This thread is great! It shows just how far deep in a liberal person's head Trump can get! I don't know if the above stuff is true and who cares or to even read it. But the time spent to compile it all, the OP must be obsessed! That would indicate a real love for the guy and I suspect anyone following Trump that close must be a stalker with posters of him in their room and probably jacks off to Trump before they go to sleep listening to his speeches, then gets up and sits all day with six TV's and three laptops looking to compile every stray bit of trivia on him that they can! Go Donald! You've wrecked the Democratic Party and their members are going insane!!!

Toobfreak, you started off fine but then fell into your vulgar twelve year schoolyard boy trying hard to talk macho. Since it is satirical you can arrive at whether or not it works. Truth is hard to find in Trump World, wire tapping, tapes, and on and on. But great fun too, some newscasters are starting to wonder if Trump is unhinged. These are the same people who helped him become president by not being honest about Hillary or about Trump. And while media is grabbling with the meaning of tweets, the republicans in the house are padding their benefactors pockets. And so it goes....

For the readers and thinkers:

The Destruction of Hillary Clinton
Dark Money
On Tyranny

Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump

Trump the Truth: Free Expression in the President’s First 100 Days - PEN America

"The supreme mystery of despotism, its prop and stay, is to keep men in a state of deception, and with the specious title of religion to cloak the fear by which they must be held in check, so that they will fight for their servitude as if for salvation." Baruch Spinoza

Edit: In our next entry, people tweet the Donald.
Toobfreak, you started off fine but then fell into your vulgar twelve year schoolyard boy trying hard to talk macho. Since it is satirical you can arrive at whether or not it works.

Sorry . . . . . . no. You may have started out intending the article to be satirical on its surface but underneath it all is a bit of 'kidding on the square.' At some level you find the Trump Administration vexing, confusing and maddening. That is because you don't discriminate between your sources, and you know precious little of the man himself other than what you read. You confuse the mayhem imposed upon him by the democratic party as part and parcel of Trump himself. I'm not surprised at all he was nominated, nor that he won or anything since. It is exactly what Trump said he'd do the way he said he would do it. What a rarity in politics.

As to my personal tone, it is always a reflection of the source; since joining, I've found here some of the most vulgar and infantile people I've ever met in my life whom would argue what direction the Sun rises in the morning, yet, I've also met some wonderful kindred spirits of knowledge and humor. I simply give back as I've been given and at whatever level I think is best applicable for the moment.
TW is a hodgepodge of Trump quotes, tweets, cabinet advice, and Trump news friends, on topics and ideas not fake at all.

Shawn Spicer will try to clarity any news in TW which conflicts with reality or seems virtually impossible.
Global warming is not only a hoax but is being caused by the last administration.
Donald Jr has zero contact with his father except when they talk on the phone which isn't really contact per DJT.
Donald does his best thinking while golfing a Mar-a-Lago, Trump advisers claim the universe is in better alignment there.
Trump believes what he believes because he believes what he believes, does that help?
VP Pence is in the deep South compassionately explaining healthcare as government overreach to patients dying of needed care.
Pres Trump is saving all his tweets on a private server so he can sell them and make money for Sasquatch victims.
Pizzagate was almost as bad as Watergate except there were no burglars, no gate, but they did have pizza.
Pres Trump doesn't drink because he wants to maintain complete mental control when tweeting.
Pres Trump informed Jeff Sessions there was no need for cross burning on the White House lawn.
Scott Pruitt thinks there is no need for environmental regulations since Armageddon is right around the corner.
Trump finds proof of wire tapping, a loose wire was found under rug in WH.
Three million illegal Hillary voters were found in caves near Roswell and are now running back to Mexico.
Digital cameras were rigged by the Obama administration so that only part of Trump's inaugural crowd was shown.

Stay tuned for more important and not fake or made up news from Trump and the associated news agencies that verify the truth of Trump World.

