Thoughts on government oversight when it comes to regulating Uber, Lyft, Instacart and mandatory tipping here in America.. what do you think?

Should there be mandatory tipping on delivery applications? Shd the government regulate rideshare?

  • Yes There should be mandatory tipping… and yes, the government should protect rideshare drivers

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Yes, there should be mandatory tipping, but not government regulation to protect drivers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, there should be government regulation to protect drivers, but not enforced mandatory tipping

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No mandatory tipping and no regulation by the government when it comes to rideshare driver’s

    Votes: 11 91.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
OK first and foremost my brothers and sisters think about your fellow American. Think about the Mom we had to work three jobs including in the gig economy, to support her kids because we’re talking about a deadbeat dad he’s not around the house. Many mothers across the country are doing these jobs and some of them have been fired due to a false complaint. Look at this horror story here. including in the gig economy look at this horror story… this Walgreens employee a manager actually falsely reported not getting her food in order to get a free meal. This resulted in the woman getting deactivated from Door Dash.

that right there is why we need government government oversight on this. Because that’s a horror story ….and if we don’t care about our fellow American than what do we even care about ???

I think that this would apply more to gig jobs like Uber, DoorDash, GrubHub, Instacart. Compared to say actual real live waiters and waitresses at a restaurant. And I say that simply because you can see if you’re getting treated like crap by a waiter or waitress at a restaurant …. It’s literally happening right in front of you.

Personally, I always tip even if the waiter is a piece of you know what.

Before I get into the idea of mandatory tipping, let me provide my own experience as an Uber driver, and the fax to those who have no idea what gig jobs are like or what it’s like to be in this business, and how incredibly different it is for being a waiter or waitress at a restaurant.

if you’re talking about a DoorDash driver or an Uber driver, they pretty much always have to do their job on time or they risk a contract violation. They risk losing their job. And it is much much easier to be fired on a gig job compared to fired as a waiter or waitress at a restaurant and I’ll explain why.

It’s because when you talk about Uber drivers DoorDash drivers, some of these people have been fired due to false complaints by customers. And on Door Dash and Uber the employees don’t even know what their boss looks like. At a restaurant the waiters and waitresses usually have a good relationship with the boss…. even if they don’t, they know what they look like they know what’s going on …I’m sure that there’s a very few exceptions to these rules but they’re pretty much ground in fact. A waiter or waitress that has been at the same restaurant for 10 or 20 years there’s no way they’re getting fired from that job unless they do something crazy. This does not happen with Uber drivers or DoorDash drivers. They could be doing the job for five years perfectly with 20,000 deliveries alls it takes is literally one false complaint and they get fired.

Anybody who has done gig jobs knows exactly what I’m talking about… I actually did 5000 Uber rides as a driver before the Covid virus and some insane black BLM person along with a far left wing white loser from Seattle literally made up a false complaint about me saying I was “driving too fast”… the other false complaint was I was “aggressive or rude to a rider I refused with the BLM lady to let her do whatever the hell she wants ..she wanted to go into a store for 10 minutes ..but they’re not allowed to do that. That’s abuse of the system. There are those on Uber who abuse the system and they make stops if they’re making a stop its supposed to be for literally in and out because you don’t get paid nothing for time it’s all mileage.

Get this, even though I was fired from Uber as a driver they still would let me use their platform as a rider. That’s how corrupt and greedy this trash company Uber is. That’s insane it makes absolutely no sense.

So again, if one is an Uber driver or a Lyft driver, they don’t get paid anything for the time it’s all for the mileage. So those customers who abuse the system and want to make one to even three stops are in the wrong …. It’s not like a taxi cab with a meter keeps running it’s just not like that.

That black BLM lady pulled out a camera and started videotaping me when I confronted her about abusing the system …and I said “oh so you think it’s OK to go into a store not leave a tip take advantage of the system and shop around for 10 minutes” I dared her to put it on YouTube and see how awful she would look.

The white lady from Seattle clearly a progressive leftie was a psychopath. I had to drive her and her grandkid(you feel bad for kids like this who grow up around psychopath lefties) from Buffalo to Niagara Falls and the entire time she’s complaining about me “ driving too fast “…I’m literally going 6 miles over the speed limit. There’s nothing wrong with that most people can go over 10 miles the speed limit.

