Time For The Dispensing of Equal Justice


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The minority, rejected Democrats have hijacked the country through obstructionism and their Trump Witch Hunt, pursuing crimes for which they can not produce a crime committed to investigate / any evidence of a crime.

It is time for the American people to take back the country, time for Trump to take back the country and demonstrate HE and HIS administration - his AG - are in charge.

Trump's AG and FBI should 1st be ordered to re-open the investigation of Hillary Clinton, as just days ago more than 400 new official e-mails have been found and reported. That is over 400 NEW e-mails that were ILLEGALLY NOT submitted to the State Department as required by the FOIA and The Federal Records Act.

Snowflakes continue to FALSELY claim Hillary is old news, but she is NOT. Her crimes are still being exposed, as every single new official document found she never turned in is 1 criminal count. This new batch of documents found, therefore, constitutes over 400 Criminal counts of violations and over 400 Criminal counts of violations of the Federal Records Act - that 400+ new documents found = over 800 new criminal counts.


"DNC operatives worked with officials at the Ukraine embassy in an effort to spread dirt on Donald Trump during the campaign, according to reports. “This is not an accusation. That is an on-the-record action that they took,”

White House points collusion-seeking reporters toward the Democratic National Committee

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate
The minority, rejected Democrats have hijacked the country through obstructionism and their Trump Witch Hunt, pursuing crimes for which they can not produce a crime committed to investigate / any evidence of a crime.

It is time for the American people to take back the country, time for Trump to take back the country and demonstrate HE and HIS administration - his AG - are in charge.

Trump's AG and FBI should 1st be ordered to re-open the investigation of Hillary Clinton, as just days ago more than 400 new official e-mails have been found and reported. That is over 400 NEW e-mails that were ILLEGALLY NOT submitted to the State Department as required by the FOIA and The Federal Records Act.

Snowflakes continue to FALSELY claim Hillary is old news, but she is NOT. Her crimes are still being exposed, as every single new official document found she never turned in is 1 criminal count. This new batch of documents found, therefore, constitutes over 400 Criminal counts of violations and over 400 Criminal counts of violations of the Federal Records Act - that 400+ new documents found = over 800 new criminal counts.

What I don't get is why the President doesn't pick up the phone and order the DOJ to begin these investigations. He has the power but instead all he does is tweet about it.
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party / DNC 'COLLUDED' to interfere in / control the outcome of the DNC Primaries. While the Democrats rigged their primaries and engaged in election fraud during the primaries, Donna Brazile, the DNC, and the All-In media conspired and colluded with Hillary by giving her debate questions in advance.

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign

So Democrat / Hillary 'collusion' had already been proven long before Hillary and the Democrats falsely accused Trump of any such dealings.
The minority, rejected Democrats have hijacked the country through obstructionism and their Trump Witch Hunt, pursuing crimes for which they can not produce a crime committed to investigate / any evidence of a crime.

It is time for the American people to take back the country, time for Trump to take back the country and demonstrate HE and HIS administration - his AG - are in charge.

Trump's AG and FBI should 1st be ordered to re-open the investigation of Hillary Clinton, as just days ago more than 400 new official e-mails have been found and reported. That is over 400 NEW e-mails that were ILLEGALLY NOT submitted to the State Department as required by the FOIA and The Federal Records Act.

Snowflakes continue to FALSELY claim Hillary is old news, but she is NOT. Her crimes are still being exposed, as every single new official document found she never turned in is 1 criminal count. This new batch of documents found, therefore, constitutes over 400 Criminal counts of violations and over 400 Criminal counts of violations of the Federal Records Act - that 400+ new documents found = over 800 new criminal counts.

Jared Kushner and her could share a cell together since he too messed up big time by not turning over proper paperwork ft of his over 100 foreign contacts and over70 business contacts he swore via affidavit was accurate....


"DNC operatives worked with officials at the Ukraine embassy in an effort to spread dirt on Donald Trump during the campaign, according to reports. “This is not an accusation. That is an on-the-record action that they took,”

White House points collusion-seeking reporters toward the Democratic National Committee

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

I am here to tell you...........if Sessions loses his job......the new AG will fire the special counsel and pursue the leakers and Clinton foundation. This is why they want Sessions to go. I have absolute confidence they will NOT try and prosecute Hillary, but the higher ups at the DNC are in for a very, bad, time. The Democrats have screwed the pooch on this one because they have to be pure to pursue this, and they aren't.

