This Bromance Is Getting Out Of Hand.. seriously...


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Seattle at large...Ballard lately
"Obama Calls Chris Christie, Passes Phone to Bruce Springsteen

COLUMBUS – President Obama played peacemaker today on Air Force One en route to Ohio.

On the phone with New Jersey Gov. – and Bruce Springsteen superfan – Chris Christie to discuss Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts, Obama patched in the legendary rocker, who was joining him on the flight. Springsteen has famously avoided the governor because of political differences, somewhat to Christie’s dismay.

“The president told me if I had one more minute, there was someone else he wanted me to talk to,” Christie told reporters at a press conference. “In times of real difficulty, he thought the only thing better than one Jersey guy was two Jersey guys, and he put Bruce Springsteen on the phone.

“Bruce said to me how proud he was of his state,” Christie said. “How proud he was and how tough we are. It was a good conversation today and it was great to talk to the president – and even better to talk to Bruce.” "

Obama Calls Chris Christie, Passes Phone to Bruce Springsteen - ABC News

This relationship is getting rediculous...and a bit creepy! :eek:
Sorry bout that,

1. I've been saying for years he was a *RINO*.
2. Big fucking fat *RINO*.
3. He's proven that.
4. We just need to find the right time to throw his fat ass under the *BUS*!
5. If we can find a big fucking enough *BUS*!!!! :badgrin:

Sorry bout that,

1. Oh yeah, *Goodbye* HUGGY.
2. Your last day here is tomorrow.
3. It will be good to know that fucking *LIST* thread will finally be over, THANK GOD!!!!!!

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Look how the left demonizes and tries to tear down Moderates like Christi. Just to funny.

Why would any Republican ever work with the Dems, if all the will get is Hate from the Right, and no credit from the left for doing it.
I've heard rumors about Maobama swinging both ways, but I don't think Chris goes there. Just say'n.
Sorry bout that,

1. I've been saying for years he was a *RINO*.
2. Big fucking fat *RINO*.
3. He's proven that.
4. We just need to find the right time to throw his fat ass under the *BUS*!
5. If we can find a big fucking enough *BUS*!!!! :badgrin:


Why would you say that because he is trying to help his people? Geeez I bet if you talk to anyone in New Jersey, they would tell you that they are Thankful. Have you ever been through something so horrific?
I find it to be a wonderful start to work together, its Bruce Springsteen's home and he is very emotional .
Sorry bout that,

1. I've been saying for years he was a *RINO*.
2. Big fucking fat *RINO*.
3. He's proven that.
4. We just need to find the right time to throw his fat ass under the *BUS*!
5. If we can find a big fucking enough *BUS*!!!! :badgrin:


Why would you say that because he is trying to help his people? Geeez I bet if you talk to anyone in New Jersey, they would tell you that they are Thankful. Have you ever been through something so horrific?
I find it to be a wonderful start to work together, its Bruce Springsteen's home and he is very emotional .

I'm from NJ and I agree with Sir James.
What would people in New Jersey be thankful for? Not for what obama has done because he's done nothing.
LOL. The effort put in by people at all levels of government before, during, and after the storm, and the ongoing efforts, are dismaying the 'Conservitives'. The very idea of government actually working, the idea of bipartisan effort in a disaster, goes completely against their ideals. Better to let the people suffer until they can come up with the moolah to pay an inflated price for what they need to survive on during this crisis. Just giving it to them because they are fellow American Citizens caught up in a horrible catastrophe, what a Commie plot.
LOL. The effort put in by people at all levels of government before, during, and after the storm, and the ongoing efforts, are dismaying the 'Conservitives'. The very idea of government actually working, the idea of bipartisan effort in a disaster, goes completely against their ideals. Better to let the people suffer until they can come up with the moolah to pay an inflated price for what they need to survive on during this crisis. Just giving it to them because they are fellow American Citizens caught up in a horrible catastrophe, what a Commie plot.

What they did wasn't bipartisanship, reaching across the aisle, compromise. What they did was take a victory lap as soon as the storm was over, even though niether of them did shit, and stupid people like you ate it up.
LOL. The effort put in by people at all levels of government before, during, and after the storm, and the ongoing efforts, are dismaying the 'Conservitives'. The very idea of government actually working, the idea of bipartisan effort in a disaster, goes completely against their ideals. Better to let the people suffer until they can come up with the moolah to pay an inflated price for what they need to survive on during this crisis. Just giving it to them because they are fellow American Citizens caught up in a horrible catastrophe, what a Commie plot.

