This is what is going to happen in the 2020 election, A butt whipping to liberalism/fascism.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Conservatives Win Commanding Majority in U.K. Vote: ‘Brexit Will Happen’
LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party won a commanding majority in the British Parliament, a striking victory that redraws the lines in British politics and paves the way for the country’s exit from the European Union early next year.

The Conservatives won 365 seats in the House of Commons, versus 203 for the Labour Party, according to the official results. That would give the Conservatives about a 75-seat majority, their largest since that amassed by Margaret Thatcher in 1987.
The "NORMAL" people are tired of being told how to live their lives. They want results not empty promises of "Hope and Change". They want the worthless government to stop their unlawful practices of allowing Musssies to come into the country and kill people in the name of Allah. They want their borders secure, not the borders of Ukraine to be secure. The People of the US of A. want to keep our Republic, not some Democracy.
Conservatives Win Commanding Majority in U.K. Vote: ‘Brexit Will Happen’
LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party won a commanding majority in the British Parliament, a striking victory that redraws the lines in British politics and paves the way for the country’s exit from the European Union early next year.

The Conservatives won 365 seats in the House of Commons, versus 203 for the Labour Party, according to the official results. That would give the Conservatives about a 75-seat majority, their largest since that amassed by Margaret Thatcher in 1987.
The "NORMAL" people are tired of being told how to live their lives. They want results not empty promises of "Hope and Change". They want the worthless government to stop their unlawful practices of allowing Musssies to come into the country and kill people in the name of Allah. They want their borders secure, not the borders of Ukraine to be secure. The People of the US of A. want to keep our Republic, not some Democracy.
Totally agree, nice post.
Conservatives Win Commanding Majority in U.K. Vote: ‘Brexit Will Happen’
LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party won a commanding majority in the British Parliament, a striking victory that redraws the lines in British politics and paves the way for the country’s exit from the European Union early next year.

The Conservatives won 365 seats in the House of Commons, versus 203 for the Labour Party, according to the official results. That would give the Conservatives about a 75-seat majority, their largest since that amassed by Margaret Thatcher in 1987.
The "NORMAL" people are tired of being told how to live their lives. They want results not empty promises of "Hope and Change". They want the worthless government to stop their unlawful practices of allowing Musssies to come into the country and kill people in the name of Allah. They want their borders secure, not the borders of Ukraine to be secure. The People of the US of A. want to keep our Republic, not some Democracy.

The circular firing squad that is the current Ds will need some sort of replacement opposition party that can keep the Rs honest and the dissident Ds ain't a possible candidate.
Nothing to do with Liberalism or conservatism.

It will be decided on who thinks a crook should be President.
In my best Charlton Heston voice:
"They'll take my large french fries and big soda from my cold dead hands."
The biggest ass kicking since Reagan....Maybe bigger if the HoR flips.

Like Amnesty Reagan?
He actually kicked his own party to the curb there.
I was there when Tipp O'neil promised that if Ronald gave amnesty, then he Tipp would close the border with funding. Of course when you trust a Democrat, it is like Trusting a Muzzzie, who will stab you in the back when the opportunity strikes. President Reagan did what he promised, Tipp lied as usual..
The biggest ass kicking since Reagan....Maybe bigger if the HoR flips.
And it is going to flip.

It’s threads like these that nudge me towards watching once again my prized copies of MSDNCs 2016 election morning, nighttime vote tally reporting, and the morning after broadcasts. A great 24-hour journey from the thrill of victory to the agony of defeat. And a lovely miserably gruesome defeat it was for the losing shitbags.

Now though stay tuned for a worst 2020 drubbing and be sure to fire up the DVRs so you’ll have years of viewing enjoyment too.
Conservatives Win Commanding Majority in U.K. Vote: ‘Brexit Will Happen’ The "NORMAL" people are tired of being told how to live their lives. They want results not empty promises of "Hope and Change". They want the worthless government to stop their unlawful practices of allowing Musssies to come into the country and kill people in the name of Allah. They want their borders secure, not the borders of Ukraine to be secure. The People of the US of A. want to keep our Republic, not some Democracy.
The trouble is people forget with time and down the line they start believing the same old lies democRats use and vote in another piece of shit. Though Crusty Joe is beyond a piece of shit these democRats are real stupid. Just read a couple of their post.

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