If the far left wants to know the truth, here it is--------------> know why Trump and friends are just now starting to fight back?

ANSWER------->Because your whole narrative was to have him lose in 2020, his objective was to wait and then stick it to you in 2018! By the time the NEW Republican narrative with evidence appears, it will be November or December, less than a year away from your people getting hosed in 2018. That investigation will be about where YOUR investigation was this past May, but they will have the DOJ working to prosecute, just in time for.......you guessed it..........midterms.
The minority, rejected Democrats have hijacked the country through obstructionism and their Trump Witch Hunt, pursuing crimes for which they can not produce a crime committed to investigate / any evidence of a crime.

It is time for the American people to take back the country, time for Trump to take back the country and demonstrate HE and HIS administration - his AG - are in charge.

Trump's AG and FBI should 1st be ordered to re-open the investigation of Hillary Clinton, as just days ago more than 400 new official e-mails have been found and reported. That is over 400 NEW e-mails that were ILLEGALLY NOT submitted to the State Department as required by the FOIA and The Federal Records Act.

Snowflakes continue to FALSELY claim Hillary is old news, but she is NOT. Her crimes are still being exposed, as every single new official document found she never turned in is 1 criminal count. This new batch of documents found, therefore, constitutes over 400 Criminal counts of violations and over 400 Criminal counts of violations of the Federal Records Act - that 400+ new documents found = over 800 new criminal counts.

The right wing cannot distinguish the difference between the common offense and the common defense. Why should anyone on the left believe anyone on the right, has as any clue or any Cause regarding equality.
The minority, rejected Democrats have hijacked the country through obstructionism and their Trump Witch Hunt, pursuing crimes for which they can not produce a crime committed to investigate / any evidence of a crime.

It is time for the American people to take back the country, time for Trump to take back the country and demonstrate HE and HIS administration - his AG - are in charge.

Trump's AG and FBI should 1st be ordered to re-open the investigation of Hillary Clinton, as just days ago more than 400 new official e-mails have been found and reported. That is over 400 NEW e-mails that were ILLEGALLY NOT submitted to the State Department as required by the FOIA and The Federal Records Act.

Snowflakes continue to FALSELY claim Hillary is old news, but she is NOT. Her crimes are still being exposed, as every single new official document found she never turned in is 1 criminal count. This new batch of documents found, therefore, constitutes over 400 Criminal counts of violations and over 400 Criminal counts of violations of the Federal Records Act - that 400+ new documents found = over 800 new criminal counts.

What I don't get is why the President doesn't pick up the phone and order the DOJ to begin these investigations. He has the power but instead all he does is tweet about it.
He doesn't have that power, justice dept is independent of the President. Trump is not a King or Dictator.
Want to talk 'Russian Collusion'?

Bill Clinton was working for Putin Ex-KGB Pals by giving extremely lucrative speeches for them.
- Former American Presidents work for former US enemies all the time giving speeches to encourage and rally the comrades. Nothing to see here...Just Bill being Bill.

Hillary was connected at many levels with them, to include sitting on a panel on which she had a lot of influence (to sell) on whether the deal for the Russians to purchase 20% of America's Uranium. While she did not have the final say, she did - again, have a lot of influence - if she raised any serious concerns about the deal it would not have gone through. For that silence / influence she was compensated with a huge donation to the Clinton Foundation from one of the Russians involved in the deal.
- Snowflakes would have people believe that there is nothing to this, that the donation from a Russian 'player' in the deal was coincidental. Yeah...uh-huh. :p

Her campaign manager received thousands of Russian stock which he never reported, and 1/3rd of his own company's Board of Directors was comprised of Prominent Russian businessmen who were intimately connected to the Kremlin and to Putin himself.
...Nothing to see here - move along.

Her campaign manager's brother was working for the notorious 'KGB Bank' AND for the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails.
...Another 'coincidence'.
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party / DNC 'COLLUDED' to interfere in / control the outcome of the DNC Primaries. While the Democrats rigged their primaries and engaged in election fraud during the primaries, Donna Brazile, the DNC, and the All-In media conspired and colluded with Hillary by giving her debate questions in advance.

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign

So Democrat / Hillary 'collusion' had already been proven long before Hillary and the Democrats falsely accused Trump of any such dealings.

