TMW: Christian Organization [Village of Democrats]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a globalization-politics themed alien-fable inspired by K-PAX and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

It's too political to post in the Writing section, which is why I had to post it in General Discussion, but I hope you like it.

Signing off (hope everyone had a fun/safe Halloween),


Democracy required serious defense in the 20th and 21st Century. On September 11, 2001, fundamentalist-Islamic terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center in NYC by crashing a hijacked plane into the skyscraper. Almost two decades later, in 2017, America elected its second celebrity-president, Donald Trump, into office. Trump, a former capitalism-baron and casino-owner, was expected to take the 'helm' of America in this new millennium and steer the nation into an emerged consumerism-oriented geopolitical landscape (i.e., Wall Street, European Union, World Bank, NATO). Terrorism was still on the minds of many leaders.

Why was capitalism-politics being undermined by pedestrian dissatisfaction? TrumpUSA was facing many kinds of street-protests as President Trump faced various media-scandals. Nevertheless, Trump steered America shrewdly through a North Korea nuclear missile-test crisis during Labor Day weekend 2017. All of this modern globalization-oriented 'intrigue' prompted an alien visitor from Venus to land on Earth. His name was Alas, and he was a handsome humanoid cyborg-like being.

Alas wanted to understand and appreciate why and how capitalism was 'shaping' the new age (on Earth). Alas first built an observation-station on Earth's moon before deciding to make contact with the White House on Thanksgiving Day 2018. President Trump welcomed Alas and had him meet with various diplomats who would show the 'special visitor' the 'mechanics' of human civilization. Alas explained he was here on an anthropological mission, and that's just what humanity blessed him to pursue. Alas evaluated Wall Street and NATO and why America was expected to be the modern world's official 'Big Brother.'

For some reason, Alas decided to focus his attention on a peculiar crime-syndicate known as Black Mask operating in Moscow and Jerusalem. Black Mask was allied to the new fundamentalist-Islamic terrorist group ISIS and used narcotics-ring profits to create black market munitions trades for the benefit of ISIS. Meanwhile, ISIS was planning a Christmas Eve attack on the White House so the killing of U.S. President Donald Trump would 'awaken' humanity to the reality that capitalism was extremely flawed. Alas knew he had to debate with the 'executives' of ISIS privately.

ALAS: You seem to think Black Mask is an 'ally.'
ISIS: Black Mask is a syndicate with great 'vision.'
ALAS: Black Mask seems to hate capitalism as much as you!
ISIS: That's why we're working together, Alas...
ALAS: I'm not here to persecute you as Muslims.
ISIS: Black Mask is not Muslim.
ALAS: I understand that; I need to know your rationale.
ISIS: We want evidence that America forms legitimate Christian groups.
ALAS: So if President Trump condoned a Christian organization, you'd relent?
ISIS: Yes, we would relent; such an organization would be more balanced.
ALAS: Right; such an organization would offer clearer views on Israel-Palestine.
ISIS: Exactly; modern American media is too biased for Palestine-relations.
ALAS: Are you proud of Al Jazeera, and is Black Mask agreeable with it?
ISIS: We are happy with the news-quality of Al Jazeera, and Black Mask agrees.
ALAS: In that case, I'll coordinate with Trump regarding this Christian organization.
ISIS: Make sure this legitimate organization has great media reach...
ALAS: Of course!

Alas returned to America after his 'talk' with ISIS and explained to U.S. President Donald Trump that modern anti-capitalism sentiments involved a rather 'passionate' view on the need for great commercial reforms in the modern geopolitical landscape. Trump advised that any dealing with terrorists required an absolute declaration that negotiating terrorism was always hairy. However, Alas advised President Trump that the key to creating a peaceful commerce-landscape in the modern world required an attention to media details. Trump agreed and oversaw a new Christian organization called TMW which would offer great media optimism. Alas would serve as its official spokesman. The future looked 'clinically-negotiable.'

TRUMP: It seems that Alas is organizing great commercial activities.
ADVISOR: The media is powerful, and Alas knows it!
TRUMP: I wonder if there should be a 'village of Democrats.'
ADVISOR: Are you concerned about 'Republican autonomy,' sir?
TRUMP: Yes, I want clear lines between the two parties.
ADVISOR: I suppose bipartisan commerce leads to more 'treaties.'
TRUMP: That's the theory; I think Alas would agree.
ADVISOR: We're fortunate to have such a 'sane visitor' as Alas.



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