TW best Tweets of Week:

Healthcare under Trumpcare will be the bestest and most likest in history and cheapest too!
Did you see the crowds at Mar-a-Lago jealous huh!
Shot a 69 at Mar-a-logo people laughed did they think I was lying!
Snow storm coming bad bad Dem's fault told you Global warming was made up!
Proof? Kellyann sees microwaves messages almost daily, they're real!
I have the best sources the best news the best friends the best hotels!
Don't I look so good saluting! Real soldier like!
Obamacare is imploding, all these people getting healthcare, un-American!
Media is rude I'm not they sure suck!
I get my best news from the best National Inquirer no fake news read it the best!
You see me on Fox and Friends, they are the bestest bet they read the Nat Inquirer too!

Sources, advisers, and publicists for Trump World information: Breitbart, National Inquirer, Townhall, Red State, AlexJones, Newsmax, Fox, OAN, Rush, and especially Friends at Fox.

Upcoming in TW: DJT finds WMDs, Gov Christie helps DJT with diet advice, DJT and Sarah Palin practice shooting at a gun range proving mentally challenged people are OK with guns.

If you are trying to start your own sleep aid, you are off to a good start,
The People Tweet Pres Trump - List One

Ed note: The seriousness or even legitimacy of these complementary and suggestive tweets cannot be determined but many do contain praise, advice, thoughts, and useful ideas. As the editors built this list, it was determined subsequent lists will be necessary.

Some republican may be playing you so they can rob the bank and then blame you, watch out for them.
Thomas, Alito, and now Gorsuch three flunkies, two to go, great great work!
Just blame the democrats and Obama, your fans will believe they want to believe.
Sixty percent of Americans think you're dishonest keep up the good work!
Forty straight days of lying and they actually claimed you weren't a republican!
You should write a book on how to lie your way to the president of the USA, the art of the lie.
My mom says you are a shallow man, a family that lives on the surface and has no depth or care of another.
It's not your fault poor people didn't have rich parent like you, is it?
Keep em busy with distractions, next tell them you know where the FBI is hiding Roswell alien remains.
People should stop calling you appallingly ignorant you are president aren't you voters are smart aren't they!
Your fans are too busy to check if you are lying or making excuses, keep it up.
Each week make it some special named week like tech week infrastructure week security week keep them guessing.
Keep MSM busy looking for evidence with made up tweets about Hillary Obama.
Continue to keep MSM busy while our people take from the poor and reward the rich.
No worry without healthcare they'll die soon if they have pre-existing health problems, dead people can't vote.
Can I work with Russia like Jared and you do and make lots of money too?
Donald 40 straight days of lying darn I'm jealous, Guinness book here you come.
You're starting to look too old and out of shape next to Melania, the gym calls stay away from politics.
Love your hair, if Melania dumps you I'm available 690 555 4321 just call.
Promise them anything they'll believe so long as you blame others for everything.
Love your use of superlatives while providing your deplorables nothing but fancy signatures.

"The worth of the state, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals composing it." John Stuart Mill
Rachael Maddow the foxy Lesbian on tv disclosed Trump's Federal tax return for 2005. It shows $150 million income and $31 million tax for an effective rate of 21% -- resulting from the "alt min tax" signed into law by Jimmy Carter back in 1979.

The idea behind the alt min tax is that rich people should pay some minimum tax at 20%.

This still beats Mitt Romney's 14% tax rate on $20 million of income.

It's no wonder Trump wants to get rid of the alt min tax.
He paid more in taxes that Obama, Clinton, and Sanders.
Two out of the three are under Criminal Investigation, or have been.
Let's make it 3 for 3.

This thread bores me.
The People Tweet Pres Trump - 2

Editor's note: It cannot be determined if all these tweets were actually used, there is no copyright on thought in this confusing time. Enjoy and use.

