~Tip Of The Day~


May 13, 2011
Tip of The Day!
During winter, fill balloons with water and add food coloring, once frozen cut the balloons off and they look like giant marbles or Christmas decorations. I can't wait to try this!


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I wonder how well that will work in Florida? Might get about fifteen minutes of pleasure out of it and then have a mess to clean up. :)
I wonder how well that will work in Florida? Might get about fifteen minutes of pleasure out of it and then have a mess to clean up. :)

Are you describing senior citizen sex?
Hah! That problem is rampant among the young, hence cialis. Even novels have obligatory romantic scenes in which the manly man explodes fifteen seconds (not minutes) after penetration. Too much self flagellation just like Dr. Laura warned. :badgrin:
Dabs wrote: During winter, fill balloons with water and add food coloring, once frozen cut the balloons off and they look like giant marbles or Christmas decorations.

Or use colored balloons...

... `nother tip o' the day...

... bald headed men shouldn't use possums as toupees...

... it scares the possums...

... dis goes fer you too, The Donald.
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It's not suggested you decorate a tree with them.
that is a neat idea and you could figure out how to hang them....if you could put a wire in when they are still liquid...set the balloon up in a box to stabilize it...and keep it upright...insert a wire and you have a hanger....
Wow, cool idea. I know it will work here. I might wait until my granddaughters return, the landlord has little humor for messes left behind.

It's food coloring...

Thank you....I was wondering, what is this mess people keep asking about....it's simple food coloring......when the water melts, it will eventually dry...there will be no mess :)
Wow, cool idea. I know it will work here. I might wait until my granddaughters return, the landlord has little humor for messes left behind.

It's food coloring...

Thank you....I was wondering, what is this mess people keep asking about....it's simple food coloring......when the water melts, it will eventually dry...there will be no mess :)

I guess you'd have to know an anal-retentive neat-freak to understand. This guy creases his jeans, fee cryin' out loud.

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