Thoughts of a retired steelworker.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Donald Trump had mean tweets. He brazenly and undiplomatically told the hard truth and that upset a lot of emotional people dependent of government that had promised to avenge their suffering by punishing others less dependent on government. They said almost immediately after he was elected in 2016 that they would get rid of him any way they could because he was exposing government as the problem, not the solution to new age reimagined problems.

After China attacked the world with an artificially created pandemic, they saw their opportunity. The collective wisdom of the people was the problem, and they were rejecting new reimagined ideas coming from government by voting against them. Washington could not get the people to adopt solutions that kept corrupt government deep state actors rich. So, they did the next best thing. They corrupted the vote itself with mail-in voting to overthrow the will of the people in crucial, contested areas. They pulled it off with the aid of fellow traveling media and now we are where we are.

The destruction will not come right away domestically. It begins in faraway places like Eastern Europe where cities in Ukraine are now war-torn scorched earth. The evil of centrally planned government looks for and exploits weakness. It saw this in Joe Biden, the figurehead installed after Donald Trump was removed by a fraud election that damaged the credibility of free elections in America for many years to come. Vladimir Putin is not an ideological enemy of the centrally planned government in Washington, he is a competitor. Washington and its corrupt actors will never willingly let go of their ill-gotten wealth, so they are playing a deadly game of chicken by backing Putin into a corner with Nato missile sites surrounding Russia much like the former Soviets tried to do in Cuba a half century ago.

No reasonable observer believes Putin will suddenly see the light and just walk away from the poker table with no hard feelings. He has the world’s largest stockpile of thermonuclear weapons. Washington has the watches, but Putin has the time, and that time is on his side. The American people can do nothing for Ukraine other than moral support. Sanctions? They will do more damage to the US economy than Russia’s. A Berlin Airlift? Forget it; the Russians will shoot any supply planes down which would be an overt act of war leading to an eventual nuclear exchange.

This is what a fraud election has led the world to.
Donald Trump had mean tweets. He brazenly and undiplomatically told the hard truth and that upset a lot of emotional people dependent of government that had promised to avenge their suffering by punishing others less dependent on government. They said almost immediately after he was elected in 2016 that they would get rid of him any way they could because he was exposing government as the problem, not the solution to new age reimagined problems.

After China attacked the world with an artificially created pandemic, they saw their opportunity. The collective wisdom of the people was the problem, and they were rejecting new reimagined ideas coming from government by voting against them. Washington could not get the people to adopt solutions that kept corrupt government deep state actors rich. So, they did the next best thing. They corrupted the vote itself with mail-in voting to overthrow the will of the people in crucial, contested areas. They pulled it off with the aid of fellow traveling media and now we are where we are.

The destruction will not come right away domestically. It begins in faraway places like Eastern Europe where cities in Ukraine are now war-torn scorched earth. The evil of centrally planned government looks for and exploits weakness. It saw this in Joe Biden, the figurehead installed after Donald Trump was removed by a fraud election that damaged the credibility of free elections in America for many years to come. Vladimir Putin is not an ideological enemy of the centrally planned government in Washington, he is a competitor. Washington and its corrupt actors will never willingly let go of their ill-gotten wealth, so they are playing a deadly game of chicken by backing Putin into a corner with Nato missile sites surrounding Russia much like the former Soviets tried to do in Cuba a half century ago.

No reasonable observer believes Putin will suddenly see the light and just walk away from the poker table with no hard feelings. He has the world’s largest stockpile of thermonuclear weapons. Washington has the watches, but Putin has the time, and that time is on his side. The American people can do nothing for Ukraine other than moral support. Sanctions? They will do more damage to the US economy than Russia’s. A Berlin Airlift? Forget it; the Russians will shoot any supply planes down which would be an overt act of war leading to an eventual nuclear exchange.

This is what a fraud election has led the world to.
Covid wasn't artificial
There was no voter fraud.
Putin is the enemy
Trump was garbage

Shut up and stick to riveting.
Demented fucking rant...

Biden did something that the idiot classes don't understand... He actually formed a coalition... Biden is not shouting at people what to do and then they are ignoring him... Biden has EU leading, they are the ones breaking their own rules in supplying arms... This means he gets what he wants but does need to be a egotistical asshole, look how the response to Putin is...

Measured, while Trump calls Putin a genius everyone in Europe knows that Putin has made an idiot move.... Putin has just got himself into a way worse place than Afghanistan and it is so bad that Europe are discussing do we need to give him a way out... The mercenaries are not going to Ukraine, this will cause Russia hell... Spring Mud season is starting next week...

Biden couldn't stop Putin doing a stupid thing. He had a very acceptable way of not doing the stupid thing... Putin is going to pay heavy...
Donald Trump had mean tweets. He brazenly and undiplomatically told the hard truth and that upset a lot of emotional people dependent of government that had promised to avenge their suffering by punishing others less dependent on government. They said almost immediately after he was elected in 2016 that they would get rid of him any way they could because he was exposing government as the problem, not the solution to new age reimagined problems.