Not too long after dropping off the white lady from Seattle, I was fired from Uber. And these monsters on Uber fired me for life that’s how sick these folks are. These are the enemies of humanity. The CEO of Uber is a monster and he has done this to countless Americans Black people white people that he’s fired, countless amount of them for literally no good reason …all bc the customers wanted to get a free ride so they make up a false complaint about the driver.

So there’s a little bit of a background, their you can clearly see how Uber drivers and there have been other people who have been DoorDash drivers with 15,000 deliveries ..alls it takes is one false complaint and they get fired. There’s tons and tons of videos on YouTube showing delivery drivers getting deactivated and it’s really a shocking thing that this is allowed to happen in America.

So this is a two-part question. Do you think that the US government should get involved here and step up and make sure that Uber, lift, Door Dash, Postmates, Grubhub, and all the same other gig jobs are not allowed to fire delivery drivers for literally no good reason. ???

When a customer makes up a false complaint and they get somebody fired. Or when a customer says “I never got my food” and they did get the food and they say they did not get the food to get a free order at the expense of the driver, who can get fired for that. …OOH YA you better believe the answer that question for me and practically every single gig worker is yes.

This never happened in the American past because you saw your boss, face-to-face, but with the gig jobs this is a new thing good American people across the country and immigrants as well…. These are good people they get fired due to a false complaint. Our government needs to protect delivery workers in someway, shape or form. They need to do something about this.

Now as for mandatory tipping. on Uber and Lyft, huge percentages of the riders never leave a tip. This includes rich, elite people whether they republican or democrat they don’t leave any tip. Doesn’t matter how good of a driver you are. This is a well-known establish fact tons of videos on YouTube show this. If people can afford to pay the fee for Uber and they are a tip the driver every time. People who don’t tip the writer drivers are inhumane in cruel. They don’t care about their fellow man. It’s one of the worst things to do to not tip.

All of these points are made because it’s vitally important to show folks who have never worked in the gig economy exactly what’s going on here just before they want to talk about government regulation or their thoughts on a company forcing someone to tip it’s really important that they understand the context of this. Some folks may not have even gotten to this paragraph and they’ve already made up their mind that would be wrong on them and that is part of being uninformed.

It will be in to see if some of my fellow Democrats would disagree with me because usually they stand up for the workingman. All those so much of their rhetoric is about race, division of the other nonsense. Let’s see what they have to say about this one, because I expect that Republicans with a pose mandatory tipping and mandatory government regulation, making sure that delivery drivers and ride your drivers are not fired due to a false complaint.

Check this out. Here is how the system is checked. There needs to be a camera in every single rideshare drivers car first off that’s common sense that’s just common sense for safety reasons and that’s also going to show us if the driver actually did something wrong if they did something really bad then yes ….they should get a warning or even fired. So there you go right there that’s how you handle the issue.
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OK first and foremost my brothers and sisters think about your fellow American. Think about the Mom we have to work three jobs to support her kids because we’re talking about a deadbeat dad he’s not around the house. Many mothers across the country are doing these jobs and some of them have been fired due to a false complaint. Look at this horror story here.

I think that this would apply more to gig jobs like Uber, DoorDash, GrubHub, Instacart. Compared to say actual real live waiters and waitresses at a restaurant. And I say that simply because you can see if you’re getting treated like crap by a waiter or waitress at a restaurant …. It’s literally happening right in front of you.

Personally, I always tip even if the waiter is a piece of you know what.

Before I get into the idea of mandatory tipping, let me provide my own experience as an Uber, driver, and the fax to those who have no idea what jobs are or what it’s like to be in this business, and how incredibly different it is for being a waiter or waitress at a restaurant.

if you’re talking about a DoorDash driver or an Uber driver, they pretty much always have to do their job on time or they risk a contract violation. They risk losing their job. And it is much much easier to be fired on a gig job compared to being a waiter or waitress at a restaurant and I’ll explain why.

It’s because when you talk about Uber drivers DoorDash drivers, some of these people have been fired due to false complaints by customers. And on Door Dash and Uber the employees don’t even know what their boss looks like. At a restaurant the waiters and waitresses usually have a good relationship with the boss even if they don’t, they know what they look like they know what’s going on …I’m sure that there’s a very few exceptions to these rules but they’re pretty much ground in fact. Oh, waiter or waitress that has been at the same restaurant for 10 2030 years there’s no way they’re getting fired from that job unless they do something crazy. This never happens with Uber drivers DoorDash drivers. They could be doing the job for five years with 20,000 deliveries alls it takes is literally one false complaint and they get fired.

