This Is Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders is too old


Steve Chapman Contact Reporter

Thursday’s Democratic town hall, Anderson Cooper raised an issue aboutBernie SandersthatHillary Clinton, for obvious reasons, has not: his age. The Vermont senator will be 75 this year, which means he would be the oldest person ever to enter the White House.Ronald Reagan, who currently holds the record, was inaugurated his first time at age 69.

Young people don’t seem to care that Sanders was born before Pearl Harbor. But they should. By any sensible standard, Sanders is way past his presidential sell date.

Clinton has avoided the issue, probably because she’ll be 69 this year in October. But not only is she six years younger than her opponent, she’s a woman. The average additional life expectancy for a 69-year-old white woman in this country is 17 years. The average 75-year-old white male can expect less than 11 more years.


Bernie Sanders is too old
Bernie Sanders 2016: There's a Socialist sucker born every minute.
February 8, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

If you listen to one of Bernie Sanders' rants about campaign finance, you get the idea that he's just a little guy raising money from ordinary people. As he likes to yell, "$27 dollars", who is a world away from the high finance world of campaign fundraising and big donors, and wants to tear it all down. But Bernie's authenticity is a scam. Politicians cultivate a particular image. Bernie Sanders is a successful politician who cultivates the image of an eccentric grass roots politician who has nothing to do with big time fundraising. The truth is he has alwaysbeen a big part of that world.


Translation, every word you hear coming out of the Bernie Sanders liehole is a lie. He's not some independent insurgent who is outside the system. He's what the system was built on. And he's lying to his supporters while pumping them for money, telling them what they want to hear, exactly the way he told the big donors what they wanted to hear while pumping them for cash.

Bernie Sanders 2016. Because there's a Socialist sucker born every minute.

Bernie Sanders Really Hated All That Fundraising w/Big Banks He Used to Do
Bernie Sanders Kibbutz Admired Communism, Flew Red Flag
February 9, 2016
Daniel Greenfield



My piece last week on the Kibbutz where Bernie Sanders stayed went viral and led to an awkward semi-attack from The Forward (later reprinted in Haaretz). I pointed out certain obvious facts.


Some of the rank and file may not have known about what was going on in the USSR, but the leadership knew. They always knew.

And the red flag does not symbolize equality. It symbolizes the blood spilled for the revolution.

But we once again have confirmation that Bernie Sanders was at a Kibbutz that had worshiped Stalin and Communism. The Hashomer Hatzair flag was red. It was probably still being flown when Bernie was there.

Bernie Sanders Kibbutz Admired Communism, Flew Red Flag

But we once again have confirmation that Bernie Sanders was at a Kibbutz that had worshiped Stalin and Communism. The Hashomer Hatzair flag was red. It was probably still being flown when Bernie was there.

Bernie Sanders Kibbutz Admired Communism, Flew Red Flag

All of that looks like Imperialistic BS (propaganda), and none of it discredits Sanders in any way, big brother. Being a socialist is not necessarily a bad thing. The Soviet regime was not socially responsible to its citizens, thus the problem.
I'd be angry about American Jihad's craptastic, reality-avoiding posts, but they're such utter bullshit that I can't take them seriously.
Even Left-Wing Economists Say Bernie Sanders' Budget is a Fantasy
February 19, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


How crazy do your economic projections have to be that even Obama admin veterans roll their eyes? Bernie Sanders level crazy which assumes 5% growth because all the money trees will rise out of the ground once he does a magic hippie rain dance.

So even these guys have come out against that level of fantasy economics.

Four former White House economic advisers are taking issue with a rosy economic analysis of Sanders' proposal that found that Sanders' plan would spur the U.S. economy to grow by 5.3% per year,median income to soar by more than $22,000, and the unemployment rate to fall to 3.8%.

And the unicorns will come out of the clouds and they will dance. And we will all dance with them. And then hug each other. And no one will want money anymore. #FeeltheBern

Not so fast, wrote the economists, Alan Krueger, Austan Goolsbee, Christina Romer and Laura D'Andrea Tyson, who chaired the White House Council of Economic Advisers under Presidents Obama and Clinton in a letter addressed to Sanders and Friedman.

