Today's NYT, "Does your travel equate to being a bad person?"


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Posted in RCP "Energy" this morning................certainly a current event with the 2020 election looming.

Is Travel Ethical at a Time of Climate Change?

Readers wrestle with their carbon footprint. “Does travel equate to being a bad person?” one asks.

June 13, 2019

Opinion | Is Travel Ethical at a Time of Climate Change?

So.....let me get this straight. I just bought a second older Mustang to be my DD.....for the enormous amount of travel that comes with my job. Am I a bad person now?:dunno:
When this "carbon footprint"

equals this "carbon footprint"


then you'll be a bad person. Until then, saddle your mustang and ride free...


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I tow a gas powered boat and snowmobiles with my Hemi powered Jeep.

My carbon footprint is still that of an ant in comparison the wealthy liberals preaching about my lifestyle.

Zero guilt felt.
Posted in RCP "Energy" this morning................certainly a current event with the 2020 election looming.

Is Travel Ethical at a Time of Climate Change?

Readers wrestle with their carbon footprint. “Does travel equate to being a bad person?” one asks.

June 13, 2019

Opinion | Is Travel Ethical at a Time of Climate Change?

So.....let me get this straight. I just bought a second older Mustang to be my DD.....for the enormous amount of travel that comes with my job. Am I a bad person now?:dunno:
Ask the hypocrites from all over world who are flying to Bonn for their UN climate change pow wow next week.
When this "carbon footprint"

equals this "carbon footprint"


then you'll be a bad person. Until then, saddle your mustang and ride free...

LOL.....check my sig..........sweet '69 I believe right there.

Soon I'll be d/cing the cats on my '99 GT......thing needs to breath. Ask me if I care about adding one 10 trillionth of a gram of carbon to the atmosphere?:backpedal:
Posted in RCP "Energy" this morning................certainly a current event with the 2020 election looming.

Is Travel Ethical at a Time of Climate Change?

Readers wrestle with their carbon footprint. “Does travel equate to being a bad person?” one asks.

June 13, 2019

Opinion | Is Travel Ethical at a Time of Climate Change?

So.....let me get this straight. I just bought a second older Mustang to be my DD.....for the enormous amount of travel that comes with my job. Am I a bad person now?:dunno:
Ask the hypocrites from all over world who are flying to Bonn for their UN climate change pow wow next week.

Heres the thing........

When you see stuff like this from the NYT, if you are chatting with a bunch of people and siding with the implication narrative the Times is pushing, you're going to keep your mouth shut so as not to look like a total dick. Most people don't embrace taking on the tag of, "Oh.....heres this mental case who says we all need to be biking to work!":coffee:
I'll be attending the 'World Carbon Footprint'
I'll be arriving in my private jet, and a limo will pick me up at my private hanger.
Posted in RCP "Energy" this morning................certainly a current event with the 2020 election looming.

Is Travel Ethical at a Time of Climate Change?

Readers wrestle with their carbon footprint. “Does travel equate to being a bad person?” one asks.

June 13, 2019

Opinion | Is Travel Ethical at a Time of Climate Change?

So.....let me get this straight. I just bought a second older Mustang to be my DD.....for the enormous amount of travel that comes with my job. Am I a bad person now?:dunno:
Only waste is unethical.
You wonder why readership of the NYT's is laughable?:2up:

The little inscription at the top of the cover page should read, ALL THE NEWS WE THINK FIT FOR THE FRINGE, WE PRINT"
I'm sure they didn't mention all these wealthy limousine liberals who travel all over the world on their own personal jets (releasing god knows how many tons of CO2 into the atmosphere) for their pointless "climate change" conferences......when they could easily stay home and conduct these meeting electronically, over Skype or whatever. Thereby saving however many millions of gallons of kerosene that these liberal leaders waste with frivolous traveling. And no "climate change" paranoiac in history has ever frivolously over-used a 747 for every little thing than Mr. "Climate Change" himself, Typhoid Barry Obamaggot.
Posted in RCP "Energy" this morning................certainly a current event with the 2020 election looming.

Is Travel Ethical at a Time of Climate Change?

Readers wrestle with their carbon footprint. “Does travel equate to being a bad person?” one asks.

June 13, 2019

Opinion | Is Travel Ethical at a Time of Climate Change?

So.....let me get this straight. I just bought a second older Mustang to be my DD.....for the enormous amount of travel that comes with my job. Am I a bad person now?:dunno:
Ask the hypocrites from all over world who are flying to Bonn for their UN climate change pow wow next week.
The empty seats on their jets have used more carbon then the average person in their lives.
Posted in RCP "Energy" this morning................certainly a current event with the 2020 election looming.

Is Travel Ethical at a Time of Climate Change?

Readers wrestle with their carbon footprint. “Does travel equate to being a bad person?” one asks.

June 13, 2019

Opinion | Is Travel Ethical at a Time of Climate Change?

So.....let me get this straight. I just bought a second older Mustang to be my DD.....for the enormous amount of travel that comes with my job. Am I a bad person now?:dunno:
Ask the hypocrites from all over world who are flying to Bonn for their UN climate change pow wow next week.
The empty seats on their jets have used more carbon then the average person in their lives.

Indeed....a huge reason nobody cares about climate change action is that the messengers are prolific hypocrites. Doy.....a dynamic that completely eludes the climate crusaders who speak incessantly about "the science".

People look at AOC and Gore but dont take them seriously. It ensures climate sceptics will continue their winning ways!:113:
Americans are boobs because they don't leave the country and they are evil if they do.
Leftists condemn people no matter what they do. That's called being a prick.

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