Tipping in Resturants


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
First, let me say I have zero desire to be a waiter. I don't think I could do what they do for a living. They are providing a service that I respect and need. 99% of waiters and waitresses I see do a great job.

That said, I think tipping should be obsoleted in the US. New Zealand no one tips. They earn their income based upon a wage they agree to when they hire on.

I've watched the "proper" tipping amount go from 10% to 15% to now 20% of the bill. At the high cost of restaurant food, these people are making a killing. A local restaurant owner here I liked had to close - his servers were earning more than he was. That said, I top 10% at most.

Tipping is a scam.
I disagree. I will tip for good service and i won't for bad. If it is exceptional service I tip very well, over 20% in some cases.
I have never walked away from a table where I did not tip. I have left 3 pennies. But never nothing. But those are exceptions for bad service. I tip well. The wait staff usually earns it. And it inspires better service next time.
I generally tip 20% for all my luxuries, resturaunt, hair, nails, massage! I draw the line at counter tipping though.
First, let me say I have zero desire to be a waiter. I don't think I could do what they do for a living. They are providing a service that I respect and need. 99% of waiters and waitresses I see do a great job.

That said, I think tipping should be obsoleted in the US. New Zealand no one tips. They earn their income based upon a wage they agree to when they hire on.

I've watched the "proper" tipping amount go from 10% to 15% to now 20% of the bill. At the high cost of restaurant food, these people are making a killing. A local restaurant owner here I liked had to close - his servers were earning more than he was. That said, I top 10% at most.

Tipping is a scam.

Hey, is that you Mr. Pink!? :D

If you haven't seen Reservoir Dogs that statement won't have any context.
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First, let me say I have zero desire to be a waiter. I don't think I could do what they do for a living. They are providing a service that I respect and need. 99% of waiters and waitresses I see do a great job.

That said, I think tipping should be obsoleted in the US. New Zealand no one tips. They earn their income based upon a wage they agree to when they hire on.

I've watched the "proper" tipping amount go from 10% to 15% to now 20% of the bill. At the high cost of restaurant food, these people are making a killing. A local restaurant owner here I liked had to close - his servers were earning more than he was. That said, I top 10% at most.

Tipping is a scam.

If his servers were making a good income- but he was not- then he was doing something wrong.

Restaurants don't go out of business because people tip the wait staff.

That being said- there are restaurants that are experimenting with alternatives to tipping- seek them out.
First, let me say I have zero desire to be a waiter. I don't think I could do what they do for a living. They are providing a service that I respect and need. 99% of waiters and waitresses I see do a great job.

That said, I think tipping should be obsoleted in the US. New Zealand no one tips. They earn their income based upon a wage they agree to when they hire on.

I've watched the "proper" tipping amount go from 10% to 15% to now 20% of the bill. At the high cost of restaurant food, these people are making a killing. A local restaurant owner here I liked had to close - his servers were earning more than he was. That said, I top 10% at most.

Tipping is a scam.
What I want to know is why this thread ended up on the Religion and Ethics board. But, be that as it may. Tipping is so antiquated and arcane. Why not pay people in the hospitality industry a living wage from the get go?
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First, let me say I have zero desire to be a waiter. I don't think I could do what they do for a living. They are providing a service that I respect and need. 99% of waiters and waitresses I see do a great job.

That said, I think tipping should be obsoleted in the US. New Zealand no one tips. They earn their income based upon a wage they agree to when they hire on.

I've watched the "proper" tipping amount go from 10% to 15% to now 20% of the bill. At the high cost of restaurant food, these people are making a killing. A local restaurant owner here I liked had to close - his servers were earning more than he was. That said, I top 10% at most.

Tipping is a scam.
What I want to know is why this thread ended up on the Religion and Ethics board. But, be that as it may. Tipping is so antiquated and arcane. Why not pay people in the hospitality industry a living wage from the get go?


--- because the hospitality industry is antiquated and arcane?

What did I win?
Is this tipping stuff a way to excuse underpaying someone, or is it supposed to be like extra reward for just doing your job well to begin with? Like a commission but for poor people? I never understood why we have tipping. But now that they are raising the minimum wage, that will fix everything. Well, until the cost of living goes up, then we're back to square one...Chasing our tails.
Is this tipping stuff a way to excuse underpaying someone, or is it supposed to be like extra reward for just doing your job well to begin with? Like a commission but for poor people? I never understood why we have tipping. But now that they are raising the minimum wage, that will fix everything. Well, until the cost of living goes up, then we're back to square one...Chasing our tails.