They are free to do that . The dnc is a private org . GOP did the same when The had the "little kids debate " vs the main GOP debates .

As for the witch hunt ? DAMN STRAIGHT ! Karmas a bitch! Righties did the same to obama and Hillary . What goes around comes around .
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party / DNC 'COLLUDED' to interfere in / control the outcome of the DNC Primaries. While the Democrats rigged their primaries and engaged in election fraud during the primaries, Donna Brazile, the DNC, and the All-In media conspired and colluded with Hillary by giving her debate questions in advance.

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign

So Democrat / Hillary 'collusion' had already been proven long before Hillary and the Democrats falsely accused Trump of any such dealings.

They are free to do that . The dnc is a private org . GOP did the same when The had the "little kids debate " vs the main GOP debates .

As for the witch hunt ? DAMN STRAIGHT ! Karmas a bitch! Righties did the same to obama and Hillary . What goes around comes around .

the Trump/Russia allegations have produced zero evidence of anything illegal, improper, or unethical. The Hillary/DNC/media collusion and corruption has been proven and should be prosecuted to the fullest.

the problem is that most of the repubs are scared shitless of the media and would not do anything that might jeopardize their reelections and stop the gravy train.

The DC swamp needs to be drained of all corruption in both parties. That should be one of Trump's top priorities.
The minority, rejected Democrats have hijacked the country through obstructionism and their Trump Witch Hunt, pursuing crimes for which they can not produce a crime committed to investigate / any evidence of a crime.

It is time for the American people to take back the country, time for Trump to take back the country and demonstrate HE and HIS administration - his AG - are in charge.

Trump's AG and FBI should 1st be ordered to re-open the investigation of Hillary Clinton, as just days ago more than 400 new official e-mails have been found and reported. That is over 400 NEW e-mails that were ILLEGALLY NOT submitted to the State Department as required by the FOIA and The Federal Records Act.

Snowflakes continue to FALSELY claim Hillary is old news, but she is NOT. Her crimes are still being exposed, as every single new official document found she never turned in is 1 criminal count. This new batch of documents found, therefore, constitutes over 400 Criminal counts of violations and over 400 Criminal counts of violations of the Federal Records Act - that 400+ new documents found = over 800 new criminal counts.

Jared Kushner and her could share a cell together since he too messed up big time by not turning over proper paperwork ft of his over 100 foreign contacts and over70 business contacts he swore via affidavit was accurate....


Link to your fantasy?
Want to talk 'Russian Collusion'?

"The DNC knew Russia was behind the hack of their computer network on May 1st, 2016.

From this the following timeline emerges:

  • April 26th, 2016: Trump declares himself the presumptive GOP nominee.
  • April 29th, 2016: DNC learns its computer system has been breached.
  • April 30th, 2016: DNC hires CrowdStrike.
  • [Late April-Early May]: Democrats begin funding Fusion GPS.
  • May 1st, 2016: CrowdStrike determines Russia perpetrated the hack.
  • May 3rd, 2016: Reince Priebus declares Trump the presumptive GOP nominee.
  • June 9th, 2016: Don Jr. meets with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at the apparent request of a Fusion GPS operative.
  • June 14th, 2016: The DNC publicly discloses the Russia hacked its computer network.

    The DNC refused to disclose that Russia hacked its computer network for a month-and-a-half, and only disclosed that fact after the Fusion GPS-brokered meeting between Don Jr. and Veselnitskaya.

    Fusion GPS was involved in a dirty tricks campaign that sought to question and undermine Trump’s loyalty to the country by portraying him as a having close ties to the Kremlin, a tactic that has emerged as a primary point of opposition to candidate and now President Trump. Particularly troubling is how early the Democratic Party operatives appear to have been conspiring to make the Russia-Trump connection.

    These revelations bring to light for the first time the likely involvement of Democratic operatives in fomenting the Russia-Trump collusion conspiracy theory that is now the subject of multiple Federal and Congressional investigations, which have had the (convenient) effect of slowing Trump’s legislative agenda."

Indeed, the fact that the DNC knew, but kept secret, the fact that Russian
hackers were responsible for their computer breach at around the same time
that Democratic operatives began funding the group that would go on to broker
a meeting between Trump’s inner circle and a high-profile Russian national
appears highly sinister

NYT Russian Lawyer Story Proves Dems Helped Create Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory

Obama knew of the supposed Russian hacking before the Democrats began funding Fusion GPS, who was directly connected to the Russian Govt.