Anybody who has done gig jobs knows exactly what I’m talking about… I actually did 5000 Uber rides before the Covid virus and some insane black BLM person along with a far left wing white loser from Seattle literally made up a false complaint about me saying I was “driving too fast”… I refused with the BLM lady to let her do whatever the hell she wants ..she wanted to go into a store for 10 minutes ..but they’re not allowed to do that. That’s abuse of the system. There are those on Uber who abuse the system and they make stops if they’re making a stop its supposed to be for literally in and out because you don’t get paid nothing for time it’s all mileage.

So again, if one is an Uber driver or a Lyft driver, they don’t get paid anything for the time it’s all for the mileage. So those customers who abuse the system and want to make one to even three stops are in the wrong …. It’s not like a taxi cab with a meter keeps running it’s just not like that.

That black BLM lady pulled out a camera and started videotaping me when I confronted her about abusing the system …and I “oh so you think it’s OK to go into a store not leave a tip take advantage of the system and shop around for 10 minutes” I dared her to put it on YouTube and see how awful she would look.

The white lady from Seattle clearly a progressive leftie was a psychopath. I had to drive her at her grandkid(you feel bad for kids like this who grow up around psychopath lefties) from Buffalo to Niagara Falls in the entire time she’s complaining about me driving too fast I’m literally going 6 miles over the speed limit. There’s nothing wrong with that most people can go over 10 miles the speed limit.

Not too long after dropping off the white lady from Seattle, I was fired from Uber. And these monsters on Uber fired me for life that’s how sick these bastards are. These are the enemies of humanity. The CEO of Uber is a monster and he has done this to countless Americans Black people white people he’s fired, countless amount of them for literally no good reason to the customers wanted to get a free ride so they make up a false complaint about the driver.

So there’s a little bit of a background, their you can clearly see how Uber drivers and there have been other people who have been DoorDash drivers with 15,000 deliveries ..alls it takes is one false complaint and they get fired. There’s tons and tons of videos on YouTube showing delivery drivers getting deactivated and it’s really a shocking thing that this is allowed to happen in America.

So this is a two-part question. Do you think that the US government should get involved here and step up and make sure that Uber, lift, Door Dash, Postmates, Grubhub, and all the same other gig jobs are not allowed to fire delivery drivers for literally no good reason. When a customer makes up a false complaint and they get somebody fire. Or with a customer says I never got my food and they did get the food and they say they did not get the food to get a free order at the expense of the driver, who can get fired for that. …OOH YA you better believe the answer that question for me and practically every single gig worker is yes.

This never happened in the American past because you saw your boss, face-to-face, but with his gig jobs this is a new thing good American people across the country and immigrants as well. These are good people they get fired due to a false complaint. Our government needs to protect delivery workers in someway, shape or form. They need to do something about this.

Now as for mandatory tipping. on Uber and Lyft, huge percentages of the riders never leave a tip. This includes rich, elite people whether they republican or democrat they don’t leave any tip. Doesn’t matter how good of a driver you are. This is a well-known establish fact tons of videos on YouTube show this. If people can afford to pay the fee for Uber and they are a tip the driver every time. People who don’t tip the writer drivers are inhumane in cruel. They don’t care about their fellow man. It’s one of the worst things to do to not tip.

All of these points are made because it’s vitally important to show folks who have never worked in the gig economy exactly what’s going on here just before they want to talk about government regulation or their thoughts on a company forcing someone to tip it’s really important that they understand the context of this. Some folks may not have even gotten to this paragraph and they’ve already made up their mind that would be wrong on them and that is part of being uninformed.

It will be in to see if some of my fellow Democrats would disagree with me because usually they stand up for the workingman. All those so much of their rhetoric is about race, division of the other nonsense. Let’s see what they have to say about this one, because I expect that Republicans with a pose mandatory tipping and mandatory government regulation, making sure that delivery drivers and ride your drivers are not fired due to a false complaint.

Check this out. Here is how the system is checked. There needs to be a camera in every single rideshare drivers car first off that’s common sense that’s just common sense for safety reasons and that’s also going to show us if the driver actually did something wrong if they did something really bad then yes they should get a warning or even fired. So there you go right there that’s how you handle the issue.

