To Gaza no more


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
and to all { or some } a Gaza night.You { or one } can't
make this stuff up.Again ... I dint.So how did We get
here.Again " We " dint.They did.Who Dey? Again on a Football
sunday ... the Cincinnati Bengals are not to blame.Even though if not for
Last Sunday { Do not confound with - Never on Sunday - { 1960 }
because up until last sunday last years superbowl loser was again
sucking big.But enough about " sucking ". War Sucks even though Dick
and Lizzie Cheney haven't got the memo yet.Used to be WaR was an
Omen of things to follow.
" No one is fool enough to choose war instead of
peace.For in peace sons bury fathers,but war violates
the order of nature,and fathers bury sons. "
Herodotus {485-425 B.C. } Greek historican "father of history"
Um ... Therefore ... :
" Let a man be as strong as he will,no
man is stronger than himself "
Soren Kierkegard
Hitler never bothered with much in the way of understanding
man and humanity.Nor appreciating good beer.Just his love of
pastries,loyalty among his flock and of course his best friend
Blondi { His German Shepherd }

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