Obama, Lynch (DOJ), Johnson (DHS) took 'unusual' steps to by-pass Obama's own Dept of Immigration that had denied Putin's lawyer entry into the US in order to give her 'special Presidential entry' into the country. The Obama administration helped arrange the meeting, Lynch got the authorization in advance then 'bugged' the location where Jr would meet Putin's lawyer, which Barry made possible. Obama's interpreter, an ex-FBI agent just happened to be in the room.
- That is a LOT of 'coincidences'. If people can't see the Democrat's collusion with the Russians, if people can't see what this meeting was about - orchestrated by Barry and his administration - then they have their heads firmly planted up their backsides.

The timeline, the evidence, the connections all show the
The minority, rejected Democrats have hijacked the country through obstructionism and their Trump Witch Hunt, pursuing crimes for which they can not produce a crime committed to investigate / any evidence of a crime.

It is time for the American people to take back the country, time for Trump to take back the country and demonstrate HE and HIS administration - his AG - are in charge.

Trump's AG and FBI should 1st be ordered to re-open the investigation of Hillary Clinton, as just days ago more than 400 new official e-mails have been found and reported. That is over 400 NEW e-mails that were ILLEGALLY NOT submitted to the State Department as required by the FOIA and The Federal Records Act.

Snowflakes continue to FALSELY claim Hillary is old news, but she is NOT. Her crimes are still being exposed, as every single new official document found she never turned in is 1 criminal count. This new batch of documents found, therefore, constitutes over 400 Criminal counts of violations and over 400 Criminal counts of violations of the Federal Records Act - that 400+ new documents found = over 800 new criminal counts.

What I don't get is why the President doesn't pick up the phone and order the DOJ to begin these investigations. He has the power but instead all he does is tweet about it.
He doesn't have that power, justice dept is independent of the President. Trump is not a King or Dictator.

Independent? I suggest you retake your high school civics course and specifically learn about our government's structure.

That is the dumbest thing you have posted in a while and that is a major accomplishment considering the other stupid crap you post!
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party / DNC 'COLLUDED' to interfere in / control the outcome of the DNC Primaries. While the Democrats rigged their primaries and engaged in election fraud during the primaries, Donna Brazile, the DNC, and the All-In media conspired and colluded with Hillary by giving her debate questions in advance.

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign

So Democrat / Hillary 'collusion' had already been proven long before Hillary and the Democrats falsely accused Trump of any such dealings.

They are free to do that . The dnc is a private org . GOP did the same when The had the "little kids debate " vs the main GOP debates .

As for the witch hunt ? DAMN STRAIGHT ! Karmas a bitch! Righties did the same to obama and Hillary . What goes around comes around .

the Trump/Russia allegations have produced zero evidence of anything illegal, improper, or unethical. The Hillary/DNC/media collusion and corruption has been proven and should be prosecuted to the fullest.

the problem is that most of the repubs are scared shitless of the media and would not do anything that might jeopardize their reelections and stop the gravy train.

The DC swamp needs to be drained of all corruption in both parties. That should be one of Trump's top priorities.

Zero ? First is was all made up lies . Then gee, some stuff did actually happen !

There's a lot of smoke . Flynn, sessions , trumps team. Why are they hiding the truth .

As for the dnc? What crimes ? They can pick n choose who they want .
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party / DNC 'COLLUDED' to interfere in / control the outcome of the DNC Primaries. While the Democrats rigged their primaries and engaged in election fraud during the primaries, Donna Brazile, the DNC, and the All-In media conspired and colluded with Hillary by giving her debate questions in advance.

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign

So Democrat / Hillary 'collusion' had already been proven long before Hillary and the Democrats falsely accused Trump of any such dealings.

They are free to do that . The dnc is a private org . GOP did the same when The had the "little kids debate " vs the main GOP debates .

As for the witch hunt ? DAMN STRAIGHT ! Karmas a bitch! Righties did the same to obama and Hillary . What goes around comes around .

the Trump/Russia allegations have produced zero evidence of anything illegal, improper, or unethical. The Hillary/DNC/media collusion and corruption has been proven and should be prosecuted to the fullest.

the problem is that most of the repubs are scared shitless of the media and would not do anything that might jeopardize their reelections and stop the gravy train.