TL;DNR My belief is the government has no business entering into private enterprise operations as long as they are within established law. That being said, I read a couple paragraphs before I got your gist. My belief is a job is what it is--if it doesn't meet your needs or desires, QUIT. As regards your example and her deadbeat husband. We pay taxes for government employees to hold these scofflaw deadbeats responsible. Make them earn their money. No one is guaranteed a living wage in this country, nor should they be. Personal responsibility and ambition will bring success to anyone who applies themselves.
TL;DNR My belief is the government has no business entering into private enterprise operations as long as they are within established law. That being said, I read a couple paragraphs before I got your gist. My belief is a job is what it is--if it doesn't meet your needs or desires, QUIT. As regards your example and her deadbeat husband. We pay taxes for government employees to hold these scofflaw deadbeats responsible. Make them earn their money. No one is guaranteed a living wage in this country, nor should they be. Personal responsibility and ambition will bring success to anyone who applies themselves.
OK Fairpoint I know that there’s always two sides to a story. I do find it interesting that some restaurants in America include a forced tip on the check. Whether it’s 10% or 15% some restaurants do this. And it doesn’t have anything to do with government oversight that’s just the restaurant doing it.

Your thoughts on Uber or DoorDash forcing their customers to tip something even if it’s just a dollar?
I don't use any of that mess so.....


BTW....Nice use of paragraphs but TL;DR.
The problem is that Uber and Door Dash are only jobs because they give the 'employee' the freedom to work as much or as little as they want, when they want and how they want. That freedom comes with a price. If you regulate that work then the simple reality is that such gig work will cease to exist and it will return to a more traditionally employee style with hours and requirements that most other jobs have.

The people that work those gig jobs will be far less happy with no work at all. Stealing and false complaints are a problem on both sides and it is up to the company, which needs those drivers to want to actually work, to create a system to deal with it as best they can.

As far as tipping, mandatory tipping is asinine as shit as tipping is in general. The entire concept of tipping needs to be trashed and customers need to simply pay for the value of that product and that product should have the price up front. In general I do not tip except those industries where tipping is so ingrained that there is little way around it. Not one company in this entire nation would be okay with the customer simply paying what they think they should when purchasing a product, why the fuck should the sale of labor be different?
I don't use any of that mess so.....


BTW....Nice use of paragraphs but TL;DR.
All good brother. Millions of people are employed in the gig economy in America.

And some are being fired, because customers are falsely complaining that they didn’t get their food ..they do it in order to get free food at the expense of the driver.
bodecea citygator




Here’s an issue for Democrats to champion. Like they used to Champion, the cause of the workingman, and now they’re all about race, division, waive the little BLM flag wave the flag of Ukraine, and support nazis in ukraine. How despicable that is.

Where’s AOC on this? Right She’s busy calling white people racists in America while supporting nazis and ukraine.

Who will stand up for the working person in this country who is getting treated like trash
The problem is that Uber and Door Dash are only jobs because they give the 'employee' the freedom to work as much or as little as they want, when they want and how they want. That freedom comes with a price. If you regulate that work then the simple reality is that such gig work will cease to exist and it will return to a more traditionally employee style with hours and requirements that most other jobs have.

The people that work those gig jobs will be far less happy with no work at all. Stealing and false complaints are a problem on both sides and it is up to the company, which needs those drivers to want to actually work, to create a system to deal with it as best they can.

As far as tipping, mandatory tipping is asinine as shit as tipping is in general. The entire concept of tipping needs to be trashed and customers need to simply pay for the value of that product and that product should have the price up front. In general I do not tip except those industries where tipping is so ingrained that there is little way around it. Not one company in this entire nation would be okay with the customer simply paying what they think they should when purchasing a product, why the fuck should the sale of labor be different?
All good and very well made points. I thank you sincerely.

as for false complaints. This is effectively totally a one-sided issue at least when it comes to the gig economy and it’s all directed at the employee.. These companies aren’t like the companies of the American past. Like Ford motor company, republic steel, or Bethlehem Steel. There is literally no workers protection in the gig economy. And so you saw in the video posted that black lady made a false complaint that she did not get her food… and that got the DoorDash driver fired. That’s a criminal action right that’s actually fraud, and the black lady should be arrested for it. She has no right to do that and she gets free food from DoorDash because of what she did. It’s astonishing brother.