"We are concerned to see the Sanders campaign citing extreme claims by Gerald Friedman about the effect of Senator Sanders's economic plan -- claims that cannot be supported by the economic evidence," the former chairs wrote. "As much as we wish it were so, no credible economic research supports economic impacts of these magnitudes."

But when you rig the numbers to make unrealistic claims (like the ones about ObamaCare) then someone will show up promising even more delicious pie in the sky.


Even Left-Wing Economists Say Bernie Sanders' Budget is a Fantasy
LOL this is the new demosocialist party, does he look presidential or more like a raving lunatic...
This Is Bernie Sanders
A disturbing look at the socialist senator's radical agendas, which are now mainstream in the Democratic Party.
January 7, 2016
Discover The Networks


Throughout his presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders has been Hillary Clinton's strongest rival, by far, for the Democratic nomination. Huge numbers of people are very excited about this 74-year-old Senator from Vermont. His campaign rallies have drawn massive crowds, sometimes in the vicinity of 30,000 attendees. The Washington Post and Bill Maher, among many others, have noted Sanders' “rock-star” appeal. And a recent poll of 75,000 voters in all 50 states found that Sanders had a higher approval rating (83%) among his constituents, than any other U.S. Senator. In short, Bernie Sanders is no fringe Democrat. Thus it is imperative for all Americans—whether they support him or not—to clearly understand who Sanders is, what he believes, and what he wants to make America look like.

When Sanders was a young man, he joined the Young People's Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. In 1963 he was an organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, whose leadership subsequently grew increasingly militant, eventually culminating in the racist excesses of Stokely Carmichael, who exhorted blacks to “fill ourselves with hate for all things white,” and H. Rap Brown, who urged blacks to “wage guerrilla war on the honkie white man.” Sanders also worked briefly for the communist-led United Packinghouse Workers Union, and participated in a California hospital project organized by the American Friends Service Committee, an organization that unambiguously supported the Soviet cause while opposing America throughout the Cold War.

In 1971 Sanders joined the anti-war Liberty Union Party (LUP), on whose ticket he made unsuccessful runs for the U.S. Senate in 1972 and 1974, and for Governor of Vermont in 1976. Sanders's LUP platform called for the nationalization of all U.S. banks, public ownership of all utilities, and the establishment of a worker-controlled federal government.

Around 1976, Sanders left LUP and spent about two years as an amateur historian and film-maker, selling educational film strips to schools in New England. “His main project,” says the British newspaper The Guardian, “was a short documentary about his hero, Eugene Debs, an early 20th-century union leader who was a six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist party.”

From 1979-89 Sanders served as mayor of Burlington, Vermont. At one point during his tenure, he sparked controversy when he hung a Soviet flag in his mayoral office, in honor of Burlington's Soviet sister city, Yaroslavl.

According to an Accuracy In Media report, Sanders during the 1980s “collaborated with Soviet and East German 'peace committees'” whose aim was “to stop President Reagan’s deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe.” Indeed, Sanders “openly joined the Soviets’ 'nuclear freeze' campaign to undercut Reagan’s military build-up.”

In 1985 Sanders traveled to Managua, Nicaragua to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the rise to power of Daniel Ortega and his Marxist-Leninist Sandinista government. In a letter which he addressed to the people of Nicaragua, Sanders denounced the anti-Communist activities of the Reagan administration and assured the Nicaraguans that Americans were “fair minded people” who had more to offer “than the bombs and economic sabotage” promoted by Reagan. “In the long run,” Sanders said, “I am certain that you will win, and that your heroic revolution against the Somoza dictatorship will be maintained and strengthened.” Sanders even invited Ortega to visit Burlington, though the Nicaraguan president declined.

By no means was Sanders's trip to Nicaragua his only trek to a Communist country. He also visited Fidel Castro's Cuba in the 1980s and had a friendly meeting with the mayor of Havana. In an August 8, 1985 television interview, Sanders said: “In 1961, [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world, that all the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. They forgot that he educated the kids, gave them health care, totally transformed the society.”


