Three Layer Prophecy found revisiting Dan 2:5


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
layer 1 the kings dream=history recorded to recognize emulations.

layer 2 history repeating Saddam's Babylon rubble.

Layer 3 the spiritual emulation: Mystery Babylon
Babylon the great (RCC) built on the hills of giant B.S.
The NT sometimes says rubble or trash, but the KJV uses the Tanakhs original term "Dunghill" which is essential in seeing the connection.
Dan 2:5 "your houses shall be made a dunghill."
Remember they symbolise the christ as the scarab (dung beetle) who builds that dunghill and is the foundation of that giant load of ....

Some of the Fathers of the Church knew that the beetle was a symbol of Christ. Augustine, indeed, writes, “My own good beetle, not so much because he is only begotten (God), not because he, the author of himself, has taken on the form of mortals, but because he has rolled himself in our filth and chooses to be born from this filth itself” – like the dung beetle.
layer 1 the kings dream=history recorded to recognize emulations.

layer 2 history repeating Saddam's Babylon rubble.

Layer 3 the spiritual emulation: Mystery Babylon
Babylon the great (RCC) built on the hills of giant B.S.
The NT sometimes says rubble or trash, but the KJV uses the Tanakhs original term "Dunghill" which is essential in seeing the connection.
Dan 2:5 "your houses shall be made a dunghill."
Remember they symbolise the christ as the scarab (dung beetle) who builds that dunghill and is the foundation of that giant load of ....

Some of the Fathers of the Church knew that the beetle was a symbol of Christ. Augustine, indeed, writes, “My own good beetle, not so much because he is only begotten (God), not because he, the author of himself, has taken on the form of mortals, but because he has rolled himself in our filth and chooses to be born from this filth itself” – like the dung beetle.

are you a jew?
It is unfortunate that people need to be chastized at least three times before learning a lesson...or one could say that the path most people follow is the easiest well worn one that they are used to or were born into and even if that path isfull of unsavory things they continue on that path plodding along... We are actually told it is our duty to warn others to change their path so they dont end up in an unsavory place(a hill full of dung and despair) and sometimes it might take as many as three warnings to do so but in the end most just plod blindly forward on their path and end ip wallowing in a dung filled valley of is really interesting how the dung beetle just rolls that pile of dung neither turning to the left or the right till he reaches his destination...the similarities are interesting to say the least....
IT'S interesting that this Mystery Babylon created the Herod killing the Babies story to convey a strategy to stop a messiah from being born, ironic is more like it.
Their synods influenced the Nazis and their tactics and it was their intrigue of prophecy and the occult that had lead the Nazis and given them the idea to wipe out The people for whom Moshiach would come out of, as a threat to this imposter siting on the seven dung hills.
PEOPLE ignorantly make fun of the deciphering or recognition and definition of biblical slang terms and symbols used in the era of the revolts, but these were so the Romans didn't know they were being spoken about.
Same thing with the need to keep Moshiach's name slightly hidden, because in Europe last names many times secret one's heritage origen making it easy for this target eliminating Satan's nemesis before he's born, so there would be no over throw of the dunghill gang.
So Jews hid "Rome" within words like Kittim, Seas, ships (Rome's army). Nostradamas hid Hitler from seeing his demise by using "Hister", the holy one of Israel uses English transliteration to hide the Hebrew, and the Holy City hides the name from the original Canaanite transliteration. Hidden in that original name, if you have knowledge of names, the last letters showed you were a son of (your origen), thus needed to be hidden from the ravening wolves. The original Canaanite name for the Holy city ended in man. Hence Moshiach would be deemed "son of man". Before "man" was the 2 letters signaling where, and Hitler still managed to wipe out most of the Jews in that small Baltic country, so you can imagine the focus on a specific region if it wasn't hidden.
And ask yourself did the fake king Herod story influence this emulated act of sadism?
IT'S interesting that this Mystery Babylon created the Herod killing the Babies story to convey a strategy to stop a messiah from being born, ironic is more like it.
Their synods influenced the Nazis and their tactics and it was their intrigue of prophecy and the occult that had lead the Nazis and given them the idea to wipe out The people for whom Moshiach would come out of, as a threat to this imposter siting on the seven dung hills.
PEOPLE ignorantly make fun of the deciphering or recognition and definition of biblical slang terms and symbols used in the era of the revolts, but these were so the Romans didn't know they were being spoken about.
Same thing with the need to keep Moshiach's name slightly hidden, because in Europe last names many times secret one's heritage origen making it easy for this target eliminating Satan's nemesis before he's born, so there would be no over throw of the dunghill gang.
So Jews hid "Rome" within words like Kittim, Seas, ships (Rome's army). Nostradamas hid Hitler from seeing his demise by using "Hister", the holy one of Israel uses English transliteration to hide the Hebrew, and the Holy City hides the name from the original Canaanite transliteration. Hidden in that original name, if you have knowledge of names, the last letters showed you were a son of (your origen), thus needed to be hidden from the ravening wolves. The original Canaanite name for the Holy city ended in man. Hence Moshiach would be deemed "son of man". Before "man" was the 2 letters signaling where, and Hitler still managed to wipe out most of the Jews in that small Baltic country, so you can imagine the focus on a specific region if it wasn't hidden.
And ask yourself did the fake king Herod story influence this emulated act of sadism?