The DC swamp needs to be drained of all corruption in both parties. That should be one of Trump's top priorities.

Zero ? First is was all made up lies . Then gee, some stuff did actually happen !

There's a lot of smoke . Flynn, sessions , trumps team. Why are they hiding the truth .

As for the dnc? What crimes ? They can pick n choose who they want .

yes, zero. there was no collusion with Russia to influence the votes in 2016. If you still believe that Russia changed votes in this country, where and how many?

The DNC------------violated their own rules and disenfranchised their voters in the primaries. Gave debate questions to HRC before the debates, i.e. cheated and lied.

Hillary--------her guilt was proven by Comey. Lynch and Bubba made a deal on a runway to let her off----------any idea how much Lynch now has in a swiss bank account because of that deal?

the media--------------continuously lied, and continues to lie, about Trump, his campaign, his administration, his family, and the successes that he has had in the first 6 months. Assisted in cheating by giving debate questions to the hildebeast.
Then you have Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and her own personal Spy Ring.

DWS hired several TERRORIST-CONNECTED, murdering, blackmailing, criminal record-possessing Pakistani IT spies who had no security clearances, gave them access to classified House files on US Intel, US Homeland Security, and Foreign affairs. AFTER they were caught engaging in espionage, banned from the House, and an espionage investigation had been opened on them, DWS IGNORED THE BAN, ESPIONAGE INVESTIGATION, AND RE-HIRED THEM.

Oh, but that's not all - -she once again gave the spies access to the classified files.

-- Oh, BTW...these were the same DNC e-mails the Russian Spy Agency - who the brother of Hillary's campaign manager worked for - that supposedly hacked and released the DNC e-mails.

(Now what are the odds of A DNC Chairwoman would hire Pakistani spies - re-hire them after they have been caught, give them access to DNC e-mails along with usernames and passwords, get fired for doing so, and immediately be hired by the woman whose campaign manager's brother is working for the Russian spy agency that eventually gets the emails from the accounts DWS allowed to be hacked...all by coincidence? I would say the odds would have to be astronomical!)

After being caught AGAIN, the Pakistani spies spread to the 4 winds - at least 2 are back in Pakistan under the protection of the Pakistani govt. DWS gets fired...and immediately gets hired by the woman who is engaged in her own 'espionage' and whose campaign is connected numerous ways to the Russians.

In the meantime, DWS threatens the investigators who have confiscated the computer the Pakistani spies used, 'return the laptop or suffer consequences'...and she has been allowed to 'negotiate' her cooperation in a federal foreign espionage case being run by the 'Keystone Cops' - the Capitol Police, instead of having the FBI running this whole case as they should be doing.

So by choice Hillary injects herself into the DWS-Pakistani Spy Ring Scandal.

So if people REALLY want to get serious about collusion and crime, the Democrats ought to be up to their ass in alligators - investigations, indictments, and convictions galore.
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party / DNC 'COLLUDED' to interfere in / control the outcome of the DNC Primaries. While the Democrats rigged their primaries and engaged in election fraud during the primaries, Donna Brazile, the DNC, and the All-In media conspired and colluded with Hillary by giving her debate questions in advance.

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign

So Democrat / Hillary 'collusion' had already been proven long before Hillary and the Democrats falsely accused Trump of any such dealings.

They are free to do that . The dnc is a private org . GOP did the same when The had the "little kids debate " vs the main GOP debates .

As for the witch hunt ? DAMN STRAIGHT ! Karmas a bitch! Righties did the same to obama and Hillary . What goes around comes around .

the Trump/Russia allegations have produced zero evidence of anything illegal, improper, or unethical. The Hillary/DNC/media collusion and corruption has been proven and should be prosecuted to the fullest.

the problem is that most of the repubs are scared shitless of the media and would not do anything that might jeopardize their reelections and stop the gravy train.

The DC swamp needs to be drained of all corruption in both parties. That should be one of Trump's top priorities.

Zero ? First is was all made up lies . Then gee, some stuff did actually happen !

There's a lot of smoke . Flynn, sessions , trumps team. Why are they hiding the truth .

As for the dnc? What crimes ? They can pick n choose who they want .

yes, zero. there was no collusion with Russia to influence the votes in 2016. If you still believe that Russia changed votes in this country, where and how many?

