Three months until the midterms - When does Mueller play his hand ?


Account Terminated
Aug 24, 2011
Last minute bombshell assertion drop ?

Or soon to let the evidence come out to support the assertions.

This conversation has to be going on.

Tick - tock
Last minute bombshell assertion drop ?

Or soon to let the evidence come out to support the assertions.

This conversation has to be going on.

Tick - tock
Probably a week before the election, right? Pull a little Comey-Clinton action on the GOP
Last minute bombshell assertion drop ?

Or soon to let the evidence come out to support the assertions.

This conversation has to be going on.

Tick - tock
Probably not until after the elections. Generally, by custom, such things are not publicly addressed within the 60 days leading up to an election.
Last minute bombshell assertion drop ?

Or soon to let the evidence come out to support the assertions.

This conversation has to be going on.

Tick - tock
He won't would be my prediction. He will drag it out till 2020. He may indict another 24 Russians to grab some headlines but I seriously doubt average Americans care at this point. His credibility has been drastically damaged by his worthless underlings.
He doesn't have a hand.

"There's no There There"---Peter Strzok, after his one year of investigating.

Its just a shame to keep the real investigation of the Clinton/Obama Crime Cartel from getting started in earnest.
Last minute bombshell assertion drop ?

Or soon to let the evidence come out to support the assertions.

This conversation has to be going on.

Tick - tock
Probably not until after the elections. Generally, by custom, such things are not publicly addressed within the 60 days leading up to an election.
In case you've been unable to crawl out from under your rock lately let me help you out.

"Custom" or "tradition" is a bad word. Thanks to the unhinged left the ways of the past are passe
Last minute bombshell assertion drop ?

Or soon to let the evidence come out to support the assertions.

This conversation has to be going on.

Tick - tock
He won't would be my prediction. He will drag it out till 2020. He may indict another 24 Russians to grab some headlines but I seriously doubt average Americans care at this point. His credibility has been drastically damaged by his worthless underlings.
I don’t think so. Only the partisan hacks are whining about Mueller and his underlings. Serious people, including Trumps appointed FBI Director stand by Mueller and the investigation.
"Custom" or "tradition" is a bad word. Thanks to the unhinged left the ways of the past are passe
Which, of course, makes you seem utterly insane, given that we have an abnormal, rogue president who is intentionally torching the traditions of our government. Please, continue... If I want to embarrass you, I will just get out of your way and let you talk....
Last minute bombshell assertion drop ?

Or soon to let the evidence come out to support the assertions.

This conversation has to be going on.

Tick - tock
He won't would be my prediction. He will drag it out till 2020. He may indict another 24 Russians to grab some headlines but I seriously doubt average Americans care at this point. His credibility has been drastically damaged by his worthless underlings.
I don’t think so. Only the partisan hacks are whining about Mueller and his underlings. Serious people, including Trumps appointed FBI Director stand by Mueller and the investigation.
I disagree. While "hacks" on this board might fit your scenario, the average Joe does not. People are tired of the constant drumbeat.
Shit or gtfo the pot.
"Custom" or "tradition" is a bad word. Thanks to the unhinged left the ways of the past are passe
Which, of course, makes you seem utterly insane, given that we have an abnormal, rogue president who is intentionally torching the traditions of our government. Please, continue... If I want to embarrass you, I will just get out of your way and let you talk....
The left were shitting on police cars and murdering cops LONG BEFORE Trump came along.

Fail chump
Nobody who has a life gives a fuck about Mueller and the phony Russia bullshit.

My suggestion is to get outside and enjoy the summer.

Just to look at this a different way. How does everyone think the mid terms would play out if Mueller cleared Trump in the weeks leading up to the election? Would it make a difference either way. It is one of many possible scenarios. So worth speculating on I think.
Normal people probably thought that the purpose of this "investigation" was to determine whether any significant players in the Trump campaign were conspiring with Russian operatives to sway the election to Trump.

Now, we are wondering what the fuck he is doing, wasting our money on NOTHING AT ALL.
"Custom" or "tradition" is a bad word. Thanks to the unhinged left the ways of the past are passe
Which, of course, makes you seem utterly insane, given that we have an abnormal, rogue president who is intentionally torching the traditions of our government. Please, continue... If I want to embarrass you, I will just get out of your way and let you talk....
The swamp has to be drained, civilian federal employees and career politicians make up 100% of the swamp...

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