There are exceptions to the minimum wages laws. Wait staff typically make less than half of minimum wage as an hourly pay. They make up the difference in tips. The hospitality industry has to change it. And they won't, because right now they can legally pay someone less than minimum wage. And the wait staff will get screwed because it will be taxed if they pay them minimum wage. Nobody wins except the Mr. Pinks out there.
I disagree. I will tip for good service and i won't for bad. If it is exceptional service I tip very well, over 20% in some cases.
Been to 19 nations. Best service has been in nations were tipping is not practiced.

That's nice. I've been to over 100, and the best service by far is that where the wait staff has a long history of good service. And they are paid well for it.
First, let me say I have zero desire to be a waiter. I don't think I could do what they do for a living. They are providing a service that I respect and need. 99% of waiters and waitresses I see do a great job.

That said, I think tipping should be obsoleted in the US. New Zealand no one tips. They earn their income based upon a wage they agree to when they hire on.

I've watched the "proper" tipping amount go from 10% to 15% to now 20% of the bill. At the high cost of restaurant food, these people are making a killing. A local restaurant owner here I liked had to close - his servers were earning more than he was. That said, I top 10% at most.

Tipping is a scam.

I tip well for two reasons.
First I was a bartender for awhile and I know what those tips meant to me.
Second,when the wife and I walk into our favorite place they'll have our drinks at the table by the time we sit down and we always get treated like royalty.
When crawfish season comes around they'll pick through the ice chest and give us the biggest ones.
Every request is granted with a smile and a "no problem".
First, let me say I have zero desire to be a waiter. I don't think I could do what they do for a living. They are providing a service that I respect and need. 99% of waiters and waitresses I see do a great job.

That said, I think tipping should be obsoleted in the US. New Zealand no one tips. They earn their income based upon a wage they agree to when they hire on.

I've watched the "proper" tipping amount go from 10% to 15% to now 20% of the bill. At the high cost of restaurant food, these people are making a killing. A local restaurant owner here I liked had to close - his servers were earning more than he was. That said, I top 10% at most.

Tipping is a scam.

If his servers were making a good income- but he was not- then he was doing something wrong.

Restaurants don't go out of business because people tip the wait staff.

That being said- there are restaurants that are experimenting with alternatives to tipping- seek them out.
Every topic you post about you show ignorance. Restaurants is a highly competitive business. Costs are kept at a minimum to keep people walking into your door. This means your profit margin is very slim. So when your servers are making $20 on every table, yes they are making a lot of money for what is not a stressful job. Your biggest problem is making sure the blonde gets the IPA she ordered and her husband gets the pale ale.
The only way I don't tip is if the service was very poor.

However, I refuse to do business with any company in which the gratuity is added to the bill. This means I'm tipping regardless of the service.
Is this tipping stuff a way to excuse underpaying someone, or is it supposed to be like extra reward for just doing your job well to begin with? Like a commission but for poor people? I never understood why we have tipping. But now that they are raising the minimum wage, that will fix everything. Well, until the cost of living goes up, then we're back to square one...Chasing our tails.

There are exceptions to the minimum wages laws. Wait staff typically make less than half of minimum wage as an hourly pay. They make up the difference in tips. The hospitality industry has to change it. And they won't, because right now they can legally pay someone less than minimum wage. And the wait staff will get screwed because it will be taxed if they pay them minimum wage. Nobody wins except the Mr. Pinks out there.
That is true, I forgot about that. HOW can anyone excuse paying these people less than minimum wage?
Is this tipping stuff a way to excuse underpaying someone, or is it supposed to be like extra reward for just doing your job well to begin with? Like a commission but for poor people? I never understood why we have tipping. But now that they are raising the minimum wage, that will fix everything. Well, until the cost of living goes up, then we're back to square one...Chasing our tails.
If I'm paying $50 a plate, why should I pay $10 just to have it brought to me?
First, let me say I have zero desire to be a waiter. I don't think I could do what they do for a living. They are providing a service that I respect and need. 99% of waiters and waitresses I see do a great job.

That said, I think tipping should be obsoleted in the US. New Zealand no one tips. They earn their income based upon a wage they agree to when they hire on.

I've watched the "proper" tipping amount go from 10% to 15% to now 20% of the bill. At the high cost of restaurant food, these people are making a killing. A local restaurant owner here I liked had to close - his servers were earning more than he was. That said, I top 10% at most.

Tipping is a scam.
What I want to know is why this thread ended up on the Religion and Ethics board. But, be that as it may. Tipping is so antiquated and arcane. Why not pay people in the hospitality industry a living wage from the get go?
Because if I don't tip a good waitress you'd say I was unethical.

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