Time to put that most difficult of discussions to bed!

"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." — Robert Heinlein

That's about as co-dependent an expression as it gets. Very unhealthy, though it accurately describes how I lived much of my life.

I have since found that love is being able to live without someone, but choosing to live with them.
"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." — Robert Heinlein

That's about as co-dependent an expression as it gets. Very unhealthy, though it accurately describes how I lived much of my life.

I have since found that love is being able to live without someone, but choosing to live with them.

Babies develop into fine human beings when they're held a lot as infants. I find my dog thrives when I sleep next to her tête-à-tête. What more of love could you ask for?
Babies develop into fine human beings when they're held a lot as infants. I find my dog thrives when I sleep next to her tête-à-tête. What more of love could you ask for?

nurture and love are also two different things


back to the cradle for you

Many people mistake subtle emotions for anything but love unaware that that IS love. Don't feel bad. You're part of the crowd. :lol:

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