After China attacked the world with an artificially created pandemic, they saw their opportunity. The collective wisdom of the people was the problem, and they were rejecting new reimagined ideas coming from government by voting against them. Washington could not get the people to adopt solutions that kept corrupt government deep state actors rich. So, they did the next best thing. They corrupted the vote itself with mail-in voting to overthrow the will of the people in crucial, contested areas. They pulled it off with the aid of fellow traveling media and now we are where we are.

The destruction will not come right away domestically. It begins in faraway places like Eastern Europe where cities in Ukraine are now war-torn scorched earth. The evil of centrally planned government looks for and exploits weakness. It saw this in Joe Biden, the figurehead installed after Donald Trump was removed by a fraud election that damaged the credibility of free elections in America for many years to come. Vladimir Putin is not an ideological enemy of the centrally planned government in Washington, he is a competitor. Washington and its corrupt actors will never willingly let go of their ill-gotten wealth, so they are playing a deadly game of chicken by backing Putin into a corner with Nato missile sites surrounding Russia much like the former Soviets tried to do in Cuba a half century ago.

No reasonable observer believes Putin will suddenly see the light and just walk away from the poker table with no hard feelings. He has the world’s largest stockpile of thermonuclear weapons. Washington has the watches, but Putin has the time, and that time is on his side. The American people can do nothing for Ukraine other than moral support. Sanctions? They will do more damage to the US economy than Russia’s. A Berlin Airlift? Forget it; the Russians will shoot any supply planes down which would be an overt act of war leading to an eventual nuclear exchange.

This is what a fraud election has led the world to.
And the world hates you. Got it.
Covid wasn't artificial
There was no voter fraud.
Putin is the enemy
Trump was garbage

Shut up and stick to riveting.
The best bit about this is:

But then there has to be a reason the steelworkers union didn't back Trump:

Biden couldn't stop Putin doing a stupid thing.
True. And you'll note that nobody (whom I'm aware of anyway) wanted us to send troops over into Ukraine to stop the invasion.
He had a very acceptable way of not doing the stupid thing... Putin is going to pay heavy...

Thats debatable.

Our system is set up to where "outrage" lurches back and fourth every 4-8 years now.
Donald Trump had mean tweets. He brazenly and undiplomatically told the hard truth and that upset a lot of emotional people dependent of government that had promised to avenge their suffering by punishing others less dependent on government. They said almost immediately after he was elected in 2016 that they would get rid of him any way they could because he was exposing government as the problem, not the solution to new age reimagined problems.

After China attacked the world with an artificially created pandemic, they saw their opportunity. The collective wisdom of the people was the problem, and they were rejecting new reimagined ideas coming from government by voting against them. Washington could not get the people to adopt solutions that kept corrupt government deep state actors rich. So, they did the next best thing. They corrupted the vote itself with mail-in voting to overthrow the will of the people in crucial, contested areas. They pulled it off with the aid of fellow traveling media and now we are where we are.

The destruction will not come right away domestically. It begins in faraway places like Eastern Europe where cities in Ukraine are now war-torn scorched earth. The evil of centrally planned government looks for and exploits weakness. It saw this in Joe Biden, the figurehead installed after Donald Trump was removed by a fraud election that damaged the credibility of free elections in America for many years to come. Vladimir Putin is not an ideological enemy of the centrally planned government in Washington, he is a competitor. Washington and its corrupt actors will never willingly let go of their ill-gotten wealth, so they are playing a deadly game of chicken by backing Putin into a corner with Nato missile sites surrounding Russia much like the former Soviets tried to do in Cuba a half century ago.

No reasonable observer believes Putin will suddenly see the light and just walk away from the poker table with no hard feelings. He has the world’s largest stockpile of thermonuclear weapons. Washington has the watches, but Putin has the time, and that time is on his side. The American people can do nothing for Ukraine other than moral support. Sanctions? They will do more damage to the US economy than Russia’s. A Berlin Airlift? Forget it; the Russians will shoot any supply planes down which would be an overt act of war leading to an eventual nuclear exchange.

This is what a fraud election has led the world to.
Thanks for your alternate reality.
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The best bit about this is:

But then there has to be a reason the steelworkers union didn't back Trump:

Apparently, you have never been in a union. If you had been you would realize that union management often votes in opposition to much of its membership likely for political reasons. In 1981 Ronald Reagan fired 11,000 striking air traffic controllers. I was in the Steelworkers Union then and I do not recall a single unionized coworker that did not vote to re-elect Reagan. Union leadership can be tied to Washington as much as anything else but individual members are free to vote any way they wish.
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Apparently, you have never been in a union. If you had been you would realize that union management often votes in opposition to much of its membership likely for political reasons. In 1981 Ronald Reagan fired 11,000 striking air traffic controllers. I was in the Steelworkers Union then and I do not recall a single unionized coworker that did not vote to re-elect Reagan. Union leadership can be tied to Washington as much as anything else but individual members are free to vote any way they wish.