We need tipping in America, and I think that immigrants from India in Germany who come to this country who don’t tip should not be allowed in this country. Tipping is an integral part of American culture like at restaurants for example. We don’t need that type of immigrant trash in this country and it’s very important that we actually look at who is coming to our country. We want good immigrants who have American values.

None of that would ever occur at an auto plant or a steel plant throughout the 20th century in America

On top of everything that you said, it’s the government’s fault for destroying our country’s economy. They are the ones who keep on saying that the service industry is the way forward and there are millions of Americans employed in the gig economy. So no matter what you are I feel about it. This is a massive issue to look at.

your points are well-made
I personally think that uber drivers should have to have taxi medallions and all delivery drivers should have to have commercial insurance policies. Beyond that, I don't much care.
tl dr

It’s the US government’s fault for destroying our economy, and now we have millions of gig economy jobs with no workers protection.
Ups drivers make good money. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to get into that type of company plus not everyone can lift the required weight for such a job.
I personally think that uber drivers should have to have taxi medallions and all delivery drivers should have to have commercial insurance policies. Beyond that, I don't much care.
Interesting point, and perhaps the government can force that to happen or maybe they showed to your point. Because Uber and Lyft care about one thing money they don’t care one bit about the worker. ..the last thing they care about are taxi drivers they want to destroy them.

Personally, I felt for taxi drivers when Uber and Lyft came in. But you know what the taxi drivers are not the same type of taxi drivers we had 70 years ago. They literally sat there and took it…. They could’ve protested in the streets gotten physical, but no. Wow that actually shows weakness in America.

Like I was shocked when Uber and Lyft came in that there was not mass protest by taxi drivers across the country. Again if this was 50 or 70 years ago, and that type of thing happened, we had different taxi drivers in those days…. and they would’ve fought for their rights.
Tl dr

Tipping is a part of American culture. In some countries like in India, and some countries in Europe, they don’t tip. So those types of immigrants shouldn’t be allowed into our country if they don’t tip.
I also believe in Japan there’s no tipping. So if people from Japan want to come to America, they have to tip. Because the more bad immigrants we have in this country well, that’s going to put a strain on the service industry and we don’t need that in this country.
OK Fairpoint I know that there’s always two sides to a story. I do find it interesting that some restaurants in America include a forced tip on the check. Whether it’s 10% or 15% some restaurants do this. And it doesn’t have anything to do with government oversight that’s just the restaurant doing it.

Your thoughts on Uber or DoorDash forcing their customers to tip something even if it’s just a dollar?
Sorry, I don't agree. I've eaten at places with mandatory 18% service charges and, in my experience, it has given the servers free reign to provide lousy service because they know they're getting a tip. I had a couple of servers in such an establishment, argue across our table about who was going to have to wait on our table. WTF. I avoid those restaurants if at all possible. As for Uber, cab drivers and service people. I tip when it is earned and in the amount that they earn in my estimation. That is how it should be. These people get minimum wage--in this state it is $15/hr. In Idaho, servers get reduced wages and I reflect that in my tip based on time. I was told some time ago that TIPS was an acronym for To Insure Prompt Service. If it is a given, the service suffers.
OK first and foremost my brothers and sisters think about your fellow American. Think about the Mom we had to work three jobs including in the gig economy, to support her kids because we’re talking about a deadbeat dad he’s not around the house. Many mothers across the country are doing these jobs and some of them have been fired due to a false complaint. Look at this horror story here. including in the gig economy look at this horror story… this Walgreens employee a manager actually falsely reported not getting her food in order to get a free meal. This resulted in the woman getting deactivated from Door Dash.

that right there is why we need government government oversight on this. Because that’s a horror story ….and if we don’t care about our fellow American than what do we even care about ???

I think that this would apply more to gig jobs like Uber, DoorDash, GrubHub, Instacart. Compared to say actual real live waiters and waitresses at a restaurant. And I say that simply because you can see if you’re getting treated like crap by a waiter or waitress at a restaurant …. It’s literally happening right in front of you.

Personally, I always tip even if the waiter is a piece of you know what.

