exactly?
Are you fucking illiterate? When did I say you should pay anybody?

If someone gets something from the government, they are getting it from me, I am a taxpayer, and I pay ALOT! Do you pay? Or are you one of those them-there people who gets the credit-) Well then, if you are on of those them-there's, no wonder you are crying about more of getting something for nothing. I would too I suppose if I could get away with it; but oh wait........I am Hispanic and I want Texas back too, lololol!
:2up: :afro: :blues: And how come she wasn't brought this week on cable news? As we all know by now, Western Kentucky University is proposing free tuition for all blacks being all blacks have grandparents who were slaves in the 1860's. OK, well what about white people who think they are black, and may have ancient relatives that may have been slaves in the 19th Century :dunno:
Please Discuss and lets hear your opinions. :smoke::tongue-44:

I have never owned slaves, nor do I know any person who ever was a slave. Black people do not deserve anything more, or less, than anyone else. It is ridiculous to even suggest such a thing, and if they finally want people to stop paying taxes in protest, they should pull this off and watch what happens!

Nobody cares whether you owned, or did not own, slaves. Fact is, neither you nor your ancestors were ever discriminated against due to your race. So your skin color has never been an impediment to your acquiring an education, a job, property, voting rights, open seating at a diner, avoiding police harassment, etc.

If you really need the laundry list of ways in which black Americans have been beaten down, discriminated against, and murdered in this country because of their race, then you must be the most ignorant clown ever to reach adulthood.

Go ahead Gary, and use me as an example. Explain to everyone on here why I should pay YOU, or any other black person! Tell me what I have done, and if I did something to you, why aren't you suing me?

I never staked a position on reparations. But black people have faced a far tougher road in this country throughout history. That was my point. If you disagree, then you're disagreeing with well-settled fact.

I'd have more sympathy if most of them hadn't been sold into slavery by other blacks.
Nobody cares whether you owned, or did not own, slaves. Fact is, neither you nor your ancestors were ever discriminated against due to your race. So your skin color has never been an impediment to your acquiring an education, a job, property, voting rights, open seating at a diner, avoiding police harassment, etc.

If you really need the laundry list of ways in which black Americans have been beaten down, discriminated against, and murdered in this country because of their race, then you must be the most ignorant clown ever to reach adulthood.

Go ahead Gary, and use me as an example. Explain to everyone on here why I should pay YOU, or any other black person! Tell me what I have done, and if I did something to you, why aren't you suing me?

I never staked a position on reparations. But black people have faced a far tougher road in this country throughout history. That was my point. If you disagree, then you're disagreeing with well-settled fact.

So, that means I should pay them, lol. Why? What did I do? Just because I am American? I didn't do anything, and you want to fleece people like me? On what basis exactly?
Are you fucking illiterate? When did I say you should pay anybody?

If someone gets something from the government, they are getting it from me, I am a taxpayer, and I pay ALOT! Do you pay? Or are you one of those them-there people who gets the credit-) Well then, if you are on of those them-there's, no wonder you are crying about more of getting something for nothing. I would too I suppose if I could get away with it; but oh wait........I am Hispanic and I want Texas back too, lololol!

Can anyone translate this retard's gibberish?

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