Time to Deny Medical Care For Those Not Complying

WTF are you talking about?

Did you sustain a head injury and they are still allowing you to post?
WTF are you talking about?

Did you sustain a head injury and they are still allowing you to post?
It’ll be here by the end of the month.
It’ll be here by the end of the month.
As a transplant candidate, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this requirement. It was already beaten to death in another thread.

What good does it do anyone if she gets the transplant, contacts COVID-19 and destroys her new set of lungs, while dying in the process?
As a transplant candidate, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this requirement. It was already beaten to death in another thread.

What good does it do anyone if she gets the transplant, contacts COVID-19 and destroys her new set of lungs, while dying in the process?
Why waste precious medical resources on someone who willfully puts their life in danger?

Hope you get your new heart.
Well, at least you are indirectly admitting not getting vaccinated is negligent!
Is it?

Is this a free nation?

I am 75 yers old and have passed my “use by” date. Considering my various heath problems I decided to get the vaccine and the hell with the long term side effects If there are any.

It was my choice to get the vaccine and if the government would have required me to get it, I would likely have decided not to. I have very little faith or trust in our federal government and only a little more in our state government.

Of course if I had refused to get the vaccine this might have been my tombstone.


Liberals will probably tell me to leave this nation if I don’t trust my government but I will point out that distrust of government is one of the things that sets American apart from much of the world.

Nobody gets more than a ticket unless it’s severe recklessness.
Which is how the injuries that you speak of then enter the picture. That right there is what then leads to all that I pointed out in my previous message.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, if the person dies due to not getting the needed medical attention, that is only one less pair of hands in the community service picture. In my opinion, the goal is the make the person wish that they were dead. One less fine is turned into the authorities too. Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what gets done with that kind of money?

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