Stop calling healthcare Obamacare, this is your watch and what you do or don't do or allow others to do is now Trumpcare.
Donald, will Trumpcare be great like your University and Casinos?
The tough tweeter was a draft dodger, it's real tough finding a doctor to excuse you from serving your nation.
Great great idea not recording WH briefings, that way reality can be modified to fit anything at all.
When Hillary called your fans deplorables she missed the biggest one you.
How about that Gorsuch dissenting established civil rights for Americans another sad example of humanity.
You are greatest president in all history even fake history according to fake Time covers.
Donald you drive American made your fans drive foreign cars, how you gonna make America great.
Only eighty thousand voters caused thirty two million to lose healthcare how nice, how Christian.
Loved the fake Time magazine cover you looked so competent and accomplished unlike on TV.
Gorsuch makes Scalia look normal what a home run another bigot on the top court.
Love your religious BS you have them thinking you're the messiah who will lead them to the promised land of religious intolerance.
Killing Obamacare won't kill that many people will it, hopefully they are good people.
Donald bots are your most loyal twitter followers, congrats someone loves you.
Americans who voted for you have made a joke of the presidency by electing a joke.
Americans must realize by now, repeal and replace with something better was just a slogan for the naive.
Great work holding events for your reelection at your own hotels, double money for you.
Love seeing VP Pence and Speaker Ryan adulation plastered on their faces when they stand behind their hero DJT.
Donald since you have a knack for recreating the past why not create the future too?
Sarah Huckabee Sanders makes such funny faces when she realizes the truth must be avoided at all cost.
Who knew healthcare was complicated, seems everyone but Trump and the republicans!
Israel and Russia love you more than the rest of the world how nice is that.
Less Taxes for the wealthy great great great healthcare plan, the poor don't matter in Trump world.
Who knew judge Gorsuch would be among the educated deplorables?
Less taxes for the well to do, the moral thing to do in Trump's Christian America.

Donald Trump Will Go Down in History As the Troll-in-Chief
Fine thank you. As always real Americans share and these tweets can be shared.

The People Tweet Pres Trump

Why'd you spend $400,000 of taxpayer money flying back to Washington to attend a concert.
How's it feel to have a German women as leader of the free world now that you were elected?
Give up on false Podesta tweets, tell your fans a million Bigfoots voted for Hillary in CA, that they'll believe.
Stop posting the great Obama jobs monthly numbers, you'll need less jobs to justify giving the rich trickle up tax relief.
Keep coming up with plans that aren't really plans, the media will be kept busy and you can golf.
Alternative explanations for fake topics have not been ruled out as useful explanations, per Trump admin.
Is it true Ivanka is now running the country as you golf?
No need to worry about Russia meddling in our elections republicans are doing that well enough with voter ID regulations.
Under Trumpcare just 32 million people will lose health coverage great great work.
Pres Trump have you ever read a book? Ever? Recommended Strangers in Their Own Arlie Russell Hochschild.
Keep them guessing, tweet a made up scam about a real scam that way they'll not know which is which.
Great idea giving Putin free room and board at Trump Tower.
Your buddy Alex Jones is a great investigator, pizza parlors are now safe for children.
Is it true Kris Kobach found Martians and Sasquatch registered in several states? Great work Kris!
Some say you have never read a book, that's why you're so well spoken isn't it?
Great, your education secretary is all for check schools, money money money education who cares!
The ethics guy is gone no more ethical considerations that's great isn't it, get another Gorsuch and you're set.
Republicans approve of your buddy Putin more than other American leaders ain't that great.
Select enough judges like Alito Thomas and Gorsuch and you can call the shots, law is then yours to make.
Where the heck is that great great healthcare you promised everyone, was that fake too.
Have Alex Jones make up a fake wall, the National Inquirer will put it on front page and your fans will believe.
Glad your administration discovered NASA hiding kidnapped children on Mars, great great work.
Keep mentioning wmds just blame that too on Obama your followers don't care or even know what they are.
The ethics guys said you had too many conflicts of interest good thing he's gone.
Heard you and Putin will be riding horses in Central park shirtless, how presidential is that!

Momma told me tell the truuth sonny.... President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
TW is a hodgepodge of Trump quotes, tweets, cabinet advice, and Trump news friends, on topics and ideas not fake at all.

