Todays Darwin Award


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Seemed like a good idea at the time....what could possibly go wrong?

On Monday evening, Perez tweeted that the couple had agreed to carry out "one of the most dangerous videos ever."

"Me and Pedro are probably going to shoot one of the most dangerous videos ever. His idea, not mine," @MonalisaPerez5 said in the tweet.

Unfortunately, the prank went very wrong, and the bullet went through the book and into Ruiz's chest, killing him before he could be air-lifted for medical treatment, WDAY-TV reported.

According to the station, Perez fired from about a foot away.

Minn. woman fatally shoots boyfriend in YouTube stunt

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Please tell me died before he could spread his stupidity to another generation.

Nope his girl that shot him is pregnant and their three year old kid was watching it as it happened.

They should have used a New York City phone book instead...
Please tell me died before he could spread his stupidity to another generation.

Nope his girl that shot him is pregnant and their three year old kid was watching it as it happened.

They should have used a New York City phone book instead...
Jesus...what a bunch of fucking idiots.

The girl was actually bragging on Facebook beforehand how the stunt would build his Youtube channel so they could make money to support their family with.
MythBusters Episode 170: Paper Armor

Ancient Chinese armies used armor made from paper that could give the same protection as steel armor.


Kari spoke with antique armor expert Greg Martin, who explained that paper armor was in use as early as 600 BC and was built up from layers that may have been impregnated with resin or shellac. The Build Team tested several formulations for penetration resistance and found that a thick layer of folded paper, with no resin, gave the best results.

Using an armor sample of either 1/2 in (13 mm) paper or 1/32 in (1 mm) steel placed over a block of clay, they tested resistance to blunt force, swords, and arrows. The paper did as well as steel in the sword and arrow tests, failing only the blunt-force test, so the team decided to build a full suit of paper armor to match against a period-accurate steel counterpart.

Each team member ran one of three timed courses in both armor types to evaluate speed, endurance, and agility; paper outperformed steel in all three. Finally, they attacked the suits with arrows, swords, and two different firearms—an 18th-century flintlock pistol and a 19th-century .45 revolver. Both armor types resisted every attack except the .45, leading the team to classify the myth as plausible. They pointed out, though, that the paper armor could quickly begin to disintegrate if it got wet or took repeated blows (both of which happened during the full-scale tests).
We had this talks about phone books being bullet proof and I forgot to mention a very important incident in the history of the United States. A man attempted to assassinate Teddy Roosevelt when he ran up and shot him in the chest.

....and now for the rest of the story (nod to Paul Harvey)

Roosevelt had been giving a speech and he had written a rather long one on a piece of paper and had folded it up in his jacket pocket. When the man shot Roosevelt the bullet was slowed down partially because of his speech. Roosevelt refused to go to the hospital and instead read his 90 minute speech, and from that incident, the name of his new political party was born, the Bull Moose Party.

"Roosevelt stepped forward to show the crowd his shirt and the bullet holes in the manuscript. “Friends,” he said, “I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot—but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose.”

Shot in the Chest 100 Years Ago, Teddy Roosevelt Kept on Talking - History in the Headlines
He could have gotten about the same reaction from his fans if he had used a smaller caliber gun.
Incorrect Poindexter.

People would have been interested because he was using the Desert Eagle .50

The largest caliber pistol you can legally own. ..... :cool:

Ummm. No it ain't.

Seemed like a good idea at the time....what could possibly go wrong?

On Monday evening, Perez tweeted that the couple had agreed to carry out "one of the most dangerous videos ever."

"Me and Pedro are probably going to shoot one of the most dangerous videos ever. His idea, not mine," @MonalisaPerez5 said in the tweet.

Unfortunately, the prank went very wrong, and the bullet went through the book and into Ruiz's chest, killing him before he could be air-lifted for medical treatment, WDAY-TV reported.

According to the station, Perez fired from about a foot away.

Minn. woman fatally shoots boyfriend in YouTube stunt


leftards --LOL
I think she will get off on manslaughter charges

1. It was the guys idea to do it
2. The did a "test fire" beforehand. She had an expectation that it would work
I think this is an excellent argument for giving all Americans freer access to guns.

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