Time to Get Rid of the Presidential Power for Nuclear First Strike

As the 2024 presidential election season heats up, you'll have candidates weighing in on all sorts of issues to where their impact as President would be minimal at best. The President has nothing to do with crime on the streets, minimal impact on how society behaves, and almost nothing to do with job creation. OF course we like report cards, grades, and objective data so we apply rates and polls to points in time and attribute those to whomever is in office.

One area where the candidates could actually have an impact is to strip away some of the crazy power we give the chief executive. One of the most glaring idiocies is to give the President the ability to essentially end the world by launching a first-strike with a nuclear weapon.

There is no reason to ever have such an ability invested in one person. A retaliatory strike? Yes. But to squeeze off a nuke when we were not hit first is unthinkable and, up until recently, unimaginable.
Or we could just not elect Trump again or another Republican just as bad.
It wasn’t an issue until Trump was president.

Like so many other things about the blob, it should inform all of us that if there is a loophole, an agreed upon norm, a custom, or anything else that is not codified...we will eventually have someone in that position (be it President, Speaker, or whomever) that will take advantage of the fact that nobody ever thought that we'd have an elected official who would stoop to such a depth.

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