Todd Akin was forced out of the race by the WOMEN FRIENDLY GOP

It's amazing how well the double standard is rigged. The media kept quiet about Bubba Clinton's serial abuse of women and allegations of rape and the party of no family values downplayed Barney Frank's apartment used as a call-boy prostitution ring but the minute a republican makes a mis-statement the tax exempt left wing watchdogs pounce. It must be easy running as a democrat.
It was really a problem of Republcan damage control spin units. Had they gotten to Akin before he responded they could have fixed his answer in such a way that America would believe that Akin was fighting socialism and communism. Not only that, but Akin was showing America that rugged individualism prevents rapes, and by building it yourself is a preventative of social diseases. Yes, Republican damage control units can do wonders to change ordinary Republican beliefs to good ole Americanism.

Dumbass - the only one of those saying he's quitting the race is the first one - the same link as in the OP! :lol:

Show us a major news site that has this story. Try your beloved FOXNEWS.

So you're insisting that he will run unfunded?

He has until 5pm tonight to fold without screwing up the system. Either way he has been shunned completely by the gop so we'll find out if he puts country before party won't we.
I'm insisting that the OP is - as of now, and as of last night - bullshit.

That may change today, but your source is full of shit. will..

Paul Ryan doesn't feel much different then Akin about the issue.

And Romney isn't far behind.

Showing once again you're an asshole who just gags on Obama's pecker. Yeah, you'd swallow that...

Seriously, this just shows what a complete and utter dick you are.

Rape is a serous thing, but to you it's just another chance to grab someone else's wallet. Ass.

The ones you hurt are the legit rape victims. Like everything and everyone else, victimizing women and rape are just liberal talking points to you.
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It was really a problem of Republcan damage control spin units

The guy's an out of touch moron and no one has any interest in seeing him in office. It has nothing to do with "damage control." It has to with getting an ignorant ass out of the race. You have more in common with him then the rest of Republicans...
How many people in the state of Massachusetts do you consider nutjobs that elected Ted Kennedy to the Senate 7 times, even though he was responsible for the death of his girl friend?

Let me guess. Clearly not all of them.

So he was convicted of negligent homicide, then?

Oh, wait. No, he wasn't.

Hey you drooling fuckwit bitch: if you drive drunk and cause the death of a woman, but then run away, in the time before you surrender your worthless ass for "prosecution" you will not be convicted of anything. Is it your "belief" that one is not guilty UNTIL they are convicted?

You asshole.

Folks often gets arrested precisely because they ARE guilty.

They may have (and they maybe are even entitled to) the legal presumption of innocence, but that is NOT the same thing as BEING innocent, you fucking asshole.

That's like saying that just because OJ got acquitted he didn't slaughter two human beings.

Oh, and before I forget it should not go unmentioned that you suck cocks for a living, you are a bitch and that you are a flaming asshole.

You flaming asshole bitch cocksucking whore.

Clues that Liability doesn't have a rational argument to make. :)

And, just to add my two cents: there is a growing belief that O.J.'s son committed the murders.
First they withdrew his financing and he has caved to the parties demand that he step down. Seems the gop police's themselves fairly well. So now we won't see any more GOP rape threads right?

I won't be holding my breath for honesty from most of you.
ONTD_Political - Breaking: Todd Akin Quitting Senate Race, GOP Politicos State

They forced him out because he and Ryan were buddies on the anti-abortion bill. To have him remain, the subject would be brought up daily and attach even more to Ryan. They are hypocrites to force him out and to cheer Ryan. It had absolutely 0 to do with the GOP being friendly to women! That's a joke!:badgrin::eusa_shifty:




The thing about this is that it wasn't a sound clip taken out of context; he looked right in to the camera and said what he said. He obviously believes it. Grumps is just trying to spin it to the positive.
First they withdrew his financing and he has caved to the parties demand that he step down. Seems the gop police's themselves fairly well. So now we won't see any more GOP rape threads right?

I won't be holding my breath for honesty from most of you.
ONTD_Political - Breaking: Todd Akin Quitting Senate Race, GOP Politicos State

Tell me gramps, how do Todd Akin's views differ from Paul Ryan's?

