To the Newt Gingrich supporters


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
You better do some research on this charlatan before you give him anymore support. Don't be like those ill informed obama supporters. He is far worse than George Bush and on equal footing with obama. He was a big supporter of NAFTA, BIG GOVERNMENT, gun control, globalism, the GATT Law, any form of legislation that will strip away Americas sovereignty, Global warming, Mandated Healthcare coverage. Don't be like the obama supporters and say we weren't told

[ame=]The Real Newt Gingrich Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]2 of 3 The REAL Newt Gingrich - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The Real Newt Gingrich Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]
Last edited: couldn't possibly be that, even in some perverse way, you might be liking the fucking that you are getting right now. The fucking you know is better than the one you don't sort of thing. couldn't possibly be that, even in some perverse way, you might be liking the fucking that you are getting right now. The fucking you know is better than the one you don't sort of thing.

Being obtuse doesn't work so stop it. Both are going to fuck this country
If they are both going to fuck this country.......and one of them has already been in charge for three years, does it follow that we are already fucked? Obama waiting until his second term to bend us over?
If they are both going to fuck this country.......and one of them has already been in charge for three years, does it follow that we are already fucked? Obama waiting until his second term to bend us over?
You aren't following you're trolling. obama and newt are mirror images of each other but what makes newt worse is that he like bush posed as Conservatives. The only thing obama has ever been honest about was what he was, a progressive globalist.
In your world, nothing is as it should be. Satisfaction is not...and may never be....within your grasp.


You can dictate what is in your world and what you are. You cannot do that with me.


Please understand the difference between someone making an observation and someone dictating. The sensitivity displayed by the tough guy uber patriots here is a marvel.

You mean he didn't lose it when confronted by a nutbag? Good for him.

To the OP, I know Newt isn't ideal, but he's a lot better than Romney, he isn't crazy like Paul or Bachmann, and he doesn't stand their like a retarded poodle like Perry.

I really wanted Perry, but Perry wasn't prepared. Now, if we had a longer primary season, maybe he could catch up. The number of debates probably did Perry in. Bush-43 only had to endure three debates in 2000.

You mean he didn't lose it when confronted by a nutbag? Good for him.

To the OP, I know Newt isn't ideal, but he's a lot better than Romney, he isn't crazy like Paul or Bachmann, and he doesn't stand their like a retarded poodle like Perry.

I really wanted Perry, but Perry wasn't prepared. Now, if we had a longer primary season, maybe he could catch up. The number of debates probably did Perry in. Bush-43 only had to endure three debates in 2000.

Romney newt obama whats the difference?
Please explain why you think Ron Paul is crazy?
Perry is just another george bush and geroge bush is a liberal posing as a conservative.
Notice how smooth he was when confronted?

You mean he didn't lose it when confronted by a nutbag? Good for him.

To the OP, I know Newt isn't ideal, but he's a lot better than Romney, he isn't crazy like Paul or Bachmann, and he doesn't stand their like a retarded poodle like Perry.

I really wanted Perry, but Perry wasn't prepared. Now, if we had a longer primary season, maybe he could catch up. The number of debates probably did Perry in. Bush-43 only had to endure three debates in 2000.

Romney newt obama whats the difference?
Please explain why you think Ron Paul is crazy?
Perry is just another george bush and geroge bush is a liberal posing as a conservative.

Explain why Ron Paul is crazy? He is a Libertarian. He thinks the Federal Government should have NO power. He thinks we can return to the 1930's and ignore the world. Remember how well that worked THEN?

Read up on Libertarians views, they are NUT JOBS.

You think the Democrats want to cut defense? Paul would emasculate it.

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