Time to Man Up MARINES


Jul 18, 2013
I am on a mission. I am going to provide the address for Sgt. Andrew Tahmoorsi in Mexico in his prison. It is my hope that the Marines will abide by their motto of Semper Fidelis. If you take the address and write a letter, then ask someone else to write the next day, another the day after and so on, we can make sure this young man knows we have not forgotten and care. The prison will not allow cards. It must be a letter. It does not have to be long, just supportive.

Other Veterans participating would be a welcome help.

The address is

SGT. Andrew Tahmooressi,
Carretera Libre Rumorasa--Tecate, SN---Francisco Villa, El Hongo 2, 21452, Tecate,
Baja California Norte, Mexico

Your support will be appreciated, though you may never know the effect.

Thank you.
Tahmoorisi is a former Marine and it's probably not appropriate to call him Sgt. I don't believe for a minute that the Former Marine "took a wrong turn" and ended up in Mexico by accident. It bothers me that he is lying about the incident. There are a million signs and lights on border crossings. That having been said, it's pretty ironic that the former Marine is in jail for having a single personal weapon in his trunk while a rogue agency of the US federal police and the US attorney General gets away with shipping over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels who murdered an estimated hundreds of Mexican citizens and two US Border Patrol officers. Barry Hussein welcomed home an Army deserter and about a million illegal criminal Hispanic aliens but he won't lift a finger to help a former Marine who rots in a Mexican jail.
Tahmoorisi is a former Marine and it's probably not appropriate to call him Sgt. I don't believe for a minute that the Former Marine "took a wrong turn" and ended up in Mexico by accident.

Actually, it is appropriate. Sergeant Tahmooressi is not a "Former Marine", but is in the active Fleet Reserve, and was undergoing treatment in a medical facility in San Diego.

When the incident happened, he had been in San Diego less then 2 weeks. He was also aware (are as all members of the US military, including Reservists) that Mexico is strictly "Off Limits" to military personnel. And a great many of the border crossings are poorly lit and signed, and often are "one way", where once you miss a turn you have no choice but to drive to the border and ask them to allow you to cross and turn around.

I have driven across many times in the 1980's and early 1990's. And the crossing point he was at is very well known to me, since it is the one I most commonly used. Miss the exit for Camino De La Plaza, and you have no choice but to approach the border crossing.

Back in 1993 I also missed the turnoff (I had intended to park my bike on the US side and walk across), and had to enter Mexico. Then on the way home endure the 2 hour wait to drive my motorcycle back into the US. That was the last time I ever drove to the border, after that I would only drive to National City, and take the Trolley to the border.

And the "wrong turn" is very easy. At Camino De La Plaza there is an on-ramp to the freeway if you take the 5 South, that only goes to Mexico. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, no chance to stop and turn around.

I invite you to Google Map the San Ysidro border crossing, and see how easy it is to make a wrong turn there. I have been there well over 100 times, and I had stopped driving there in 1993 because I hated it so badly. The last time I was in the area was in 2010, when I simply went to the Duty Free store. I found it safer to just park in National City, trolley to the border, then walk over a mile from the McDonalds to the store.

Even if it ever becomes safe enough to return to Mexico again, I will never drive again. The northbound crossing is simply a nightmare even on a quiet day.
Tahmoorisi is a former Marine and it's probably not appropriate to call him Sgt. I don't believe for a minute that the Former Marine "took a wrong turn" and ended up in Mexico by accident. It bothers me that he is lying about the incident. There are a million signs and lights on border crossings. That having been said, it's pretty ironic that the former Marine is in jail for having a single personal weapon in his trunk while a rogue agency of the US federal police and the US attorney General gets away with shipping over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels who murdered an estimated hundreds of Mexican citizens and two US Border Patrol officers. Barry Hussein welcomed home an Army deserter and about a million illegal criminal Hispanic aliens but he won't lift a finger to help a former Marine who rots in a Mexican jail.

