This British Reporter Lived Life On A Female Chain Gang In The Blazing Arizona Desert


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
After reading this, I didn't know whether to cheer at the fact that convicted criminals are finally paying for their crimes – or shuddering that such a form of punishment still exists in the USA.

by Nigel Farndale


Arizona Penal System

Up at 5am and dressed in prison stripes, they march to order and labour in temperatures of 40°C. Nigel Farndale meets m
embers of the world’s only female chain gang – the pride of 'America’s toughest lawman’

Step Into The World's Only Female Chain Gang

Am I surprised a Brit “journalist” dislikes Sheriff Joe – as much as he dislikes him?

After reading this, I didn't know whether to cheer at the fact that convicted criminals are finally paying for their crimes – or shuddering that such a form of punishment still exists in the USA.

It depends on what those ladies did. Did they kill someone? If so, then the punishment fits the crime.
Yes many people think convicts should work their asses off instead of sitting around doing nothing and eating 3 squares a day. Regardless of "what they did" they are obvously too dangerous to be in society. Why should their lives be easy at the taxpayer expense? Enter the liberals that believe these convicts are "victims" and want them in 4 star hotel conditions at someone else's expense.
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You exaggerate the "liberal view." I don't think for one minute that inmates should be pampered. At the opposite end of the spectrum I don't think they should be tortured, either. During weather extremes they should be given some sort of indoor work.
Forced labor is slavery.

Forced prison labor, on the other hand?

Well gee, guess what?

That's still slavery.
You exaggerate the "liberal view." I don't think for one minute that inmates should be pampered. At the opposite end of the spectrum I don't think they should be tortured, either. During weather extremes they should be given some sort of indoor work.

You obviously have never seen or been on a construction site.

When I first started working back 30+ years ago with Red Adair, we worked in all kinds of extreme weather. For some professions, there is no such thing as "indoor work".

I'm sorry to say but you sound like a typical bleeding heart liberal.
Forced labor is slavery.

Forced prison labor, on the other hand?

Well gee, guess what?

That's still slavery.

Equating prisoners, those that have committed crimes, to slaves whose only crime was being black is about what I'd expect from an idiot such as yourself.

Besides, prisoners are not FORCED to work.
You exaggerate the "liberal view." I don't think for one minute that inmates should be pampered. At the opposite end of the spectrum I don't think they should be tortured, either. During weather extremes they should be given some sort of indoor work.

Well, now see - right there, that's what separates you from quite a few of our compassionate conservative friends right here on this very board.
Fuck 'em...

Guy goes to a psychiatrist, gets on the couch, and starts talking: "I have nothing to live for. My wife left me, taking both of the children. I lost my job. I have just been told by my doctor that I have incurable cancer and have maybe six months to live. My house is being foreclosed upon, I am in constant phsycial pain 24/7 and I owe money to the Mob.
I am clinically depressed to the point of being suicidal and don't know what to do or where to turn."

The shrink says: "Oh, come now good fellow - surely there is SOMETHING in your life that is good; something that sparks interest in you. Think, man, what might that be?"

The guy says: "Well there is one thing. My hobby."

"And what is your hobby?"

"I raise show bees."

"Now, see - that is something that is both very unusual and potentially very interesting. Tell me, sir, how many show bees do you have?"

Guy says: "I have 50,000 show bees."

"And where do you keep them?"

"I keep them in a cigar box."

The shrink's eyebrows go up: "My God, man. If you keep 50,000 show bees in a cigar box, they will all die."

Guy looks at the shrink and says: "Fuck 'em."
True to form the lib Brit leaves out a couple of critical facts like...THE CONVICTS VOLUNTEER FOR THE GANG to shorten their sentences and perhaps relieve the boredom with some physical labor (labour to you cockeyed Brits).

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