What they did wasn't bipartisanship, reaching across the aisle, compromise. What they did was take a victory lap as soon as the storm was over, even though niether of them did shit, and stupid people like you ate it up.
'Zackly right.
I don't care about any of this STUPID crap.. Who honestly does? Ronald Reagan use to call Tip O'Neil regularly, chat about politics and then chat like friends. That's the problem with this country now.. We've become sooo polarized due to Barack Obama and George Bush, both HORRIBLE Presidents, that we can't allow good favor and sincere kindness between a democrat and a republican??? We're in deep trouble if those attitudes DO NOT change.
I don't care about any of this STUPID crap.. Who honestly does? Ronald Reagan use to call Tip O'Neil regularly, chat about politics and then chat like friends. That's the problem with this country now.. We've become sooo polarized due to Barack Obama and George Bush, both HORRIBLE Presidents, that we can't allow good favor and sincere kindness between a democrat and a republican??? We're in deep trouble if those attitudes DO NOT change.

exactly right Lady.

im from jersey and i cannot agree with james on anything he said. Christie told NJ he loves NJ and anything about NJ. To literally see this governor go to the extent he has for this state, to do whatever it takes for those displaced people along the shore, to push himself to fix this state, Christie has done everything within his power to help NJ. HE loves NJ thru and thru and will do anything for this state.

Today people are not seeing him as a republican, they are seeing him as he is , one of our own, and that is the best thing you can hope for in these times. politics aside, this guy is what nj is, resilient.
At what point will Christie finally realize that he's been placated, promised and patted on the head? He's gotten nothing else.

Why doesn't obama call Bloomberg and say "Hey Mikey, why don't you send those heaters that have been sitting on the marathon sidelines where they will do some good?" He could take it as a personal favor. Isn't at the very least Long Island part of New York?

No. The presidebt is playing basketball, it's a matter of priorities.
Yeah, let Bruce Springsteen and Chris Christie’s fat arse go without electricity, indoor toilets and heat for a few days and see how “resilient” they are. They'd both be whining like a couple of school girls!

Christie is telling them to stop whinning and get back to work. One good thing is that it's excellent ice cream wheather.

Yeah, let Bruce Springsteen and Chris Christie’s fat arse go without electricity, indoor toilets and heat for a few days and see how “resilient” they are. They'd both be whining like a couple of school girls!

Christie is telling them to stop whinning and get back to work. One good thing is that it's excellent ice cream wheather.


have you suffered from Sandy? if not go down there and look at these people and say to their faces "its more important for me to play politics"

you will not come out alive.

Christie did the right thing, he'll be soaring on popularity so high he'll be able to slap a democrat on tv. the state is behind him.
I don't care about any of this STUPID crap.. Who honestly does? Ronald Reagan use to call Tip O'Neil regularly, chat about politics and then chat like friends. That's the problem with this country now.. We've become sooo polarized due to Barack Obama and George Bush, both HORRIBLE Presidents, that we can't allow good favor and sincere kindness between a democrat and a republican??? We're in deep trouble if those attitudes DO NOT change.

Who is this?

This can't be LGS.. :lol:
At what point will Christie finally realize that he's been placated, promised and patted on the head? He's gotten nothing else.

Why doesn't obama call Bloomberg and say "Hey Mikey, why don't you send those heaters that have been sitting on the marathon sidelines where they will do some good?" He could take it as a personal favor. Isn't at the very least Long Island part of New York?

No. The presidebt is playing basketball, it's a matter of priorities.

Basketball is more important than Benghazi, Sandy, the national debt, unemployment, the nation's crumbling infrastructure, the record high dropout rates from high schools. Does anyone have any odds on whether Obama is going to get a bloody lip again or perhaps a broken nose??

Obama does something nice and lets him talk to a guy whom Christie likes as a Musician and now the right is calling it a bromance? First because he helped the Gov out with sandy and now this? Get over yourselves you fucking idiots.
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