This Is Always Enjoyable...Always


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
There is a single reason conservatives love Republican politicians. They are equally uninformed and uneducated, despite some of them having college degrees.

This makes it enjoyable when Al Franken, a holder of a Bachelor of Arts cum laude degree in government from Harvard University, consistently makes monkeys out of Republicans, and conservatives who are rewarded for political donations with appointments to head government bureaus. They are given jobs for which they are totally incompetent and have no understanding what-so-ever.

In the video below, Franken proves one of the Big Orange Idiot’s appointees, Betsy DeVos, is totally incompetent in her position as Secretary of Education. She completely lacks the knowledge and understanding required for that job. (Secretary of planning parties in the White House Rose Garden would have been more her speed.)

Enjoy the video:

Conservatives need not respond to this thread, you people are as baffled by the topic as DeVos. Your participation will only prove this.



Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.

There is a single reason conservatives love Republican politicians. They are equally uninformed and uneducated, despite some of them having college degrees.

This makes it enjoyable when Al Franken, a holder of a Bachelor of Arts cum laude degree in government from Harvard University, consistently makes monkeys out of Republicans, and conservatives who are rewarded for political donations with appointments to head government bureaus. They are given jobs for which they are totally incompetent and have no understanding what-so-ever.

In the video below, Franken proves one of the Big Orange Idiot’s appointees, Betsy DeVos, is totally incompetent in her position as Secretary of Education. She completely lacks the knowledge and understanding required for that job. (Secretary of planning parties in the White House Rose Garden would have been more her speed.)

Enjoy the video:

Conservatives need not respond to this thread, you people are as baffled by the topic as DeVos. Your participation will only prove this.


View attachment 135875

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.


There is a single reason conservatives love Republican politicians. They are equally uninformed and uneducated, despite some of them having college degrees.

This makes it enjoyable when Al Franken, a holder of a Bachelor of Arts cum laude degree in government from Harvard University, consistently makes monkeys out of Republicans, and conservatives who are rewarded for political donations with appointments to head government bureaus. They are given jobs for which they are totally incompetent and have no understanding what-so-ever.

In the video below, Franken proves one of the Big Orange Idiot’s appointees, Betsy DeVos, is totally incompetent in her position as Secretary of Education. She completely lacks the knowledge and understanding required for that job. (Secretary of planning parties in the White House Rose Garden would have been more her speed.)

Enjoy the video:

Conservatives need not respond to this thread, you people are as baffled by the topic as DeVos. Your participation will only prove this.


View attachment 135875

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.


LMAO, the dumb MF is playing a semantics game with his own definitions. That's pure stupidity.

There is a single reason conservatives love Republican politicians. They are equally uninformed and uneducated, despite some of them having college degrees.

This makes it enjoyable when Al Franken, a holder of a Bachelor of Arts cum laude degree in government from Harvard University, consistently makes monkeys out of Republicans, and conservatives who are rewarded for political donations with appointments to head government bureaus. They are given jobs for which they are totally incompetent and have no understanding what-so-ever.

In the video below, Franken proves one of the Big Orange Idiot’s appointees, Betsy DeVos, is totally incompetent in her position as Secretary of Education. She completely lacks the knowledge and understanding required for that job. (Secretary of planning parties in the White House Rose Garden would have been more her speed.)

Enjoy the video:

Conservatives need not respond to this thread, you people are as baffled by the topic as DeVos. Your participation will only prove this.


View attachment 135875

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.


Sure, I will debate you. I am not a republican but I am definitely a conservative that believes what the organic constitution stood for. So, let's see how much knowledge you have about the direction of education starting back in the 60s when the states starting losing control over it. What do you know about the Reece Committee and the findings of Norman Dodd? Do you know who Charlotte Iserbyte is? Since you are such a fan of leftardism and the intrusion of the federal "gubermint" into the educational system, this should be easy for you.
The video provides an apt illustration of why subject matter expertise is essential. It's fine for laymen to a given discipline not to be subject matter experts on it, but nobody would appoint a person so lacking to run the nation's foremost organization responsible for managing that discipline's processes and success.

It is for this reason that I defer to my computer programmers -- even the most lowly of them -- on the technical aspects of my projects that include a technology component. Moreover, on the few projects I've run that are predominantly technical in nature, I assign another of my partners to assume responsibility for the technical aspects of the engagement. It's not that I'm oblivious to high level technology considerations and constraints, I'm not, but I'm not tech-savvy enough to know of all the techie nuances that may be relevant and which of them to assign more or less controlling, confounding, and/or contingent weight at all points of the engagement delivery/risk management process. My technical expertise is in areas other than hardware and software.

For the Dept. of Education, education is a "technical" thing; thus the senior-most people running the department should be someone whose area of professional expertise is education. Conversely, the person running the WH staff should be a person whose "technical" expertise in managing people and processes.

Lastly, I realize that for every government organization it may not be possible to find a person who is both acceptable to the POTUS and who is an expert in the department's specific technical discipline. Education, however, cannot be such a department. There are plenty of folks who are experts in education and who are conservative. And Betsy Devoss is not among them.
They are equally uninformed and uneducated, despite some of them having college degrees.
You are kinder than I. I think the manifested ignorance is willful.

I am not a leftard but yet I am much more informed than you are. What is hilarious to me is that those like you that come off as snobbish intellectual wannabees are actually "lightweights" that can only see one side which is THEIR side and anyone that doesn't is just being a "willful idiot" that is being stubborn for not allowing you to "hip" them to what is.

I can say unequivocally that even though you are staunch in your beliefs? What you believe is reality and what is the actual truth of our situation are diametrically opposed.

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