Shawn Spicer will try to clarity any news in TW which conflicts with reality or seems virtually impossible.
Global warming is not only a hoax but is being caused by the last administration.
Donald Jr has zero contact with his father except when they talk on the phone which isn't really contact per DJT.
Donald does his best thinking while golfing a Mar-a-Lago, Trump advisers claim the universe is in better alignment there.
Trump believes what he believes because he believes what he believes, does that help?
VP Pence is in the deep South compassionately explaining healthcare as government overreach to patients dying of needed care.
Pres Trump is saving all his tweets on a private server so he can sell them and make money for Sasquatch victims.
Pizzagate was almost as bad as Watergate except there were no burglars, no gate, but they did have pizza.
Pres Trump doesn't drink because he wants to maintain complete mental control when tweeting.
Pres Trump informed Jeff Sessions there was no need for cross burning on the White House lawn.
Scott Pruitt thinks there is no need for environmental regulations since Armageddon is right around the corner.
Trump finds proof of wire tapping, a loose wire was found under rug in WH.
Three million illegal Hillary voters were found in caves near Roswell and are now running back to Mexico.
Digital cameras were rigged by the Obama administration so that only part of Trump's inaugural crowd was shown.

Stay tuned for more important and not fake or made up news from Trump and the associated news agencies that verify the truth of Trump World.

TW best Tweets of Week:

Healthcare under Trumpcare will be the bestest and most likest in history and cheapest too!
Did you see the crowds at Mar-a-Lago jealous huh!
Shot a 69 at Mar-a-logo people laughed did they think I was lying!
Snow storm coming bad bad Dem's fault told you Global warming was made up!
Proof? Kellyann sees microwaves messages almost daily, they're real!
I have the best sources the best news the best friends the best hotels!
Don't I look so good saluting! Real soldier like!
Obamacare is imploding, all these people getting healthcare, un-American!
Media is rude I'm not they sure suck!
I get my best news from the best National Inquirer no fake news read it the best!
You see me on Fox and Friends, they are the bestest bet they read the Nat Inquirer too!

Sources, advisers, and publicists for Trump World information: Breitbart, National Inquirer, Townhall, Red State, AlexJones, Newsmax, Fox, OAN, Rush, and especially Friends at Fox.

Upcoming in TW: DJT finds WMDs, Gov Christie helps DJT with diet advice, DJT and Sarah Palin practice shooting at a gun range proving mentally challenged people are OK with guns.
What kind of drugs are you doing?
Ruminations from the peanut gallery. As always real Americans share and these tweets can be shared.

Donnie, just say collusion is normal kinda like lying and not paying your workers, just part of the job.
Didn't mommy tell you Donnie that lying wasn't very nice or becoming a president?
Love your new slogan Donnie and Sons, 'Make America great again with Russian help'.
All those wealthy cabinet people really really understand the working poor in America.
Smart move Pres Macron give him a platform and parade and you got him where you want him.
Donnie, just keep saying you heard it through the it must be true....
Loved the photo of Kris Kobach next to an illegal Sasquatch voter on the National Inquirer front page, good work Kris.
Donnie Jr sure got played, but hey you made up enough lies about Hillary, no need to depend on Russian dirt.
Mike Lee claims conservatives need to add lying and cheating on their wives to conservative values.
Donnie stop watching TV go golfing, enjoy the summer, and Mar-a-Lago is for the fall and winter on taxpayer's tab.
Russia do this send Donnie Jr an email tell him anything he'll arrive on time like a good real estates salesman.
Listen Donnie and sons, just appear on Fox and tell them anything at all, they'll soak it up and smile like stuck puppets.
Keep interviewing with Hannity that man wouldn't have an idea if he fell over it twice and it hit him on the head three times.
Kinda funny how all your conversations with your sons are on the up and up, no business huh, you sure play your fans well.
Didn't your republican buddies repeal Obamacare yet, everyone is waiting for the 'beautiful' Trumpcare you promised.
Heard you and Vlad are studying computer science so you can catch the hackers together, great idea.
Alternative explanations for Trump tweets have not been ruled out per Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Donnie your administration is so off the wall, it is hard to satirize satire on so grand a scale.
The lawyers sure do love your administration Donnie, full employment and more. Who pays?
Donnie your infrastructure plan wasn't really a plan was it, plans require thought and you're soon on to, on to....
Kellyanne Conway says it took her years to learn how to make up stories and maintain a straight face.

"Kellyanne Conway says Trump mostly tweets about policy, with a straight face."
As bizarre as they sometimes sound, the people's tweets are often right on target.

