To be a GOOD Liberal you believe the following:

The amazingly wise pegwinn said:
BBM, the reason that the second amendment exists is to ensure that no one can overthrow the people of the usa. Governments come and go, but the people will not be subjugated. I hope you get that.

As to interpreting the second amendment. Other than your own personal opinion, where does it say that assault weapons are not allowed. Remember, the point of the constitutuion is that you get it unless they specifically banned it.

"Arms" doesn't mean only firearms. It means that I can own real, functional swords, pikes, spikes, clubs, flails, maces, throwing stars, full auto weapons, claymores etc. Arms means weapons.

You call for more regulation. I submit that the same crooks that ignore our laws will ignore the regulations.

Remember this: It is better for a law abiding citizen to choose the weapons he (or she) will (or won't) keep in the house. Criminals will always choose to arm themselves no matter the law, that's why we call em criminals.

Bullypulpit (who may've bit off more than he can chew) said:
Nice premise, but this administration has already "overthrown the people" and uses the Constitution for toilet paper.

Ah hell, I got all night tomorrow and all weekend. I would suggest that you take your statement and start a thread. I'm in, 'twould be fun. Or you can simply list your assertions with such proof as you can find.
Came up with this in another thread, so I'm adding it to the list.

To be a good liberal, you have to believe that killing a single animal for food or killing man in self defense is a cruel, unforgivable act, but witholding disaster relief funds because of the political alignment of the state is perfectly acceptable. After all, anybody who votes Bush gets what he deserves.
Big Blue Machin said:
I just get annoyed when people say that having an assault rifle is allowed in the constution.

The Constitution does not allow people anything. That is not it's purpose. It's purpose is to clearly restrict the authority of the Federal Government. Taken in that context, can you point to the part of the Constitution where it says the Federal Government has the authority to deny people the right to produce, sell, purchase, or own assualt rifles?
Bullypulpit said:
BTW, shouldn't this thread be moved to the humor column? I posted a similar list with regard to Republicans, and it was moved by a rather imperious moderator to the humor section of the board. In fact, here it is again.

<blockquote><center>25 Rules for being a Good Republican</center>

1) Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you are
millionaire conservative radio jock, which makes it an illness and
needs our prayers for your recovery.

2) You have to believe that those privileged from birth achieve success
all on their own.

3) You have to believe that the US should get out of the UN, and that our
highest national priority is enforcing UN resolutions against Iraq.

4) You have to believe that government should stay out of people's lives
but it needs to punish anyone caught having private sex with the wrong

8) You have to believe that a woman cannot be trusted with decisions about
her own body, but that large multi-national corporations can make decisions
affecting all mankind with no regulation whatsoever.

13) You have to believe it is wise to keep condoms out of schools, because
we all know if teenagers don't have condoms they won't have sex.

17) You believe that tobacco's link to cancer and global warming are "junk
science", but Creationism should be taught in schools.

25) You have to believe that trade with Cuba is wrong because it is
communist, but trading with China and Vietnam is just dandy.</blockquote>

Genius (17 is great;))
As for most of the rest of you: you are quite mad! Maybe your gun enthusiasm would be tempered a bit after say your wife or one of your kids were killed in crossfire from a shoot out.
The right to bear arms essentially means the right to own explosive substances. Explosives are used in bombs. Bombs are used by terrorists. Terrorists are a homeland security issue. QED The right to bear arms and (homeland) security are contradictory.
If 9/11 had been caused by bombings would your attitude towards the availability of arms/explosives be any different?
An American is some 35 times more likely to be killed by a bullet than a Brit. Where is the 'freedom', 'liberty' and 'security' in that?

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