“This is a president who has violated the law 6 ways from Sunday,” - J. Nadler, D-NY

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
“This is a president who has violated the law 6 ways from Sunday,” said the committee’s chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. He argued that Mueller’s report lays out “very substantial evidence” that Trump is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the constitutional standard for impeachment.
Mueller Hearing to Air Evidence of Trump Wrongdoing

If so, then then Nadler and the Democrats are derelict of duty by not impeaching Trump.
According to what Nadler says here, there's no need for Mueller to testify - If what Nadler says is true, a vote on impeachment should have already happened.

Why are the Democrats derelict of their duties? Why have they violated their oaths of office?

Why aren't liberals and Democrats SCREAMING for them to impeach?
....too bad Nadless and the Democrats just haven't found any evidence after 3 years to support his Trump-hating desperate shrieking claims, unlike all the evidence of Democrat crimes that have been revealed / reported thanks to their Trump witch Hunt.

And yet Mueller filed no charges against Trump.
“This is a president who has violated the law 6 ways from Sunday,” said the committee’s chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. He argued that Mueller’s report lays out “very substantial evidence” that Trump is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the constitutional standard for impeachment.
Mueller Hearing to Air Evidence of Trump Wrongdoing

If so, then then Nadler and the Democrats are derelict of duty by not impeaching Trump.
According to what Nadler says here, there's no need for Mueller to testify - If what Nadler says is true, a vote on impeachment should have already happened.

Why are the Democrats derelict of their duties? Why have they violated their oaths of office?

Why aren't liberals and Democrats SCREAMING for them to impeach?
Voting on impeaching Trump in the House several days ago failed miserably.
“This is a president who has violated the law 6 ways from Sunday,” said the committee’s chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. He argued that Mueller’s report lays out “very substantial evidence” that Trump is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the constitutional standard for impeachment.
Mueller Hearing to Air Evidence of Trump Wrongdoing

If so, then then Nadler and the Democrats are derelict of duty by not impeaching Trump.
According to what Nadler says here, there's no need for Mueller to testify - If what Nadler says is true, a vote on impeachment should have already happened.

Why are the Democrats derelict of their duties? Why have they violated their oaths of office?

Why aren't liberals and Democrats SCREAMING for them to impeach?

They're full of shit. Obama broke more laws in a week.... Where were they then?

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“This is a president who has violated the law 6 ways from Sunday,” said the committee’s chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. He argued that Mueller’s report lays out “very substantial evidence” that Trump is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the constitutional standard for impeachment.
Mueller Hearing to Air Evidence of Trump Wrongdoing

If so, then then Nadler and the Democrats are derelict of duty by not impeaching Trump.
According to what Nadler says here, there's no need for Mueller to testify - If what Nadler says is true, a vote on impeachment should have already happened.

Why are the Democrats derelict of their duties? Why have they violated their oaths of office?

Why aren't liberals and Democrats SCREAMING for them to impeach?
Because Democrats know they have nothing.
IF they believe what they’re saying, they’re derelict of duty.
IF they -don’t- believe what they’re saying, they’re liars.
So which are they?
“This is a president who has violated the law 6 ways from Sunday,” said the committee’s chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. He argued that Mueller’s report lays out “very substantial evidence” that Trump is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the constitutional standard for impeachment.
Mueller Hearing to Air Evidence of Trump Wrongdoing

If so, then then Nadler and the Democrats are derelict of duty by not impeaching Trump.
According to what Nadler says here, there's no need for Mueller to testify - If what Nadler says is true, a vote on impeachment should have already happened.

Why are the Democrats derelict of their duties? Why have they violated their oaths of office?

Why aren't liberals and Democrats SCREAMING for them to impeach?
Nadler gives the reason why special council findings can't be released the guy is a fat ass blow, hard liar.
“This is a president who has violated the law 6 ways from Sunday,” said the committee’s chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. He argued that Mueller’s report lays out “very substantial evidence” that Trump is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the constitutional standard for impeachment.
Mueller Hearing to Air Evidence of Trump Wrongdoing

If so, then then Nadler and the Democrats are derelict of duty by not impeaching Trump.
According to what Nadler says here, there's no need for Mueller to testify - If what Nadler says is true, a vote on impeachment should have already happened.

Why are the Democrats derelict of their duties? Why have they violated their oaths of office?

Why aren't liberals and Democrats SCREAMING for them to impeach?
Are senate Republicans derelict too?
Doing so was not in the scope of power given to the Special Council.

You continue to dodge the simple fact that even his protégé, Comey, had the balls to publicly declare Hillary DID break laws before he described how she was 'politically untouchable', thanks to Barry.

The 1st half of Mewler's submission to the DOJ was his actual report, one based on facts of findings. The 2nd half was his own personal diatribe meant to try to arm Democrats in Congress with enough disputed biased crap that they would attempt to pick up where he left off in trying to affect a soft coup.

You also continue to dodge the fact that some of what he wrote in that 2nd half of his report has already been debunked, such as the PARTIAL answering machine phone message Mewler 'cherry picked' and used only part in an attempt to create the false impression of Obstruction.

There is a reason Mewler begged the Democrats not to subpoena him and force him to answers - both Democrat AND REPUBLICAN - under oath and why he declared he would refuse to answer any questions, only read excerpts from his BS 'report'. This debunked example is only 1 small example of why!