The People tweet the President

Where is that Great Wall, Beautiful Great Healthcare, Infrastructure Bill, where oh where....
When faced with honest to goodness truth tell them an alternative explanation may fit better.
You gotta laugh none of the Trump products are made in America and your fans still cheer your made here BS.
Love your America First baloney while allowing more H2B workers into America.
Scaramucci sounds like a teenage girl, no offence meant girls. Love Story II.
Keep tweeting, makes all news soon disappear as you tweet the next tweet followed by the next.
Infrastructure infrastructure wherefore art thou infrastructure.
Hillary is tougher than you Donnie she fought her own battles you require twenty lawyers any wonder you were a draft dodger.
Great work on VP Pence he lies as much as you do now and looks like a cardboard image.
Love your it's never my fault excuse, children use that too, what an example.
In Trump admin extreme vetting is only for Muslims not themselves and their contacts.
The weird love of Trump by Scaramucci and others reminds us of that Adolph guy.
Does Kris Kobach have the phone number of the Sasquatch voter, one of your fans thinks he knows him or her?
American misogyny amazes, Hillary was investigated for sneezing while Trump family colludes with foreign operatives.
Please use more emoticons your fans understand pictures better than ideas or deep thoughts.
Tell your fans golf is like church for you a kinda religious experience without the religious imperatives.
OK I just gotta just say Mike Pence looks like a simpleton smiling behind you in every photo.
Donnie please stay, Pence is a worse bigot and a kinda empty shirt who will be played by the Kochs.
Great Idea AG Jeff take more money from Americans to pay for Trump's golfing and hotels.
Trump's team rolls back regulations and profits from changes, just another example of the free market at work.
Love how your lawyers and advisers repeat there was no collusion, it is a choir of puppets.
Donnie tell Fox and Friends anything at all they'll smile and blame others it is a great comedy.
Tell them another story about how you saved an industry from going overseas no one checks anyway.

"Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results." Margaret Atwood

Donald Trump wrong on signing more bills than any president
Tweeting the Pres 6 feel free to share or use.

How's that great great great beautiful beautiful beautiful healthcare coming along?
Great work Donald Trump serving as an anonymous source for his own administration.
Draft dodger Donnie goes after transgender service people how tough and patriotic is that?
Donald, your presidency is like all the dumb kids in school who laugh at others, won.
Loved Scaramucci citing you as an anonymous source claiming your innocence over Russia.
Is it true you and the mooch are having a financial love affair, money money money.
Thanks Donald I now say Merry Christmas in place of good morning or good evening every day.
Trump's deplorables have a deplorable as leader, guess that works for them.
Mar-a-Lago trips cost more than transgender people's healthcare, get a soul Donnie.
Donald, no, giving Russia back to Alaska won't get rid of Lisa Murkowski.
If John Kelly won't suffer idiots and fools how will he deal with you?
Donnie your rallies remind many of a historical figure in the 1930's can you guess who.
Donald your Boy Scout rant was so off the wall they apologized for letting you speak to children.
But loved you telling the Scouts there should be a badge for a bad foot draft dodger.
Donald republicans never had a healthcare plan and neither did you even with all the many words.
Great pick in Mike Pence he follows along like a puppet, love his childlike smile while you talk nonsense.
Great idea Donnie police should break the law as you proposed at your deplorable rallies.
Did you forget infrastructure Donnie or was that just another scam like your University?
Love your thinking Donald, when good happens you're the cause if bad happens it's the others fault.
Donald we thought we wanted you now that have you can you go away and stay away. Go Golfing.

Next up Fake Tweets.

