This is how Settlers are taking over East Jerusalem one house at a time

Jerusalem was almost entirely inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the Jewish invasion. There were only about 8,000 Jews in all of Palestine in 1893 after decades of migration from Europe.

View attachment 168481

Is there a refutation to this?
Yeah, not settlers, they're the indigenous first peoples who have had their homes stolen by invaders from the Arabian peninsula.

The Judaic people are just reclaiming their own land. Get used to it

The Judaic people are thieving cockroaches.

Your antisemitic insanity is duly noted.

Denying building approvals, demolishing homes and farms, taking peoples homes, building illegal settlements, pressuring Palestinians to leave.....yup I think you ARE land thieves.

But as expected throw the Anti-Semetic card as your defense.

Just the term "Anti-Semetic" is a Jewish creation seeing that Palestinians are Semetic but by claiming the term for Jews further supports your insane claim that Palestinians don't even exist
Yeah, not settlers, they're the indigenous first peoples who have had their homes stolen by invaders from the Arabian peninsula.

The Judaic people are just reclaiming their own land. Get used to it

The Judaic people are thieving cockroaches.

Your antisemitic insanity is duly noted.

Denying building approvals, demolishing homes and farms, taking peoples homes, building illegal settlements, pressuring Palestinians to leave.....yup I think you ARE land thieves.

But as expected throw the Anti-Semetic card as your defense.

Just the term "Anti-Semetic" is a Jewish creation seeing that Palestinians are Semetic but by claiming the term for Jews further supports your insane claim that Palestinians don't even exist

No not throwing any anti semitic card as you might consider that Palestinians are the actual Semitic people not the Europeans or Russians who claim to be Israelites . The illegal settlements belong to Israel. You have it backwards.
Yeah, not settlers, they're the indigenous first peoples who have had their homes stolen by invaders from the Arabian peninsula.

The Judaic people are just reclaiming their own land. Get used to it

The Judaic people are thieving cockroaches.

Your antisemitic insanity is duly noted.

Once again the Palestinians are the Semitic people, not the Europeans and Russians or those in the USA.
Jerusalem was almost entirely inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the Jewish invasion. There were only about 8,000 Jews in all of Palestine in 1893 after decades of migration from Europe.

View attachment 168481

So what?

So, homes were taken by the Jews from the non-Jews, not the other way around as someone contended up thread. Try to keep up.

Sure like those houses in Gaza and Hebron with a Star of David engraved on them...
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...Once again the Palestinians are the Semitic people, not the Europeans and Russians or those in the USA.

Palestinians are the impotent, degenerate descendants of the Muslim conquerors of old and of traitor-Jews of a thousand years ago or more who sold-out to the Islamic hoax.

They are an 'invented' people... they are a bad joke... and they won't be missed, once they are assimilated into the larger Jordanian population.
Oh please. Give me a break. You already know my position on the matter.
Which is why I recommended using a search engine. Your beliefs, like your narrative are meaningless.

Now go study!
This post coming from the moron who always wants a Link because you never want to search for anything yourself.
Or your mullah restricts the sites that you're allowed to visit.
...Once again the Palestinians are the Semitic people, not the Europeans and Russians or those in the USA.

Palestinians are the impotent, degenerate descendants of the Muslim conquerors of old and of traitor-Jews of a thousand years ago or more who sold-out to the Islamic hoax.

They are an 'invented' people... they are a bad joke... and they won't be missed, once they are assimilated into the larger Jordanian population.
Racism from a Jew, how (not) suprising
...Once again the Palestinians are the Semitic people, not the Europeans and Russians or those in the USA.

Palestinians are the impotent, degenerate descendants of the Muslim conquerors of old and of traitor-Jews of a thousand years ago or more who sold-out to the Islamic hoax.

