This is who America is fighting.

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017

Hey lefty. This is who you are. See the commie flags? THIS is who started the shit in C-Ville.

Donald Trump is fighting communism, just like the great Ronald Reagan. I was a fool to not see this before. Commies don't go away. They just change their names.

What is WRONG with hate, anyway? Where do the liberals (or whatever they call themselves) stand on hate when THEY do it? it's appropriate sometimes. Perfectly human emotion. Hate is the flip side of love, and sometime people can have a inappropriate love, too. The love that people have for those that abuse them, or sexual love of children, or the love of inflicting pain or hurting people. Or any of the many forms of misplaced Love. I have to question WHY people are so naive to believe that they can STOP hate, and WHY they are so deluded that it's necessary? They might as well eclipse , or the color blue. This is such mass deluded nonsense and people jump on the bandwagon because it SOUNDS so damned righteous.
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Hate is defined as a negative emotion. However, hate is often necessary for survival, and well-deserved by an enemy.
What is WRONG with hate, anyway? Where are do the liberals (or whatever they call themselves) stand on hate when THEY do it? it's appropriate sometimes. Perfectly human emotion. Hate is the flip side of love, and sometime people can have a inappropriate love, too. The love that people have for those that abuse them, or sexual love of children, or the love of inflicting pain or hurting people. Or any of the many forms of misplaced Love. I have to question WHY people are so naive to believe that they can STOP hate, and WHY they are so deluded that it's necessary? They might as well eclipse , or the color blue. This is such mass deluded nonsense and people jump on the bandwagon because it SOUNDS so damned righteous.
Good point. Heck when it's directed at Donald Trump, hate is a Liberal badge of honor.
What is WRONG with hate, anyway? Where are do the liberals (or whatever they call themselves) stand on hate when THEY do it? it's appropriate sometimes. Perfectly human emotion. Hate is the flip side of love, and sometime people can have a inappropriate love, too. The love that people have for those that abuse them, or sexual love of children, or the love of inflicting pain or hurting people. Or any of the many forms of misplaced Love. I have to question WHY people are so naive to believe that they can STOP hate, and WHY they are so deluded that it's necessary? They might as well eclipse , or the color blue. This is such mass deluded nonsense and people jump on the bandwagon because it SOUNDS so damned righteous.

I hate people that employ violence to stop American citizens from exercising their right to freedom of assembly and free speech.

Antifa fits that bill.
Hate is defined as a negative emotion. However, hate is often necessary for survival, and well-deserved by an enemy.
Hate, and anger can be toxic as can be misplaced Love and compassion. It's easy to to say, hard to do, but be balanced and don't let your emotions lead you by the nose.
Hate is defined as a negative emotion. However, hate is often necessary for survival, and well-deserved by an enemy.
Hate, and anger can be toxic as can be misplaced Love and compassion. It's easy to to say, hard to do, but be balanced and don't let your emotions lead you by the nose.

Indeed they can, but to sublimate legitimate hate simply because it is harsh and distasteful and undesirable is silly.

The Japs and Krauts of WWII were dehumanized for a reason.
Hate is defined as a negative emotion. However, hate is often necessary for survival, and well-deserved by an enemy.
Hate, and anger can be toxic as can be misplaced Love and compassion. It's easy to to say, hard to do, but be balanced and don't let your emotions lead you by the nose.

Indeed they can, but to sublimate legitimate hate simply because it is harsh and distasteful and undesirable is silly.

The Japs and Krauts of WWII were dehumanized for a reason.
My father came from that generation, I was amazed at the hate of the Japanese (my father was wounded fighting Japanese soldiers). That PTSD thing was a huge issue. But, I never understood why Americans interred other Americans of Japanese background but ignored Italian or German Americans, either.
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Hate is defined as a negative emotion. However, hate is often necessary for survival, and well-deserved by an enemy.
Hate, and anger can be toxic as can be misplaced Love and compassion. It's easy to to say, hard to do, but be balanced and don't let your emotions lead you by the nose.

Indeed they can, but to sublimate legitimate hate simply because it is harsh and distasteful and undesirable is silly.

The Japs and Krauts of WWII were dehumanized for a reason.
Are you making the case for Antifa?
Hate is defined as a negative emotion. However, hate is often necessary for survival, and well-deserved by an enemy.
Hate, and anger can be toxic as can be misplaced Love and compassion. It's easy to to say, hard to do, but be balanced and don't let your emotions lead you by the nose.

Indeed they can, but to sublimate legitimate hate simply because it is harsh and distasteful and undesirable is silly.

