TMM announces election endorsements


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
First, what IS "TMM"?

It's America's newest political party. Never negative; always dedicated to the best in life.

OK, so what does the "TMM" acronym mean?

Theory (of) Maximum Mischief.

Accepting that at least two generations of American Politics has endured a national death spiral members of TMM have accepted that it's all downhill from here. That noted, they are dedicated to making the ride as much fun as possible.

Like sledding when you know there's a forest or trees at the bottom - trees into which you MUST ultimately crash and die or at least be maimed....but the thrill of the speed and the view on the way down outweigh all that inevitable stuff.

Therefore, I, Chairperson (let's embrace the linguistic slide) of The Theory (of) Maximum Mischief Party (we initially wanted to call it a "Gala" - not just a common "party"). That was deterred because we quickly realized that "gala" would somehow be confused with "gay". And...though we may be strange - we are NOT queer!

But I digress.....As Chairperson I present you with our choice of candidates for November, 2017 (anything worth doing is worthy of not being rushed):

President: Bernie Sanders!

Vice President: Donald Trump.

Placed in that order due not to simple seniority (Nutty Old Uncle Bernie IS ancient compared with The Trumpster); rather in a nod of respect to actuarial tables. Admittedly there were some in the actuarial wing of of the gala.....nay, party....who wanted Hillary Clinton in the top spot as they feel the chances of her inadvertently wandering out the door of Air Force One (at altitude) in a confused quest for the pissoir would provide a year's worth of laughs and give Trump a longer opportunity to work his rather different form of havoc.

At the end it was the editorial cartoonist element who ended that Bern/Hill discussion when they drove home the point that they can milk "the hair" for a lot more creative....well....mischief......than they can squeeze out of a pants suit (no matter how might might be squeezed into it).

And there it is;

Since we're all doomed let's die laughing!

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