The DNC------------violated their own rules and disenfranchised their voters in the primaries. Gave debate questions to HRC before the debates, i.e. cheated and lied.

Hillary--------her guilt was proven by Comey. Lynch and Bubba made a deal on a runway to let her off----------any idea how much Lynch now has in a swiss bank account because of that deal?

the media--------------continuously lied, and continues to lie, about Trump, his campaign, his administration, his family, and the successes that he has had in the first 6 months. Assisted in cheating by giving debate questions to the hildebeast.

Russians hacked the dnc and leaked out the info which was used by TRUMP to constantly attack the Hillary campaign.

That happened . And we are still digging into what people knew . A lot of the trump folks seem to be hanging around a lot of Russian spy's .
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party / DNC 'COLLUDED' to interfere in / control the outcome of the DNC Primaries. While the Democrats rigged their primaries and engaged in election fraud during the primaries, Donna Brazile, the DNC, and the All-In media conspired and colluded with Hillary by giving her debate questions in advance.

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign

So Democrat / Hillary 'collusion' had already been proven long before Hillary and the Democrats falsely accused Trump of any such dealings.

They are free to do that . The dnc is a private org . GOP did the same when The had the "little kids debate " vs the main GOP debates .

As for the witch hunt ? DAMN STRAIGHT ! Karmas a bitch! Righties did the same to obama and Hillary . What goes around comes around .

the Trump/Russia allegations have produced zero evidence of anything illegal, improper, or unethical. The Hillary/DNC/media collusion and corruption has been proven and should be prosecuted to the fullest.

the problem is that most of the repubs are scared shitless of the media and would not do anything that might jeopardize their reelections and stop the gravy train.

The DC swamp needs to be drained of all corruption in both parties. That should be one of Trump's top priorities.

Zero ? First is was all made up lies . Then gee, some stuff did actually happen !

There's a lot of smoke . Flynn, sessions , trumps team. Why are they hiding the truth .

As for the dnc? What crimes ? They can pick n choose who they want .

yes, zero. there was no collusion with Russia to influence the votes in 2016. If you still believe that Russia changed votes in this country, where and how many?

The DNC------------violated their own rules and disenfranchised their voters in the primaries. Gave debate questions to HRC before the debates, i.e. cheated and lied.

Hillary--------her guilt was proven by Comey. Lynch and Bubba made a deal on a runway to let her off----------any idea how much Lynch now has in a swiss bank account because of that deal?

the media--------------continuously lied, and continues to lie, about Trump, his campaign, his administration, his family, and the successes that he has had in the first 6 months. Assisted in cheating by giving debate questions to the hildebeast.

Russians hacked the dnc and leaked out the info which was used by TRUMP to constantly attack the Hillary campaign.

That happened . And we are still digging into what people knew . A lot of the trump folks seem to be hanging around a lot of Russian spy's .

Russian spy's what?

Will you please study harder when school gets back in session this fall? Your middle school teachers obviously need your best efforts to try to learn, lest you be a liberal for life!
Russians hacked the dnc and leaked out the info which was used by TRUMP to constantly attack the Hillary campaign.

That happened . And we are still digging into what people knew . A lot of the trump folks seem to be hanging around a lot of Russian spy's .

Timmy, time to grow up and join REALITY.

At the same time the Russians were supposedly hacking the DNC's E-mails. the Chairwoman of the DNC was giving terrorist-connected Pakistani spies access to those DNC E-mail accounts as well as the usernames and the passwords to those accounts.

If Democrats are so upset about all their election cheating, racism, sexism, and anti-Semitism being exposed, why have they not demanded a massive investigation into this National Security Damaging Spy Ring being Run / Facilitated by their own Party Chairperson?

Why did Hillary immediately the fired head of the terrorist-connected Pakistani Spy Ring that gained access to all of those e-mails that eventually got exposed? Funny how she and her staff had so many connections to the Russians and Russian spy ring who eventually ended up with all that information.

Trump did not leak the embarrassing / damaging hacked DNC E-mails. he may have used them to politically attack Hillary...BUT IF YOU TRY TO TELL ME THAT HILLARY WOULD NOT USE SUCH INFORMATION AGAINST TRUMP HAD THE TABLES BEEN TURNED THEN YOU A 1ST CLASS LIAR!

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