Tillerson in No Rush to Fill Nearly 200 State Department Posts


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Good for him. His primary goal as given to him by the president is to clear the fog from Foggy Bottom. To examine just what goes on there and restructure it to make it work efficiently. An almost impossible task for any government agency. How can he even send names to the president when he doesn’t yet know whether or not the positions are truly necessary?

WASHINGTON — The stampede of diners who once rushed through the State Department’s vast cafeteria has ebbed, with diplomats who previously grabbed quick bites between meetings now lingering over Korean barbecue and checking their phones for some kind of news.

Many have little to do until the Trump administration starts filling the nearly 200 jobs at the department that require Senate confirmation, and their agendas look increasingly as though they will remain empty. Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson has done almost nothing to select leaders for the White House’s consideration, and nominations for assistant secretaries and others who largely run the State Department are unlikely to be made for months.

Read much more @ https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/27/us/politics/state-department-diplomats-tillerson.html
The reason for the slow down is that Tillerson (and Mattis at DOD for that matter at McMaster at NSA) want personnel that Bannonites at the WH won't sign off on. That is why Bannon's influence is waning.
I didn't like him when he first got appointed. But I haven't seen him do or say anything to support my dislike. I guess I was just biased against his career.
Changes to be bigger than previously reported.

As many as 2,300 foreign and civil service positions—about 9 percent of the Americans in State’s workforce worldwide—will be cut over the next two years, department sources told Bloomberg. Most of the reduction will come from attrition: 1,700 employees won’t be replaced after they retire. The remaining 600 will be asked to leave State early through buyouts, according to sources who spoke to Bloomberg on the condition of anonymity.

It appears the department is doing too many things that were never in its initial charge. Duplicates and jobs filled just to satisfy incumbents.

Full story @ Tillerson Plans Staff Cuts in State Department Restructuring

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