Bear in mind, as was noted at the beginning of this article, that Bernie Sanders is by no means an unusual Democrat. His worldviews, agendas, and values are, by and large, the same as those of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and any other leading Democrat you can name. Sanders is simply more candid than the rest in acknowledging—with great pride, in fact—that he is a socialist.

Thus, all that remains on election day is for Americans to decide if they want to live in a country—and raise their children in a country—modeled on the ideals of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama.

This Is Bernie Sanders
Thank you. I am quiet impressed. He may very well get my vote. He is certainly a man with a mind of his own.
LOL this is the new demosocialist party, does he look presidential or more like a raving lunatic...
This Is Bernie Sanders
A disturbing look at the socialist senator's radical agendas, which are now mainstream in the Democratic Party.
January 7, 2016
Discover The Networks


Throughout his presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders has been Hillary Clinton's strongest rival, by far, for the Democratic nomination. Huge numbers of people are very excited about this 74-year-old Senator from Vermont. His campaign rallies have drawn massive crowds, sometimes in the vicinity of 30,000 attendees. The Washington Post and Bill Maher, among many others, have noted Sanders' “rock-star” appeal. And a recent poll of 75,000 voters in all 50 states found that Sanders had a higher approval rating (83%) among his constituents, than any other U.S. Senator. In short, Bernie Sanders is no fringe Democrat. Thus it is imperative for all Americans—whether they support him or not—to clearly understand who Sanders is, what he believes, and what he wants to make America look like.

When Sanders was a young man, he joined the Young People's Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. In 1963 he was an organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, whose leadership subsequently grew increasingly militant, eventually culminating in the racist excesses of Stokely Carmichael, who exhorted blacks to “fill ourselves with hate for all things white,” and H. Rap Brown, who urged blacks to “wage guerrilla war on the honkie white man.” Sanders also worked briefly for the communist-led United Packinghouse Workers Union, and participated in a California hospital project organized by the American Friends Service Committee, an organization that unambiguously supported the Soviet cause while opposing America throughout the Cold War.

In 1971 Sanders joined the anti-war Liberty Union Party (LUP), on whose ticket he made unsuccessful runs for the U.S. Senate in 1972 and 1974, and for Governor of Vermont in 1976. Sanders's LUP platform called for the nationalization of all U.S. banks, public ownership of all utilities, and the establishment of a worker-controlled federal government.

Around 1976, Sanders left LUP and spent about two years as an amateur historian and film-maker, selling educational film strips to schools in New England. “His main project,” says the British newspaper The Guardian, “was a short documentary about his hero, Eugene Debs, an early 20th-century union leader who was a six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist party.”

From 1979-89 Sanders served as mayor of Burlington, Vermont. At one point during his tenure, he sparked controversy when he hung a Soviet flag in his mayoral office, in honor of Burlington's Soviet sister city, Yaroslavl.

According to an Accuracy In Media report, Sanders during the 1980s “collaborated with Soviet and East German 'peace committees'” whose aim was “to stop President Reagan’s deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe.” Indeed, Sanders “openly joined the Soviets’ 'nuclear freeze' campaign to undercut Reagan’s military build-up.”

In 1985 Sanders traveled to Managua, Nicaragua to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the rise to power of Daniel Ortega and his Marxist-Leninist Sandinista government. In a letter which he addressed to the people of Nicaragua, Sanders denounced the anti-Communist activities of the Reagan administration and assured the Nicaraguans that Americans were “fair minded people” who had more to offer “than the bombs and economic sabotage” promoted by Reagan. “In the long run,” Sanders said, “I am certain that you will win, and that your heroic revolution against the Somoza dictatorship will be maintained and strengthened.” Sanders even invited Ortega to visit Burlington, though the Nicaraguan president declined.

By no means was Sanders's trip to Nicaragua his only trek to a Communist country. He also visited Fidel Castro's Cuba in the 1980s and had a friendly meeting with the mayor of Havana. In an August 8, 1985 television interview, Sanders said: “In 1961, [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world, that all the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. They forgot that he educated the kids, gave them health care, totally transformed the society.”