Yes sir, you 100% correct. At that time, they were called Reagan Democrats, now they are called conservatives; much to the chagrin of the Far Left.
We were a long time ago, the good guys. We are not so good anymore. The lies from from the empowered in all ways is a constant.
You sucked pretty bad a long time ago too. It's taken this long for the country to figure that out.
You sucked pretty bad a long time ago too. It's taken this long for the country to figure that out.
There were wrongs to be sure. People looked after each other much more. Churches and ball fields were packed. The Church was the foundation of many neighborhoods with volunteers out the wazoo. Housewives were not a dirty word like today and ruled the streets to keep kids in line. We could have gone in a slightly different direction with all of the social justice. And now there is payment for it. It is expensive and we are in decline now.
There were wrongs to be sure. People looked after each other much more. Churches and ball fields were packed. The Church was the foundation of many neighborhoods with volunteers out the wazoo. Housewives were not a dirty word like today and ruled the streets to keep kids in line. We could have gone in a slightly different direction with all of the social justice. And now there is payment for it. It is expensive and we are in decline now.
the funny thing I heard this morning that I truly didn't think about two years ago, they let us all go to stores and shop, but we couldn't go to a church and worship. I'd like some demofk in here to explain that logic for us.
the funny thing I heard this morning that I truly didn't think about two years ago, they let us all go to stores and shop, but we couldn't go to a church and worship. I'd like some demofk in here to explain that logic for us.
You don't sign and hug and shake hands in a store. But I doubt you will understand.
There were wrongs to be sure. People looked after each other much more. Churches and ball fields were packed. The Church was the foundation of many neighborhoods with volunteers out the wazoo. Housewives were not a dirty word like today and ruled the streets to keep kids in line. We could have gone in a slightly different direction with all of the social justice. And now there is payment for it. It is expensive and we are in decline now.
Yes, and women weren't allowed to have their own checking account, and people who ran the KKK store on main street in my little town made sure black folks knew to stay out of my little town after dark, and kids went to prison for ten years over an oz. of pot. 8 out of 10 doctors preferred one type cigarrette over all others, and high school boys were considered traitors if they didn't want to die in an immoral war as soon as they graduated. Those revered Housewives figured an occasional beating was just the price of being married, and all single mothers were sluts. It was wonderful.
Donald Trump had mean tweets. He brazenly and undiplomatically told the hard truth and that upset a lot of emotional people dependent of government that had promised to avenge their suffering by punishing others less dependent on government. They said almost immediately after he was elected in 2016 that they would get rid of him any way they could because he was exposing government as the problem, not the solution to new age reimagined problems.

After China attacked the world with an artificially created pandemic, they saw their opportunity. The collective wisdom of the people was the problem, and they were rejecting new reimagined ideas coming from government by voting against them. Washington could not get the people to adopt solutions that kept corrupt government deep state actors rich. So, they did the next best thing. They corrupted the vote itself with mail-in voting to overthrow the will of the people in crucial, contested areas. They pulled it off with the aid of fellow traveling media and now we are where we are.

The destruction will not come right away domestically. It begins in faraway places like Eastern Europe where cities in Ukraine are now war-torn scorched earth. The evil of centrally planned government looks for and exploits weakness. It saw this in Joe Biden, the figurehead installed after Donald Trump was removed by a fraud election that damaged the credibility of free elections in America for many years to come. Vladimir Putin is not an ideological enemy of the centrally planned government in Washington, he is a competitor. Washington and its corrupt actors will never willingly let go of their ill-gotten wealth, so they are playing a deadly game of chicken by backing Putin into a corner with Nato missile sites surrounding Russia much like the former Soviets tried to do in Cuba a half century ago.

No reasonable observer believes Putin will suddenly see the light and just walk away from the poker table with no hard feelings. He has the world’s largest stockpile of thermonuclear weapons. Washington has the watches, but Putin has the time, and that time is on his side. The American people can do nothing for Ukraine other than moral support. Sanctions? They will do more damage to the US economy than Russia’s. A Berlin Airlift? Forget it; the Russians will shoot any supply planes down which would be an overt act of war leading to an eventual nuclear exchange.

This is what a fraud election has led the world to.
well said! we have an idiot of a president that goes around running his mouth and then his handlers backtracking on his statements
Apparently, you have never been in a union. If you had been you would realize that union management often votes in opposition to much of its membership likely for political reasons. In 1981 Ronald Reagan fired 11,000 striking air traffic controllers. I was in the Steelworkers Union then and I do not recall a single unionized coworker that did not vote to re-elect Reagan. Union leadership can be tied to Washington as much as anything else but individual members are free to vote any way they wish.
You left out the word "illegally" between "11,000" and "striking".

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