They are an 'invented' people... they are a bad joke... and they won't be missed, once they are assimilated into the larger Jordanian population.
Racism from a Jew, how (not) suprising
1. There isn't a single iota of 'racism' in the post, above

2. I'm not Jewish; I'm an Irish-German lapsed Roman Catholic boy from the South Side of Chicago... shmuck

3. Your reference to racism and Jews is, in itself, highly indicative of bigotry

Nice try, Achmed.
Settlers are taking over East Jerusalem one house at a time
What a shame...

Far too time-consuming...

Better to do it in much larger parcels.
Thanks for proving my point that you are a race of thieves
No, Achmed... just Conquerors... the way your ancestors conquered Judea and took it from the Byzantine-Romans... who, in turn, stole it from the Jews.

Time to kick your scrawny under-performing arses across to the East Bank of the Jordan, where you belong.

The 1900-year-old Jewish Diaspora is over, Achmed... you lose.

Vae victis.
...Once again the Palestinians are the Semitic people, not the Europeans and Russians or those in the USA.

Palestinians are the impotent, degenerate descendants of the Muslim conquerors of old and of traitor-Jews of a thousand years ago or more who sold-out to the Islamic hoax.

They are an 'invented' people... they are a bad joke... and they won't be missed, once they are assimilated into the larger Jordanian population.
Racism from a Jew, how (not) suprising
1. There isn't a single iota of 'racism' in the post, above

2. I'm not Jewish; I'm an Irish-German lapsed Roman Catholic boy from the South Side of Chicago... shmuck

3. Your reference to racism and Jews is, in itself, highly indicative of bigotry

Nice try, Achmed.
German Irish Roman Catholic....Yuck...Now that's Bigotry Kondie not being personal to you man,just example

JEWS are far too sensitive but happy to be anti semitic towards the true semitic people the Palestinians....most Jews ain't even semitic these days at all
...Once again the Palestinians are the Semitic people, not the Europeans and Russians or those in the USA.

Palestinians are the impotent, degenerate descendants of the Muslim conquerors of old and of traitor-Jews of a thousand years ago or more who sold-out to the Islamic hoax.

They are an 'invented' people... they are a bad joke... and they won't be missed, once they are assimilated into the larger Jordanian population.

The Pals are the ones who never left, while the original Hebrews did centuries ago.
This is how Settlers are taking over East Jerusalem one house at a time

And once all of the houses are settled in by settlers, the entire matter will be settled.
OR death to all settlers would settle the settler problem and settle the area down and settle others to settle and be settled

Keep fantasizing. Such thinking is why the Palestinians are in the plight they are in.
...Once again the Palestinians are the Semitic people, not the Europeans and Russians or those in the USA.

Palestinians are the impotent, degenerate descendants of the Muslim conquerors of old and of traitor-Jews of a thousand years ago or more who sold-out to the Islamic hoax.

They are an 'invented' people... they are a bad joke... and they won't be missed, once they are assimilated into the larger Jordanian population.

The Pals are the ones who never left, while the original Hebrews did centuries ago.

Actually "The Pals" left Yemen, Bosnia, Hejaz, Sudan...immigrants no different than most Americans today.
This is how Settlers are taking over East Jerusalem one house at a time

And once all of the houses are settled in by settlers, the entire matter will be settled.
OR death to all settlers would settle the settler problem and settle the area down and settle others to settle and be settled

Keep fantasizing. Such thinking is why the Palestinians are in the plight they are in.
Take those Glasses off,they are making you blind.....moreover they are 20 year old fashion
...Once again the Palestinians are the Semitic people, not the Europeans and Russians or those in the USA.

Palestinians are the impotent, degenerate descendants of the Muslim conquerors of old and of traitor-Jews of a thousand years ago or more who sold-out to the Islamic hoax.

They are an 'invented' people... they are a bad joke... and they won't be missed, once they are assimilated into the larger Jordanian population.

The Pals are the ones who never left, while the original Hebrews did centuries ago.
It was leave and remain true to God, or stay and be slaughtered by conquerors or to be undermined by False Prophets and Copycat Johnny-Come-Lately Islam.

They're back now, and it's time for the Pals to go.

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