Time To Investigate How Bogus Russian Collusion Story Really Got Started


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
It’s time to bring the curtain down on the yakety-yak of America’s enemies, Mr. President, and to replace it with a resolute and thorough investigation that exposes, for once and for all, all of those working to bring America down via sabotage
Time To Investigate How Bogus Russian Collusion Story Really Got Started

File the photo-shopped picture going viral from Drudge depicting most of the bad apple political perps working overtime to claw back Election 2016, with the caption: “Now that Russian Collusion Is A Proven Lie, When Do The Trials for Treason Begin?”, under ‘W’ for ‘Wishful Thinking”—because that’s all it really is... Millions are looking longingly at Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Bill Clinton pressed up against prison bars, with Hillary and Huma among others looking on from the back, some of them even praying, “Please, God, make it happen.”... But while pictorial bars are holding the rat-finks back in a photo gone viral, the reality is that Obama is still out there sabotaging America as a self-appointed “Resistance” ”leader, Hillary and Bill are currently on a 13-city, paid speaking tour.... Fact is that no one’s in jail, and worse still, none of these corrupt people have even been charged.

It's shocking to see, in print, what a lot of Americans knew all along, we just didn't realize or know how deep, the evil had become.I'm more worried that these evil entities will never be prosecuted, they've been very well protected.
The originators are Obama/Hillary. It really is that simple. These people are so dangerous and have ruined many innocent lives, they make the worst drug cartel look like the boy scouts. As frustrating as this Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat failed coup d' etat is, I will wait on the President to make his move. Trump is a master tactician. He knows where the dirt is and we need to trust him. I have not been disappointed in the least by the job Trump is doing, practically alone.
If DJT colluded with Putin, why has he been so hard on Putin and sent aid to the Ukraine while Obama refused too. The proof in the pudding is that DJT just refused to meet Putin at the Summit for Russia's actions and refusal to release the captured soldiers and ships.


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