Before I get into the idea of mandatory tipping, let me provide my own experience as an Uber driver, and the fax to those who have no idea what gig jobs are like or what it’s like to be in this business, and how incredibly different it is for being a waiter or waitress at a restaurant.

if you’re talking about a DoorDash driver or an Uber driver, they pretty much always have to do their job on time or they risk a contract violation. They risk losing their job. And it is much much easier to be fired on a gig job compared to fired as a waiter or waitress at a restaurant and I’ll explain why.

It’s because when you talk about Uber drivers DoorDash drivers, some of these people have been fired due to false complaints by customers. And on Door Dash and Uber the employees don’t even know what their boss looks like. At a restaurant the waiters and waitresses usually have a good relationship with the boss…. even if they don’t, they know what they look like they know what’s going on …I’m sure that there’s a very few exceptions to these rules but they’re pretty much ground in fact. A waiter or waitress that has been at the same restaurant for 10 or 20 years there’s no way they’re getting fired from that job unless they do something crazy. This does not happen with Uber drivers or DoorDash drivers. They could be doing the job for five years perfectly with 20,000 deliveries alls it takes is literally one false complaint and they get fired.

Anybody who has done gig jobs knows exactly what I’m talking about… I actually did 5000 Uber rides as a driver before the Covid virus and some insane black BLM person along with a far left wing white loser from Seattle literally made up a false complaint about me saying I was “driving too fast”… the other false complaint was I was “aggressive or rude to a rider I refused with the BLM lady to let her do whatever the hell she wants ..she wanted to go into a store for 10 minutes ..but they’re not allowed to do that. That’s abuse of the system. There are those on Uber who abuse the system and they make stops if they’re making a stop its supposed to be for literally in and out because you don’t get paid nothing for time it’s all mileage.

Get this, even though I was fired from Uber as a driver they still would let me use their platform as a rider. That’s how corrupt and greedy this trash company Uber is. That’s insane it makes absolutely no sense.

So again, if one is an Uber driver or a Lyft driver, they don’t get paid anything for the time it’s all for the mileage. So those customers who abuse the system and want to make one to even three stops are in the wrong …. It’s not like a taxi cab with a meter keeps running it’s just not like that.

That black BLM lady pulled out a camera and started videotaping me when I confronted her about abusing the system …and I said “oh so you think it’s OK to go into a store not leave a tip take advantage of the system and shop around for 10 minutes” I dared her to put it on YouTube and see how awful she would look.

The white lady from Seattle clearly a progressive leftie was a psychopath. I had to drive her and her grandkid(you feel bad for kids like this who grow up around psychopath lefties) from Buffalo to Niagara Falls and the entire time she’s complaining about me “ driving too fast “…I’m literally going 6 miles over the speed limit. There’s nothing wrong with that most people can go over 10 miles the speed limit.

Not too long after dropping off the white lady from Seattle, I was fired from Uber. And these monsters on Uber fired me for life that’s how sick these folks are. These are the enemies of humanity. The CEO of Uber is a monster and he has done this to countless Americans Black people white people that he’s fired, countless amount of them for literally no good reason …all bc the customers wanted to get a free ride so they make up a false complaint about the driver.

So there’s a little bit of a background, their you can clearly see how Uber drivers and there have been other people who have been DoorDash drivers with 15,000 deliveries ..alls it takes is one false complaint and they get fired. There’s tons and tons of videos on YouTube showing delivery drivers getting deactivated and it’s really a shocking thing that this is allowed to happen in America.

So this is a two-part question. Do you think that the US government should get involved here and step up and make sure that Uber, lift, Door Dash, Postmates, Grubhub, and all the same other gig jobs are not allowed to fire delivery drivers for literally no good reason. ???

When a customer makes up a false complaint and they get somebody fired. Or when a customer says “I never got my food” and they did get the food and they say they did not get the food to get a free order at the expense of the driver, who can get fired for that. …OOH YA you better believe the answer that question for me and practically every single gig worker is yes.

This never happened in the American past because you saw your boss, face-to-face, but with the gig jobs this is a new thing good American people across the country and immigrants as well…. These are good people they get fired due to a false complaint. Our government needs to protect delivery workers in someway, shape or form. They need to do something about this.

Now as for mandatory tipping. on Uber and Lyft, huge percentages of the riders never leave a tip. This includes rich, elite people whether they republican or democrat they don’t leave any tip. Doesn’t matter how good of a driver you are. This is a well-known establish fact tons of videos on YouTube show this. If people can afford to pay the fee for Uber and they are a tip the driver every time. People who don’t tip the writer drivers are inhumane in cruel. They don’t care about their fellow man. It’s one of the worst things to do to not tip.

