Time to round up the Irish Catholics and kick them out

No it's pure
Statistically speaking, Muslims are FAR more likely to engage in terrorism than an Irishman. Additionally, Muslims are FAR more likely than the Irish to support and sympathize with acts of terrorism. These are facts that you will ignore as they refute your agenda.
You havent provided any facts.I am pointing out the hypocrisy of the dickheads on this board. A fact that has escaped the more stupid of you.

The Irish want the English out of Ireland. There is no religious motivation in the desire to see the English removed entirely from Ireland. A long history of brutality, starvation and forced subservience by the English is a large part of the reason for the conflict. Terrorism is wrong but the actions of this Irish group is not motivated by religious zeal.

Muslim bombings are largely motivated by religious zeal whereas the Irish are motivated by history and politics. Both are wrong.

However trying to tie the Catholic faith to these acts only shows how desperate you are to justify Muslim acts of terrorism by saying that the Christian faith is guilty of the same.

No it's pure sectarianism. Not all the Irish want out, only the Catholics do. They are the ones sending bombs.

You've defined this type of sectarianism as one based on religious belief.

You are so incredibly thick. By your reasoning the ultimate peace plan for Ireland would be for the English and Northern Irish to abandon the Church of England and embrace the Catholic faith. All will be forgotten and peace will reign forever more between them all.

Does the long history of brutality, starvation and forced subservience by the English have any influence on why many Irish hate the English?

Too fking funny.

There is a peace plan that is generally working very well. The catholics feel irish and the prods feel british. The brits just need to respect the GFA.

So admit that it is political/cultural sectarianism rather than religious as you originally stated?

No it's pure
You havent provided any facts.I am pointing out the hypocrisy of the dickheads on this board. A fact that has escaped the more stupid of you.

The Irish want the English out of Ireland. There is no religious motivation in the desire to see the English removed entirely from Ireland. A long history of brutality, starvation and forced subservience by the English is a large part of the reason for the conflict. Terrorism is wrong but the actions of this Irish group is not motivated by religious zeal.

Muslim bombings are largely motivated by religious zeal whereas the Irish are motivated by history and politics. Both are wrong.

However trying to tie the Catholic faith to these acts only shows how desperate you are to justify Muslim acts of terrorism by saying that the Christian faith is guilty of the same.

No it's pure sectarianism. Not all the Irish want out, only the Catholics do. They are the ones sending bombs.

You've defined this type of sectarianism as one based on religious belief.

You are so incredibly thick. By your reasoning the ultimate peace plan for Ireland would be for the English and Northern Irish to abandon the Church of England and embrace the Catholic faith. All will be forgotten and peace will reign forever more between them all.

Does the long history of brutality, starvation and forced subservience by the English have any influence on why many Irish hate the English?

Too fking funny.

There is a peace plan that is generally working very well. The catholics feel irish and the prods feel british. The brits just need to respect the GFA.

So admit that it is political/cultural sectarianism rather than religious as you originally stated?

No.it is religious.Do some reading if you can read.
No it's pure
The Irish want the English out of Ireland. There is no religious motivation in the desire to see the English removed entirely from Ireland. A long history of brutality, starvation and forced subservience by the English is a large part of the reason for the conflict. Terrorism is wrong but the actions of this Irish group is not motivated by religious zeal.

Muslim bombings are largely motivated by religious zeal whereas the Irish are motivated by history and politics. Both are wrong.

However trying to tie the Catholic faith to these acts only shows how desperate you are to justify Muslim acts of terrorism by saying that the Christian faith is guilty of the same.

No it's pure sectarianism. Not all the Irish want out, only the Catholics do. They are the ones sending bombs.

You've defined this type of sectarianism as one based on religious belief.

You are so incredibly thick. By your reasoning the ultimate peace plan for Ireland would be for the English and Northern Irish to abandon the Church of England and embrace the Catholic faith. All will be forgotten and peace will reign forever more between them all.

Does the long history of brutality, starvation and forced subservience by the English have any influence on why many Irish hate the English?

Too fking funny.

There is a peace plan that is generally working very well. The catholics feel irish and the prods feel british. The brits just need to respect the GFA.

So admit that it is political/cultural sectarianism rather than religious as you originally stated?

No.it is religious.Do some reading if you can read.

According to you all the English have to do is embrace the Catholic church and peace will forever inhabit Ireland.

Grow up. The Irish won't forget the cruelty of the English. Whereas the Welsh are only too happy to be considered thick and sheep lovers by the English, the Irish don't want them meddling in their country.

It's understandable that Wales and England were the only two countries to vote in favor of Brexit. You deserve each other.



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