There is an old axiom: robins and bluejays don't nest together.

Two words that should never be used together in the same sentence: legitimate and rape. But that’s the way Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) chose to speak about the sensitive topic that has impacted millions of women in the United States in an interview with a local television station Sunday.

In defending his extreme anti-choice position – that a woman who is raped and becomes pregnant should not be permitted to have an abortion, Akin said, “First of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy from rape] is really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

Akin, who clearly didn’t pay attention in biology class, is challenging Democratic incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill. After the negative and swift public reaction to his remarks, Akin said in a statement that he “misspoke,” but that claim doesn’t fly when you do a quick review of his legislative history, which is directly connected vice presidential pick Rep. Paul Ryan on this exact issue.

Akin and Ryan were the original co-sponsors of the controversial bill H.R. 3, “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” which initially included language which changed the definition of “rape” to “forcible rape,” until public pressure forced the bill’s supporters to remove that unacceptable and narrow definition. As I wrote previously, Paul Ryan is not just anti-choice, his anti-choice views are extreme and just plain bad for all women.

Linking Ryan to Akin and the idea that there is such a thing as “legitimate rape” based on pseudo-science and folklore is something that needs to be done before the upcoming election. While Team Romney attempted to create distance with Akin, saying that both Romney and Ryan “disagree” with his statements, there was nothing in their statement that said they condemn his remarks as hurtful to victims. There was also nothing in Team Romney’s statement that pointed out that what Akin said about pregnancies resulting from rape being rare is just flat-out wrong.

Ryan was against abortion in all cases including rape until Team Romney’s statement. Romney has said he would get rid of Planned Parenthood and has been moving further right on women’s issues since he was a pro-choice governor of Massachusetts. This could be a huge problem for the Republican ticket in November.

NY Daily News - Todd Akin, Paul Ryan and the very real war on women

How does the view of the extremists that support abortion on demand differ from yours?

Are all rape accusations legitimate? Is statutory rape where the boy is 17 and the girl is 18, and they both consent, legitimate rape, or is it merely a legal fiction involving arbitrary age of consent laws?

What makes a bill that prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion controversial? The Hyde amendment, which is a law that is passed every year, does exactly the same thing, and routinely gets wide bipartisan support. Is that also controversial, even though Obama has signed it more than once?

Do you do anything other than parrot stupid stories you come across?

Hey quantum airbag, I don't support 'abortion on demand up to and including labor'. I have NEVER stated that or even hinted that. I have NEVER heard any liberal call for 'abortion on demand up to and including labor'. And the fact that you used the term 'abortion on demand' proves YOU are nothing but an empty headed parrot who squawks whatever you are fed by propagandists.

I believe a woman has the INDIVIDUAL right to make the decision if she wants to continue a pregnancy. The decision is not YOURS, mine, Obama's, or any party. The law is extreme only that it is extremely FAIR. If YOU don't want to have an abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE.
So he was convicted of negligent homicide, then?

Oh, wait. No, he wasn't.

Hey you drooling fuckwit bitch: if you drive drunk and cause the death of a woman, but then run away, in the time before you surrender your worthless ass for "prosecution" you will not be convicted of anything. Is it your "belief" that one is not guilty UNTIL they are convicted?

You asshole.

Folks often gets arrested precisely because they ARE guilty.

They may have (and they maybe are even entitled to) the legal presumption of innocence, but that is NOT the same thing as BEING innocent, you fucking asshole.

That's like saying that just because OJ got acquitted he didn't slaughter two human beings.

Oh, and before I forget it should not go unmentioned that you suck cocks for a living, you are a bitch and that you are a flaming asshole.

You flaming asshole bitch cocksucking whore.

Clues that Liability doesn't have a rational argument to make. :)

And, just to add my two cents: there is a growing belief that O.J.'s son committed the murders.

No, it's proof he is a good judge of character.
There is a growing belief that Elvis is alive and well. Doesnt make it true. The truth is the OJ is a double murderer.
First they withdrew his financing and he has caved to the parties demand that he step down. Seems the gop police's themselves fairly well. So now we won't see any more GOP rape threads right?