All of these points are made because it’s vitally important to show folks who have never worked in the gig economy exactly what’s going on here just before they want to talk about government regulation or their thoughts on a company forcing someone to tip it’s really important that they understand the context of this. Some folks may not have even gotten to this paragraph and they’ve already made up their mind that would be wrong on them and that is part of being uninformed.

It will be in to see if some of my fellow Democrats would disagree with me because usually they stand up for the workingman. All those so much of their rhetoric is about race, division of the other nonsense. Let’s see what they have to say about this one, because I expect that Republicans with a pose mandatory tipping and mandatory government regulation, making sure that delivery drivers and ride your drivers are not fired due to a false complaint.

Check this out. Here is how the system is checked. There needs to be a camera in every single rideshare drivers car first off that’s common sense that’s just common sense for safety reasons and that’s also going to show us if the driver actually did something wrong if they did something really bad then yes ….they should get a warning or even fired. So there you go right there that’s how you handle the issue.

It's an easy fix, just take a photo when the food is delivered and exactly who received it. As for tipping, not so much. These folks are paid to make deliveries, a tip is for going above what's required by the job.

Now for the video you posted, the gal should have been fired for confronting a customer the way she did. She should have just contacted the drug stores corporate HQ and requested the surveillance tape for that timeframe.

bodecea citygator




Here’s an issue for Democrats to champion. Like they used to Champion, the cause of the workingman, and now they’re all about race, division, waive the little BLM flag wave the flag of Ukraine, and support nazis in ukraine. How despicable that is.

Where’s AOC on this? Right She’s busy calling white people racists in America while supporting nazis and ukraine.

Who will stand up for the working person in this country who is getting treated like trash
So your dumb ass thinks republicans stand up for the working man.

You are talking about the party that is supported by the neo nazis, the racists, the bigots and any other anti-people of color group that is out there.

Pull you head out your ass Franklin before it is too late.
Interesting point, and perhaps the government can force that to happen or maybe they showed to your point. Because Uber and Lyft care about one thing money they don’t care one bit about the worker. ..the last thing they care about are taxi drivers they want to destroy them.

Personally, I felt for taxi drivers when Uber and Lyft came in. But you know what the taxi drivers are not the same type of taxi drivers we had 70 years ago. They literally sat there and took it…. They could’ve protested in the streets gotten physical, but no. Wow that actually shows weakness in America.

Like I was shocked when Uber and Lyft came in that there was not mass protest by taxi drivers across the country. Again if this was 50 or 70 years ago, and that type of thing happened, we had different taxi drivers in those days…. and they would’ve fought for their rights.

A lot of that depends on where you live. Taxi drivers were virtually nonexistent in our area when rideshare came along but in places like NYC the taxi medallion system is highly competitive and expensive to get one. When I lived in DC, there were cabs that wouldn't cross the Potomac and some who could so you just had to know the local rules. When I lived in NYC, it wasn't unusual to have a cab refuse to take you somewhere because it was too far and they wouldn't be guaranteed a rider back to their preferred area. They like to churn through short trips in high volume areas.

Anyway, my concerns aren't about preferring one worker or the other. It is about regulating the industry so riders and the public are both protected from bad seeds. Put 3 or 4 people in a car with a minimum limits insurance policy and it gets in an accident, there simply isn't enough money to cover all the first trips to the ER, let alone all their medical bills.
So your dumb ass thinks republicans stand up for the working man.

You are talking about the party that is supported by the neo nazis, the racists, the bigots and any other anti-people of color group that is out there.

Pull you head out your ass Franklin before it is too late.
Hope you’re having a nice day buddy I’m gonna give you a pass on the personal attacks because I’ve had you on Ignore for a long time, but took you off it recently.

You haven’t responded at all to the subject matter. Fellow workers on Door Dash, Uber, Instacart, fellow Americans black-and-white don’t have any workers protection. What do you think about all of that.?

Im a democrat and I’m supporting RFK all the way. … im a traditional democrat…I also voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016

I’m not a Republican but I did vote for Trump in 2020 because he was the best candidate. So if you wanna just make things up about other people go ahead but that’s your funeral brother.

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