OPINION | Trump is a fake president and his base is starting to agree
The Fake president's Fake tweets

Texas, great great storms require a great great president, me.
Sold lots of my USA hats, big profit big big, off to Bedminster for some golf.
Alex Jones my climate guru claims Texas flood water is a fake photo.
Everyone like how I play the democrats and the republicans shake their heads not knowing if I'm serious.
My buddy Rush Limbaugh said Hurricane Irma is fake news, he may be on to something.
Wasn't the Smooch great just great didn't last long but great great guy.
How about me freeing Sean so he can make lots of money talking about how great I am.
Steve Bannon is back at Breitbart you go Stevie, piling on the BS keeps heads spinning.
I kinda like grabber in chief, has a nice ring to it, better than vacationer in chief.
Someone just called me a sophist, not sure what it means but thanks thanks.
Jeez, Harvey and Irma now Nancy and Chuck I feel all loved.
Listen, I'm pres, only I can call others racists.
Kris Kobach and New Hampshire voting, he may not make any sense but who cares.
I knew birther issue was fake but republicans loved it didn't they.
My fellow draft dodger Rush flees fake hurricane, you go Rushie.
Didn't you all love my fake best ever best healthcare, fooled em.
Neo Nazi good kneeling football player bad.
I never said all republicans were dumb just most of them.
Loved Ben saying homelessness is a gift from God, you're the best Ben.
Ah come on I only said I was going to drain the swamp not do it.
Price flying around on tax payer money, isn't that a privilege of being in the swamp.
Ivanka and Jared are above the law, private email ok for them.

Swamp covered here: Draining the Swamp
Editor's note: Tweets are not up to date, additional tweets will be added, sorry for the delay. ed

Donnie John Tweets His Fans

I love rallies just me and my adulation groupies.
Who needs Russian help Americans are dumb enough already.
I say any thing and they believe ain't my fans great.
How about my tax plan for me and wealthy friends great great tax plan.
Sorry about that imaginary great great healthcare It was all talk.
Trumpcare works, millions more uninsured I'll blame the dems and my people believe.
Like all my business failures so long as I get out OK all is OK.
I know I'm a draft dodger, serving the country is for others I serve me.
Don't blame me for all my lying that started right from the beginning they follow still.
Poor healthcare saves money who needs to take care of sick people anyway.
Listen I know the Wall improvement started with the last administrator my fans don't know that.
Price got caught Price got caught what a dummy I'm smarter, they excuse me.
Forget my swamp talk it was like everything, just talk, my followers follow.
Like how now I even have a four star general lying, great great lie Kelly.
Niger was intelligence error with Hillary gone we have to blame intelligence now.
No more Hillary and Obama to blame but we still do. Big smile, great great.
Private email who cares that was just stuff to use on Hillary not republicans.
Jared was just engaging his feminine side when he registered as a woman.
Listen Puerto Rico is an island and they are hard to get to aren't they, lots of water.
Tax relief for me and mine ain't that making some Americans great.
No worries folks you'll have great healthcare in the next life, just wait.
How about my inauguration getting into the Guinness book as largest ever.
I'm signing an EO that says a president can't lie even if he is lying.
Oh and I won the popular vote too just count all the dummies in the rural areas.

Editor's Note: The editors cannot confirm the veracity of any of these tweets but given nothing Donnie says is true does it really matter.

Fact-checking John Kelly on Frederica Wilson's 2015 speech

"Figure things out for yourself. Spend more time on long articles. Subsidize investigative journalism by subscribing to print media. Realize that some of what is on the internet is there to harm you. Learn about sites that investigate propaganda campaigns (some of which comes from abroad). Take responsibility for what you communicate with others." Lesson 11 From 'On Tyranny'

"This is the secret of propaganda: Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propaganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it." Joseph Goebbels
Donnie John Tweets His Best Best Pals

