Told ya! Only a matter of time. Gop goes after gays - AGAIN!

The thing is the Republitards retained his services BEFORE submitting any request. NEWSFLASH!!! The DOJ is part of the Executive NOT the Legislative branch. Why would the Executive defend a Repub piece of legislation that was proposed & passed by a former Repub admin?

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So, who is the next right winger to come flaming out of the closet with a crack pipe and a feather boa in the shadow of the latest gay hating directive by the GOP?

MY money is on Lindsey Graham.

I think he means we already talked about this, and everyone decided you are an idiot.

and yet, he's not wrong about this. the "fiscally responsible" rightwingnuts are paying $500 an hour to defend the unconstitutional defense of marriage act.

gee... there's priorities for ya.

but feel free to cut WIC.

As I pointed out in the other thread about this, and rdean actually posted, the plan is to take the $500,000 from DOJ funds.

Since you are suddenly so fiscally conservative though, I am sure you support defunding NPR, the NEA, and all the other groups, left wing and right wing, that should survive on their own.

There are areas of the country that are so poor and rural, government funded, non partisan stations is the only way those people have to get the news.

Of course, Republicans, anti gay, anti education, anti middle class, anti poor want to keep it that way. An educated public is more likely to vote Democrat. That goes without saying. Not something that can be denied.
and yet, he's not wrong about this. the "fiscally responsible" rightwingnuts are paying $500 an hour to defend the unconstitutional defense of marriage act.

gee... there's priorities for ya.

but feel free to cut WIC.

As I pointed out in the other thread about this, and rdean actually posted, the plan is to take the $500,000 from DOJ funds.

Since you are suddenly so fiscally conservative though, I am sure you support defunding NPR, the NEA, and all the other groups, left wing and right wing, that should survive on their own.

why would i support money being sucked out of DOJ for an unconstitutional purpose?
(and yes, this really IS unconstitutional, unlike the rest of what you CLAIM is unconstitutional).

and why would i support your right wing social agenda?

Apparently you are not the constitutional scholar you think you are.

This is far from the first time that Congress has stepped in to defend a law the administration decided not to defend. Once was when Ford elected not to defend the post Watergate campaign finance laws, another was when Reagan decided not to defend the independent counsel laws. Both of those were ultimately upheld by SCOTUS, and they had no problem with Congress stepping in to defend a law that the Executive refused to defend.
The thing is the Republitards retained his services BEFORE submitting any request. NEWSFLASH!!! The DOJ is part of the Executive NOT the Legislative branch. Why would the Executive defend a Repub piece of legislation that was proposed & passed by a former Repub admin?


DOMA was proposed and signed by Clinton.

Another point, Congress approves money all the time, they do not need to ask anyone's permission to do so. I actually learned that in civics class in high school, come back after you graduate and we can talk about other things.
and yet, he's not wrong about this. the "fiscally responsible" rightwingnuts are paying $500 an hour to defend the unconstitutional defense of marriage act.

gee... there's priorities for ya.

but feel free to cut WIC.

As I pointed out in the other thread about this, and rdean actually posted, the plan is to take the $500,000 from DOJ funds.

Since you are suddenly so fiscally conservative though, I am sure you support defunding NPR, the NEA, and all the other groups, left wing and right wing, that should survive on their own.

There are areas of the country that are so poor and rural, government funded, non partisan stations is the only way those people have to get the news.

Of course, Republicans, anti gay, anti education, anti middle class, anti poor want to keep it that way. An educated public is more likely to vote Democrat. That goes without saying. Not something that can be denied.


What part of the country doesn't get broadcast TV, cable, or internet?
As I pointed out in the other thread about this, and rdean actually posted, the plan is to take the $500,000 from DOJ funds.

Since you are suddenly so fiscally conservative though, I am sure you support defunding NPR, the NEA, and all the other groups, left wing and right wing, that should survive on their own.

There are areas of the country that are so poor and rural, government funded, non partisan stations is the only way those people have to get the news.

Of course, Republicans, anti gay, anti education, anti middle class, anti poor want to keep it that way. An educated public is more likely to vote Democrat. That goes without saying. Not something that can be denied.


What part of the country doesn't get broadcast TV, cable, or internet?

This was back in 2009:

Converting Analog Television to Digital TV Not Working for Millions of Americans

Since America went "digital", there are many people who simply can't afford the converters or a new TV. There are people who live in areas where the digital range simply isn't "far enough". There are people who live in Alaska, the desert in Nevada, in Appalachia who don't have access to cable and the new digital signal is too poor to allow them much TV.
For all these people, the radio is there best source of reliable news, information and even entertainment.
I visited relatives outside of Gabbs, Nevada and was surprised they were without TV for exactly those reasons. I've always taken it for granted.
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There are areas of the country that are so poor and rural, government funded, non partisan stations is the only way those people have to get the news.

