"... to end gun violence"

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
"Everytown is a movement of Americans working together to end gun violence..."
Who We Are
"The power of the “End Gun Violence” campaign..."
End Gun Violence
"My plan to end gun violence..."
End Gun Violence · Eric Swalwell
"Together we will end gun violence..."
Moms Demand Action

When you go through these websites, you'll see all kinds of plans to make it more difficult for the law abiding to exercise the right to keep and bear arms, but nothing - that is, nothing - that will end gun violence.

When you visit these organizations social media outlets - FB, twitter, etc- and ask them how their plans will end gun violence, they do not respond. Their useful idiots might, and their replies are predictably delicious - the but the organizations themselves remain mute.

Do you think these organizations know their plans of actions will not end gun violence?
If they do, why do you think they lie about the efficacy of their efforts vis-a-vis their goal goal?
If not, why do you think they refuse to address those who ask questions?

"Everytown is a movement of Americans working together to end gun violence..."
Who We Are
"The power of the “End Gun Violence” campaign..."
End Gun Violence
"My plan to end gun violence..."
End Gun Violence · Eric Swalwell
"Together we will end gun violence..."
Moms Demand Action

When you go through these websites, you'll see all kinds of plans to make it more difficult for the law abiding to exercise the right to keep and bear arms, but nothing - that is, nothing - that will end gun violence.

When you visit these organizations social media outlets - FB, twitter, etc- and ask them how their plans will end gun violence, they do not respond. Their useful idiots might, and their replies are predictably delicious - the but the organizations themselves remain mute.

Do you think these organizations know their plans of actions will not end gun violence?
If they do, why do you think they lie about the efficacy of their efforts vis-a-vis their goal goal?
If not, why do you think they refuse to address those who ask questions?


Without exception, every person who supports stricter gun control laws falls into two categories…

  • Those who are willfully, knowingly on the side of tyrants, terrorists, and criminals; and against that of law-abiding citizens; who want law-abiding citizens to be unarmed and easier prey for the tyrants, terrorists, and criminals.


  • Those who are ignorant and gullible enough to believe the lies told to them by the first group.
"Everytown is a movement of Americans working together to end gun violence..."
Who We Are
"The power of the “End Gun Violence” campaign..."
End Gun Violence
"My plan to end gun violence..."
End Gun Violence · Eric Swalwell
"Together we will end gun violence..."
Moms Demand Action

When you go through these websites, you'll see all kinds of plans to make it more difficult for the law abiding to exercise the right to keep and bear arms, but nothing - that is, nothing - that will end gun violence.

When you visit these organizations social media outlets - FB, twitter, etc- and ask them how their plans will end gun violence, they do not respond. Their useful idiots might, and their replies are predictably delicious - the but the organizations themselves remain mute.

Do you think these organizations know their plans of actions will not end gun violence?
If they do, why do you think they lie about the efficacy of their efforts vis-a-vis their goal goal?
If not, why do you think they refuse to address those who ask questions?

Without exception, every person who supports stricter gun control laws falls into two categories…
  • Those who are willfully, knowingly on the side of tyrants, terrorists, and criminals; and against that of law-abiding citizens; who want law-abiding citizens to be unarmed and easier prey for the tyrants, terrorists, and criminals.
  • Those who are ignorant and gullible enough to believe the lies told to them by the first group.
The former preys on the emotions and ignorance of the latter.
End democrats.

That's the secret. The only reason we need our guns is because of Democrats. If we feel the need to disarm society, we would have to get rid of all the Democrats first.

The plan is to get rid of guns, but it seems the states that have the most problems with gun violence and mass shootings are the liberal states. Only a liberal can't understand that 2+2=4.

So their plan is (if they ever had total charge of our country) is to let criminals out of jail, protect illegal alien criminals from ICE, disarm society, and that's how liberals come up with solutions.

When those solutions don't work, they never blame themselves. They blame it on something totally not associated with the problem.
Our homicide rates are 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control. They also do not suffer regular mass shootings.
Our homicide rates are 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control. They also do not suffer regular mass shootings.
Your red herring aside...