All my best sycophants sure know how to please me, ain't that great great great.
Breitbart is the best, thousands of Americans and Russians praising my every deception.
Ain't Fox great, they make fake news even faker but I luv em so, just luv em.
Devin Nunes is a dunce but he my dunce, luv my dunces they follow, good good work Nevin.
Chief of Staff John F. Kelly is a real gift honoring Robert E. Lee and condoning slavery as a State matter.
And how about my tweet and now another sycophant, Trey Gowdy will investigate uranium, email, and whatever I tweet.
Ain't Brian Kilmeade the greatest when he puts on that serious looks like he really cares about the truth.
Tucker Carlson even looks more serious as he presents complete BS what a face huh, luv him so.
Right-wing radio sycophants luv em luv em luv em, Mike Gallagher especially, my fans and followers.
Luv that Stuart Varney we give the rich more money and the poor nothing luv u Stu keep it up.
Judge Jeanine always so outraged luv the outrage and luv it's all for me, what great faces she makes.
Ever read Breitbart comments they are the bestest, full of hate, congratulating hate, they sure want to MAGA.
Sean Hannity is the best love his dreamy accolades about me, bromance we ain't gay even when we look it, just luv him.
Fox and Friends show them legs that distracts from the nonsense they present as news and they luv me too.
Sarah ain't she the bestest, nothing no matter how absurd isn't smiled at and made normal.
Tomi Lahren she's kinda hot but so whiny so whiny, but she loves me too all women luv me i love them too.
And I gotta thank my democrat friends they still think people think while I play the voters for suckers.
I even love China now that they cheered me not just Russia, I love em they should copy me make China great again, I'm funny too.
Republicans and my media keep blaming the Clintons and Obama, keeps my fans happy, hate works the best.
By the way what does sycophant mean is it like the bestest fan or reporter just for me?

Editors Note: People like to think they are rational beings but the rise of Trump proves again how wrong reason can be. Reason missed the boat this election.

"...But her briefings are breathtaking — certainly this week’s were. For some 20 minutes every afternoon, down is up, paralysis is progress, enmity is harmony, stupid is smart, villain is victim, disgrace is honor, plutocracy is populism and Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia if anyone would summon the nerve to investigate her (because, you know, that never, ever happens). I watch and listen with sheer awe." Opinion | Sarah Huckabee Sanders Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

"President-elect Trump seems incapable of experiencing humility. Despite the multiple bankruptcies, the failed businesses, the failed marriages, he seems to maintain an impenetrable self-regard." Donald Trump: Our Dumbest President | Inside Higher Ed

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump' Jonna Ivin
I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer
TW is a hodgepodge of Trump quotes, tweets, cabinet advice, and Trump news friends, on topics and ideas not fake at all.

Shawn Spicer will try to clarity any news in TW which conflicts with reality or seems virtually impossible.
Global warming is not only a hoax but is being caused by the last administration.
Donald Jr has zero contact with his father except when they talk on the phone which isn't really contact per DJT.
Donald does his best thinking while golfing a Mar-a-Lago, Trump advisers claim the universe is in better alignment there.
Trump believes what he believes because he believes what he believes, does that help?
VP Pence is in the deep South compassionately explaining healthcare as government overreach to patients dying of needed care.
Pres Trump is saving all his tweets on a private server so he can sell them and make money for Sasquatch victims.
Pizzagate was almost as bad as Watergate except there were no burglars, no gate, but they did have pizza.
Pres Trump doesn't drink because he wants to maintain complete mental control when tweeting.
Pres Trump informed Jeff Sessions there was no need for cross burning on the White House lawn.
Scott Pruitt thinks there is no need for environmental regulations since Armageddon is right around the corner.
Trump finds proof of wire tapping, a loose wire was found under rug in WH.
Three million illegal Hillary voters were found in caves near Roswell and are now running back to Mexico.
Digital cameras were rigged by the Obama administration so that only part of Trump's inaugural crowd was shown.

Stay tuned for more important and not fake or made up news from Trump and the associated news agencies that verify the truth of Trump World.

TW best Tweets of Week:

Healthcare under Trumpcare will be the bestest and most likest in history and cheapest too!
Did you see the crowds at Mar-a-Lago jealous huh!
Shot a 69 at Mar-a-logo people laughed did they think I was lying!
Snow storm coming bad bad Dem's fault told you Global warming was made up!
Proof? Kellyann sees microwaves messages almost daily, they're real!
I have the best sources the best news the best friends the best hotels!
Don't I look so good saluting! Real soldier like!
Obamacare is imploding, all these people getting healthcare, un-American!
Media is rude I'm not they sure suck!
I get my best news from the best National Inquirer no fake news read it the best!
You see me on Fox and Friends, they are the bestest bet they read the Nat Inquirer too!

Sources, advisers, and publicists for Trump World information: Breitbart, National Inquirer, Townhall, Red State, AlexJones, Newsmax, Fox, OAN, Rush, and especially Friends at Fox.

