This is why you don’t elect Democrats

But Trumpy says russia did not do it!
You mean, Hancock or Hickenlooper? We didn't vote FOR these assholes. In fact, we voted against Them and it didn't amount to a hill of beans. Instead we get sanctuary cities we didn't ask for, need or informed of by our glorious electoral officials, you got to wonder: fuck me, HOW do these people REALLY get into office?
What is the difference between the Democrats and criminals? Do they even know what is illegal? Sanctuary cities, for instance?
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response
You mean the same "democrats" that created "sanctuary cities"? those ones? Even though it hurts us and we didn't actuality vote for it? Oh same assholes that want to "allow" camping on the streets, those assholes? How nice of them...
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response

The Democrats mocked the notion of Russia being a threat until their Steele Plan blew up in their face. Then, somehow, Russia became a huge threat.
Oh look, the blue states are suffering the worst (what else is new?) while the clean air, scenic, spacious “flyover states” are experiencing minimal (and thus manageable) problem.


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