Bear in mind, as was noted at the beginning of this article, that Bernie Sanders is by no means an unusual Democrat. His worldviews, agendas, and values are, by and large, the same as those of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and any other leading Democrat you can name. Sanders is simply more candid than the rest in acknowledging—with great pride, in fact—that he is a socialist.

Thus, all that remains on election day is for Americans to decide if they want to live in a country—and raise their children in a country—modeled on the ideals of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama.

This Is Bernie Sanders
Thank you. I am quiet impressed. He may very well get my vote. He is certainly a man with a mind of his own.
Old biddy I hope you vote for him...:eusa_clap::beer:
LOL this is the new demosocialist party, does he look presidential or more like a raving lunatic...
This Is Bernie Sanders
A disturbing look at the socialist senator's radical agendas, which are now mainstream in the Democratic Party.
January 7, 2016
Discover The Networks


Throughout his presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders has been Hillary Clinton's strongest rival, by far, for the Democratic nomination. Huge numbers of people are very excited about this 74-year-old Senator from Vermont. His campaign rallies have drawn massive crowds, sometimes in the vicinity of 30,000 attendees. The Washington Post and Bill Maher, among many others, have noted Sanders' “rock-star” appeal. And a recent poll of 75,000 voters in all 50 states found that Sanders had a higher approval rating (83%) among his constituents, than any other U.S. Senator. In short, Bernie Sanders is no fringe Democrat. Thus it is imperative for all Americans—whether they support him or not—to clearly understand who Sanders is, what he believes, and what he wants to make America look like.

When Sanders was a young man, he joined the Young People's Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. In 1963 he was an organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, whose leadership subsequently grew increasingly militant, eventually culminating in the racist excesses of Stokely Carmichael, who exhorted blacks to “fill ourselves with hate for all things white,” and H. Rap Brown, who urged blacks to “wage guerrilla war on the honkie white man.” Sanders also worked briefly for the communist-led United Packinghouse Workers Union, and participated in a California hospital project organized by the American Friends Service Committee, an organization that unambiguously supported the Soviet cause while opposing America throughout the Cold War.

In 1971 Sanders joined the anti-war Liberty Union Party (LUP), on whose ticket he made unsuccessful runs for the U.S. Senate in 1972 and 1974, and for Governor of Vermont in 1976. Sanders's LUP platform called for the nationalization of all U.S. banks, public ownership of all utilities, and the establishment of a worker-controlled federal government.

Around 1976, Sanders left LUP and spent about two years as an amateur historian and film-maker, selling educational film strips to schools in New England. “His main project,” says the British newspaper The Guardian, “was a short documentary about his hero, Eugene Debs, an early 20th-century union leader who was a six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist party.”

From 1979-89 Sanders served as mayor of Burlington, Vermont. At one point during his tenure, he sparked controversy when he hung a Soviet flag in his mayoral office, in honor of Burlington's Soviet sister city, Yaroslavl.

According to an Accuracy In Media report, Sanders during the 1980s “collaborated with Soviet and East German 'peace committees'” whose aim was “to stop President Reagan’s deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe.” Indeed, Sanders “openly joined the Soviets’ 'nuclear freeze' campaign to undercut Reagan’s military build-up.”

In 1985 Sanders traveled to Managua, Nicaragua to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the rise to power of Daniel Ortega and his Marxist-Leninist Sandinista government. In a letter which he addressed to the people of Nicaragua, Sanders denounced the anti-Communist activities of the Reagan administration and assured the Nicaraguans that Americans were “fair minded people” who had more to offer “than the bombs and economic sabotage” promoted by Reagan. “In the long run,” Sanders said, “I am certain that you will win, and that your heroic revolution against the Somoza dictatorship will be maintained and strengthened.” Sanders even invited Ortega to visit Burlington, though the Nicaraguan president declined.

By no means was Sanders's trip to Nicaragua his only trek to a Communist country. He also visited Fidel Castro's Cuba in the 1980s and had a friendly meeting with the mayor of Havana. In an August 8, 1985 television interview, Sanders said: “In 1961, [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world, that all the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. They forgot that he educated the kids, gave them health care, totally transformed the society.”