Upcoming in TW: DJT finds WMDs, Gov Christie helps DJT with diet advice, DJT and Sarah Palin practice shooting at a gun range proving mentally challenged people are OK with guns.
Thanks for compiling this short list of DT’s insanity..
This thread is great! It shows just how far deep in a liberal person's head Trump can get! I don't know if the above stuff is true and who cares or to even read it. But the time spent to compile it all, the OP must be obsessed! That would indicate a real love for the guy and I suspect anyone following Trump that close must be a stalker with posters of him in their room and probably jacks off to Trump before they go to sleep listening to his speeches, then gets up and sits all day with six TV's and three laptops looking to compile every stray bit of trivia on him that they can! Go Donald! You've wrecked the Democratic Party and their members are going insane!!!
You don’t know if it’s true. Ha ha ha ha
Thanks for proving you don’t know shit and don’t follow the news..
The Historic Tweets of Donnie John Trump

Today's America holiday spirit tweeted to you care of the president of the United States.

Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for the Trumps.
Lying is as American as Apple pie and Thanksgiving.
Give me liberty or best of all golf time at Bedminster anytime all the time.
I have but one life to live and Mar-a-Lago is now paid for by American taxes.
I love my freedom I love my hotels I love myself.
He loves his country best who stays at Trump properties.
If you are ashamed to stand by your colors I have a nice hat for sale too.
America was not built on fear but it sure helped get me elected.
Oh and America was not built on hate and ditto above.
I believe America was built on the Judeo-Christian ethic, and my wives past and present do too.
The American, by nature, is optimistic, so our tax plan will trickle down this time.
True independence and freedom can only exist in buying and wearing my hats.
I regret I have only one weekend each week to spend golfing on the taxpayer's well wishes.
Patriotism is easy to understand in America; it means believing everything I say.
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives and best if he stays often at Trump hotels.
Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except republicans and Kris.
The American Dream is that anyone, despite their background can be an American unless I decide otherwise.
Change is the law of life, and with a few more judge changes, Trump law.
Obedience of the law is demanded; not asked as a favor, unless you're a Trump.
American history is longer, larger, more various, more beautiful, now that the Trumps are in charge.

Have a nice holiday America and thanks for your support but better yet the money, we'll be spending our holiday on your tax dollars at Mar-a-Lago, so thanks again for your vote and for your belief in my great great speeches. Oh and if you have to work during the holidays just think your taxes will be supporting your great great president. Time to hit the tees again, see you....

“To abandon facts is to abandon freedom. If nothing is true, then no one can criticize power, because there is no basis upon which to do so. If nothing is true, then all is spectacle. The biggest wallet pays for the most blinding lights.” Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny
The Prayer Tweets Of Donnie John

Now I lay me down to sleep sure hope I can think of some mean tweets.
Bless my spirit as I roam the world looking for places to build hotels.
Lord please protect Mar-a-Lago, my taxpayer funded winter White House with golf course.
God watches ever by my side, and guides my shot another par.
God is great! God is good! Let us thank God for all my fans that still believe.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your guidance on our great great tax plan for the rich, your special children.
Lord he's a pedophile but think of all the money a tax reduction will bring to your churches.
Day is done, gone the sun, all is well, how about some chocolate cake.
Show me the way, show me to the path, show me the way to MacDonalds.
God in heaven hear my prayer, bless those who love me most, my lawyers.
May angels watch me through the night and inspire in me great tweets.
Lord the Pences are yokels but his pious beliefs sure helped get your base aboard.
Please help Hope Hicks remember my steamer, God.
In the name of Kentucky's Fried chicken, Lord please keep it hot and fresh.
Blessed be Trump tower and any other structures that now provide tax free money.
Thou I walk in the shadow of death or rain, golf time comes first.
Dear God after me I love you next and will make heaven great too.
Let me be aware of your presence and how about stopping this Russian stuff.
Thank you for the world so sweet where everything is my family's treat.
God of Light and Truth, thank you for giving me so much time for golf.
Now I rise from a sound sleep here comes some spirited tweets.

"If God listened to the prayers of men, all men would quickly have perished: for they are forever praying for evil against one another." Epicurus

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