The Japs and Krauts of WWII were dehumanized for a reason.
My father came from that generation, I was amazed at the hate of the the Japanese (my father was wounded fighting Japanese soldiers). That PTSD thing was a huge issue. But, I never understood why Americans interred other Americans of Japanese background but ignored Italian or German Americans, either.

Because of the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, and frankly because until things got ugly, Hitler had friends in high places in the US. Also "The Final Solution" had yet to be revealed.
Hate is defined as a negative emotion. However, hate is often necessary for survival, and well-deserved by an enemy.
Hate, and anger can be toxic as can be misplaced Love and compassion. It's easy to to say, hard to do, but be balanced and don't let your emotions lead you by the nose.

Indeed they can, but to sublimate legitimate hate simply because it is harsh and distasteful and undesirable is silly.

The Japs and Krauts of WWII were dehumanized for a reason.
Are you making the case for Antifa?

No. Against them. Statues now. Book burning later.

They are the new Nazis. Not the scarce-numbered slope-headed goons screaming about white stuff.

Those are nothing, save magnified by Leftist media.
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Hate is defined as a negative emotion. However, hate is often necessary for survival, and well-deserved by an enemy.
Hate, and anger can be toxic as can be misplaced Love and compassion. It's easy to to say, hard to do, but be balanced and don't let your emotions lead you by the nose.

Indeed they can, but to sublimate legitimate hate simply because it is harsh and distasteful and undesirable is silly.

The Japs and Krauts of WWII were dehumanized for a reason.
Are you making the case for Antifa?

No. Against them. Statues now. Book burning later.
They clearly hate fascism and racism. Why should they sublimate their hate?
Hate is defined as a negative emotion. However, hate is often necessary for survival, and well-deserved by an enemy.
Hate, and anger can be toxic as can be misplaced Love and compassion. It's easy to to say, hard to do, but be balanced and don't let your emotions lead you by the nose.

Indeed they can, but to sublimate legitimate hate simply because it is harsh and distasteful and undesirable is silly.

The Japs and Krauts of WWII were dehumanized for a reason.
Are you making the case for Antifa?

No. Against them. Statues now. Book burning later.
They clearly hate fascism and racism. Why should they sublimate their hate?

No they do not. What they hate is the freedom of man guaranteed by the US Constitution.

If they cared for the law they would protest its non-enforcement on all counts, not whine that they are offended and seek to have freedoms restricted.
Hate, and anger can be toxic as can be misplaced Love and compassion. It's easy to to say, hard to do, but be balanced and don't let your emotions lead you by the nose.

Indeed they can, but to sublimate legitimate hate simply because it is harsh and distasteful and undesirable is silly.

The Japs and Krauts of WWII were dehumanized for a reason.
Are you making the case for Antifa?

No. Against them. Statues now. Book burning later.
They clearly hate fascism and racism. Why should they sublimate their hate?

No they do not. What they hate is the freedom of man guaranteed by the US Constitution.

If they cared for the law they would protest its non-enforcement on all counts, not whine that they are offended and seek to have freedoms restricted.
They aren't whining, they are counter demonstrating, which they have the freedom to do. The problem is that they let their emotions control their actions. Which you appear to be defending when you say that legitimate hate should not be sublimated. This is where you need to defend NAZI's and say that the hate Antifa emits is not legitimate.
No need to hate the left anymore, they really don't matter since losing control of the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS.
Hate is defined as a negative emotion. However, hate is often necessary for survival, and well-deserved by an enemy.
Hate, and anger can be toxic as can be misplaced Love and compassion. It's easy to to say, hard to do, but be balanced and don't let your emotions lead you by the nose.

Indeed they can, but to sublimate legitimate hate simply because it is harsh and distasteful and undesirable is silly.

The Japs and Krauts of WWII were dehumanized for a reason.

The Nazis and Japs needed to be stopped for a reason.
Hey lefty. This is who you are. See the commie flags? THIS is who started the shit in C-Ville.

Donald Trump is fighting communism, just like the great Ronald Reagan. I was a fool to not see this before. Commies don't go away. They just change their names.

"The Way We Were" Wasn't

Aunt Tifa is Uncle Joe's widow.
I think of " tail gunner Joe" , ol Joe McCarthy that fueled a major witch hunt and used buzz words like the Liberal are doing NOW. Then it was "communist". Now it multiple inflammatory words, like "Hate"," Racist" or "Fascism". Good old demagogue Joe was a demagogue like the libs are now. Liberals are now fueling a major which hunt and persecution of people that the "libs" don't agree with, they are the legacy of a new form of McCarthyism.
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