Bear in mind, as was noted at the beginning of this article, that Bernie Sanders is by no means an unusual Democrat. His worldviews, agendas, and values are, by and large, the same as those of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and any other leading Democrat you can name. Sanders is simply more candid than the rest in acknowledging—with great pride, in fact—that he is a socialist.

Thus, all that remains on election day is for Americans to decide if they want to live in a country—and raise their children in a country—modeled on the ideals of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama.

This Is Bernie Sanders
Socialism, Communism, Marxism.....blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, blah.
Last edited:
LOL this is the new demosocialist party, does he look presidential or more like a raving lunatic...
This Is Bernie Sanders
A disturbing look at the socialist senator's radical agendas, which are now mainstream in the Democratic Party.
January 7, 2016
Discover The Networks


Throughout his presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders has been Hillary Clinton's strongest rival, by far, for the Democratic nomination. Huge numbers of people are very excited about this 74-year-old Senator from Vermont. His campaign rallies have drawn massive crowds, sometimes in the vicinity of 30,000 attendees. The Washington Post and Bill Maher, among many others, have noted Sanders' “rock-star” appeal. And a recent poll of 75,000 voters in all 50 states found that Sanders had a higher approval rating (83%) among his constituents, than any other U.S. Senator. In short, Bernie Sanders is no fringe Democrat. Thus it is imperative for all Americans—whether they support him or not—to clearly understand who Sanders is, what he believes, and what he wants to make America look like.

When Sanders was a young man, he joined the Young People's Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. In 1963 he was an organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, whose leadership subsequently grew increasingly militant, eventually culminating in the racist excesses of Stokely Carmichael, who exhorted blacks to “fill ourselves with hate for all things white,” and H. Rap Brown, who urged blacks to “wage guerrilla war on the honkie white man.” Sanders also worked briefly for the communist-led United Packinghouse Workers Union, and participated in a California hospital project organized by the American Friends Service Committee, an organization that unambiguously supported the Soviet cause while opposing America throughout the Cold War.

In 1971 Sanders joined the anti-war Liberty Union Party (LUP), on whose ticket he made unsuccessful runs for the U.S. Senate in 1972 and 1974, and for Governor of Vermont in 1976. Sanders's LUP platform called for the nationalization of all U.S. banks, public ownership of all utilities, and the establishment of a worker-controlled federal government.

Around 1976, Sanders left LUP and spent about two years as an amateur historian and film-maker, selling educational film strips to schools in New England. “His main project,” says the British newspaper The Guardian, “was a short documentary about his hero, Eugene Debs, an early 20th-century union leader who was a six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist party.”

From 1979-89 Sanders served as mayor of Burlington, Vermont. At one point during his tenure, he sparked controversy when he hung a Soviet flag in his mayoral office, in honor of Burlington's Soviet sister city, Yaroslavl.

According to an Accuracy In Media report, Sanders during the 1980s “collaborated with Soviet and East German 'peace committees'” whose aim was “to stop President Reagan’s deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe.” Indeed, Sanders “openly joined the Soviets’ 'nuclear freeze' campaign to undercut Reagan’s military build-up.”

In 1985 Sanders traveled to Managua, Nicaragua to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the rise to power of Daniel Ortega and his Marxist-Leninist Sandinista government. In a letter which he addressed to the people of Nicaragua, Sanders denounced the anti-Communist activities of the Reagan administration and assured the Nicaraguans that Americans were “fair minded people” who had more to offer “than the bombs and economic sabotage” promoted by Reagan. “In the long run,” Sanders said, “I am certain that you will win, and that your heroic revolution against the Somoza dictatorship will be maintained and strengthened.” Sanders even invited Ortega to visit Burlington, though the Nicaraguan president declined.

By no means was Sanders's trip to Nicaragua his only trek to a Communist country. He also visited Fidel Castro's Cuba in the 1980s and had a friendly meeting with the mayor of Havana. In an August 8, 1985 television interview, Sanders said: “In 1961, [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world, that all the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. They forgot that he educated the kids, gave them health care, totally transformed the society.”