For the record----I consider it proper to reiterate the fact that
the person called "Jesus" is not at all at fault for the weird
perversions done-----ostensibly, in his name. Both the fake
King Herod ---"slaughter of the newborns" story and the Bethlehem birthplace (in a stable no less) turned me completely off to the NT -------->>>
1) slaughter of the newborn-----takes the place of the Egyptian thing inflicted on the jews during captivity

2) coincidentally ---born in Bethlehem---birthplace
of King David----virtually ACCIDENTALLY-----there was
really no reason for mary to leave her mother's place while
about to give birth and TO GO OFF ON A JOURNEY on an ass.

3) Stable-----Saul---first King of Israel was a bit shy so he HID ----when Samuel came around----in THE STABLE

c'mon folks-------and they say that THOMAS HARDY
was contrived (well he was-----but Mayor of
Casterbridge is not THE BIBLE)
the people who compiled the NT---should have left those contrived details OUT
Like I pointed out before Rome was mocking the MANY messianic revolters by calling this trinity of christs converged figure IeSous (the swine)
which are born in barns. They gave the character his lineage through all the harlots of the Bible and lifted high the harlot mother Mary of the 100bc Yeshu son of Mary, as the queen of the harlot church who slept with many nations including sadistically evil dictators.
Then Rome left the punchline at the end of the joke calling Lucifer in
Rev 22:16 but also in John 6:66.

Source: Matthew mentions four sinful harlot women of the bible conveniently and coincidentally in the Joseph genealogy:
1) (Genesis 38:12-19) Tamar who was the one who disguised herself as a harlot to seduce her father-in-law Judah.
2) (Joshua 2:1) Rahab who was a harlot living in the city of Jericho. And note wasn’t even of Jewish lineage, she was a Canaanite. The creators of the legend/image icon in trying to create his lineage and plagiarizing the OT goofed this one big time.
3) (Ruth 3:1-14) Ruth who was the one through her mother-in-law Naomi's request, came secretly to where Boaz was sleeping and spent the night with him. Later Ruth and Boaz were married.
4) (2 Samuel 11:2-5) Bathsheba was the controversial one who became pregnant by King David while she was still married to Uriah.
layer 1 the kings dream=history recorded to recognize emulations.

layer 2 history repeating Saddam's Babylon rubble.

Layer 3 the spiritual emulation: Mystery Babylon
Babylon the great (RCC) built on the hills of giant B.S.
The NT sometimes says rubble or trash, but the KJV uses the Tanakhs original term "Dunghill" which is essential in seeing the connection.
Dan 2:5 "your houses shall be made a dunghill."
Remember they symbolise the christ as the scarab (dung beetle) who builds that dunghill and is the foundation of that giant load of ....

Some of the Fathers of the Church knew that the beetle was a symbol of Christ. Augustine, indeed, writes, “My own good beetle, not so much because he is only begotten (God), not because he, the author of himself, has taken on the form of mortals, but because he has rolled himself in our filth and chooses to be born from this filth itself” – like the dung beetle.

Augustine says that? How do Christian scholars interpret HIS words?
ah not to mention the fact that not only does the lineage go through the harlots but also the women riding the beast is depicted as a harlot herself..... the deeper one looks into this the more one can see that it was done deliberately....the romans were known for their pasion plays and i would find it interesting to know if the aristorcrazy came up with these ideas to keep their power and control the masses....we do know constantine and his crowd came up with much of the ideas i just wonder if they put their on humourous take on it as well....
ah not to mention the fact that not only does the lineage go through the harlots but also the women riding the beast is depicted as a harlot herself..... the deeper one looks into this the more one can see that it was done deliberately....the romans were known for their pasion plays and i would find it interesting to know if the aristorcrazy came up with these ideas to keep their power and control the masses....we do know constantine and his crowd came up with much of the ideas i just wonder if they put their on humourous take on it as well....

I have often wondered if there are "HIDDEN PERVERSE ROMAN" MESSAGES in the NT-----roman passion plays?
I is not familiar <blush> what are roman passion plays----
how much passion did those perverts want-----did not the
"vestal voigins" get enough PASSION watching grown men
killing each other and women and children ------being gnawed to death by lions. An interesting historical note>>>> the snack of choice during the person eating lion thing------was
CHICK PEAS -----roasted and spiced (popcorn is a mayan
Let's just say the sinful woman wiping his feet with her hair was a mithraic sex ritual and leave it at that.
Let's just say the sinful woman wiping his feet with her hair was a mithraic sex ritual and leave it at that.

it was?--------seemed like an odd thing to me------I had no
idea that it was a mithraic sex ritual. It is certainly a fact
that there is a PLETHORA of some----slightly "off" sex
allusions in the NT--------of course there are plenty of sex
allusions in the OT-----but they are STRAIGTFORWARD---
not-----'mysterious'. Well, not mysterious to me------with my
background as------north east middle class democrat. Uhm....
do you think the hair drying foot thing was OBVIOUS and BLATANT with the roman and generally Hellenistic crowd of
Constantine's "palestina"???? I think I can say with confidence-----that is not ------a jewish custom

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