Time to Man Up MARINES

I would have given the guy the benefit of the doubt if he said he was drunk or impaired by prescription PTSD drugs but you need to have your shit together if you are carrying weapons and ammunition in your vehicle. Here's what you do if you make a wrong turn and find yourself approaching a big sign in English and Spanish that says "welcome to Mexico". You hit the right blinker and pull over and think about it or you hit the left blinker and make a U turn and go back to the land of the free and the home of the brave.
I've thought about it as I've been in border areas going to YUMA Arizona . If I had made a wrong turn with guns in the car as I headed to MEXICO I'd stop dead in traffic or pull over to the side while staying the USA . And , I'd do whatever I had to do talking to CHP and paying fines or whatever .
I've thought about it as I've been in border areas going to YUMA Arizona . If I had made a wrong turn with guns in the car as I headed to MEXICO I'd stop dead in traffic or pull over to the side while staying the USA . And , I'd do whatever I had to do talking to CHP and paying fines or whatever .

This guy however was from Florida. He would have had about as much experience with how border crossings work as say somebody from Kansas or North Carolina.

You have lived in a border area, you know what they are like obviously. Once you pass a certain point you know there is no turning back so you would have stopped. Most people have absolutely no idea that once you pass that point, you have no choice but to drive into the other country.

I have seen similar behavior all the time at the bridges in the Bay Area. People miss the last exit before the bridge (which all have tolls), and are then stuck, and sometimes they do really stupid things to try and get off (at least 3 times I have seen them drive backwards down an onramp to get out).

This guy lived in a state where the nearest international border crossing was hundreds of miles away, and I bet he had never seen one before.

Also, most people have absolutely no idea how strong the gun laws are in Mexico, unless they live in a border region bordering the country. To 90% of Americans, that is about as important as the rankings of Chinese Cricket Association.
What a charming group of individuals...NOT!

It is my most sincere wish that each of you, with one exception, finds yourself in such a position. While you are in that position, it is my sincere hope people, such as yourselves, are debating your actions as opposed to providing some type of support through a simple letter.

What a wondrous group of judgmental schmucks.

I would never cross over into Mexico with a gun in my car, so I'm pretty sure I don't have to worry about ever being in his situation.
Tricky highway patterns are only "tricky" to advanced senior citizens, drunks, the mentally impaired and the poor A-holes who self administer prescription drugs. Otherwise a slick combat Veteran with a truck load of illegal weapons and ammunition might have a different motive.

So are honestly expecting us to believe you have never in your life ever made a wrong turn?

Not over a foreign country's border.

And the weapons were not illegal in the United States.

They are in Mexico, hence the reason he is in prison.
I fail to see the problem?

The guy broke Mexican law and is legally in jail for doing so. ... :cool:

Yes..."Their sovereign nation, their laws".

They can do what they like with him...sentence him to 20 years, 10 years, 5 years...whatever they like.
It's Mexico.

Not a lot of "Mexico is our friend and loves America" on show now is there?

So what was the good SGT doing, exactly?

CIA spy?
Secretly going to see a girl in Mexico?
Tired and missed the turn off?

Hardly gun-running with only 3 guns.

No way I'd want to be unarmed in Mexico [not that I'd ever set foot in the place].

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