Bear in mind, as was noted at the beginning of this article, that Bernie Sanders is by no means an unusual Democrat. His worldviews, agendas, and values are, by and large, the same as those of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and any other leading Democrat you can name. Sanders is simply more candid than the rest in acknowledging—with great pride, in fact—that he is a socialist.

Thus, all that remains on election day is for Americans to decide if they want to live in a country—and raise their children in a country—modeled on the ideals of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama.

This Is Bernie Sanders
Socialism, Communism, Marxism.....blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, blah.

thism, thatism, ism ism ism.....
I hope sanders takes 90% of the fools money...
Spike Lee Endorses Sanders
Cuts ad for socialist senator
Brian Lilley

Controversial Hollywood director Spike Lee has come out in favor of Bernie Sanders for president. Lee has recorded a radio ad that is playing in South Carolina ahead of the Democratic primary in that state this Saturday.


Spike Lee Endorses Sanders
I hope sanders takes 90% of the fools money...
Spike Lee Endorses Sanders
Cuts ad for socialist senator
Brian Lilley

Controversial Hollywood director Spike Lee has come out in favor of Bernie Sanders for president. Lee has recorded a radio ad that is playing in South Carolina ahead of the Democratic primary in that state this Saturday.


Spike Lee Endorses Sanders

I listen to the communist radio station, WBAI, here in NYC....and yesterday, on an all black show, with black guests and black callers, I was amazed at the vituperation directed at Bill's wife.....
They were quoting things she said about black thugs ('youths')and 'the Clinton's will say anything to get our vote.'

Of course, they are correct....

...but they heavily favored Bernie.

I hope sanders takes 90% of the fools money...
Spike Lee Endorses Sanders
Cuts ad for socialist senator
Brian Lilley

Controversial Hollywood director Spike Lee has come out in favor of Bernie Sanders for president. Lee has recorded a radio ad that is playing in South Carolina ahead of the Democratic primary in that state this Saturday.


Spike Lee Endorses Sanders

Just as we were speaking of....

"Black Lives Matter protesters confront Clinton at a fundraiser

[paste:font size="4"] Black Lives Matter activists interrupted Hillary Clinton Wednesday night at a private fundraiser, confronting the Democratic presidential candidate with past statements she made about youth in gangs.

"We want you to apologize for mass incarceration," Ashley Williams said at the Charleston, South Carolina, event. "I'm not a 'super predator,' Hillary Clinton."
Black Lives Matter protesters confront Hillary Clinton at a fundraiser -



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Young Lefties Love Bernie Sanders Because He's Lazy and Shiftless Just Like Them
February 29, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

It's no mystery why the Che Youth are flocking to the Bernie Sanders banner. Aside from his leftist politics, he's one of them. Lazy, shiftless and full of big plans that he could accomplish if someone put a lot of money at his disposal.

Hillary Clinton has been accused of being Tracy Flick. Nobody ever accused Bernie Sanders of working too hard. Or of working.

Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail


Let's summarize.

1. Ragged, unemployable leftist with no useful skills

2. Lazy, shiftless bum in and out of office who is always clamoring for a "political revolution"

3. Blames all his problems on capitalism

4. Completely out of touch with reality

That describes the leftist youth base. Sure Bernie Sanders is old. But he's still a lazy and shiftless bum.


Young Lefties Love Bernie Sanders Because He's Lazy and Shiftless Just Like Them
Clinton Tries to Catch Up With Passion for Sanders in Iowa

21 / 23

The New York Times



DES MOINES — Iowa Democrats are displaying far less passion for Hillary Clinton than for Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont three weeks before the presidential caucuses, creating anxiety inside the Clinton campaign as she scrambles to energize supporters and to court wavering voters.

The enthusiasm gap spilled abundantly into view in recent days, from the cheering crowds and emotional outpourings that greeted Mr. Sanders, and in interviews with more than 50 Iowans at campaign stops for both candidates.

Voters have mobbed Mr. Sanders at events since Friday, some jumping over chairs to shake his hand, snap a selfie or thank him for speaking about the middle class. “Did you get to touch him?” asked one woman who could not get close enough after an event here on Saturday.
“We love you, Bernie! Enough is enough!” Nathan Arentsen, 29, cheered several times at another event in Des Moines as he stomped his feet to signal support for the candidate.