You are fully, and painfully, aware of the fact you cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between the gun laws in those countries with their lower rates of gun-related murders and mass shootings.
You shall now prove my statement correct.
I thought I would throw this out here since on the subject. It was reported just yesterday. As with most of these stories, you seldom hear or read how an armed citizen saved him or herself, or others because they were armed.

A pizza delivery guy was aware that the area had several robberies of other delivery drivers, so he was prepared. They called in a pizza to a vacant house, and when they went to surprise him, he surprised them right back by drawing his weapon.

Akron pizza delivery driver pulls gun on robbery suspects
Man with gun fires into a group of kids and hits two pre teens who were part of the group throwing snowballs at cars

City rethinking its band on throwing objects after the band was removed and the above incident happen that now has them thinking to revive such a band

nice video by the police

sending a firm message

It is insane that we are tolerating 15,000 gun homicides every year. Absolutely insane.

I know some on the Left want to grab all guns. And the Right loves posting Beto's bullshit over and over as if that is what everyone on the Left believes. They don't. It's bullshit to imply that is what they all believe. It is viciously and criminally dishonest to imply that.

My thinking on the issue is the same as my thinking on the issue of the opioid crisis. I believe the manufacturers of guns and opioids willfully manufactured more guns and pills than needed to meet America's demand. They knew the excess would spill over into the criminal world and that mass deaths will occur.

All in the neverending pursuit of increased profits. Stockholders murder corporations which don't report regular growth. They will not tolerate even a single quarter of non-growth, never mind losses.

So more and more pills and guns are pushed onto the streets.

It's time to hold them accountable.
It is insane that we are tolerating 15,000 gun homicides every year. Absolutely insane.

I know some on the Left want to grab all guns. And the Right loves posting Beto's bullshit over and over as if that is what everyone on the Left believes. They don't. It's bullshit to imply that is what they all believe. It is viciously and criminally dishonest to imply that.

My thinking on the issue is the same as my thinking on the issue of the opioid crisis. I believe the manufacturers of guns and opioids willfully manufactured more guns and pills than needed to meet America's demand. They knew the excess would spill over into the criminal world and that mass deaths will occur.

All in the neverending pursuit of increased profits. Stockholders murder corporations which don't report regular growth. They will not tolerate even a single quarter of non-growth, never mind losses.

So more and more pills and guns are pushed onto the streets.

It's time to hold them accountable.
If you vermin would stop releasing violent criminals...
Our homicide rates are 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control. They also do not suffer regular mass shootings.
They suffer mass knifings and rapings and acidings. You want that.
It is insane that we are tolerating 15,000 gun homicides every year. Absolutely insane.

I know some on the Left want to grab all guns. And the Right loves posting Beto's bullshit over and over as if that is what everyone on the Left believes. They don't. It's bullshit to imply that is what they all believe. It is viciously and criminally dishonest to imply that.

My thinking on the issue is the same as my thinking on the issue of the opioid crisis. I believe the manufacturers of guns and opioids willfully manufactured more guns and pills than needed to meet America's demand. They knew the excess would spill over into the criminal world and that mass deaths will occur.

All in the neverending pursuit of increased profits. Stockholders murder corporations which don't report regular growth. They will not tolerate even a single quarter of non-growth, never mind losses.

So more and more pills and guns are pushed onto the streets.

It's time to hold them accountable.

The suggestion is nothing more than a way to get around the Constitution and eliminate guns. They don't like the Constitution, never have and never will. The Constitution stops their agendas.

If gun manufacturers are liable for every murder and non-fatal shooting, then they go out of business like the commies want. They technically didn't stop people from owning guns, but they would be able to stop most of us from getting access to guns.

I'll make you a deal though, if you want gun manufacturers to be liable for guns, we want auto manufactures to be liable for every accident, especially those who drink and drive. Then when cars and trucks become unaffordable, you'll understand what the impact of firearm liability would do.
to end gun violence"

shoot all the violent offenders -


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