I won't be holding my breath for honesty from most of you.
ONTD_Political - Breaking: Todd Akin Quitting Senate Race, GOP Politicos State

Yeah Mitt Romney got in front of this one right away--by coming out and condemning the statement from Akin's outrageous comment--which then put Obama in the situation to come out and give a news conference afterwards--something he has been trying to avoid the last 2 months.
Romney Condemns Akin Remarks on Rape -

But be assured this isn't going to stop the left in this country from trying to tag conservatives with tAkin's kind of outrageous thinking. Akin will be their poster boy--because that's all they have to run on.


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama will..

Paul Ryan doesn't feel much different then Akin about the issue.

And Romney isn't far behind.

Romney blasted the man on live tv today sallow.

You're wrong

No I'm not.

In the debates Romney said he would get rid of Roe vs. Wade..and that he thought that there should be no instances where abortions are permitted.
Of course..he flip flopped. But then again..his debate position was a flip flop as well.

Romney position on Abortion


Romney previously supported a woman’s right to decide, but he is now adamantly opposed to abortions, unless it involves cases of rape, incest or if the mother’s life is in mortal danger.
Romney on Abortion
At least Kennedy was drunk. The GOPer has no such excuse but a bred-in-the-bone stupidity.

But yeah, he will get votes. A lot of them.

I have an idea. Why don't we ban all of those that are practicing Catholics from public office? As I understand it, the Catholic Church opposes abortion and we need to make that a litmus test. Better yet, ban all candidates of any religion that don't support abortion on demand and means testing the payment for abortion by the gubmint.

Don't you atheist bastards agree?

We could elect all Muslims, since their goal is to convert all infidels or kill them.
I'm not an atheist and I think Muslims suck.

Anything else you want to make up in an effort to defend this toad?

Honey, ALL Muslims aren't the same, just as ALL Christians aren't the same. Fundamentalists of any religion seem to have common hot buttons....especially where it concerns gaining political power viv-a vis social issues, and the laws that govern them.

I think that ANY religion that seeks to use the political process to limit personal freedoms or equal protection under our laws should be TAXED as any other political entity would. Deficit? The Holy See picks that tab up, and that would be for their bar tab for the last thirty years.
Romney blasted the man on live tv today sallow.

You're wrong

No I'm not.

In the debates Romney said he would get rid of Roe vs. Wade..and that he thought that there should be no instances where abortions are permitted.
Of course..he flip flopped. But then again..his debate position was a flip flop as well.

Romney position on Abortion


Romney previously supported a woman’s right to decide, but he is now adamantly opposed to abortions, unless it involves cases of rape, incest or if the mother’s life is in mortal danger.
Romney on Abortion

No I'm not.

In the debates Romney said he would get rid of Roe vs. Wade..and that he thought that there should be no instances where abortions are permitted.
Of course..he flip flopped. But then again..his debate position was a flip flop as well.

Romney position on Abortion


Romney previously supported a woman’s right to decide, but he is now adamantly opposed to abortions, unless it involves cases of rape, incest or if the mother’s life is in mortal danger.
Romney on Abortion


Not today, this stance was prior to last Oct., Jillian
First they withdrew his financing and he has caved to the parties demand that he step down. Seems the gop police's themselves fairly well. So now we won't see any more GOP rape threads right?

I won't be holding my breath for honesty from most of you.
ONTD_Political - Breaking: Todd Akin Quitting Senate Race, GOP Politicos State

I haven't seen yet that's he's stepping down. Is there another link?

I see a lot of speculation, but no real indication he's out or going out yet.
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Bam, now that's what I'm talking about. Negative rep, from a complete and utter pussy like you it's a badge of honor. You don't have the gonads to express yourself with words, so you lash out in the only way your dickless little manhood allows.

That Republicans are against women is tired and thin. That Republicans are OK with babies from rape and don't understand pregnancy is a demonstration of just how completely and utterly pathetic you and your money whoring cohorts are and the complete and utter greed and envy you are consumed with.

This campaign is pathetic, even for you. And you set a pretty high bar for pathetic.

But you are my bitch, I got you upset. Once again, bam!
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