Of course, Republicans, anti gay, anti education, anti middle class, anti poor want to keep it that way. An educated public is more likely to vote Democrat. That goes without saying. Not something that can be denied.


What part of the country doesn't get broadcast TV, cable, or internet?

This was back in 2009:

Study: 8.5 Million Households Face Poor DTV Reception

Converting Analog Television to Digital TV Not Working for Millions of Americans

Since America went "digital", there are many people who simply can't afford the converters or a new TV. There are people who live in areas where the digital range simply isn't "far enough". There are people who live in Alaska, the desert in Nevada, in Appalachia who don't have access to cable and the new digital signal is too poor to allow them much TV.
For all these people, the radio is there best source of reliable news, information and even entertainment.
I visited relatives outside of Gabbs, Nevada and was surprised they were without TV for exactly those reasons. I've always taken it for granted.

this is the same government you think should be in charge of health care, and now you are pointing out they cannot even get TV right.

I really don't know what planet you are from, but there is not a single household in this country that is dependent on NPR as its only source of news.
Of course, Republicans, anti gay, anti education, anti middle class, anti poor want to keep it that way. An educated public is more likely to vote Democrat. That goes without saying. Not something that can be denied.

and the Democrats DO NOT want to keep some people poor?......are you serious?....and they are NOT anti-gay rights.....why was the marriage right voted down here in California by so many "pro gay" Democrats?.....
Regardless, it's still the law.....

The Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defines marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman for purposes of all federal laws, and provides that states need not recognize a marriage from another state if it is between persons of the same sex. 37 states have their own Defense of Marriage Acts (DOMAs), while 2 more states have strong language that defines marriage as one man and one woman. There are 30 states that have constitutional amendments protecting traditional marriage, including the three states (Arizona, California, and Florida) that passed constitutional amendments in November 2008.
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA): Legal Resources and Information
The thing is the Republitards retained his services BEFORE submitting any request. NEWSFLASH!!! The DOJ is part of the Executive NOT the Legislative branch. Why would the Executive defend a Repub piece of legislation that was proposed & passed by a former Repub admin?


DOMA was proposed and signed by Clinton.

Actually I think the act was proposed by Bob Barr (it's original author and sponsor) and not Clinton. Clinton did sign it, but I don't think he sent a request to Congress for the law.

The law grew out of the fear that Hawaii Supreme Court would approve same-sex Civil Marriage because of the Baehr v. Miike and Article IV Section 1 of the Constitution would require other States to honor those Civil Marriages.

Nobody is saying that the House doesn't have the right to defend DOMA. What is being said is that it is highly hypocritical (but when has that EVER stopped a Republican) of them to be doing it when they are preaching "fiscal responsibility". There is absolutely NOTHING in defending DOMA that is fiscally responsible. The law is clearly unconstitutional (and has been deemed so by more than one Federal judge) and does nothing to further our economic situation.

Efforts to stop gay marriage, in fact, are the exact opposite of fiscal responsibility...

The $9.5 Billion Gay Marriage Windfall
Just want to point something out.

If smaller governement, and personal freedom is what conservatives are after, how does a federal law like DOMA make sense?
Just want to point something out.

If smaller governement, and personal freedom is what conservatives are after, how does a federal law like DOMA make sense?

Because the majority of the people and the majority of the States say so?

And that's without going into any moral feelings that people may or may not have.

Besides all it really does is define a word. Marriage, a legal union between one man and one woman for purposes of all federal laws. That a very small minority doesn't like it and wants catered to is simply too bad for them.
What part of the country doesn't get broadcast TV, cable, or internet?

The part I live in. If I didn't want to pay for satellite TV (at $120 a month) and satellite Internet (at $90 a month), I wouldn't have much of a "connection" from where I live. Oh sure, I could use dial up. :lol:

What is the point in bringing up NPR? It's not the Democrats that are trying to are using the budget like a cudgel to beat away the programs they've hated for decades (NPR, Planned Parenthood, Medicare, SS, etc.). The Democrats aren't the ones screaming about the deficits (that they didn't give a shit about just two years ago).

The funny thing is that cutting NPR funding isn't going to hurt the liberal bastions that the GnOP wants it to. NPR in San Francisco, NY or any of the other large, BLUE, areas are not going to be hurt by cutting the funding. Small, rural stations ARE. Brilliant! :rolleyes:

Cutting federal funding for NPR not likely to hurt public radio
Just want to point something out.

If smaller governement, and personal freedom is what conservatives are after, how does a federal law like DOMA make sense?

Because the majority of the people and the majority of the States say so?

And that's without going into any moral feelings that people may or may not have.

Besides all it really does is define a word. Marriage, a legal union between one man and one woman for purposes of all federal laws. That a very small minority doesn't like it and wants catered to is simply too bad for them.

Until 1993 the majority of Americans were opposed to interracial marriage. Great company you are in...

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