Thought I would post this for the people that actually care

about America/Americans
Trade Ticker - The Web's only up-to-the-second counter for the U.S. Trade Deficit
That is our trade deficit "ticker"
Its only March 10th, and we are already looking at 103 BILLION dollars.
Mercantilism is dead.
lol yes.
I am not arguing for mercantilism. I am arguing for a chance to compete.
I fail to see how replacing millions upon millions of full-time, manufacturing jobs with part-time retail jobs selling cheap crap is somehow good for Americans.
Then you dont know shit about economics.
Obviously. Because your way is working out so fuckin well. Right? lol
Non-sequitur o fthe day
“There’s just a pattern here, where the other side continues to use the same old tired policies. They don’t work and then Democrat presidents have to come in and fix what was broken. I have this old-fashioned idea that, you know, you ought to look at the evidence and if you look at the evidence at the end of Bill Clinton’s two terms, we had the longest peace-time expansion in American history, with 22 million new jobs, a balanced budget and a surplus that would have paid off our national debt had they not been so rudely interrupted by the next administration.”

— Hillary Clinton, remarks in Hanover, N.H., July 3, 2015
Her husband, whose policies she supported, is to blame for plenty of this.
Why is that funny Valerie? Because its truth?

so go ahead and defend your position
grandstanding melodrama llama says this thread is for people who actually care..

like his dooshy glibertarian ilk has cornered the market on CARING bwahahaha :lol:
yea, I am TOTALLY showing my libertarian principles :lol:
No, you're showing your ignorance of economics and your stupidity.
Please, by all means, defend your position.
I dont have to defend my position. I only have to show you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about. I dont even have to do that. You've done it yourself.
grandstanding melodrama llama says this thread is for people who actually care..

like his dooshy glibertarian ilk has cornered the market on CARING bwahahaha :lol:
yea, I am TOTALLY showing my libertarian principles :lol:
No, you're showing your ignorance of economics and your stupidity.
Please, by all means, defend your position.
I dont have to defend my position. I only have to show you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about. I dont even have to do that. You've done it yourself.
Yea, you really showed me LOL
Wow, you are TOO good at this bro!
“There’s just a pattern here, where the other side continues to use the same old tired policies. They don’t work and then Democrat presidents have to come in and fix what was broken. I have this old-fashioned idea that, you know, you ought to look at the evidence and if you look at the evidence at the end of Bill Clinton’s two terms, we had the longest peace-time expansion in American history, with 22 million new jobs, a balanced budget and a surplus that would have paid off our national debt had they not been so rudely interrupted by the next administration.”

— Hillary Clinton, remarks in Hanover, N.H., July 3, 2015
Her husband, whose policies she supported, is to blame for plenty of this.
Why is that funny Valerie? Because its truth?

so go ahead and defend your position
I have been talking about trade all day.
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grandstanding melodrama llama says this thread is for people who actually care..

like his dooshy glibertarian ilk has cornered the market on CARING bwahahaha :lol:
yea, I am TOTALLY showing my libertarian principles :lol:
No, you're showing your ignorance of economics and your stupidity.
Please, by all means, defend your position.
I dont have to defend my position. I only have to show you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about. I dont even have to do that. You've done it yourself.
Yea, you really showed me LOL
Wow, you are TOO good at this bro!
It's easy.
Apple imports chips from Taiwan. They import about $40 worth of chips and put them in a device they sell for $200. Is the US better or worse off when they do that?
It's money flowing out of the country

It never flows back?

Not in a trade deficit situation. That is what a trade deficit means. Jeezus.

Not in a trade deficit situation.

So they keep the little green pieces of paper and we never get them back?

That is what a trade deficit means.

What does a capital account surplus mean?

You buy a television made in China. Where does the Chinaman buy his television? Here? lol

You ideologue extremists are all alike. Stupid.

You buy a television made in China. Where does the Chinaman buy his television?

He hides my cash under his pillow. He doesn't buy anything.

You ideologue extremists are all alike.

We all point out the fact that you failed accounting and economics?

You just proved my original point, dumbass.

Yes, I proved you have no clue. Moron.
Now, go vote for cruz or cankles and see how high we can really make it!

Free trade is a core conservative value. Or once was.
Indeed. But what we have isn't honest free trade. What was your point with that? We specifically make trade deals in countries that don't have regulations, so our jobs can go to those shitholes with slave labor. America competing is a thing of the past.
Ethical, is the word you were looking for.

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