It wasn't one gun, he had three. I'm also skeptical that it was an accident, though I'm open to that possibility. What kind of bothers me about this whole affair is that he is getting the benefit of the doubt from so many people simply because he served in the military. If he were just a vacuum cleaner salesman from Walla Walla, Washington would we even be hearing about this?
I'm also skeptical , hope he gets out but the story makes me think that at the last moment he lost his nerve and admitted to having the guns saying that it was a mistake / accident . I can't understand any Americans ever going to Mexico . I was there once , never ever go again .
I stand corrected if Tahmoorisi is in the active reserves. It's proper to refer to him as Sgt. I'd buy the story if he said he was blind drunk or he O.D.'d on PTSD drugs and had no idea how he ended up over the border but the important border crossings are well lit and there are a million signs and most of the time you are in a line with other cars. What did he think the booths were, interstate toll booths? You gotta be pretty smart to be a Sgt. in the US Marines so I don't buy his official story.
I stand corrected if Tahmoorisi is in the active reserves. It's proper to refer to him as Sgt. I'd buy the story if he said he was blind drunk or he O.D.'d on PTSD drugs and had no idea how he ended up over the border but the important border crossings are well lit and there are a million signs and most of the time you are in a line with other cars. What did he think the booths were, interstate toll booths? You gotta be pretty smart to be a Sgt. in the US Marines so I don't buy his official story.

And once again, I invite you to look over the crossing. It is easy to find, right on Google Maps.


Feel free to look around there, both map and photo views. See how if you make a wrong turn there, you have no choice but to drive straight into Mexico.

You are doing a lot of questioning, and apparently not a lot of research here. Yes, he is in the active reserves. Not only that, he has been ordered to report to active duty.

Marine jailed in Mexico receives order to report to USMC superiors | Fox News

He joined in 2008, and has a mandatory 8 years to serve. Period. He still has 2 years of obligated service.

Now how about nocking off the nonsense like doubting and speculating, and actually do a little work instead of throwing around loads of crap and hoping they stick?

And yes, as I said, I am very familiar with the President Nixon Border Crossing there in San Ysidro. You can not even see the crossing from the next off-ramp away, there are bends in the highway. And as I already clearly stated, make a wrong turn and you end up on the freeway, and can not stop before entering Mexico.

Or are you going to try and claim that you have never made a wrong turn. Never missed an off-ramp, never turned East when you meant to go West.
What does the google map indicate? A one way street? Anybody who crosses into Mexico by accident on a marked border crossing is a freaking idiot or he is a liar. I'd buy a story that he was drunk or high on PTSD drugs but not that he accidentally passed the US crossing and entered into Mexico.
Could the SGT, not read a 8-12 hex grid map? For location and transportation? If he was there for medical treatment why is he carrying military grade weapons with ammo??
I don't think he should rot in a Mexican hell hole while the A.G. walks free after he authorized 3,000 illegal weapons to be shipped to Mexican drug cartels but something ain't right about Sgt. Tahmoorisi.
I have never been there, but could understand someone making a driving mistake. I have no problem that he had 3 guns.......Some, like myself like weapons.........

I have trouble believing he did this chit on purpose.
What does the google map indicate? A one way street? Anybody who crosses into Mexico by accident on a marked border crossing is a freaking idiot or he is a liar. I'd buy a story that he was drunk or high on PTSD drugs but not that he accidentally passed the US crossing and entered into Mexico.

When I was at Fort Bliss, at least once a month my Battalion would get a call from some Soldier who accidentally missed a turn or made a wrong turn, and was now at the border crossing into Mexico. These Soldiers never had weapons, so had no problem re-entering the country. However, they always notified their commands of their doing so, to avoid being punished for entering Mexico against standing military orders.

Once my unit had 5 do that in a single weekend. Happens all the damned time.

It happens a lot more often then you think. But obviously you never lived in a border town, so you have absolutely no idea how often it happens.

On Tuesday, Greta van Susteren went Off the Record to press the US government to revamp tricky highway traffic patterns at a number of US-Mexico border crossings.

Two Americans have recently been held captive in Mexico after they accidentally crossed the border at such crossings.

Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is currently being held in a Tecate, Mex. prison, and Jabin Bogan, a truck driver who also went On the Record Tuesday evening, was held in prison for a time as well.

Bogan said that after becoming disoriented in a construction zone while trying to travel from El Paso, Texas to Arizona, he had to enter Mexico in order to attempt a U-turn at a border crossing.
Greta: A Wrong Turn Into Mexico Can Happen to Any of Us #MarineHeldInMexico - Fox Nation

Dallas Truck Driver Carrying Ammunition Arrested in Mexico - ABC News

So obviously the only pattern I see here is that you love to hate the military, and will simply assume that they are guilty no matter what, no matter what evidence is given to you, or doing any kind of even basic research.
What a charming group of individuals...NOT!

