Fast food raises prices because people demanded higher minimum wage.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021

As Ive told everyone that ever says "minimum wage needs to be higher", it won't matter because you won't be any better off.

15 isn't law bound minimum wage yet, but a great deal of places are already there.

Here is your proof, as more and more companies raises low level jobs to 15 dollars an hour companies have started raising their prices. Companies know most people are making more money so they raise prices.

People always think more money is the answer, those same idiots don't realize the more money people make the more things will cost so getting that 15 dollar an hour wage means you're right where you were before. It's only good for a year or so until everything goes up on price.

So yay you make 15 bucks an hour now and a loaf of bread is like 6 dollars now.

Jesus my wife got me a Frisch's big boy, onion rings, and 2 drinks last night to the tune of 14 dollars and change. Were done going there. 2 drinks, a burger and onion rings from a drive thru is almost 15 bucks.

I used to make pretty good money at my job 1 year ago, but now thanks to this shit I am in essence making less money because I can afford less than I did 1 year ago.
Don't eat fast food. Why eat that sludge? It tastes terrible and had zero benefits. It's in a word...toxic.
Totally agree.

As usual with leftists and progressives they just see a good idea and then incapable of thinking beyond that.

Everything starts and stops with the "good idea" without considering where the money to pay for the wage increase comes from, the fact that it will lower other folks wages elsewhere who are a few dollars above the new minimum wage, the price of the goods and services will increase to offset the costs and most of all some smaller businesses will actually close as a result.

It will create inflation for everyone, lower wages for some others, small business closures and yet nothing changes %-wise for the profits for the big companies, their shareholders, CEO's and investors.

But hey, great - give everyone more money anyway.

All it does is make the progressives and leftists feel better about themselves. That's all it's for. It's an ego-soother.
Because no one else ever asks for or gets a higher wage which also raises prices?
Businesses will also try trimming those labor costs by cutting some positions and/or hours. It's also one reason for things like ordering kiosks and apps that cut out that employee altogether.

Especially in small business- you gotta do what you gotta do to keep your business profitable- there's no magic.
Its my business when people who eat fast food drive up my health insurance rates. Dimwits they are.

As Ive told everyone that ever says "minimum wage needs to be higher", it won't matter because you won't be any better off.

15 isn't law bound minimum wage yet, but a great deal of places are already there.

Here is your proof, as more and more companies raises low level jobs to 15 dollars an hour companies have started raising their prices. Companies know most people are making more money so they raise prices.

People always think more money is the answer, those same idiots don't realize the more money people make the more things will cost so getting that 15 dollar an hour wage means you're right where you were before. It's only good for a year or so until everything goes up on price.

So yay you make 15 bucks an hour now and a loaf of bread is like 6 dollars now.

Jesus my wife got me a Frisch's big boy, onion rings, and 2 drinks last night to the tune of 14 dollars and change. Were done going there. 2 drinks, a burger and onion rings from a drive thru is almost 15 bucks.

I used to make pretty good money at my job 1 year ago, but now thanks to this shit I am in essence making less money because I can afford less than I did 1 year ago.

And yet the food is getting worse.
So we have to pay idiots 15 bucks an hour while the quality goes down.
The Wife and I dont eat alot of fast food but when we do we're always disappointed.

As Ive told everyone that ever says "minimum wage needs to be higher", it won't matter because you won't be any better off.

15 isn't law bound minimum wage yet, but a great deal of places are already there.

Here is your proof, as more and more companies raises low level jobs to 15 dollars an hour companies have started raising their prices. Companies know most people are making more money so they raise prices.

People always think more money is the answer, those same idiots don't realize the more money people make the more things will cost so getting that 15 dollar an hour wage means you're right where you were before. It's only good for a year or so until everything goes up on price.

So yay you make 15 bucks an hour now and a loaf of bread is like 6 dollars now.

Jesus my wife got me a Frisch's big boy, onion rings, and 2 drinks last night to the tune of 14 dollars and change. Were done going there. 2 drinks, a burger and onion rings from a drive thru is almost 15 bucks.

I used to make pretty good money at my job 1 year ago, but now thanks to this shit I am in essence making less money because I can afford less than I did 1 year ago.
Talk to your boss about a raise.
Its my business when people who eat fast food drive up my health insurance rates. Dimwits they are.
Let's see your proof of that claim.

I am a Type II diabetic. I rarely ate "fast food" as I was a public school teacher, Navy officer, and Army contractor. How did I get diabetes? Thank you, Mom!

I also have Stage 4 liver failure, non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver? How did I get it? The doctors cannot tell me. It damn sure wasn't fast food!

I have 5 titanium stents in my heart holding my arteries open. How did I get it? Thanks Dad! My cholesterol level is some of the lowest my cardiologist has ever seen in career as a doctor.

My health insurance rates are astronomical. Have a nice day!
Let's see your proof of that claim.

I am a Type II diabetic. I rarely ate "fast food" as I was a public school teacher, Navy officer, and Army contractor. How did I get diabetes? Thank you, Mom!

I also have Stage 4 liver failure, non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver? How did I get it? The doctors cannot tell me. It damn sure wasn't fast food!

I have 5 titanium stents in my heart holding my arteries open. How did I get it? Thanks Dad! My cholesterol level is some of the lowest my cardiologist has ever seen in career as a doctor.

My health insurance rates are astronomical. Have a nice day!

Ugh, I'm sorry about your condition. I truly am

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