Audiences for Mrs. Clinton have yet to grow to consistently match those for Mr. Sanders, and the typical reception for her was evident on Monday in Waterloo. About 300 people welcomed Mrs. Clinton enthusiastically and listened to her diligently, but many of them, still unsure, rebuffed Clinton aides trying to get them to sign “commitment cards” to caucus for her.

“I personally want to find out if she’s trustworthy or not,” said Katie Bailey, 71, of Cedar Falls. “There’s so much un-trust. I want to eyeball her.”

Matt Fagerlind, 36, also attended Mrs. Clinton’s Waterloo event, but he found himself thinking about how Mr. Sanders’s rallies had the same uplifting emotional intensity as Barack Obama’s in 2008. “I think Sanders is going to give her a good run,” he said, describing himself as unmoved by Mrs. Clinton and planning to vote for Mr. Sanders.
(Ultimately, a Clinton aide said, about half of the audience signed commitment cards.)


Clinton Tries to Catch Up With Passion for Sanders in Iowa
Bernie Sanders and His Left-Wing Anti-Semites
Palling around with Jew-haters for the radical cause.
March 3, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


But Bernie Sanders likes his devoutly Socialist closet. He prefers to describe himself as the son of Polish immigrants. Asked about religion, he disavows Judaism and embraces Pope Francis. The Times has him embracing the description “Non-Jewish Jew” which was coined by a Marxist in an essay explaining anti-Semitism, including the Holocaust, as a “superficial” reaction against capitalism.

Where Obama and Hillary ran on race and gender, Bernie Sanders avoids Jewishness as much as possible. He doesn’t practice Judaism, isn’t part of a Jewish community and avoids the “J” word.

One of the few times he used the dreaded “J” word was when a Muslim activist who cheered anti-Israel terrorism told him that she was afraid of Republicans. Suddenly Sanders puffed out his chest and told her, “I’m Jewish, my father’s family died in concentration camps. I will do everything that I can to rid this country of the ugly stain of racism.”


When Bernie Sanders reached out for perspective on the Middle East during his campaign, he contacted James Zogby, who defended Hamas and Hezbollah, and Lawrence Wilkerson, who had accused Jewish officials of dual loyalty and suggested that Israel was behind Assad’s chemical weapons attacks.

The truth about Bernie Sanders is that he is not Jewish in any sense other than the genetic. He is a left-wing radical who is uncomfortable with any mention of his Jewish background because he does not like Jews. Even his time on an Israeli Kibbutz, a staple with which his Jewish fans nurtured their fantasies of a Jewish Bernie, fell apart when it emerged that his Kibbutz had flown a red flag and admired Stalin and the Soviet Union as part of a radical leftist movement that had initially opposed the creation of Israel.

His first and foremost allegiance has always been to the left at the expense of the Jews.

Bernie Sanders cheered the Sandanista regime whose mobs chanted "Death to the Jews," "Jewish Pigs" and "What Hitler started we will finish." He did not invoke the Holocaust when a synagogue was firebombed and in an echo of Hitler’s Germany, its president was forced to scrub the streets.

The anti-Semitic regime that Bernie Sanders supported ethnically cleansed the Jewish population of Nicaragua. It marched the indigenous Indian population into churches and set them on fire.

And Bernie Sanders defended the Marxist terrorist regime that was committing these atrocities.

Bernie Sanders was equally enthusiastic about Cuba and the Soviet Union, two other Communist dictatorships that were persecuting the Jews. Sanders did not see fit to invoke the Holocaust on behalf of Jews actually facing anti-Semitic persecution the way that he has invoked it on behalf of Muslims.

But perhaps he thought that, like the other victims of the left, they were getting what they deserved.

When Bernie Sanders went on his visit to the USSR, there were no more concentration camps in Europe, but there were still Jews locked up in the gulags of the Soviet Union. While he was admiring Soviet youth programs, Jewish refuseniks were still being denied permission to leave the Communist dictatorship.


Bernie Sanders and His Left-Wing Anti-Semites

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