The much, MUCH bigger example is how evidence has been exposed how Mewler - and Barry's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI - knew as early as 2017 that neither President Trump not anyone on his team had engaged in NON-existent 'Illegal Collusion' with Russians but continued 'investigating' for 2 (TWO) MORE YEARS!

Gee, now what would the tax-payer-paid Special Counsel who did 'the people's business' of investigating possible crime by the President of the United States REFUSE to be completely transparent and REFUSE to answer any and all questions about his 'investigating as well as any part of the process or details.....?


“This is a president who has violated the law 6 ways from Sunday,” said the committee’s chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. He argued that Mueller’s report lays out “very substantial evidence” that Trump is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the constitutional standard for impeachment.
Mueller Hearing to Air Evidence of Trump Wrongdoing

If so, then then Nadler and the Democrats are derelict of duty by not impeaching Trump.
According to what Nadler says here, there's no need for Mueller to testify - If what Nadler says is true, a vote on impeachment should have already happened.

Why are the Democrats derelict of their duties? Why have they violated their oaths of office?

Why aren't liberals and Democrats SCREAMING for them to impeach?

2nd Timothy 4:3-4 sums up The Dem Party and their followers to a "T"

3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires.

4 So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths
Doing so was not in the scope of power given to the Special Council.

You continue to dodge the simple fact that even his protégé, Comey, had the balls to publicly declare Hillary DID break laws before he described how she was 'politically untouchable', thanks to Barry.

The 1st half of Mewler's submission to the DOJ was his actual report, one based on facts of findings. The 2nd half was his own personal diatribe meant to try to arm Democrats in Congress with enough disputed biased crap that they would attempt to pick up where he left off in trying to affect a soft coup.

You also continue to dodge the fact that some of what he wrote in that 2nd half of his report has already been debunked, such as the PARTIAL answering machine phone message Mewler 'cherry picked' and used only part in an attempt to create the false impression of Obstruction.

There is a reason Mewler begged the Democrats not to subpoena him and force him to answers - both Democrat AND REPUBLICAN - under oath and why he declared he would refuse to answer any questions, only read excerpts from his BS 'report'. This debunked example is only 1 small example of why!

The much, MUCH bigger example is how evidence has been exposed how Mewler - and Barry's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI - knew as early as 2017 that neither President Trump not anyone on his team had engaged in NON-existent 'Illegal Collusion' with Russians but continued 'investigating' for 2 (TWO) MORE YEARS!

Gee, now what would the tax-payer-paid Special Counsel who did 'the people's business' of investigating possible crime by the President of the United States REFUSE to be completely transparent and REFUSE to answer any and all questions about his 'investigating as well as any part of the process or details.....?



How does someone like Mueller who knew for two years prior that this entire Russian Thing was a Hoax, Steal Millions of dollars from the Taxpayers trying to extend the hoax as long as he could?
“This is a president who has violated the law 6 ways from Sunday,” said the committee’s chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. He argued that Mueller’s report lays out “very substantial evidence” that Trump is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the constitutional standard for impeachment.
Mueller Hearing to Air Evidence of Trump Wrongdoing

If so, then then Nadler and the Democrats are derelict of duty by not impeaching Trump.
According to what Nadler says here, there's no need for Mueller to testify - If what Nadler says is true, a vote on impeachment should have already happened.

Why are the Democrats derelict of their duties? Why have they violated their oaths of office?

Why aren't liberals and Democrats SCREAMING for them to impeach?
Are senate Republicans derelict too?

Why would Senate Republicans be derelict?
Nadler's TDS must be contagious...
Doing so was not in the scope of power given to the Special Council.

You continue to dodge the simple fact that even his protégé, Comey, had the balls to publicly declare Hillary DID break laws before he described how she was 'politically untouchable', thanks to Barry.

The 1st half of Mewler's submission to the DOJ was his actual report, one based on facts of findings. The 2nd half was his own personal diatribe meant to try to arm Democrats in Congress with enough disputed biased crap that they would attempt to pick up where he left off in trying to affect a soft coup.

You also continue to dodge the fact that some of what he wrote in that 2nd half of his report has already been debunked, such as the PARTIAL answering machine phone message Mewler 'cherry picked' and used only part in an attempt to create the false impression of Obstruction.

There is a reason Mewler begged the Democrats not to subpoena him and force him to answers - both Democrat AND REPUBLICAN - under oath and why he declared he would refuse to answer any questions, only read excerpts from his BS 'report'. This debunked example is only 1 small example of why!

The much, MUCH bigger example is how evidence has been exposed how Mewler - and Barry's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI - knew as early as 2017 that neither President Trump not anyone on his team had engaged in NON-existent 'Illegal Collusion' with Russians but continued 'investigating' for 2 (TWO) MORE YEARS!

Gee, now what would the tax-payer-paid Special Counsel who did 'the people's business' of investigating possible crime by the President of the United States REFUSE to be completely transparent and REFUSE to answer any and all questions about his 'investigating as well as any part of the process or details.....?



How does someone like Mueller who knew for two years prior that this entire Russian Thing was a Hoax, Steal Millions of dollars from the Taxpayers trying to extend the hoax as long as he could?
Show me a man and I'll show you a criminal

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