It is my most sincere wish that each of you, with one exception, finds yourself in such a position. While you are in that position, it is my sincere hope people, such as yourselves, are debating your actions as opposed to providing some type of support through a simple letter.

What a wondrous group of judgmental schmucks.
Could the SGT, not read a 8-12 hex grid map? For location and transportation? If he was there for medical treatment why is he carrying military grade weapons with ammo??

WTF is a "military grade weapon and ammo"?

"I accidentally drove into Mexico with 3 guns ... a rifle (AR-15), a .45 cal pistol and a 12 gauge pump shotgun with no intensions (sic) on being in Mexico or being involved in any criminal activities."
U.S. Marine tells of abuse in Mexican prison, but says he's hopeful - CNN.com

Sheesh, are half the people in this thread completely incapable of doing even basic research? Or are they so obsessed with attacking the individual that facts do not matter?

The AR-15 is not a military weapon. Neither is the .45, they stopped using that almost 30 years ago. Now granted a 12 gauge pump action shotgun is still used by the military, but it is even more often used by hunters.

And please tell me WTF is "military grade ammo"? I would love to know exactly what that is.

Nice try blowing military jargon though, you may impress civilians, but that made no sense. Grid coordinates are not hex. Hex maps are only used in war games and role playing games, not by the military. We use standard UTM quadrants.
What does the google map indicate? A one way street? Anybody who crosses into Mexico by accident on a marked border crossing is a freaking idiot or he is a liar. I'd buy a story that he was drunk or high on PTSD drugs but not that he accidentally passed the US crossing and entered into Mexico.

When I was at Fort Bliss, at least once a month my Battalion would get a call from some Soldier who accidentally missed a turn or made a wrong turn, and was now at the border crossing into Mexico. These Soldiers never had weapons, so had no problem re-entering the country. However, they always notified their commands of their doing so, to avoid being punished for entering Mexico against standing military orders.

Once my unit had 5 do that in a single weekend. Happens all the damned time.

It happens a lot more often then you think. But obviously you never lived in a border town, so you have absolutely no idea how often it happens.

On Tuesday, Greta van Susteren went Off the Record to press the US government to revamp tricky highway traffic patterns at a number of US-Mexico border crossings.

Two Americans have recently been held captive in Mexico after they accidentally crossed the border at such crossings.

Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is currently being held in a Tecate, Mex. prison, and Jabin Bogan, a truck driver who also went On the Record Tuesday evening, was held in prison for a time as well.

Bogan said that after becoming disoriented in a construction zone while trying to travel from El Paso, Texas to Arizona, he had to enter Mexico in order to attempt a U-turn at a border crossing.
Greta: A Wrong Turn Into Mexico Can Happen to Any of Us #MarineHeldInMexico - Fox Nation

Dallas Truck Driver Carrying Ammunition Arrested in Mexico - ABC News

So obviously the only pattern I see here is that you love to hate the military, and will simply assume that they are guilty no matter what, no matter what evidence is given to you, or doing any kind of even basic research.

Tricky highway patterns are only "tricky" to advanced senior citizens, drunks, the mentally impaired and the poor A-holes who self administer prescription drugs. Otherwise a slick combat Veteran with a truck load of illegal weapons and ammunition might have a different motive.
Tricky highway patterns are only "tricky" to advanced senior citizens, drunks, the mentally impaired and the poor A-holes who self administer prescription drugs. Otherwise a slick combat Veteran with a truck load of illegal weapons and ammunition might have a different motive.

So are honestly expecting us to believe you have never in your life ever made a wrong turn?

And the weapons were not illegal in the United States.

Thank you for the continuing example of trollish behavior however, and complete lack of any ability to not attack others.
Tricky highway patterns are only "tricky" to advanced senior citizens, drunks, the mentally impaired and the poor A-holes who self administer prescription drugs. Otherwise a slick combat Veteran with a truck load of illegal weapons and ammunition might have a different motive.

So are honestly expecting us to believe you have never in your life ever made a wrong turn?

And the weapons were not illegal in the United States.

Thank you for the continuing example of trollish behavior however, and complete lack of any ability to not attack others.

I have been to Canada and Mexico on purpose but I never made a wrong turn into a foreign country.

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